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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

One year later, their power and brilliance remains undiminished: Old songs we loved are made new and great again, via the genius of TV4's "SĂ„ Mycket BĂ€ttre" re Ace of Base, Jenny Berggren, Lisa Nilsson, Kleerup. @aceofbase @jennyberggren @kwidewitt @kleerup #Sweden

One year later, their power and brilliance remains undiminished: Old songs we loved are made new and great again, via the genius of TV4's "SĂ„ Mycket BĂ€ttre" re Ace of Base, Jenny Berggren, Lisa Nilsson, Kleerup. @aceofbase @jennyberggren 
@kwidewitt @kleerup 

Ace of Base - The Sign (Official Music Video)

Lisa Nilsson - NĂ€r kĂ€rleken Tar slut (The Sign) (Live on TV4's "SĂ„ Mycket BĂ€ttre")

Kleerup - Longing For Lullabies (feat. Titiyo) - Official video

Kleerup & Lisa Nilsson - Longing For Lullabies (Live on TV4's "SĂ„ Mycket BĂ€ttre")

I can't even begin to tell you how OFTEN I've found myself singing or humming this amazing song the past year, esp. the last few months in and around South Florida.

More recent segments and music videos from TV4's "SĂ„ Mycket BĂ€ttre" at its YouTube Channel that I subscribe to:

In my opinion, the past two season have been the best of the past ten years, offering so much more insight that U.S. TV programs into music artists' thinking, their feelings about their craft and the industry and how they have been treated in it.
Sometimes, you are even convinced that you have really seen a glimpse of their private side that few people see besides their family, friends and industry colleagues.
And that definitely lingers with you, too


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Multi-talented DxDutch does it all: sings "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" and plays talent scout and spots Old-style flash mob in the Old Country, complete with costumes: Flash mob in Munich shopping center startles some shoppers but amuses the hip and the cool kids who "get it"; #voXXclub, @DxDutch

Multi-talented DxDutch does it all: sings "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" and plays talent scout and spots Old-style flash mob in the Old Country, complete with costumes: Flash mob in Munich shopping center startles some shoppers but amuses the hip and the cool kids who "get it"; #voXXclub, @DxDutch
Last week I first got wind of this interesting video and insight into German pop culture, courtesy of a Tweet by super-music talent DxDutch, one of the genuine stars of the YouTube generation, and an actual YouTube Partnerjust like vlogger extraordinaire and HBB favorite Justine Ezarik, i.e. iJustine

(See vid of them together at

It features the music and antics of Universal Music Group (Germany) recording artist s voXXclub.

voXXclub YouTube channel video: "Rock mi" flashmob in den Riem Arcaden in MĂŒnchen. Uploaded March 19, 2013.

Over the weekend I was going thru my large YouTube inbox of subscribed videos I hadn't gotten around to watching yet because of the NCAA Mens Basketball tourney, the usual unethical doings in Hallandale Beach and environs, and some other matters not worth getting into now. 
There, staring back at me from my computer screen was this remake by DxDutch of a Sonny Bono tune that he wrote and which became a hit for Cher in 1966, reaching #2 on Billboard's Hot 100 list.
And who, counter to some of her fan's fears, is NOT dead -NOWTHATCHERISNOTDEAD... 

DxDutch YouTube Channel video: DxDutch sings "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" Uploaded March 30, 2013.

After watching it, I went back to her Twitter feed and there it was, at the top.

See and hear more about DxDutch at:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Despicable! Shocking video of unprovoked daytime attack by complete stranger on 16-year old girl in Plaistow, East London, is caught on Police CCTV and shocks Great Britain; ITV report tonight says assault shocked even veteran police detectives by its sheer brazenness

Metropolitan Police Service YouTube Channel video: Assault in Plaistow, November 13, 2012. Uploaded November 20, 2012.
Be sure to read the description below the video on YouTube for more details.

The following ITV video about the above incident was uploaded within the past three hours.

