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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Thanks to "Joy Cooper being Joy Cooper" and Comm. Anthony A. Sanders' continued stonewalling of the truth, July 2012 was the third-busiest month ever in the five-year history of Hallandale Beach Blog; Some upcoming blog posts at HBB to be on the lookout for; @MayorCooper, @SandersHB, @AlexLewy

Above, a snapshot of one of the "columns" Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper supposedly wrote herself for the fake newspaper that receives $50,000 in city CRA funds -that ought to be going to removing "blight"- despite a majority of Hallandale Beach residents being opposed to it, since it not only doesn't actually cover local news and activities, not even City Commission meetings, but it also allows ZERO opposing points of view to appear in it, not even Letters to the Editor. It's pro-City Hall and pro-Joy Cooper 24/7.
Last month from this propaganda perch of hers, Cooper -or a ghostwriter- wrote, "I understand and share the frustration of many residents who have contacted me to state that they are fed up with the undertones of negativity within our City. I have chosen not to respond to the negative comments directed at me as they do not warrant recognition or validation. Commission records are documented and the truth eventually surfaces..."
Yes, the truth about what has been going on in this city does eventually surface, but no thanks to Joy Cooper and her Rubber Stamp Crew of Ross, Sanders and Lewy, all of whom it can truthfully be said, that facts are NOT their friend. The city's own records show that $2,000 in campaign contributions were made to Cooper's mayoral re-election campaign from a Phoenix-based company that makes money from red-light cameras, and days later, Cooper punked the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and wrote an essay there that extolled the wonders and virtues of red-light cameras, but made no mention of their financial contribution to her.
Cooper did this despite the fact that RLCs were the number-one cited complaint of HB citizens in a poll -that she herself pushed to conduct- because of how Cooper personally rushed the RLC program through, refusing to share pertinent safety information with citizens. And what do you know, the cameras were placed NOT in the specific parts of HB roads with the most-consistently high number of traffic accidents or incidents, but rather in places where the city could make the largest amount of money. Revenue, not safety was Cooper's number-one concern then. The poll of HB's citizens merely proved it.
Yes, the truth eventually surfaces, quite often, much sooner than she likes! On this blog.
July 2012 was the third-busiest month ever in the five-plus year history of the Hallandale Beach Blog, with 23,036 individual pageviews, or an average of 743 individual pageviews per day.

The busiest day of the month was July 23rd with 1,072 individual pageviews.
That day I penned the two posts below regarding the words and actions of the mendacious and misanthropic current Mayor of Hallandale Beach, Joy Cooper.

What's worse? The galling audacity of the feckless Sun-Sentinel giving free space to thoroughly-mendacious Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper, 16 weeks before the election, or her stridently self-serving lies re Red-Light cameras in Hallandale Beach, which she and her Rubber Stamp Crew rammed thru to gain more revenue for the city? American Traffic Solutions could NOT be any happier for the free plug, and will no doubt have a campaign check to Cooper on its way soon -if it's not there already; @MayorCooper

Follow the money? Okay, here it is: $2,000 on page 3 of Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper's most-recently filed Treasurer's Report is from American Traffic Solutions-related entities who support installation of Red-Light Cameras. Like what she railroaded thru in HB. What are friends for, after all?; @MayorCooper

Those two particular posts really seemed to have hit people where they live, and lit a fire under some people who perhaps pay less attention to details than I do.

I mention this because I not only received a higher number of "hits" that day than usual, but I also received a higher number of emails and phone calls from people in the area I don't usually talk to and see on a pretty regular basis, almost all of whom said a variation of the following: 

While they'd always known that the mayor was excessively egotistical and a ham-handed self-promoter, it was the very depth of her self-serving nature and here tone-deafness that they were unprepared for.
Unprepared for her blindness to the public appearance of a mayor writing something in the Sun-Sentinel that directly benefits the economic interests of a company (and its minions) that had just made financial contributions to her re-election campaign to the tune of $2,000.

What can I say, It was all Joy Cooper being Joy Cooper.
I only brought it to your attention.

That, unfortunately, is what makes the Miami Herald's and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel's reporters and columnists, as well as the reporters at the the four English-language TV stations complete unwillingness to report such things all the more remarkable.
That is, if by remarkable I mean galling and frustrating.
I do.


Some upcoming posts at Hallandale Beach Blog that you may want to take special notice of include...

An object lesson in bad journalism -from entirely predictable sources

When someone is both a Pastor and a City Commissioner as Anthony A. Sanders is, and neither hat will tell the truth to the public he's supposed to represent about an ethical problem that's been going on for three years, what's the proper role of the press corps? Hint: Ignoring it is NOT the right answer.

A beloved 1960's song of my youth is found on YouTube, with the most amazing audio quality I've ever heard on YouTube; almost made me cry!

Hypocritical Mainstream Media & Janet Robinson: Forget what you've heard: grilling MSM hypocrites thru use of known facts is FUN! Fired ex-NY Times CEO Robinson's $24 Million parachute -for failure- is finally getting her the unwanted media scrutiny she always deserved but never received from others in the MSM club

Hooray! #FailObamaRussiaReset as Goldman Sachs + Putin = FAIL. Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act passes Congress over Obama's threats to cave-in to Russians

"A" as in Aftonbladet and awesome! "The Girl Who Played With Fire": Extended Edition 

Why don't we see more ingenious efforts like the "Stockholm Boat Sessions" in South Florida, LA, Chicago or New York? Lack of imagination, apathy or simply too many Twenty and Thirty-something female marketing reps running things who are too obsessed with Social Media and don't understand the power of LIVE music?

Signs of Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper's ineffectiveness, myopia and lack of attention to detail are everywhere you look in this city. All you have to do is open your eyes. So why does so much of the South Florida press corps keep its 'Eyes Wide Shut,' and keep quiet about what they ALREADY know?

Interesting odds and ends, myths, and Tall tales re Sweden AND Iceland that I plan on finding out about in-person in a few weeks

LA bans the Plastic Bag. Then what? NYC bans large sodas. What's next in the Nanny State of Obama's America, as local govt.'s conduct social experiments with your choices?

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