Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Economic fairness is a loser of an issue in 2012 presidential campaign: Bill O'Reilly and pollster Scott Rasmussen, separately, opine on why President Obama's negative TV attack ads on Mitt Romney's re his tenure at Bain Capital, while driving-up Romney's negatives among Democrats, are actually failing to move enough voters his way, as 62% of U.S. puts economic growth ahead of economic fairness

Fox News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor with Bill O'Reilly
Talking Points: The real Barack Obama has finally stood up
July 19, 2012.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen opines on why President Obama's negative TV attack ads on Mitt Romney's re his tenure at Bain Capital, while driving-up Romney's negatives among Democrats, are actually failing to sufficiently move enough numbers his way -while making Romney supporters and moderates more angry at Obama- as 62% of U.S. puts economic growth ahead of economic fairness

Rasmussen Reports

Bain Attacks Fail to Shake Up Presidential Race
A Commentary By Scott Rasmussen
Friday, July 20, 2012
Over the past few weeks, President Obama and his campaign team have launched a furious attack on Mitt Romney's record as head of Bain Capital, a highly successful venture capital firm.
There is clear evidence that the attacks have had some impact. 
Read the rest of the essay at:

Rasmussen Reports

Friday, July 20, 2012

Why swing state Florida is NOT Obama's for the taking and what Mitt Romney must do to win it; why Obama's TV attack ads against Romney aren't working -it's the economy, stupid!; Local10's Michael Putney to interview President Obama Friday for 6 o'clock newscast in Miami; #LaurenGores, @LaurenABC17

WallStreetJournalDigitalNetwork video: Why Florida May Be a Reach for Obama. Correspondent Arian Campo-Flores reports from Miami and explains why the fickle Sunshine State may not be President Obama's for the taking in November, and what Mitt Romney and the GOP will have to do to win this important swing state. July 19, 2012.

sandyfrazier9 video: RealClear Politics Executive Editor Tom Bevan spoke with guest host Tucker Carlson on Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity Show about how Obama and the Democrats finally decided how they'd attempt to portray Mitt Romney in Tv ads to Independent and Moderates, without whom Obama can't be re-elected, and what issues or factors will most affect whom Romney selects to be his running-mate . 
Surprise! Someone who will "do no harm" and allow the focus of the campaign to remain firmly on Obama and make it a referendum on his failed stewardship of the economy. Posted July 2, 2012. -

Better than Truthy with Stephen Colbert, it's Newsy Politics, with IU grad Lauren Gores in Missouri: multiple-sourced -the way news used to be!

NewsyPolitics video: Economic woes wounding Obama, says new NYT/CBS News poll. July 19, 2012.

Homepage for NY Times/CBS News Polling:

Newsy Politics YouTube Channel 

Lauren Gores' Twitter page:

MBA's Best Newscast winner is a Hoosier grad!

Morning anchor Gores wakes up Missouri

Hoosier Lauren's sister is Rochelle Gores Fredston, former owner and muse behind LA's ARCADE Boutique on Melrose, which closed back in May. 
A few of my more fashion-oriented female friends in SoCal had even mentioned to me in the past that it was one of the most consistent boutiques around, whatever that means. 
She's now working for her father's very successful private equity firm

*FYI: Local 10's Michael Putney, a University of Missouri grad, will interview President Obama Friday for Channel 10's 6 o'clock newscast in Miami.
Have a good question that ought to be asked of the president?
Send it to Michael at

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Where are all the South Florida reporters? As of 9:48 p.m., the Miami Herald and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel are STILL completely ignoring Debbie Wasserman Schultz income tax/hypocrisy story. She'll always be their Little Debbie who can do no wrong! Drudge Report publicizes stories while Herald & Sun-Sentinel say "What story?" They are NOT watchdogs, they are lapdogs!