ITV News, London Tonight: Reporter Paul Brand talks to the 16-year-old girl in Plaistow in East London who was the victim of an unprovoked attack by a complete stranger and punched to the ground and left unconscious. Police detectives who have seen the video have described themselves as shocked by its utter brazenness, taking place in broad daylight in a commercial area.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Teen girl's despicable revenge plot goes viral -and now comes the backlash to her cyberbullying! New York Observer's Jessica Roy has the scoop on the video from Putin's Russia: "Video of Russian Teens Brutally Bullying Peer Goes Viral. Bullying breeds more bullying"; @JessicaKRoy

Teen girl's despicable revenge plot goes viral -and now comes the backlash to her cyberbullying! New York Observer's Jessica Roy has the scoop on the video from Putin's Russia: "Video of Russian Teens Brutally Bullying Peer Goes Viral. Bullying breeds more bullying"; @JessicaKRoy

New York Observer
Betabeat blog
Video of Russian Teens Brutally Bullying Peer Goes Viral
Bullying breeds more bullying.
By Jessica Roy 
September 18, 2012
2:40 p.m.
It starts with a young blonde boy, who looks to be in his early teens, his face covered in dirt and bruises, bent over on his knees kissing the pink sandals of a teen girl. The video, which was filmed in Novomoskovsk–a city in western Russia–and depicts three teens violently bullying and abusing one of their peers, has gone viral on the Russian Internet.
Read the rest of the post at:


Friday, April 13, 2012

Meanwhile at Coachella 2012, where the fashionable people frolic & network, Far from the Madding Crowd of South Florida...; see 'Swedish House Mafia' perform LIVE online Saturday at 3:25 a.m. Eastern, 'First Aid Kit' at 5:15 p.m. Eastern on Sunday

First Aid Kit - Emmylou

Meanwhile at Coachella 2012, where the fashionable people frolic and network, Far from the Madding Crowd of South Florida...; see 'Swedish House Mafia' perform LIVE online Saturday at 3:25 a.m. Eastern, 'First Aid Kit' at 5:15 p.m. Eastern on Sunday

Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound.

See the entire lineup and schedule at and a preview of the festival at: if you forgot what I wrote about them here previously, see this primer on the sisters Söderberg:

Yes, it's a day at the races here at the blog!

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)  -Pod Race (Re-edit)

As you can see, on Tatooine, unlike South Florida, it's a dry heat.
Just like Coachella.
Less believably, a hot princess like Princess Amidala of Naboo walks amongst the hoi-polloi and attends their amusing pod races and nobody- but-nobody bats an eye at her.
On what planet? 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bringing out the Cow Bells for Easter! Stevie Wonder's genius "Another Star" still sends me -and reminds me of cross-country drives at night with the windows down, his music filling every inch of the car

Stevie Wonder - Another Star
"There might be another star, 
But through my eyes theï»ż light of you is all I see..."
Simply put, genius personified.

One of THE greatest songs ever for playing while driving across the U.S.A. at night on the Interstate, especially on curving roads that you maneuver like slalom runs, gliding with little effort.

And it's even better when you're by yourself at 2 a.m. and there's no side traffic and you can use your steering wheel as your synthesizer and drum.

When I close my eyes and hear this song (and this iconic album), I almost immediately see myself, circa 1979-1987 on I-24 getting close to Chattanooga, and I-75 in Georgia, north and south of Macon, circa 1979-1987, with stops at the Shoney's Big Boy for a post-midnight slice of Key Lime pie and real Cherry Coke, because another hamburger is not what the doctor ordered. Sugar rush!

This video is 100% accurate about the first two minutes depicted here! The immediate area around Monteagle, TN, whether going up or down the mountain, was always THE scariest part of the drive for me between Miami and Chicago -or Bloomington- because of all the armies of trucks that were just flying by me -doing the speed limit- and the cars driven by locals that were passing THEM!
Even while bits of wet rocks and gravel from the mountain were always just inches from the road.
Runaway truck!!!!!

That was always the case heading north towards IU in Bloomington or up to Chicago/Evanston from North Miami Beach, because it means that I still have a ridiculous amount of driving still ahead of me.

And the thing is, even though we've never met, I know that somewhere up on I-65 north of Nashville, maybe just inside of the Bluegrass State, there's at least a few sleepy truck drivers in Kentucky pulling big rigs I have to be wary of, because while they may've stopped to eat, they're still sleepy.

Because there are always sleepy truck drivers at night around there.

Guys who'll drive faster than the posted speed limit while its raining hard, and I know in advance that IF I don't keep a nice safe distance, ahead of them or behind them. their water will just pour onto my windshield like I'm drowning and make my windshield wipers useless.

