Like the exclamation point at the end of the headline doesn't just prove the point that I've been making here for years about the pernicious and mendacious nature of both the mayor and the faux newspaper that takes Hallandale Beach taxpayer's money by the barrel-full, with nothing positive to show for it.
The letter below from my friend, Hallandale Beach civic activist Csaba Kulin, is a 'teaser' for what is to come in this space regarding the faux newspaper in Hallandale Beach that gobbles up taxpayer funds, the South Florida Sun Times.
On Friday, I sent that upcoming post as an email to a couple of dozen concerned people in South Florida, as well as a number of reporters and columnists, to re-focus their attention on this issue that highlights the sort of blatant cronyism and quid pro quo in HB government that has existed for years.
Yesterday, Csaba emailed this missive to the Hallandale Beach City Commission, the City Manager and the City Attorney.
I will provide the link to the 2003 article Csaba refers to below in my upcoming post on the subject, so that you can read it for yourself and add it to the accumulated mountain of evidence on how this city really operates.
It paints a very grim picture of what happens to democracy and civics when multiple members of the HB City Commission continuously FAIL to pay attention to what goes on right in front of them, in this particular 2003 case, current sitting Commission members Dotty Ross and William "Bill" Julian.
Correct, hardly Breaking News.
Trust me, the 2003 article and my post are both jaw-dropping and eye-opening, and provides an inside look at Joy Cooper's longtime modus operandi.
And yes, I really do mean jaw-dropping and eye-opening.
Honorable Mayor, Vice Mayor and Members of the City Commission,
I have spoken against the $100,000.00 plus subsidy to the South Florida SunTimes newspaper during your September 29, 2009 Budget Meeting.
I have no problem with community newspapers, including this one if they serve public, to receive subsidy from the City. But our newspaper stopped serving our community some time ago. The only articles I see in the paper is the Mayor's column and an occasional historical piece by the Vice Mayor. I and others have tried to write letters to the editor without any success. Any information not flattering to the current administration is ignored and suppressed. I had to pay to get any information about an extremely important issue like the Diplomat to get in the paper while the Mayor had all the ink she wanted in the paper in favor of her views.
The South Florida Sun Times had been bought and paid for by the City using the our tax money. That is why it has no credibility in our city and loosing readership. That is why I do not support giving any money to them until they change their editorial philosophy and provide access to everyone in our city regardless of their views about our city government.
The South Florida Sun Times was not always the mouthpiece of the "official line" at city hall. For your information I attached an article by your good friend, Mr. Tony Musto written in December 4, 2004. It is certainly an eye opening article of how our city got where it is today. It should be required reading of every citizen of our city. It still appeared in South Florida Sun Times. Please look at the very end of the article where the editor invites residents of the community write a "feedback" column or "letter to the editor". What a novel idea? I wonder if the invitation still open?
I guess not.
Now I ask all of you stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself "what happened in the past 8 years" to get us where we are now?
If you know the answer, get up at the next commission meeting and change it.
Csaba Kulin
President, Fairways North, Inc.
VP, United Condominium Associations of Hallandale Beach
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