Where are all the South Florida reporters? As of 9:48 p.m., the Miami Herald and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel are STILL completely ignoring Debbie Wasserman Schultz income tax/hypocrisy story.  She'll always be their 'Little Debbie" who can do no wrong! Drudge Report publicizes stories while Herald & Sun-Sentinel say "What story?" They are not watchdogs, they are lapdogs!

Both newspapers slide further into irrelevancy, as if there was any way they could slide deeper, further alienating their declining number of loyal readers by their clear lack of focus and attention to detail, as they snooze the summer away.
I was actually going to mention this story yesterday afternoon, but got side-tracked.

The Weekly Standard
Dem. Chair Invested in Swiss Banks, Foreign Drug Companies, and the State Bank of India 
11:55 AM, JUL 10, 2012
Disclosure forms reveal that Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress from Florida, previously held funds with investments in Swiss banks, foreign drug companies, and the state bank of India. This revelation comes mere days after the Democratic chair attacked presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for holding money in Swiss bank accounts in the past.
Read the rest of the story at"

Real Clear Politics
Wasserman Schultz: "It Would Be Nice If We Had A Candidate for President Who Was Committed To America"
What we can expect is that the South Florida news media that has treated DWS with kid gloves for years as I've previously and frequently noted here, and done almost no original reporting on her, merely accepting what she says as fact, will probably NOT report on this until they have her side of the story, a situation they wouldn't do with more than a few other people.
We all know that if this were Allen West, they'd already have the fire-breathing editorials in print!

The two largest newspapers in South Florida and Miami's TV stations don't want to get on her bad list, so we can expect that they will tread very, very lightly with her on this.
Should we expect her press people to generate another banal story planted in the news media soon about cancer?
Don't be surprised.

See for yourself what a search for any news about this high-profile Democratic Party spokesperson gets you- nothing about her own refusal to release her most recent income tax form or her investments overseas..

All day today I wondered if this would get some mention before I was half-way thru a post on it during a commercial break during USA Network's White Collar.
As of 9:47 p.m. there is nothing on the Herald or Sun-Sentinel's websites.

Surprise, this is where you live, folks, the tropical boondocks!

154 results for "debbie wasserman schultz"

91 search results for "Debbie Wasserman Schultz"

Monday, July 9, 2012

Mitt Romney's summer of discontent: GOP discontent with the message AND the messenger 17 weeks before the election: "He wants to stick to biography. It's not enough." Romney's political instincts are increasingly seen as tone-deaf & defensive, not proactive

Journal Editorial Report on Fox News Channel, July 7, 2012. "Romney's tax confusion." Host: David Asman. Romney's faltering response to SCOTUS ruling on Obamacare over whether mandate is a middle-class tax increase or penalty has GOP activists concerned that the campaign is not nearly as savvy as it ought to be, and his jet-skiing on holiday in front of photographers has many saying his political instincts are tone-deaf, esp. when it comes to his family. Guests: James Freeman, assistant editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, Daniel Henninger, deputy editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page and Mary O'Grady, member of The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board.

Mitt Romney's summer of discontent: GOP discontent with the message AND the messenger 17 weeks before the election: "He wants to stick to biography. It's not enough." Romney's political instincts are increasingly seen as tone-deaf & defensive, not proactive

Of course, a lot of these sorts of points also apply to South Florida pols.

George F. Will: Mitt Romney "Can't Get To The Presidency Running Out The Clock"
ABC News "This Week", July 8, 2012.

Charles Krauthammer: Mitt Romney "Hasn't Been Ideological Enough"
FOX News "Special Report", July 6, 2012.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Even more on the dueling Marco Rubio biographies: this time, multiple videos of Rubio discussing his autobiography, "An American Son"; #MarcoRubio

MarcoRubio video: Senator Marco Rubio of Florida on NBC News' "Meet the Press"  speaks with host David Gregory regarding his new autobiography, "An American Son," and his current stance on immigration, one day before the Supreme Court's ruling on Arizona's laws re illegal immigration. June 24, 2012. 