Trust me, that is damn scary at night on long stretches of roads with trucks forever getting on your bumper while you're trying not to get blown off the road.

The 1980's route from my past to my then-present

To quote myself, "If only blogs and digital cameras had existed then."
I'd have hundreds and hundreds of amazing photos and shots of the passing American scene of the 1980's I knew -and lots of restaurant reviews!- and dozens of anecdotes about my friends and classmates I visited along the way who lived along the Interstate that connected my past and my then-present in America's heartland. 

Especially like my sweet and adorable friend, Beth George in Louisville, whose friendliness, smile, wit and accent never failed to amaze me, and make me thankful to have someone like her as a friend.
Yes, she wasn't an Indiana Pi Phi for nothing!

5 p.m. Postscript: YouTube Frustration.

Since I posted this earlier this morning, I realized that I'd forgotten to add something that was nagging me after I hit "Post" and went to sleep.
Maybe those of you who are my age or share my particular musical tastes and come to this blog fairly often thought the same thing I am now, since it has happened before with other videos of musical talents I greatly admire and appreciate and have chosen to post here.

Since rather out-of-the-blue I'd found myself humming and singing this great song for the past few days while stuck in traffic around the area -something that happens multiple times a day around here at this time of the year because of visitors and toursists, esp. given that there are only three main roads to navigate thru the city- I had already decided that I was going to post this version of the song on the blog today, since late Saturday night is usually the easiest time for me to write something pop culture-related, even if I don't post it for a few days.

The song, which came out as a single in the summer of 1977 when I was 16 years-old and soon to be an Junior at North Miami Beach Senior High School, and one that everyone I knew then, male or female, White or Black or Hispanic, petite gymnast or lanky soccer player loved.

And so, that being the case, that everyone actually DOES LOVE Stevie Wonder, esp. his material from that era, I assumed that it would be rather simple to find a long version of the song on YouTube with him singing it that year or within a few years, whether from a concert or TV appearance, as well as find a version there of British singer George Michael singing the song, too, since he loves it too and has sung it in the past on his concert tours, esp. in Europe.
I'd seen the videos of that before, so knew that going in.

But early this morning I discovered that despite all the tens of millions of things on YouTube, there is NOT a single video of Stevie Wonder singing the song in concert or on TV pre-1985, and NOT a single good video of George Michael singing it in concert, whether via a handheld camera or TV broadcast, where both the audio and video were very good, much less amazing.

Instead, for the latter, much to my consternation, there are a lot of bits and pieces of the song being sung in London, Manchester, Amsterdam or Antwerp where the video is very good but the audio sucks, or vice-versa.

This one from a June 2007 concert at the City of Manchester Stadium has a fan's amazing video of George Michael literally circling the crowd as it were, but the fans around him are so loud that some audio is drowned out. 
Man, this video could have been spectacular but for the other fans.

And sometimes, the rare ones that are good at both, like this one also at that week of June 2007 dates in Manchester, end after barely more than two minutes, in the middle of the song, right when ridiculously-talented George Michael is really getting into the swing of things.
Wow that is SO frustrating!

After spending a lot of time looking, for me and my ears and eyes, this video below from a George Michael fan going by the name of unotraitanti, is THE most consistent quality version on YouTube, but if you know of one that is better, both audio and video clarity, please let me know.

unotraitanti's video: George Michael - "Another Star" (cover of Stevie Wonder) LVE, Manchester, England.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Prepare to meet an amazing musical talent: Anni Bernhard is 'Full Of Keys'; TV4's Nyhetsmorgon: Desolate; Suicide Bridge; Suicide Bridge at Stenkullen LIVE


TV4's Nyhetsmorgon - Full of keys med lÄten "Desolate" - Aired January 11, 2012.

Prepare to meet an amazing musical talent: Anni Bernhard is 'Full Of Keys'; TV4's Nyhetsmorgon: Desolate; Suicide Bridge; Suicide Bridge LIVE at Stenkullen

I am SO tremendously impressed by Anni Bernhard's talent, insight and musical sensibility. I first became aware of this amazing singer from Stockholm last Fall, and made a mental note that sometime over the Christmas holidays, I needed to find some free time some Saturday or Sunday -maybe during halftime of a Dolphins game or an IU basketball game- to do some quality Internet sleuthing around.
My mission?
Look for more of her performances on YouTube and other video services and then track down any useful references to her in the blogosphere -mostly in Sverige, obviously- to catch up on what she was doing before I first heard of her.
As you know, for the most part, with a few exceptions, I like to think of myself as an "early adopter," and hate being the last to find out about something good!

