FOLLOW me on my popular Twitter feed. Just click this photo! @hbbtruth - David - Common sense on #Politics #PublicPolicy #Sports #PopCulture in USA, Great Britain, Sweden and France, via my life in #Texas #Memphis #Miami #IU #Chicago #DC #FL 🛫🌍📺📽️🏈. This photo of Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 classic "To Catch a Thief" is the large Twitter photo on my @hbbtruth account

Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Andreas Jismark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andreas Jismark. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

More amazing & infectious music that'll hook you from the start by super-talented Full of Keys (Anni Bernhard), from her #GrazingGrounds album: "Silent Agreement" & "Cover My Eyes"; Just MORE proof that everything I've said & written about her is 100% true :-)! @FullOfKeys, #STHLM

FullofkeysOFFICIAL YouTube Channel: Full Of Keys - Silent Agreement. Uploaded January 9, 2014  

From the second album by Full of Keys The Grazing Grounds

Full Of Keys - Cover My Eyes (Stills Video) via Andreas Jismark YouTube Channel

Uploaded February 23, 2014. The second track from #grazinggrounds album.

Here are some of the early scheduled dates for the Grazing Grounds tour, so if you are going to be anywhere near Stockholm or Visby in the next three weeks, start making plans to go there with your friends RIGHT NOW.
Personally, I really love the Hotel Scandic Anglais, right around the corner from Sturegatan, which is also where another one of the blog's favorites, Jennifer Åkerman, @jjakerman, and her band Jaxx played last year

March 22nd Bunker Bar, Stockholm (Private party) 

March 28th Hammer BarAdelsgatan 33, Visby, Gotland

March 29th KGB Bar, Stockholm (Private party) 

April 4th Hotel Scandic AnglaisHumlegårdsgatan 23, Stockholm

Above, singer/songwriter Full of Keys (Anni Bernhard) while recording her second album, "The Grazing Grounds" at Sandkvie Studios in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. 
Ann is wearing the teal-colored Miami Dolphins cap I gave her from my trip to Stockholm in January of 2013. 
Also pictured here are sound engineer and co-producer Linus Larsson and musician/DJ/co-producer Mats Jönsson, April 12, 2013. 

My post on Anni from last summer:

More information at: 
Twitter: @FullOfKeys 

See older videos and photos of Full of Keys are at:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our 'Full of Keys' drought is finally over! Full of Keys (a.k.a. the amazing Anni Bernhard) will be playing a showcase in New York City at Cake Shop on June 10th as part of the week-long New Music Seminar. Her new album was recorded recently in Gotland, will be mastered in NYC, aiming for a September release -with lots of very big and exciting plans coming soon! @FullOfKeys, @AndreasJismark, #AnniBernhard, #MatsJönsson, #GrazingGrounds, #NMS2013, #NYMF, #CakeShop

They see music everywhere they look! Above, Andreas Jismark, Anni Bernhard and Mats Jönsson outside of the Shanti Indian Wok restaurant in Södermalm, Stockholm, Sweden, after our meeting over lunch inside. Delicious food with a great atmosphere! And yes, eagle-eyed blog readers will notice that's a "Keith London for Mayor of Hallandale Beach Mayor" bag in Anni's hand, full of some goodies I brought along for them from South Florida. These light-but-strong recyclable bags were real attention-getters as I walked around greater Stockholm for nine days with my various writing pads and cameras inside them, in part because they're the very same colors as the Swedish flag -gold and blue. January 12, 2013 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
Our 'Full of Keys' drought is finally over! Full of Keys -a.k.a. the amazing Anni Bernhard- will be playing a showcase in New York City at Cake Shop on June 10th as part of the 2013 New Music Seminar/New York Music Festival. Her new album was recorded recently in Gotland, will be mastered in NYC, aiming for a September release -with lots of very big and exciting plans coming soon! @FullOfKeys, @andreasjismark, #AnniBernhard, #MatsJönsson, #NMS2013, #NYMF, #CakeShop, #GrazingGrounds
Almost five months after I finally met dynamic and super-talented Swedish singer Anni Bernhard of Full of Keys in-person for the first time, in Stockholm, over lunch with her and her savvy and personable manager, Andreas Jismark, and band member and DJ extraordinaire Mats Jönsson, today I'm finally able to share with you all some very positive news that I'd promised to keep a tight lid on until the time was finally right.