MarcoRubio video: Senator Marco Rubio of Florida on CBS' "This Morning" speaks with hosts Charlie Rose and Erica Hill regarding his new autobiography, "An American Son," his being considered as Mitt Romney's VP choice, and his current stance on immigration. June 21, 2012.

MarcoRubio video: Senator Marco Rubio of Florida on ABC-TV's The View, regarding his new autobiography, "An American Son."June 25, 2012 

Marco Rubio's YouTube Channel:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

More on the dueling Marco Rubio biographies: Washington Post reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia, author of "The Rise Of Marco Rubio"; #MarcoRubio

WFOR-TV/Miami -Facing South Florida with Jim DeFede: Washington Post reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia, author of "The Rise Of Marco Rubio," June 24, 2012.

Fox News Latino
FNL Exclusive: Rubio's Unauthorized Biography Mixes Questions and Praise for the GOP's Rising Star. Juan Williams interviews Washington Post reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia, author of "The Rise Of Marco Rubio," June 23, 2012.

The Washington Post
Book review: ‘The Rise of Marco Rubio’ by Manuel Roig-Franzia
By Andrew Ferguson, Published: June 21
By the look of him, you’d never guess that Marco Rubio played defensive back on his college football team — even if the school was the now-defunct Tarkio College, folded deep into the remotest cornfields of northwest Missouri. But he did, and on the gridiron he showed the same gift that has guided his path from downy-cheeked member of the West Miami City Commission at age 26 to the highest reaches of American politics: an unerring ability to be in the right place at the right time. No matter the play, “he was never out of position,” one still-impressed teammate told Manuel Roig-Franzia for his new book, “The Rise of Marco Rubio.”
Read the rest of the review at:

© 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved
Above, one of my Marco Rubio photos from his June 23, 2009 appearance in Hallandale Beach at the Southeast Broward Republican Club meeting, which you can see more of at
my February 26, 2011 blog post titled, The show is Jeopardy! and the question is: "Can I have 'Midterms' for $2,000"

As most of you regular readers of the blog know, I've been a Marco Rubio supporter since before he ran for U.S. Senate in 2009, but I also don't think he's qualified to be president and say as much.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Can anyone save egotistical Lauderhill mayor and amateur mind-reader Richard J. Kaplan from himself? The chronic Internet crank continues showing his true colors and ignorance at BrowardBeat, and other readers have finally had enough of his twaddle, too

Can anyone save egotistical Lauderhill mayor and amateur mind-reader Richard J. Kaplan from himself? The chronic Internet crank continues showing his true colors and ignorance at BrowardBeat, and other readers have finally had enough of his twaddle, too. Or will an intervention be necessary?
I was going to send in the comment below about an hour after seeing Lauderhill Mayor Richard J. Kaplan's initial smarmy comments to attorney and frequent contributor Sam Fields ill-informed essay, but I decided to just wait. 

Mitt Romney’s Lost Lesson On Tolerance  
By Sam Fields
May 13

Good thing I did, because just like Hallandale Beach's own chronic Internet crank -whose name and multiple Internet identities I will try my best to avoid mentioning here to give him even more attention- Mr. Ego, Kaplan, couldn't help himself; he HAD to write yet again.
And again!
And yet again!

Yes, he's comment #1 -and #11 and #15 and #17.

Here's what I know and what has already been independently confirmed -and mentioned here previously on Friday- though you would never know it by what was written in the  BrowardBeat post or by Mayor Kaplan's initial comment: the family of the individual at the center of the hair-cutting controversy, John Lauber, says that The Washington Post completely mis-characterized him and got major facts about him wrong.

His sister further says that she didn't know anything about the story, and as if more was needed, the so-called "witness" in the original WaPo, Stu White contradicted WaPo's reporting in an interview with ABC News and has since admitted that he was NEVER physically present at any such incident and did NOT know about the story UNTIL it was told to him by the WaPo
This year!

