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Monday, October 11, 2010

Comm. John Rodstrom wants Gov. Crist to appoint Comm. for District 8 who'd approve FY 2011 Budget, or declare financial emergency and appoint receiver

Just got this news around 4:30 p.m. from a well-informed confidant in downtown Fort Lauderdale who knows what's what.

Broward County Comm. John Rodstrom wants Gov. Charlie Crist to appoint a Commissioner for District 8 to approve the Broward County FY 2011 budget, or declare a financial emergency and have Crist appoint a receiver.

Tomorrow's Broward County Commission meeting on the FY 2011 Budget will be in Room 422 at 5:01 p.m. and will be web cast.

only works on Internet Explorer, but that's another blog post altogether.

(I won't be there myself because I'll be heading to the Community Meeting that Peter Deutsch and Ben Gamla Hebrew Charter School are hosting at 6 p.m. at the Hallandale Beach Cultural Center, behind City Hall. I expect a full crowd, and it'd be nice if someone from South Florida's news media actually showed-up tomorrow night to report on the story about what is being attempted here, but personal experience dictates that I NOT hold my breath waiting for that to happen.)

I was out all day today but am now seeing that Brittany Wallman actually discussed this story five hours before, around Noon, at the Sun-Sentinel's Broward Politics blog, complete with a video.

Broward Politics

Broward's Rodstrom seeks to take back employee pay raises, including at BSO
By Brittany Wallman
October 11, 2010 11:20 AM

Broward County Commissioner John Rodstrom will ask the County Commission on Tuesday to declare a state of financial emergency, in order to waive all contract obligations, rescinding pay raises for county employees, including patrol and jail deputies.

Read the rest of the post here:

From Broward County website:

Supplemental Agenda Items #39 & #40

AI-6619 Item #: 39.
Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Date: 10/12/2010
Director's Name: John E. Rodstrom, Jr
Department: County Commission

Requested Action
A. MOTION TO DECLARE State of Financial Emergency, which, at minimum, would cause the following actions:

Freeze all County wide pay increases effective immediately
Freeze all non emergency capital improvements as well as those that have not yet commenced
Suspend the Living Wage Ordinance as it relates to outside contracts with Broward County effective immediately

B. MOTION TO REQUEST that the Governor of the State of Florida take one of the following actions:

To appoint a Commissioner to Broward County District 8 seat who would be committed to approve a FY 2011 Budget.
To declare a State of Financial Emergency for Broward County and appoint a Receiver who would have the ability
to approve a FY 2011 Budget on an emergency basis. (Commissioner Rodstrom)

AI-6620 Item #: 40.
Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Date: 10/12/2010
Director's Name: John E. Rodstrom, Jr
Department: County Commission

Requested Action
MOTION TO NOTIFY all rating agencies immediately of a Material Adverse Change of Condition and request that no action be taken until a FY 2011Budget is approved either by an appointed Receiver, appointment by the Governor to the vacant Broward County District 8 seat, or by action of the Board of County Commissioners. (Commissioner Rodstrom)
Why Action is Necessary

What Action Accomplishes

Is this Action Goal Related

Previous Action Taken

Summary Explanation/ Background

Fiscal Impact

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