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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Monday, May 11, 2015

Hallandale Beach seems to be in the news A LOT these days, and when has that ever proven to be a good thing in the past 12 years? From unchecked real estate development to lectures by unethical city officials about the need for the public to become properly "educated" about the law, things are getting worse not better in Hallandale Beach government


Just a warning to my readers.
I have been patiently biding my time for six months since the November city election.
To be honest, I've been more patient than I ever expected to be, given how disappointing things have gotten with people in a position to exercise leadership, especially among people I thought I could trust.

Well, the days of waiting for the right time to begin the release of a mountain of Hallandale Beach and broward-centric news, information and analysis about what happened before and after the election that, unfortunately, you never read or heard about elsewhere, is coming to an end.
Not to give too much away but I can tell you with some authority that a veritable avalanche of hard cold facts is about to descend on this part of Broward and South Florida, courtesy of yours truly.

And more to the point today, given the spot-on tweets above by Friend of the Blog, Chaz Stevens, like me, someone who has strongly supported Keith London and Michelle Lazarow in the past, my upcoming blog posts will seek to explain in detail why SO MANY people are unhappy with the performance of EVERYONE on the Hallandale Beach City Commission, including London and Lazarow.

More than ever, in a highly-apathetic yet highly-tribal community like Hallandale Beach, where for far too many years there were always too few people doing any of the necessary heavy-lifting to make this a genuinely pro-reform city, where instead time and energy was spent defending self and ego and not enough old-fashioned hard work spent solving and resolving real-world problems in this very poorly-managed city, the last thing this community needed was the pro-reform people we trusted and elected to NOT do the job expected of them.
And worse, see them become arrogant, condescending and disconnected to the residents and Small Business owners and their legitimate concerns.

How have things changed for the better in the past six months?
They haven't.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Hallandale Beach ditches hotel moratorium
By Susannah BryanSun Sentinel
May 8, 2015 7:39 PM
Hallandale Beach

A moratorium on hotel permits was quickly shown the door this week after developers warned it would doom economic growth throughout the city.

It might have been one of the shortest moratoriums in city history, lasting only a few weeks.

At the commission's request, City Manager Renee Miller declared a moratorium April 16 to give staff time to research the impact of hotel-condo developments on nearby neighborhoods.

Read the rest of the article at:

Per the article above, and specifically the absurd comments: 
"I don't want to fine our residents. I want to educate our residents. I am in favor of holding off on this until we educate the public more."
So sayeth Hallandale Beach Commissioner Bill Julian, who for YEARS illegally and egregiously parked his car in the ONE and ONLY Handicapped Parking spot located at North Beach, next to The Beachside Cafe, knowing full well that his pals at the Hallandale Beach Police would NOT issue him a fine like they would you because they knew exactly whose car it was.
And just in case they didn't, he always made sure to leave his official ID right on the dashboard for everyone to see.
Julian didn't need to be "educated" about the law -he knew he was breaking it!

No longer a secret in Hallandale Beach: More details on Bill Julian's longstanding anti-democratic tendencies while HB City Commissioner - he wanted to require residency of 3 years in order to run for local office in HB!; The worst enemy of Bill Julian is a smart voter who pays attention and who possesses a good memory; @MayorCooper, @SandersHB, @AlexLewy

Oh, you mean THAT Julian?
Julian, the only one of four HB City Commissioners last May 20th who didn't vote for Etty Sims to be among his Top Three choices of the 8 semi-finalists for interim Commissioner when he had the 
chance. Julian was the idiot who rated Sheryl Natelson the highest of the final three - Leo Grachow, Etty Sims, Sheryl Natelsondespite the fact that she didn't know the answers to most of the questions asked of her, and completely whiffed on all three fact-based questions posed to all the three candidates by Comm. Michele Lazarow, unlike Etty Sims and Leo Grachow.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Getting to the point: Deerfield Beach tries to shorten public comment time
By Anne Geggis, Sun Sentinel

May 5, 2015 9:48 PM
Deerfield Beach

Step up to address the Deerfield Beach City Commission and you'd better make it snappier.

Shaving one minute off the four minutes allotted each person during the public comment period is one of the new rules proposed for City Commission meetings.

But other rules that Commissioner Joseph Miller proposed to tame what can be a colorful and lengthy part of the city's twice-monthly commission meeting did not get a receptive audience Tuesday night.

A proposal to set a flat 20-minute limit for all public comment and other rules failed. But City Commission members agreed that it might be a good idea to prohibit speakers from loaning or transferring their allotted speaking time to others.

"I'm hoping to get a little more organization," Miller said..

But Deerfield residents have a lot on their minds.

Tuesday's topics for the public comment period included fears of soil poisoning by big agribusinesses, Hallandale Beach's threat to Deerfield Beach as the laughingstock of Broward County, and the cost of Broward Fire Rescue. Resident Joe Hines is a regular at the lectern on that topic — bringing a garden hose with him last month to demonstrate how he believes the city is getting hosed on its public safety contracts.

Resident Kathy Naggi said she doesn't think the public has been demanding too much air time.

"To me, 45 minutes to listen to the taxpayers and the citizens is no big deal," she said.

The resolution will be up for more discussion at the next meeting May 19.

Coming soon -
The Continuing Follies and Sorry State of Policing in Hallandale Beach under Police Chief Dwayne Fluornoy: Crime, public safety, bad judgment, lack of accountability...
Under Flournoy, the public perception is that things are going from bad to worse, even while he and his City Hall apologists continue to dramatically understate the lack of support Flournoy has in the community among residents and Small Business owners who pay attention

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