Yet White was initially used by the newspaper to authenticate a story he was neither present for or aware of. 
A perfect snapshot of the American Mainstream Media in 2012.

Given his own inconsistency, lack of personal knowledge on the matter in question and what we all now know is his giant sense of arrogance in making claims about Gov. Romney's honesty or lack thereof, from a thousand miles away, Mayor Kaplan should cool it and accept that considering how frequently he finds the need to post at Buddy Nevins' BrowardBeat blog in ways that strike so many well-informed people as the very definition of utterly self-serving, we DON'T put any stock into what he says. 
If he said it was raining, we'd check the window to see for ourselves.

As a prominent member of Broward County's status quo I've-got-mine society, where taxpayers are always at the bottom rung, he in particular is hardly in a position of lecturing or hectoring others about matters of morality or scruples. 

(Seriously, he's been on the Broward MPO for about twenty years? No wonder transportation issues in this county are discussed at a Junior High level and taxpayers who pay attention are so f-ed with geniuses like Kaplan making policy -garbage in, garbage out, with taxpayers left holding the bag for bad ideas.

In the near future I'll have a scathing post here on the blog for you all to chew over re the clique of geniuses over at the Broward MPO that details not only how truly ineffective they are in getting their "message" out, if that's what they're calling it these days, but how completely ignored they are by anyone who pays attention, whether concerned Broward taxpayers, bloggers or the sleepwalking South Florida news media. I thought that so-called "independence" the MPO was given was actually supposed to make things better. It's NOT! 
Especially for taxpayers in Hollywood and Hallandale Beach.)

A little more hubris and a lot less self-serving comments would do real wonders for Mayor Kaplan, but I doubt it'll take with him.

He sounds remarkably like many of the well-educated and smug upper- middle class Adams Morgan liberals I met in D.C. twenty years ago, who thought that they were down with the struggle because they voted Democratic, and had a Guatamalan gardener, a Honduran housekeeper and ate at a Salvadoran restaurant.
Yes, they were like their very own Model United Nations, and were so full of their own goodness.

But in 1991, when there was a riot there shortly after a Black female Metro cop arrested a drunk Hispanic man in a public park, and the liberals saw that their political sensibilities didn't prevent their neighborhood from being damaged or looted, some at least had the common sense to take off their blinders, stopped being so cowed by their friends PC ways and tried to stop being so oblivious to their own past condescending attitudes towards others.
Which is to say, people who had different opinions than them.

Me, I bet that Mayor Kaplan can't go two entire months without writing something on Buddy Nevins' popular blog.
And I will let you know how long he goes, too.
Updated on May 16th at 3:54 to add Kaplan's fourth comment, #17

Friday, May 11, 2012

Factual Implosion at 1150 15th Street, N.W.: Ben Shapiro & Dana Loesch adroitly zero-in on the 47-year old Mitt Romney anecdote The Washington Post felt was too good to let the facts get in the way of printing. Oh, those inconvenient facts!

View Larger Map

Above, the entrance to The Washington Post, at left, 1150 15th Street, N.W., looking south towards L Street, K Street and McPherson Square in the distance. Google Maps
Factual Implosion at 1150 N.W. 15th Street, NW: Ben Shapiro & Dana Loesch adroitly zero-in on the 47-year old Mitt Romney anecdote The Washington Post felt was too good to let the facts get in the way of printing. Oh, those inconvenient facts!

by Ben Shapiro
May 11, 2012
Today’s unconscionable Washington Post story, which implied without evidence that Mitt Romney was a homophobic bully to one John Lauber back in his high school days five decades ago, has totally imploded.

Read the rest of the post at:

by Dana Loesch
May 11, 2012
On Thursday, Breitbart's Retracto, the Correction Alpaca asked the Washington Post to correct its anti-Mitt Romney hit piece wherein it included an inaccurate and misleading statement about his past. The error was exposed when Stu White contradicted WaPo's reporting in an interview with ABC. 

