Thursday, January 8, 2015

Poor news coverage in U.S. of terror attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris reminds us of what we've complained about for years: inferior news coverage of foreign news on U.S. TV networks! Save yourself the aggravation of watching PC and sanitized MSM newscasts and start watching Sky News and France 24's English service if you really want to know what's going on in France right now

As many of you know from my past blog posts here over the years, due largely to my own wide-ranging pursuits, interests and inclinations, I've been watching Sky News and France 24's English and French language service for many, many years and have been watching them again since 
this terror attack happened in Paris yesterday.

(And SVT, SVT Play, TV4 and TV4 Play in Sweden, too, of course. Especailly the morning news shows like SVT's Gomorron Sverige and TV4's Nyhetsmorgon both of which I watch when I can and whose daily newsletters I receive, just as I receive Channel 4 News' daily Snowmail
I'll even admit to a bit of a crush on TV4 presenter Tilde de Paula Eby! 
Then again, over the past five years or so, I've gotten VERY frustrated with BBC America's mediocre programming lineup that for so long has featured StarTrek-TNG episodes instead of the sorts of engaging and compelling news shows and documentaries that have recently aired back in Great Britain, which I'd much rather be watching.)

The news coverage of yesterday's Paris terror attack at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo reminds us of what we've complained about for years: inferior news coverage of foreign news on U.S. TV networksSave yourself the aggravation of watching PC MSM newscasts in USA that sanitize news and start watching Sky News and France 24's English service if you really want to know what's going on in France right now

I strongly encourage you to check these tow news outlets out so you can see and hear the facts 
for yourself and not be forced to wonder, as so many do, why the highly-edited and highly-sanitized 
versions of reality seen on US. network evening newscasts, especially important news in foreign countries, seem to leave out so many important and salient facts after they are edited out in London:

Want to know what's going on? 
Close your mouth, open your eyes and expand your news horizons.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

#Ridesharing in Broward County - Broward County Commission holding workshop Tuesday January 6th to discuss issues surrounding Uber, Lyft, ridesharing and taxi services

I heard some very interesting news about public policy this morning from new District 6 Broward County Commissioner Beam Furr, someone whom I support now and in the past in large part because of his longtime commitment to not only the long-term best interests of the citizens of Southeast Broward, but also his steadfast commitment to employing common sense and financial accountability for those taxpayers in making and implementing public policy.

Unfortunately for Broward residents and South Florida in general, those traits also make Comm. Furr stand out among South Florida's legion of pols and govt. officials, too many of whom have become conditioned into believing that bigger government and more regulation is the answer to every policy problem and conundrum, even when it's clear that it's NOT.

On issues large and small, Beam Furr has shown himself over the years to be someone who does NOT believe in one-size-fits-all public policy, and we are indeed lucky for that.
Fortunate to have someone like him who is not afraid to do some original thinking andsome heavy-lifting when it's necessary instead of leaving it to others to decide the matter.

In that respect, Comm. Furr most ably shows the qualities that made him the sensible choice to represent this part of the Sunshine State's 4th-largest county and succeed someone else on the County Commission who was not afraid to be a leader on important issues of governance and the public's rights, the recently-retired Sue Gunzburger.

The news I heard about thois morning concerns a contentious issue that has been much in the news the past two years nationally and locally, and one which I'm sorry to say I have not done such a great job of chronicling in the recent past, much as I might've wanted to. (But then it is a new year, so...)

The public policy issue that both yours truly and many of the longtime readers of this blog have an abiding interest in is transportation ridesharing.
Who decides what sorts of consumer choices citizens and visitors in Broward County will have going forward and what should be the universe of choices they have consist of?