Well, today's that fateful day!
And what good news it is for those of us who've really become quite taken over the last few years with Anni's self-evident talent and engaging personality.

Anni and her talented and diligent team have some very exciting news that I'm happy to finally be able to share with you after a couple of hints in some of my blog posts the past five months.
Thank goodness, too, because the news is so positive, I don't know how much longer I was going to be able to keep it quiet -and off the blog.

Separately and collectively, Anni, Andreas and Mats have all been very busy juggling several balls in the air the past few months, and as the weeks on the calendar flew by and the snow on the ground in Stockholm finally started melting away for good, one key date loomed on the horizon with exclamation points.

For Team Anni, that was the important week in mid-April to be spent brainstorming, jamming and laying down some tracks at Sandkvie Studio in Visby, Gotland of Anni's unique brand of thoughtful and clever music and lyrics, with that voice I so love.

But then when you're dealing with such talented, conscientious and professional people, all of whom have very high standards and expectations for themselves, and what they expect to bring with them into the recording studio, it's not-so-surprising that the demands on them grew as the week in April approached.

But the singular and collective pressures only made them more determined to produce something great in the form of the second Full of Keys album, to be called The Grazing Grounds.

I'm happy to tell you that everything went great while doing the initial recording in Gotland, as well as some more recent mixing.
As recent as 8:25 a.m. Thursday!

They all seem pleased indeed that everything had been so very productive and satisfying.
But that's what you get when talented people prepare as diligently as they have been preparing for months for this album and new opportunity to reach new fans.

I'm also pleased to say that despite the increased workload of the past few weeks, Anni has been very diligent about ramping-up her public profile Social Media-wise on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as the recently updated Full of Keys blog, where Anni has been writing more frequently than in the past, with lots of clever and amusing updates that were no doubt a byproduct of all the positive energy they had in Visby and then later in Stockholm while trying to create the best possible sound.
Lots of irony!

Me being me, I wish she'd write even more, but then she's working on a record album, not a blog post, so...

Here's one tweet of Anni's in particular that I wanted to draw your attention to for reasons that should be obvious:

Notice anything familiar in this photo she tweeted that day, which also appeared on her blog?
Specifically, the ball cap on Anni's head?
You are correct, dear reader!

It's one of the teal-colored Miami Dolphins caps I brought along with me to Sweden specifically to keep snow and sunshine off that friendly and expressive face of hers.
(It's one of the goodies in that bag she's carrying in the photo up at the top.)

Pictured above, left-to-right, are Anni Bernhard (Full of Keys), sound engineer and co-producer Linus Larsson and Mats Jönsson, April 12, 2013, Sandvie Studios, Visby, Gotland.
For comparison's sake for those of you not in North America and who have no idea of what that cap really looks like, since the photo above is Black & White, here's what my identical Miami Dolphins cap looks like, which I always wore during the day while walking thru Stockholm for nine days, taking pictures with my cameras and mental images with my head.

And sometimes wear at Panera Bread here in Hallandale Beach, Florida, about 4975 miles away, as in this April 30th shot.

As you can see by the photos below that I snapped right before and after the three of them swung by and met me in front of the wonderful 4Trappor B&B I stayed at the first five days of my January trip, too much bright sunshine was definitely NOT the problem we had that first full day of mine in Stockholm, both excited and jet-lagged at the same time.

As I've mentioned previously, this B&B is the top-rated one in Stockholm by Trip Advisor -and for very good reason!

Looking west on Gotlandsgatan from in front of's #1 B&B in Stockholm, B&B4trappor, in Södermalm, with the beautiful Katarina södra skola to the rightJanuary 12, 2013 photos by South Beach Hoosier. © 2013 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
Above and below, Shanti Indian Wok restauant at Katarina Bangata 58, conveniently located just two blocks west from the 4trappor B&B. 
January 12, 2013 photos by South Beach Hoosier. © 2013 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.

The other BIG NEWS that I'm happy to share with you today is that Anni will be in New York a week from tomorrow, June 10th, performing a set from her Grazing Grounds album at Cake Shop, as part of the 2013 New Music Seminar, which is part of this year's New York Music Festival

Mats will also be on hand in New York to add his unique talents to the mix and make sure that Anni's set is a real success in front of lots of music professionals who will be in attendance.