Read the rest of the post at:

journalsentinel video: A Few Minutes with Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber. Guest: Conservative blogger Dana Loesch. April 14, 2012.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Despite self-congratulatory declarations, Tampa Bay Times' PolitiFact's bias in analyzing "facts" over past few years is becoming increasingly apparent to everyone, and Breitbart's Big Journalism's Tony Lee points out some recent examples re Romney

Despite their rather self-congratulatory declarations, the Tampa Bay Times' PolitiFact's bias and rather loose standards for "experts" in analyzing "facts" over the past few years is becoming increasingly apparent to anyone paying close attention, and over the weekend, Tony Lee at Breitbart's Big Journalism was only too happy to point out some of those recent inconsistencies regarding their comments on Mitt Romney, and hammer them like nails.

Breitbart's Big Journalism

by Tony Lee 
In two separate instances, Politifact has contradicted itself with its rating of the accurate claim made by the Romney campaign that women account for 92.3 percent of the jobs lost under President Obama. 
The “fact checking” organization, which the mainstream media treats as an unbiased and neutral arbiter, showed how much it is willing to stretch the truth to support Obama and undermine Republicans.

Read the rest of the post at:

Original article this references is at:

(And given how long his unconstitutional charade has been going on, what's the real reason that PolitiFactFlorida WON'T touch the issue of Florida State Rep.Joe Gibbons' illegal residency? His wife & kids live in Jacksonville, NOT Broward County. Period.)

In this respect, PolitiFactFlorida is very much like like their big brother covering national politics, and their business partner in crime, the Miami Herald.

Far more often than can possibly be explained by sheer coincidence or happenstance -but which can be explained by the Herald's much-lower journalism standards and worse editing than 20 years ago- in stories about politics, government, lobbying, and business in South Florida, the so-called experts that are cited in Miami Herald stories are often ones that either have an emotional or financial stake in the discussion or argument, and these are often NOT mentioned, even though they are known to people in the area who pay close attention to things.
People like, well, me.

This worsening of standards is particularly noticeable in Herald stories involving women entrepreneurs, residential and commercial real estate trends in downtown Miami, especially on Biscayne Blvd., or Hispanic media and businesses.

Articles on those subjects are almost uniformly boosterish in nature, sometimes to the extreme of appearing to be little more than paid ads or press releases, and there seems to be a clear disinclination to ask hard questions and instead accept facts and figures proffered by the parties themselves.
Plus, worst of all, the reporters involved routinely quote people who have a financial stake in what is going on in the industry generally, or, have an interest in it being portrayed as positively as possible, and thus can't be objective.

Unfortunately, the reporters involved often don't appear to be smart enough to understand that they are being used or played for chumps by the Usual Suspects.

Boosterish articles in the Miami Herald will be the subject of a future blog post here soon, and the problem is not which article to mention on these subjects so much as which ones to disregard, because they are actually written fairly and objectively.
They are the minority, esp. those about residential and commercial real estate in downtown Miami.
That has gotten completely out of control the past few months with so many self-serving front page stories.

I'll actually be at the Herald on Tuesday morning and in downtown Miami that afternoon, so I will try to take some photos of the properties mentioned in recent Herald articles that have gotten the wet kiss treatment so I can run them next to the links I use.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

U.S. Mainstream Media's manufactured "War on Women" campaign is fine with them up until it actually backfires on Obama, then, surrogates are tossed overboard and MSM shakes head disapprovingly like they weren't willing participants. Same old after-the-fact moralizing and editorializing...

NBC-TV News video: Meet The Press, April 15, 2012: Democratic media spokesmodel Hilary Rosen's controversial comments about Ann Romney’s lack of employment and stay-at-home Mom status, and the Obama Administration's forceful distancing of themselves from her remarks via Social Media, perhaps too forcibly to be believable, are analyzed for future portent by former Democratic congressman from Tennessee and DLC Chair Harold Ford, Jr., GOP campaign strategist Mike Murphy, and Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie and MTP host David Gregory.