Uber WorkshopThe Broward County Commission is holding a workshop to discuss the issues surrounding Uber, Lyft, ridesharing and taxi services this Tuesday, January 6th at 12:30PM. If you can join us down at Room 430 of the County Government Center in Fort Lauderdale, I would encourage you to attend. Otherwise, we will be live streaming the workshop on the County Website. Just visit and watch the Workshop from your computer or smartphone. 
Otherwise, if you would like to listen to the meeting you can call into 954-357-7586 and listen live. 
The workshop will be covering issues related to background checks for drivers, vehicle inspections and insurance. If there is anything that you feel that we should address, please respond to this email with further suggestions. During the meeting itself, I will still be able to read my email, and for those listening or watching live please put UBER: LIVE RESPONSE in the subject line, and I will do my best to address your concern in the workshop.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Trust me, in 2015, unlike 2014, I'll follow this advice. Really! 2015 is going to be completely different. Årets nyhet: du! Ett helt nytt och obrukat år är här. (New this year: you! A brand new and unused year is here.)

Close-up photo of the cute head-turning window display at the Apotek Hjärtat -Sweden's largest independent pharmacy chain- located at Ringvägen 113, near the Skanstull T-bana in Södermalm, Stockholm.
The sign reads, "Årets nyhet: du! Ett helt nytt och obrukat år är här. Just nu känns det lite lättare att välja om, förändra vanor och bryta gamla mönster. Vi hjälper gärna till. Du vill, du kan, du törs!'
(New this year: you! A brand new and unused year is here. Right now it feels a little easier to choose, change habits and break old patterns. We're happy to help. You want to, you can, you dare!
Sounds like good advice that I ought to actually follow in 2015, unlike 2014! 

January 12, 2013 photo by South Beach Hoosier.© 2013 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Selected 2014 stories/tweets re News Media worth taking a 2nd and 3rd look at: Hyperdemocratization of news, sleepwalking journalists, elite media, news media bias, swooning White House press corps vs. stonewalling Obama, collapse of The New Republic, et al

Sharyl Attkisson - Stonewalled - My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington. 
Seasoned former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson reveals how she has been electronically surveilled while digging deep into the Obama Administration and its scandals, and offers an incisive critique of her industry and the shrinking role of investigative journalism in today’s media.






CBS News YouTube Channel: Former CBS correspondent Richard C. Hottelet dies at 97
Uploaded December 18, 2014.

Richard C. Hottelet on D-Day

The first time I ever walked into the CBS News Washington office on M Street, around '91, the very first person I saw was Eric Sevareid
I stopped in my tracks and immediately thought of all the amazing things he'd witnessed first-hand, for both good and bad. 
And we even got a chance to talk for 5-10 minutes while he waited for his driver.
Hearing THAT voice from a few inches away was both thrilling and other-worldly. 
But even he was never held in solitary for a LONG TIME by the Gestapo like Mr. Hottelot.


Blondinbella does it again!

Per saturation coverage of Ray Rice story at ABC News but no follow-up to an earlier story that shocked people:

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Selected tweets of note re #Sweden via my perch in South Florida, Summer-Winter 2014, from the striking beauty of Stockholm, the cool hipness of Södermalm, the discerning insight of Fredrik Strage and First Aid Kit, the suave coolness of Henrik Lundqvist, the business acumen of Blondinbella and the amazing Swedish contribution to music that makes the whole world rock

showcase their products by furnishing an apartment and renting it cheaply on">@airbnb">— Michael Kazarnowicz (@kazarnowicz)">October 23, 2014

Södermalm rated as one of World's Five Coolest Neighborhoods by @voguemagazine

">— Creative Review (@CreativeReview)">September 9, 2014

shows">#STHLM's beauty!">">— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth)">October 10, 2014

As seen on my August 14, 2013 blog post, 

Heavenly! A month before her film 'Monica Z' opens in Sweden on September 13th, Edda Magnason sings "Sakta vi gå hem genom stan” (Slowly we walk through town) LIVE on SVT's Allsång på Skansen, Stockholm, August 13, 2013, on the last show of 2013. With lyrics! Now THAT'S how you promote a film featuring great music!; #monicaz, #eddamagnason, @manszelmerlow, @svtallsang, @PeterBirro</blockquote>

— Ami (@karamelfru)">June 25, 2014