(Mats and Anni actually performed a set in Stockholm my first night there back in January, but I was so jet-lagged and exhausted after getting little sleep over the two previous days, that I was in no position to be somewhere dark where alcohol was being served.)

Yes, those of you who live in the Tri-State area and environs who want to hear some really great music will finally get a chance to see Anni in-person and see what all the fuss is about for yourselves.
The opportunity you've needed to listen and become true believers!  

Anni will be performing next Tuesday at 11 p.m. on what is officially being the Sweden Showcase.
More information about that night at Cake Shop and the other artists performing that night is at and here,

View Larger Map

At some point while Anni is in New York, the album will be mastered over at Sterling Sound and she will also try to get some new publicity photos shot as well.
With her imagination, that could really prove to be quite interesting, because Anni definitely has a knack for the visually-arresting image.

Once those photos have been done, you can count on my posting them here ASAP.

So, right about now, a light should be popping into the head of someone at the NY Times Culture Desk and The Village Voice and Rolling Stone as they ponder further investigation of the fact that Sweden -yes, Sweden, a nation of under 10 million people, smaller than Florida- is the world's third-largest exporter of music, after the U.S. and Great Britain.

How better to illustrate this music industry phenomena to music lovers and readers than by actually seeing some very talented visiting artists from Sweden LIVE and in-the-flesh?

8:50 p.m. Postscript:
I was so tired this morning when I was doing my final edit of this post that I somehow neglected to mention this important fact, since it's one of the "keys" to understanding why so many people are working so hard to give this very talented and creative singer the opportunities she needs.

Being a very empathetic person, it's something that I picked-up on from the first moment I met her and continued once we were inside the restaurant and kept talking.
She's very, very likable and charming.
In a truly genuine and unaffected way.
It's my experience that people either are or they aren't -she definitely is.
Just saying...

Above, using my Latitude app on my Samsung cell phone to find out where people I knew were once I checked into the B&B in Södermalm before I tried to reach them by phone or email.  
My last blog post on Anni, the one that was sort of cryptic by choice and designed so I wouldn't talk about some news I still can't reveal quite yet, was on February 13, 2013, and was titled
Music Alert for Friday February 15th: In Visby, Gotland, check out Full of Keys (Anni Bernhard) at the Hammersmith Odeon Visby at 8 p.m.; @FullOfKeys, #sweden and featured her first single from the new album called Snow Glass Apples

FullofkeysOFFICIAL YouTube Channel video: Full Of Keys - Snow Glass Apples, the first single from the second album. Written by Anni Bernhard & Robin Hirvonen Palmqvist. Directed by Carlo Roberti. Uploaded October 25, 2012. 

Here's a mix of some videos of Anni's songs from the first Full of Keys album, Traces of a Human, all of which appeared on the blog in my first blog post on Anni from February 4, 2012, titled, Prepare to meet an amazing musical talent: Anni Bernhard is 'Full Of Keys'; TV4's Nyhetsmorgon: Desolate; Suicide Bridge; Suicide Bridge at Stenkullen LIVE


TV4's Nyhetsmorgon - Full of keys med låten "Desolate" - Aired January 11, 2012.

This was the captivating video which first brought Anni Bernhard to my attention:

Full of Keys official video: Full Of Keys - Desolate/Suicide Bridge (Official Video), August 31, 2011.

Her debut single:

Full of Keys official video: Full Of Keys - All The Roses (Official Video) April 25, 2011.


TV4's Nyhetsmorgon -Full of Keys med låten "Suicide Bridge" - Aired January 11, 2012.

Back in January I told Anni that in my opinion, this video below that was filmed at a hotel in Stenkullen in Västra Götaland had some of the very best elements of all of her many videos, in part because so much of her personality came out in the non-singing parts, the V.O., and she was quite surprised, pleasantly so, at how much detail I still remembered about it almost a year later.
I even mentioned to her that while watching it, I could also visualize what she was doing at the same point in time of the song in the official video she shot for Suicide Bridge.

Full of Keys official video: Suicide Bridge (LIVE at Stenkullen, acoustic) February 3, 2012.

TV 4's Nyhetsmorgon - Anni Bernhard discusses her thoughts on the current music industry and wishes there were more dedicated artists who challenged themselves and didn't just settle for being okay. January 11, 2012.
It's in Swedish, of course!