As regular readers of the blog may recall, I'm a longtime fan of Savannah but had to give-up watching her on MSNBC after Obama got elected once it became largely a West Wing echo chamber, and as others have noted, became both too predictable and chick-ified thru the likes of not-as-bright-as-she-thinks Contessa Brewer. I rarely watch NBC's Evening News broadcast, and if I watch Meet The Press at all, which is not that often anymore, it's always the repeat on MSNBC. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Rob Portman for VP boomlet begins to take shape, and once it becomes a bandwagon, it won't be stopped

Sen. Rob Portman and Sen. Ron Wyden Introduce Bill to Help Lower Medicare Costs by Keeping Seniors Healthy. March 29, 2012.

Personally, despite the avalanche of media stories we've seen in South Florida for months exploring and positing various positives and negatives about Marco Rubio, I've thought that Ohio senator and former OMB chief Rob Portman would be the GOP pick for Vice President for probably about eight months, which is part of the reason why I started a subscription to his YouTube Channel around then, and as you may've surmised, the video above is the fruit of that tree.

Over the weekend, when reading what was new at The National Journal, a magazine that, as I've noted before here, I first became aware of while attending IU, I came across this very persuasive column by Major Garrett making some of the same points that I've been making in conversations for months down here, a few of which are precisely why Rubio is not as qualified right now.

Despite what you may start hearing from the Mainstream Media about Mitt Romney looking to protect his right-flank by choosing one of two former governors, it won't be either Tim Pawlenty or Mike Huckabee, because in my opinion, neither has the ability to move a sufficient number of the tens of thousands of college-educated Independent voters in North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania who are THE voters who will decide November's election.

They are more interested in the economy, cutting government spending and creating jobs than they are in social issues, and Rob Portman is someone whose résumé and personality will appeal to them, especially the entrepreneurs who genuinely want meaningful health care reform, but NOT the sort of over-reach and top-down government tyranny of Obamacare, which will be a job-killer.

The National Journal
Rob Portman's the One
Why I think the senator from Ohio is going to be the veep nominee.
By Major Garrett
Updated: April 5, 2012  2:45 p.m. 
April 4, 2012  6:00 a.m.
Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee, Wisconsin sealed the deal, and he will pick Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio as his running mate.
Write it down. And harangue me mercilessly this summer if I am wrong.
Column writing, I have learned, is part provocation and part explanation.
There is nothing provocative about declaring that Portman will be Romney's running mate, except that it hasn't happened and I don't know it an as absolute fact.
But everything tells me it will be so.
Read the rest of the column at:


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Calling all Super Sleuths: Are you a good enough detective to solve this Mainstream Media news mystery?; Kathleen Parker and the Miami Herald's longstanding lack of columnist diversity

Calling all Super Sleuths: Are you a good enough detective to solve this Mainstream Media news mystery?; Kathleen Parker and the Miami Herald's longstanding lack of columnist diversity

If you saw the following five headlines in print or online, what would be your first guess as to what you'd just come across?

Mitt’s convention speech -In his own words. Well, almost.

Santorum’s failed pander - A false and snobbish attack on the president.

Out-of-touch Republicans - Romney and Santorum’s struggles bode ill for GOP.

Santorum’s war against elites - Campaigning with a chip on his shoulder.

Pushing Michigan away - Why the GOP won’t win the state in November.

What would be your guess for the source of this rather limited political perspective?

a.) A subscriber-only website for wealthy Democratic bundlers, all of whom are members in good standing of "Friends of O"?

b.) A college newspaper of a mid-sized Liberal Arts college in Ohio, with lots of high-minded, moralistic and incurious young women columnists who never attend their own school's home football or basketball games, and who aim to fit right in at some large East Coast newspaper, and just so they leave no doubt about where their political allegiances lie, they make sure they're right there in black & white.

c.) A special preview of the forthcoming print version of the monthly KosKooks4America comic book that will be bankrolled by George Soros?

d.) Your own local area's weekly VillageVoice-owned free newspaper that runs all those escort ads in the back, which opts NOT to do very much original enterprise reporting on local government or politics, opting instead to wait for the MSM to actually report their Conventional Wisdom take on the news, at which point the free newspaper's so-called reporters will run ten sentences of rants based on whatever the MSM headline is.

