Revolution, Pilot: After 15 years of darkness, an unlikely trio sets out on a journey to save the world. Above, Tracy Spiridakos as "Charlie Matheson." Originally aired September 17, 2012.
Learn it, live it, love it!
In case you missed last week's pilot episode, here it is up at the top, so get your homework done in time for tonight's new episode, Chained Heat, with guest star C. Thomas Howell, most recently seen on TNT's "Southland," another favorite of ours, which returns in February.
Monday, September 24 10/9c "Chained Heat". Miles leads Charlie to a Militia prison camp to rescue an old flame.
Yes, another All-American girl -from Canada!
And don't forget to watch "Mob Doctor" on Fox-TV at 9 p.m. starring the immensely-likable and moxie-filled Jordana Spiro, whom we at the blog have liked for the longest time, and want to see stay on network TV. All I'm saying is give the show some time to find its legs and get into more character development, and don't be so hasty with your evaluations based on what you may've heard. It has a lot of potential and has an excellent cast.
Jordana Spiro reminds us SO MUCH of one of our very best friends from IU, a Midwestern girl don't you know, whom we miss terribly, but whose name we do NOT dare mention here for fear that she will start blushing.
Then flip back to TNT at 11 pm after Revolution to see the new episode of Major Crimes.
And speaking of "Charlie's" we like -Tracy Spiridakos as "Charlie Matheson" on Revolution- when we were younger, another "Charlie" we liked very much was so popular and ubiquitous that if you just hummed the first few bars of of the Revlon commercial tune, EVERYONE in the room knew exactly what that it was. EVERYONE!
Now there was a Madison Avenue ad campaign for the ages!
Uploaded March 16, 2009.
This was the sort of TV commercial that made every normal 15-year old boy in America who saw it wish that he was already 25 -and had a charming and sexy woman like Shelley Hack, who couldn't wait to see him.
And trust me, everyone in the place envies you!
The closest I ever had to having this sort of "Charlie" moment came when my then-girlfriend, a brilliant and blonde stunner named Joanie, danced into a J.B. Winberie restaurant in downtown Evanston for our second date.
Only one of the greatest second dates of all-time, all four hours of it.
(Afterwards, when we were at her place, the second thing I remember about that night was that it was the night of a Dolphins-Raiders nationally-televised pre-season game, which is how I came to be able to watch it in the Chicago area.)
But only ten years later, in 1986, it just wasn't the same...

Why someone hasn't come up with a variation of the original 1976 simple-but-wildly-effective ad for Norah Jones as the singer, the pianist and the "Charlie" -or whatever- I can't say, because she'd be absolutely PERFECT!
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