This was the captivating video which first brought Anni Bernhard to my attention:

Full of Keys official video: Full Of Keys - Desolate/Suicide Bridge (Official Video), August 31, 2011.

Then, three weeks ago, while looking for something else on the TV4 website, I was VERY pleasantly surprised to come across the clips of her being interviewed and performing LIVE on Nyhetsmorgon on January 11th. 
It literally made my day!

(I even agreed with her thoughts about the current blah state of the music industry, too, which she's clearly doing something to change in her own positive way.)

And now, three weeks later, because I was smart enough to sign-up for her official YouTube Channel after watching those TV4 clips -and sending them around the world to some friends- late last night, I was able to be THE FIRST person among the millions of folks on YouTube to see her new video, just a few minutes after it was posted online and still had "O Views." 
Me, I think I’m doing a good job of making up for lost time!

The debut single:

Full of Keys official video: Full Of Keys - All The Roses (Official Video) April 25, 2011.


TV 4's Nyhetsmorgon -Full of Keys med lĂ„ten "Suicide Bridge" - Aired January 11, 2012.

Here's the video that Anni posted online Friday night after performing "Suicide Bridge" with just an acoustic guitar at the hotel:

Full of Keys official video: Suicide Bridge (LIVE at Stenkullen, acoustic) February 3, 2012.

And not to wax overly-rhapsodic about the marketing angle or anything, but wow, on top of all that vocal talent, lyric cleverness and musical sensibility, she's got that AMAZING face of her's!
She's like some glorious combination of Natalie Portman, Gennifer Goodwin, Giada De Laurentis & Rachel Leigh Cook all wrapped into one, and let me tell you, from where I'm sitting, that's one hell of an amazing and interesting combination.

When you see the interview with her below where she sounds off on what she doesn't particularly like about the current music industry trends, and how, unfortunately, too many singers seem to lose their spark once they become a commercially successful artist, about the third or fourth time I played it, and knew what she was going to say, all I could do was focus on that face -and melt.

If you doubt me on this, just go to Eva Warner's photography website and look under "Commissioned" and click Full of Keys.
It's Anni!

TV 4's Nyhetsmorgon - Anni Bernhard discusses her thoughts on the current music industry and wishes there were more dedicated artists who challenged themselves and didn't just settle for being okay. January 11, 2012.
It's in Swedish, of course!

Full Of Keys new "Traces of a Human" was released on February 1st.
It's available at many sites, including and iTunes

Monday, February 14, 2011

2011 Valentine's Day video #1: Élodie FrĂ©gĂ© & MichaƂ Kwiatkowski - "Viens jusqu'Ă  moi"

Élodie FrĂ©gĂ© & MichaƂ Kwiatkowski - "Viens jusqu'Ă  moi"

I've seen many versions of this catchy 2004 song by 
Élodie FrĂ©gĂ© & MichaƂ Kwiatkowski floating around on YouTube over the years, but this is by far the best quality audio AND video, so I'm using it today on Valentine's Day for reasons that should be obvious.
I can't even begin to tell you how many hundreds of times I have listened to this sweet and simple song, since Ă‰lodie's voice is SO... entrancing and hypnotic. 

In my head, wearing my director's hat, the other thing I like is that this is precisely how I'd have shot a music video of two angst-filled people singing about one another, too. 
With simple song lyrics appearing around them on everyday objects as they walk thru the city, thinking about the other. 
Sublime AND Magnifique!

Plus, as it happens, Élodie and I share a birthday - demain. (Tomorrow, February 15th.)

I know exactly what you're thinking... 

IF two of my favorite actresses, Julie Christie or Faye Dunaway had a French daughter who could sing like an angel...
IF George Clooney ever directed a serious film drama about the French Resistance, he must cast Élodie as the French cabaret singer-slash-resistance fighter with moxie who gives the Nazis all kids of fits...
Just saying...

official website is

You can follow Ă‰lodie FrĂ©gĂ© on Twitter via @elodiefrege