Jennifer Gottlieb, standing, Ann Murray, sitting, Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, Hollywood, FL. Photos are all from February 22, 2011, all by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights ReservedNineteen months later, I haven't forgotten how pitiful it was to watch the organized group of brainwashed Beachside Montessori Moms in attendance that night cheer Gottlieb and Murray's serial lies, spouting their Kool-Aid nonsense that denied the self-evident reality of how the school came into being and how it came to be the particular way it was - racial whitewash.
Yes, the same two School Board members from next-door Hollywood who couldn't be bothered to attend the long-in-the-planning event at the Hallandale Beach Cultural Center four months later in June of 2011 on the longstanding funding/physical problems at Hallandale High School, where the parents and taxpayers got a chance to vent as well as hear from some of the original litigants in the successful lawsuit against the Broward Schools to end the unequal funding.
My friends Csaba Kulin, Catherine Kim Owens and myself were the only objective people from Hallandale Beach in attendance that night in Hollywood to see the entire dog-and-pony show, which sadly, only Channel 7 bothered to cover, despite the opportunity to ask two people with some real culpability for the whole sordid mess to explain in their own words what had really happened.
Bob Norman: 1
Miami Herald, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Channels 4, 6, 7 & 10: 0
Bob Norman wins.
Here's my post of July 26, 2010 on the subject that remains one of the most-read posts I've had in over five years:
Weeks later, Miami Herald, Sun-Sentinel & Miami TV newscasts STILL consciously ignoring Bob Norman's spot-on story re School Board's Jennifer Gottlieb
The latter members of the South Florida press corps were, sadly for of us, all too gutless to print or report on TV what some of them knew, she was putting taxpayers at risk, so instead of simply reporting the news and letting readers or viewers people draw their own conclusions, news reporters here didn't just actively avoid reporting the news -they actively suppressed it!
Surprise! Welcome to Egypt!
Meanwhile, all the time, the Herald's supposed Education reporter at the time, Patricia Mazzei, well, she "knows nothing, nothing" -just like Sgt, Schultz!
But then as many of you know from prior conversations with me where I have cited specific articles of her's and the subjects, among people I know and trust, Mazzei is better known for what she consciously chooses NOT to report, rather than what she writes.
Which helps readers how, exactly?
Two months ago I saw Mazzei at a M-D County Commission meeting in the chaotic and almost-Third Worldly Steve Clark Bldg. in downtown Miami, and it was all I could do to not to laugh hysterically when I saw her just a few feet away from me, thinking about all the interesting facts and points I'd heard at the meeting we'd both been awake for, but which I knew she'd make sure never saw the light of day in the newspaper, leaving readers in the dark yet again.
Mazzei would make a very good "minder" in North Korea.
Mazzei would make a very good "minder" in North Korea.
My favorite so far?
Someone under oath posited that mendacious former Broward County School Board member Eleanor Sobel wanted to use the school "to bolster her campaign for the Florida Senate."
That's 100% believable because that's the same woman who had the nerve to actually use a HB City Commission meeting as an opportunity to get signatures from the audience -during the meeting- so she could run for School Board, even though we all 'knew' she'd not stay, and was just using that job to get a salary and govt. pension while waiting to run for Steve Geller's Senate seat.
And that's what she did, isn't it?
I know that we're all still waiting to see Norman's promised interview with our mendacious mayor Joy Cooper on his blog on Channel 10's website re the city's red-light camera report that repudiates everything she's been saying, and her receiving mayoral campaign contributions from the Arizona firm spearheading that RLC effort in South Florida, American Traffic Solutions, just days after she wrote an essay in support of red-light cameras in the Sun-Sentinel.
Yeah, I guess nobody at the Sun-Sentinel had the good sense to ask truth-averse Cooper
if she'd received any campaign contributions from the firm when the paper asked her to write essay. Oops!!!
That was real nice of the firm to wait until AFTER Cooper wrote a pro-RLC Op-Ed before giving her thousands and thousands of dollars.And damn convenient, eh?
That's how Joy Cooper rolls!
By the way, for those of you who didn't get the word earlier today, some other things have come up, so my long-in-the-works blog post that publicly crushes Hallandale Beach beat reporters, the Sun-Sentinel's Tonya Alanez & Herald's Carli Teproff, for their longstanding lack of curiosity and attention to detail -esp. re Comm. Sanders and the ethical scandal that has been swirling around him and his wife Jessica for the past three years, and specifically, his abject refusal to meet with HB taxpayers and tell them the truth- originally slated to appear this week, will appear on Saturday or Sunday morning instead.
Trust me, it's NOT going to be very pretty for them, but then given their dismal track record covering news here, of almost going out of their ways at time to avoid reporting what was right in front of them, a fact which has ill-served Hallandale Beach residents who want real reform and transparency at Hallandale Beach City Hall, how could it be otherwise?
Miami Herald
Records in Broward schools investigation reveal affairs
By Michael Vasquez
Posted online September 19, 2012
While still in office, former Broward School Board member Jennifer Gottlieb engaged in two different romantic affairs with men who worked for a company doing business with the school district, according to law enforcement records now made public.
Florida Department of Law Enforcement records show that two employees of Citigroup, which was hired to help Broward finance bonds used to build schools, admitted to sexual trysts with Gottlieb.
Read the rest of the article at: l
In case you didn't see it yourself, here's Bob Norman's take on the situation:
Updated On: Mar 24 2012 01:31:53 PM EDT
See also:
WPLG-TV, Miami
Bob Norman's Blog
Has school brought segregation to Hollywood?
Published On: Mar 24 2012 01:25:20 PM EDT Updated On: Mar 24 2012 01:31:53 PM EDT
I saw former Broward School Board Member Jennifer Gottlieb at a kids' event not long ago and she mentioned that the controversial school she helped build in her city of Hollywood, Beachside Montessori Village, was rated third-best in the state for FCAT scores.
I thought about saying, "Yeah, it's amazing what $20 million in taxpayers' money can do."Read the rest of the post at
And be sure to read my friend, Charlotte Greenbarg's comments below it!
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