Full Of Keys first album, Traces of a Human is still available at many sites, including, iTunes and spotify

Some remixes of the above songs are posted at Soundcloud:   Check them out!

Shanti Indian Wok restaurant
Katarina Bangata 58, 116 39 Stockholm, Tel: 08-642 67 22

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On Wednesday you'll be thanking me for introducing you to ANOTHER amazing singer from Sweden: Cecilia Nilsson, a.k.a Cissi or "See See"; Cecilia will sing two songs LIVE on Radio P4 Gavleborg on Friday at 15:30; @CissiNilssonn, @andreasjismark, #inmyroom

Cecilia Nilsson YouTube Channel video: 50 seconds of Cecilia Nilsson singing her first single, "In My Room." Uploaded May 10, 2013.
Written by Cecilia Nilsson & Andreas Mattsson

Sunday brought some very positive and interesting news from Sweden concerning a Friend of the Blog, Andreas Jismark
So good, in fact, that he also shared the news via his Twitter feed, shown below.

The good news concerns a very talented young female singer from Gävle who's part of his talented music stable, and whose first single will officially be released on Wednesday.

To prime the public interest in her, Andreas has teased us, Sweden and the larger world with a clip featuring some of the first single. 

Not too much, lest we get a sugar rush or brain freeze, but just enough to give us a taste and keep us interested in seeing how the story ends on onsdag, Wednesday.

Andreas wrote...

This bit of news follows closely on the heels of the blog post that Andreas had written back on April 29th titled, quite cleverly, Goodbye, See See, Hello Cecilia Nilsson, which detailed some of the very hard work over the past two years that she's put in to make this moment possible.

Last Fall, some months before I traveled to Stockholm in January and met with Andreas and another great music talent whom he manages, the amazing Anni Bernhard, i.e Full of Keys, whom you'll be hearing more about in the coming days here at the blog, I'd watched this video of Cecilia quite a number of times, since by now you all know how much I love context.
I was looking for clues and hints of things to come.

As it happens, the video is in Swedish, but I still think you'll enjoy it as she speaks about herself and her music interests and desire to write songs that are honest and that will connect with people.

It was recorded mostly at her home in Gävle, a very middle-class Swedish city in the best possible sense of the word, and one that I've written about a few times here in the past, which has not always had the easiest go of things.

Just like growing-up or living in Baltimore or Pittsburgh or Indianapolis makes you a little more in-touch with the rest of the country than would be true in Santa Monica or Bethesda or Brookline, her town is a much-more accurate barometer of daily life in Sweden than many of the sweet upscale neighborhoods in Stockholm that I spent a lot of time in back in January.

Places where money and some degree of influence often helps keep some social problems at bay a little bit longer than it does in Gävle, where you take life as it is.

To me, at least, that means that any songs Cecilia writes and sings will be much more in-tune with the average listener's personal experiences than if she'd been born or raised in Södermalm, and had parents who pushed her around in one of those amazing $800-plus German prams they sell at Nordiska Kompaniet, which I spent some time eye-balling on my last day in Stockholm.

That came after I'd spent time walking at night from my hotel, The Omena in Norrmalm, down to the Royal Palace and then headed back to the hotel via the Kungsträdgården ice skating rink one last time and then the central downtown business district.

NK has an entire area of the store on the 4th Floor not just dedicated to upscale Kids, but to what seemed to be designer baby strollers, complete with a video showing German soccer Moms putting them thru their paces in Frankfurt.

(And do the well-educated Moms ever love to show those prams and their babies off at their nearby coffee shops! Or even the "Social Media" McDonalds I was at.
That is a whole 'nother blog post entirely -upscale Swedish soccer Moms!
They were everywhere! 
Not that I was complaining. )

And, now that it occurs to me, this film was recorded back when Cecilia's hair was much-longer than it currently is, which I know causes her some small distress, something I know about and recognize from having grown-up with two attractive younger sisters with beautiful long hair.

Andreas Jismark YouTube Channel video: See See (Presentation). Uploaded September 5, 2012.

Some of Cecilia's hard work and preparation came just a few weeks ago when she spent some time over in Gotland, where Andreas lives, where she rehearsed and even performed at Hammersmith Odeon Visby, which you'll recall is also where Anni/Full of Keys performed, as I mentioned here on the blog at the time.

