From Broward County Public Schools website
Ethics Code Committee Update
At the May 11, 2010 workshop, Mrs. Jennifer Gottlieb, Chairwoman and Mr. Kevin Tynan, School Board Member, were assigned by the Superintendent to create a committee to craft a Code of Ethics policy.
Mr. Tynan and Mrs. Gottlieb came before the Board to give an update on the Ethics Code Committee. The structure of the Ethics Code will include one set of rules for all employees, Board Members, and appointees. There will be additional rules for Board Members and their appointees. Board Member requested a list of the membership for this committee.
The subject areas to be included in the Code of Ethics are: gifts, no personal benefit, relationships with lobbyists, relationships with vendors, obligation to report ethical breaches, and filing of frivolous complaints. Also discussed is the enforcement of the Code of Ethics by the Florida Commission on Ethics, creation of the ethics committee, and sanctions.
Educating all employees is critical. There will be an ethics hotline, ethics website and yearly training with acknowledgement that training has been completed.
The committee determined that there are established policies by the School District, Policy 4009.11, Code of Conduct for Administrators and Policy 5202, Gifts to Personnel.
A Professional Ethics website is being crafted, http://web/ethis/index.htm, and once official it will be added to the Broward Schools website. The ethics website will include the above mentioned policies all in one location. This website also provides employees access to portions of the PowerPoint presentation from the Florida Commission on Ethics, frequently asked questions, and links to the Florida Commission on Ethics.
Board Member requested that the ethics code include information regarding employees running for a Board position and staff having partnerships with other companies, including disclosure rules and requirements. Board Members are encouraged to contact Mr. Tynan with any recommendations for the Ethics Code.
Staff is requested to do an article on the Code of Ethics Committee, what has been done so far, and the future of this committee.
Information about the Ethics Code Committee and website can be found on the eAgenda August 10, 2010 workshop.
BCPS - Professional Ethics
eAgenda August 10, 2010 workshop.
1. Structure of Ethics Code
a. One set of rules for all employees, board members and appointees
b. Additional Rules for board members and appointees
2. Subject Areas
a. No personal benefit
b. Gifts
c. Relationships with lobbyists
d. Relationships with vendors
e. Obligation to report ethical breaches
f. Filing of frivolous complaints
3. Enforcement
a. Florida Commission on Ethics
b. Creation of Ethics Committee
c. Sanctions
4. Education
a. Ethics Hotline
b. Ethics Website
c. Other training
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