FOLLOW me on my popular Twitter feed. Just click this photo! @hbbtruth - David - Common sense on #Politics #PublicPolicy #Sports #PopCulture in USA, Great Britain, Sweden and France, via my life in #Texas #Memphis #Miami #IU #Chicago #DC #FL 🛫🌍📺📽️🏈. This photo of Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 classic "To Catch a Thief" is the large Twitter photo on my @hbbtruth account
Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.
A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025
Steve Layton YouTube Channel: Miriam Bryant sings the DuBose Heyward/George Gershwin classic from Porgy & Bess, "Summertime" on the August 10th, 2013 broadcast of SVT's "Sommarkväll" at The River Cafe, Göteborg, Sweden.
Just like Swedish summers -short, sweet and sublime- Miriam Bryant singing "Summertime" from Porgy & Bess on SVT's "Sommarkväll"; @MiriamBryant, @Zedd, #GeorgeGershwin
Why this song, now?
Because sometimes you just need to hear an old song you've always known, and hear someone you've just begun to admire and appreciate over the past year, sing that song really well to remind you why you like them.
Miriam's voice is just perfect for this song.
I first saw her perform this iconic song the weekend after it first aired on Swedish TV, and was very keen on sharing it here, since it reveals another aspect of her range, but to be honest, I then sort of spaced it. It was probably the oppressive summer heat.
In any case, when I finally did remember, I thought it was probably long gone from the SVT website after a few weeks, as they are VERY punctual about their rights. It they say it will be up for 30 days on their website after first being aired, that's it. It will be gone by Day 31
But fortunately, someone thought ahead and placed it on YouTube for me to later see again and share with you today.
I've mentioned Miriam in five previous blog posts, but the ones that actually featured her were these two:
August 4, 2013 - Awesome! Miriam Bryant's musical talent is opening eyes and opening doors everywhere -even in the U.S.; video of Miriam performing LIVE Saturday night on TV4's Sommarkrysset at Gröna Lund in Stockholm, easily the best and most-compelling performance of hers I've ever seen; @MiriamBryant, @StereoscopeAB, @Zedd, #pushplay, #sommarkrysset, #happy
Miriam will be playing at Sommarkrysset TV4 tonight!
Don't miss it, and make sure to read this article! — Stereoscope Music (@StereoscopeAB) August 3, 2013
One of our musical favorites, Göteborg's own, Miriam Bryant, performed on Sweden's TV4'sSommarkrysset TV show on Saturday night from Gröna Lund, mere hours ago, and as you can see, I have her most recent performance of "Push, play" from her Raised In Rain album for you all to see
Miriam not only sang great but looked great! Frankly, to me, she seemed much more relaxed and comfortable playing before an eager audience AND wearing shorts on a warm night, instead of walking around on stages wearing those long black/dark outfits she's favored so much the past few months, that seemed a little overly-dour during the summer. I was very pleased for her!
While I've known for a few days that Miriam would be performing on the show Saturday night, I was reminded of that again on Saturday afternoon around Noon by a handful of readers from Sweden coming to the blog and doing queries about it, even though all the people doing so from Sweden are, in fact, the ones who are 6 hours ahead of me in time, NOT the other way around. So it seemed odd to me that they'd think I'd have something up on the blog before anything appeared online there. Made me laugh, actually. But maybe it's some sort of slightly askew compliment, no? This has been a very good week for Miriam all around, since she and her Raised In Rainalbum were tweeted about on Sweden's official Twitter site on Monday, @sweden.
which made me think that perhaps she was so busy that she didn't even know about it.
As it happens, there was also a very interesting newspaper article on Saturday morning by Aftonbladet entertainment reporter Frida Söderlundin about Miriam's future plans that some of you may've already heard about and that concerns the details of her trip to Los Angeles in June.
Below, a photo Miriam shot in Santa Monica of an iconic Southern California spot:
Svenska stjärnskottet supersatsar - i USA, Miriam Bryant jobbar med Gagas producent: "Absurt" She's going to be working with the producer of Lady Gaga's current album, Anton "Zedd" Zaslavski, who really likes her voice and her songs, and may well be releasing an EP in the United States, and, presumably, Canada.
Last summer Miriam was working as a waitress at Järnvägsrestaurangen at the very popular Liseberg Amusement Park in Göteborg, and this year she's singing there to very appreciative crowds.
The closing paragraph is spot-on and, essentially, the comments said of Miriam, fortuitously, as history will likely show; again paraphrasing:
Before the concert a young man in his blue rain poncho spoke to the crowd and said that due to the poor weather, Miriam's show would probably be an I-was-there sort of gig that attendees would be bragging about years from now, because "small gigs may soon be history for Miriam Bryant. She's destined for bigger stages."
Nice!!! See also:: "Framför allt får man lov att fucka ur" Av Camila Astorga Díaz 2013-05-04 13:00 Miriam Bryant har blivit hyllad till tusen, om och om igen. Hon har blivit kallad "den nya Adele" och förväntningarna på henne är stora. Med debutalbumet lovar hon mer pop och mindre soul.
My two previous blog posts that mentioned singer Miriam Bryant were: APRIL 9, 2013 If Miriam Bryant isn't on your musical radar yet, she ought to be ;) Miriam Bryant - Push Play (Official), Finders Keeper (Official); @MiriamBryant MAY 14, 2013 On Wednesday you'll be thanking me for introducing you to ANOTHER amazing singer from Sweden: Cecilia Nilsson, a.k.a Cissi or "See See"; Cecilia will sing two songs LIVE on Radio P4 Gavleborg on Friday at 15:30; @CissiNilsson, @andreasjismark, #inmyroom ----- Here's the official video released months ago
Miriam Bryant YouTube Channel video: Miriam Bryant - Push Play (Official). Uploaded April 8, 2013. Push, play, stop, rewind, you drown your heroes in red wine...
TV4 video: Miriam Bryant - Push, Play (with piano & bass only -NO drums!) on the Jenny Strömstedt Show. Originally aired March 4, 2013.
Miriam Bryant YouTube Channel video: Miriam Bryant - Push Play (Official). Uploaded April 8, 2013. Push, play, stop, rewind, you drown your heroes in red wine...
The person featured in Miriam's video is Swedish actor Krister Henriksson, who has portrayed police detective "Kurt Wallander" in Swedish TV films based on Henning Mankell's novels for many, many years.
His latest one came out in January and is called "Den orolige mannen" (The anxious man). Yes, there's always something nefarious going on in Ystad! Here's Miriam's amazing first single from last catchy!
Miriam's Unplugged version of this song is at: You'll definitely want to check that out because it's in Black & White, just like the keys of a piano, which is the initial establishing shot of the vid and quite clever. Miriam, who's from Göthenberg, had a gig on Friday in Tranås at Babar, as did another young singing dynamo from Gävle whom I've been keeping close tabs on by the name of Cecilia Nilsson or See See -a.k.a. Cissi Nilsson- pictured below, whom I'll be writing about in more detail soon. So much sheer musical talent in Sweden, it's hard to believe sometimes!
If you're reading this in Sweden, you should be able to purchase a physical copy of the CD at most Åhléns Dept. Stores. If you're in Stockholm, I'd first try the one in Södermalm at Ringvägen 100, below, on the corner of Götgatan, on the south side of the street and across the street from the Skanstull T-Bana. It's on the first floor on the southeast side, past their large cosmetics area.
That's where I bought my Jill Johnson "A Woman can Chage her Mind" CD in January. ;)
Above, looking southwest on an overcast Saturday afternoon -temps about 20° F- towards the Åhléns Dept. Store in Södermalm, with the Hemköp grocery store in its basement that I frequented at the beginning of my trip to Stockholm. Though you can't tell it from this photo, this is the southern end of the always-bustling Götgatan commercial center that's the spine of Södermalm -and the bottom part of U-shaped Ringvägen that largely connects almost everything in Södermalm.
It's one of my favorite parts of Stockholm, in large part because it's the perfect combination of intelligent mixed-use zoning in action, with interesting commercial/retail use below or next to residential. It's a real living place with a beating heartbeat and sense of place, and you feel that spirit when you walk around, too. I know that I did.