There was a nice article on Cecilia that appeared in one of the local Gotland papers at the time of her trip and it includes a nice photo of her and the band rehearsing, including Andreas on guitar, which Cecilia also plays.

Stjärnskott i Visby i helgen (Shooting stars in Visby this weekend)

One of the quotes I love is where Andreas, a music veteran in all sorts of important ways -as a performer, teacher, promoter, producer and manager- says the following:
Jag har aldrig stött på en elev som ens är 30-40 procent så bra som Cissi, säger han.
which means that he's never worked with anyone who has even 30-40% of Cissi's natural singing talent and ability, which is really quite something to say for this lover of all things Depeche Mode.

The article headline is a reference to Cecilia being a "shooting star" and encouraging people to come and see her perform now while they can in such an intimate atmosphere, before she hits it big in show biz.

Here's another photo of her and the band rehearsing that same day that's on her Facebook page
and later at Hammersmith's:

I last mentioned Cecilia Nilsson -a.k.a. Cissi or "See See"- in my April 9, 2013 blog post titled, If Miriam Bryant isn't on your musical radar yet, she ought to be ;)  Miriam Bryant - Push Play (Official), Finders Keeper (Official); @MiriamBryant
wherein I wrote:
Miriam, from Göthenberg, had a gig on Friday in Tranås at Babar, as did another young singing dynamo from Gävle I've been keeping close tabs on by the name of See See -a.k.a. Cissi Nilsson- pictured below, whom I'll be writing about in more detail soon.So much sheer musical talent in Sweden, it's hard to believe sometimes! 

Andreas was actually able to record one of the songs Cecilia performed in Tranås at Babar before Miriam came onstage to perform later, and it's a tune some of you might recognize:

Andreas Jismark YouTube Channel video: Cecilia Nilsson "Never Let You Go" -LIVE at Babar in Tranås, Sweden. April 5, 2013. Uploaded April 6, 2013.

Here's a nice newspaper article on Cecilia that ran on Friday in her local newspaper, Arbetarbladet, which has done quite a number of stories on her over the past few years as she's sung and performed at many events all over the area, and developed quite a great reputation with a killer voice:
Hur känns det att släppa en singel? (How do you feel about your first single coming out?)

Friday, Fredag, Friday, Fredag...
For those of you reading this in Sweden -or elsewhere, but who want to check her out via the InternetCecilia will be performing two songs LIVE on Sveriges Radio, specifically, Radio P4 Gavleborg, on Friday at 15:30 Swedish Time, which is 9:30 a.m. Eastern U.S./Canada.

Please take a listen to her via and let me know what you think.

But if you miss her, you WILL be able to listen to Cecilia here on the blog at some point soon, because one of the very best things about Sveriges Radio is that they make almost everything they air available online, and best of all, with embeddable code for blogs and websites.

(You longtime readers of the blog will recall that I've posted lots of SR audio material here in the past for Timoteij, Full of Keys, First Aid Kit and other singing artists, as well as various pieces they've done on Melodisfestivalen.)

So, even if you miss her, I'll have her right here where you can take a listen just as soon as it's humanly possible, more than likely, this weekend.

Wednesday morning update:

Cecilia Nilsson - In My Room (Complete Song)

Cecilia Nilsson YouTube Channel: Cecilia Nilsson -In My Room. This is Cecilia's debut single. Uploaded May 13, 2013.

Cissi's new single is available on both iTunes and Spotify.

There's just no substitute for sheer talent!
And when you add a great work ethic to that, the sky is the limit.
More info at:

Andreas Jismark Management
@andreasjismark -

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

If Miriam Bryant isn't on your musical radar yet, she ought to be ;) Miriam Bryant - Push Play (Official), Finders Keeper (Official); @MiriamBryant

Miriam Bryant YouTube Channel video: Miriam Bryant - Push Play (Official). Uploaded April 8, 2013.
Push, play, stop, rewind, you drown your heroes in red wine...

The person featured in Miriam's video is Swedish actor Krister Henriksson, who has portrayed police detective "Kurt Wallander" in Swedish TV films based on Henning Mankell's novels for many, many years.

His latest one came out in January and is called "Den orolige mannen" (The anxious man).

