@browardpolitics 1/ Ex-US Rep./part-time Israeli resident #PeterDeutsch's legendary thin-skinned/condescending/patronizing personality on— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 6, 2017
@browardpolitics 2/ display today at @cohgov TAC mtg re his #BenGamla Charter School, where he ripped #HollywoodFL neighbors/city employees.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 6, 2017
@browardpolitics 3/ I'll have more details re #PeterDeutsch and #BenGamla Charter in #HollywoodFL, Tuesday on my blog, #HallandaleBeachBlog.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 6, 2017
As most of you regular readers of this blog know from the dozens of fact-filled emails and blog posts I've penned the past few years about him, today's episode/explosion at a Hollywood Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting re Ben Gamla Charter School,
was not my first time as an eyewitness to Peter Deutsch's equally-galling and legendary
thin-skinned, condescending and patronizing personality.
That personality of his comes complete with a sense of entitlement that far outshines anything I've seen anywhere in Florida since returning here in 2003, after 15 years of living and working in Washington, DC, and being in a position to see LOTS of rather inexplicable and boorish behavior by people with power and influence, up close and personal. Politicians, pundits, journalists, academics, et al.
My last blog post on Peter Deutsch and Ben Gamla came three months ago, on December 8, 2016, titled: Surprise! Peter Deutsch and his Ben Gamla Hebrew Charter School in Hollywood STILL think they can do whatever they want to do, regardless of what the city and its citizens think
Peter Deutsch is like the volcano that never ever goes out. And when members of the public speak their mind about longstanding problems that are associated with the school he created, which have not been resolved over MANY years, he erupts.
Deutsch thinks it's perfectly reasonable for him to verbally attack neighbors of the school
and city officials alike, and call them liars and accuse them of being unfair.
and city officials alike, and call them liars and accuse them of being unfair.
In Peter Deutsch's world, nobody-but-nobody is allowed to say anything negative publicly about his school, even when, as is apparent by the mountain of facts and evidence, it's 100% true.
Clearly, Peter Deutsch believes in #AlternativeFacts.
But he can't refute the very facts that are right in front of anyone who opens their eyes.
I can only imagine what he'll be like at the next public meeting re Ben Gamla.
I'll have more details about what happened at today's TAC meeting in Hollywood on Tuesday.
#PeterDeutsch showed his legendary thin-skinned/condescending & patronizing personality today @cohgov mtg https://t.co/fKmeAJ5h2x … #Broward pic.twitter.com/ujuzLknHdi— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 6, 2017
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