Important public forum on the proposed Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort is scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 4th at 6 p.m. Chief among topics will be whether the Hollywood CRA should increase their investment in the Lon Tabatchnick project on Johnson Street and the Broadwalk from $10 million to $23 millionI received the communication below from the City of Hollywood this morning about an important subject that I've written about dozens of times on this blog the past few years, sometimes with frustration, sometimes with pleasant surprise.
In an election year, with 5 of the 7 incumbents in Hollywood running for re-election in November, you simply can't underestimate how important this meeting may prove to be to the future of the city and the beach, depending upon not only the turn-out, but the tenor and direction of the debate as well.
Don't kid yourself -what Hollywood's elected officials are proposing is nothing less than doubling-down on their original bet with CRA dollars, from $10 million to $23 million.
Is this a wise and reasonable decision based on the facts on the ground, or is it going past the point of what is prudent under the current circumstances?
If you live anywhere in the area, you owe it to yourself to come see the presentation in-person and get the facts undiluted, and then hear Hollywood taxpayers ask questions and make the case for or against doing this, one day before the Hollywood City Commission meets as the CRA and votes on the matter at 5 p.m. Wednesday.
Public Forum on Proposed Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort
A public forum to review proposed changes to the development agreement and ground lease
A public forum to review proposed changes to the development agreement and ground lease
between the City of Hollywood, Hollywood Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and
Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort, LLC is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4, 2012
at 6:00 p.m., Hollywood City Hall, Room 219, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard.
This meeting comes in advance of a special joint meeting of the Commission and CRA Board
set for September 5, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in which the Commission will consider an amendment
to the existing agreement that updates the timeline for the construction of the project, details
new financing plans and provides additional revenues to the city that have been
negotiated with the developer. The Commission, in its role as the CRA board, will also
consider a new compensated funding agreement that increases the CRA's investment in the
All interested residents are invited to attend.
3D animated depiction of the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort is at