Yes, there's always something nefarious going on in Ystad!

Here's Miriam's amazing first single from last catchy!

Miriam Bryant YouTube Channel video: Miriam Bryant - Finders Keepers (Official) Uploaded June 21, 2012

Miriam's Unplugged version of this song is at:
You'll definitely want to check that out because it's in Black & White, just like the keys of a piano, which is the initial establishing shot of the vid and quite clever.

Miriam, who's from Göthenberg, had a gig on Friday in Tranås at Babar, as did another young singing dynamo from Gävle whom I've been keeping close tabs on by the name of Cecilia Nilsson or See See -a.k.a. Cissi Nilsson- pictured below, whom I'll be writing about in more detail soon.
So much sheer musical talent in Sweden, it's hard to believe sometimes! 

If you're reading this in Sweden, you should be able to purchase a physical copy of the CD at most Åhléns Dept. Stores
If you're in Stockholm, I'd first try the one in Södermalm at Ringvägen 100below, on the corner of Götgatan, on the south side of the street and across the street from the Skanstull 
T-BanaIt's on the first floor on the southeast side, past their large cosmetics area. 
That's where I bought my Jill Johnson "A Woman can Chage her Mind" CD in January. ;)

Above, looking southwest on an overcast Saturday afternoon -temps about 20° F- towards the Åhléns Dept. Store in Södermalm, with the Hemköp grocery store in its basement that I frequented at the beginning of my trip to Stockholm. Though you can't tell it from this photo, this is the southern end of the always-bustling Götgatan commercial center that's the spine of Södermalm -and the bottom part of U-shaped Ringvägen that largely connects almost everything in Södermalm.
It's one of my favorite parts of Stockholm, in large part because it's the perfect combination of intelligent mixed-use zoning in action, with interesting commercial/retail use below or next to residential. It's a real living place with a beating heartbeat and sense of place, and you feel that spirit when you walk around, too. I know that I did.
It's not just some abstract hope for a place with a sense of community written on a prospectus for a planned development, like you see all the time here in South Florida. January 12, 2013 photo by South Beach Hoosier.© 2013 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
More information on Miriam at:


Miriam Bryant's YouTube Channel:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Music Alert for Friday February 15th: In Visby, Gotland, check out Full of Keys (Anni Bernhard) at the Hammersmith Odeon Visby at 8 p.m.; @FullOfKeys, #sweden

Full of Keys (Anni Bernhard) photographed in Rome, 2012, by Alessandro Leone

Later than I originally planned while I was in Stockholm last month, I'm sharing some new Full of Keys and Anni Bernhard news today, my first of the new year.

While it's not exactly the first thing I thought I'd be writing about Anni this year while on that long SAS flight home from Stockholm, after over eight days there, it's still well worth you knowing about, especially if you are free this Friday night in Sweden, and most especially if you'll already be in Gotland.

The exact details of the BIG NEWS I have surrounding Anni and her band will have to wait for another day, since I've been sworn to secrecy, but trust me, when it comes out, it will be VERY exciting news for her fans and music-lovers everywhere.

In the meantime, though, until the time is right to spill the beans, I'm happy to tell you that Full Of Keys will be performing Friday night in Visby, Gotland, the hometown of singer Anni's clever and oh-so creative manager, Andreas Jismark.

The performance will be part of an exclusive visit to Visby for rehearsals for what may/could be an upcoming U.S. tour that... well again, I can't talk about right now.

FoK will be in Gotland during much of the Spring recording its second album and shooting some videos, so if you happen to be minding your own business one day, and happen to come across a very beautiful brunette somewhere singing with verve and style, please make sure that you look around carefully for any film cameras and lighting technicians BEFORE rushing over to say hello to Anni! :) 

Friday is my birthday, but since I can't be there for obvious reasons to enjoy the music, be sure to make enough noise to compensate for my absence. 
And don't forget to toast me with a cold Samuel Adams!

Hammersmith Odeon Visby, Adelsgatan 33, Visby, Gotland, Sweden

FullofkeysOFFICIAL YouTube Channel video: Full Of Keys - Snow Glass Apples, the first single from the second album. Written by Anni Bernhard & Robin Hirvonen Palmqvist. Directed by Carlo Roberti. Uploaded October 25, 2012. 

Full of Keys YouTube Channel: