Ălodie FrĂ©gĂ© & MichaĆ Kwiatkowski - "Viens jusqu'Ă moi"
I've seen many versions of this catchy 2004 song by Ălodie FrĂ©gĂ© & MichaĆ Kwiatkowski floating around on YouTube over the years, but this is by far the best quality audio AND video, so I'm using it today on Valentine's Day for reasons that should be obvious.
I can't even begin to tell you how many hundreds of times I have listened to this sweet and simple song, since Ălodie's voice is SO... entrancing and hypnotic.
In my head, wearing my director's hat, the other thing I like is that this is precisely how I'd have shot a music video of two angst-filled people singing about one another, too.
With simple song lyrics appearing around them on everyday objects as they walk thru the city, thinking about the other.
Sublime AND Magnifique!
Plus, as it happens, Ălodie and I share a birthday - demain. (Tomorrow, February 15th.)
I know exactly what you're thinking...
IF two of my favorite actresses, Julie Christie or Faye Dunaway had a French daughter who could sing like an angel...
IF George Clooney ever directed a serious film drama about the French Resistance, he must cast Ălodie as the French cabaret singer-slash-resistance fighter with moxie who gives the Nazis all kids of fits...
Just saying...
Ălodie's official website is http://www.elodiefrege.com/
You can follow Ălodie FrĂ©gĂ© on Twitter via @elodiefrege https://twitter.com/elodiefrege