Jail Bait in Chaps 'Taylor Momsen'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkf3eURu5lYLike most of you, I love glibness. Some of you may even like it more than your faithful blogger.
It's like a little boost of something, a shot of sugar or caffeine at just the right time when you're dragging.
When I worked in D.C. and was working on some big cases, especially mergers, where I and other members of my team would put in 60-70 hours and practically live in the firm's large conference room, that time was always around 3:15 p.m. or so.
We were already worn out by Thursday and knowing at 3:15 p.m. on Friday there was another seven hours ahead of us, and that we'd be there from 10-9 on both Saturday and Sunday, was rough.
But we got take-out food from the best restaurants in D.C., learned a lot, made lots of new friends and helped a client out that could be very grateful and was actually in-the-right, so you just cope with it.
Sometimes, hearing someone saying the perfect glib thing in the most unexpected of places or context, much like seeing someone actually suffer their long overdue just punishment after long evading responsibility, like parking tickets, and then happening on seeing the offending car towed-away, can have a salutary effect on the rest of your day.
You're smiling on the inside!
But glibness for the sake of glibness can often be like a -choose your own personal example here- delicious Key Lime pie, which after the third slice in an afternoon at a charity fundraiser just makes you sick, no matter how good the coffee or the company.
(A perfect example was in 1982 while driving down from IU for Spring Break at the Fort Lauderdale Sheraton Yankee Trader with some friends.
Though we always aimed to make the best time we could to get down here, part of our tradition was to ALWAYS stop for a bit at certain places: a local restaurant in Elizabethtown, KY that had multiple 20-year old waitresses who looked like the ever-adorable Amy Smart(!), a great pecan place in central Georgia, and the Shoney's Big Boy restaurant in Macon, GA.
That year, though, we got caught in a downpour and figured we'd cool our heels there for a bit longer 'til it stopped, which is how I came to order a second slice of Key Lime pie with my third cup of coffee.
Five minutes after finishing it off, the sugar nearly made my brain explode!)
And so it is with our amusing Russian TV friend, Alyona Minkovski over at RT America, Russia Today's U.S. channel, host of The Alyona Show, which airs at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.
A little of her can be fun, amusing, charming and even thought-provoking at times, like a delicious dinner over at the Tri-Delt house on Third Street in Bloomington, when you formally meet some of your good friend Gail Amster's sorority sisters, and come away impressed, bedazzled and even a little weak-in-the-knees.
You see first-hand, all over again, just like the last time you were there, why they are la creme de la creme of IU's sororities, along with Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma and Pi Beta Phi.
Your pal Gail's a beautiful, charming and talented Phi Beta Kappa with a fabulous personality, and is captain of the Red Steppers dance team, to boot, but there's a lot to recommend her "sisters" too!
And you are so very, very glad you are at IU!
http://www.indiana.edu/~tridelt/ -Correct, the sorority seen in Breaking Away
http://www.iubpha.com/ -IU PanHel
But sometimes, when discussing some subjects, Alyona seems to be a little too glib for her own sake, and then it's just a downer all around for everyone, especially the viewers who want some gravitas once in a while.
Not to be a buzzkill, just to insure a decent amount of responsible discussion on the show.
Sometimes, it's like she doesn't realize that she can take it down a notch once in a while and be just as informative and entertaining.
That was what I was thinking after first watching this video of her's at the top of this post last Friday night, featuring Alyona's interview with Cris Clapp Logan on the latest scandal-du-jour featuring teen actress Taylor Momsen, who, in my opinion, seems to have no earthly idea how unappealing her public persona is making her to people who are going to largely decide her future.
And that is NOT other teens at The Galleria mocking their friends who have to work part-time because their parents don't want them to think that money grows on trees.

Sweetie, talented directors want talented young actors and actresses who CONSISTENTLY show up on time, know their lines and speak them exactly as they are written, and who hit their marks.
And who are NOT "problems" on the set.
They are not your parents, your understanding Grandmother or even your West Hollywood shrink.
They're your boss.
You, Taylor, despite plenty of advantages, popularity and some degree of talent to speak of, are NOT a 17-year old Natalie Wood -beloved!- and at age 17, you are already starting to collect baggage of the worst sort.
The "sort" that makes casting directors put you in the Plan B stack when directors call, because they want to keep directors and producers happy.
Southwest Airlines may take your baggage for free, but in a competitive marketplace like Hollywood, while your personal antics and histrionics and looks may help you get into lots of places on the QT, many people you'd like to work with in the industry are starting to think they just don't want to touch you until you have come down on one side of the other.
It's your choice.
Just remember, Taylor, there are planes landing at LAX everyday with more talented (and more attractive) young women than you, so wise-up or be 'yesterday's news' at 23 in the not-too-distant future.
You'd be smart to start looking at Jennifer Garner as a role model, because everyone loves working with her for a very good reason -she's the consummate professional.
She does all those things I listed above, and she was doing them years ago, even when she was less well-known than you are now.
Maybe you should try it.
Or "act" like you are.
Just saying...
See also:
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