Those of you who are more Sherlock Holmes and Patrick Jane than Inspector Clouseau in your sleuthing will no doubt be pleased to discover that your intuition and instincts are still well-developed and accurate.
You've still got IT!

The correct answer is that the headlines above all came from today's Opinions page of The Washington Post.

My screenshot of today's Washington Post Opinions page email, which I receive everyday.

Yes, that bastion of journalism diversity, where you too can find gainful employment as a reporter, editor or columnist, regardless of your sex, race, sexual persuasion or whichever Ivy League school you graduated from, as long as you are a team player and know how to sing in a choir without being asked.
You will NOT ad lib or deviate from the gospel according to The Washington Post.

The guilty parties above are, respectively:
Dana Milbank, Mitt’s convention speech, In his own words. Well, almost.

Kathleen Parker, Santorum’s failed pander, A false and snobbish attack on the president.

Harold Meyerson, Out-of-touch Republicans, Romney and Santorum’s struggles bode ill for GOP.

Ruth Marcus, Santorum’s war against elites, Campaigning with a chip on his shoulder.

Katrina vanden Heuvel, Pushing Michigan away, Why the GOP won’t win the state in November.

If there's anything above that deserves special attention due to its ironic nature, it's Kathleen Parker calling out Rick Santorum for calling President Obama being a snob.
Ironic because the worst kind of insufferable snob is one that won't admit it, and that's what Kathleen Parker is.

Well, that is besides being a journalist with a rather convenient memory, which is almost mandatory to be a card-carrying member of the MSM.
Which is to say that when reality bursts her version of the world, she finds it easy to either compartmentalize what challenges that view, or forget it entirely.
But aren't the facts supposed to matter?

Tell me, in this April 2008 video, who is Hillary Clinton accusing of being an elitist snob?

Hillary Clinton responds to Barack Obama's remarks to Democratic Party supporters at San Francisco fundraiser that "Small towns cling to guns or religion"
"Pennsylvanians don't need a president who looks down on them. They need a president who stands up for them, who fights for them, who works hard for your futures, your jobs, your families." 
-Hillary Clinton

Oh, now you remember!

A close examination of Parker's own past columns over the years show what a genuine hypocrite and snob she is, when, at various times, in order to make herself more marketable, she's tried to create new identities for herself.

For a while, Parker tried to cultivate a public image of herself as the 'thoughtful Moderate,' who called-out the excesses of both liberals and conservatives, or, if she thought that it would play better, cast herself as the  modern-day educated "Southern" woman columnist, someone who was game to play at being semi-folksy in calculated ways once in a while to differentiate herself from the gray blather around her, esp. when she was  in Orlando.

Sure, because Orlando was the South!
Maybe to someone who never leaves Manhattan. 

Locally, there's really no telling why the Miami Herald foolishly has persisted in running Parker's all-so-predictable columns, or even worse, running those of awful Mary Sanchez of the Kansas City Star, whose dreary and unoriginal columns sound exactly like the Herald's own Editorial Board's predictable and myopic view of the world, esp. on illegal immigration, rather than make any serious effort to develop their own clever and original South Florida-based conservative or moderate columnist, whose fresh, idea-filled columns would run in the OpEd section, not in the State & Local section, which as most sharp-eyed observers would agree, is THE most predictable section of a newspaper its size in America.
Stale and reeking of moth balls.

If you agree, and I know that many of you do, given the feedback I get about the state of the Herald in emails and at various public policy or govt. events throughout South Florida, where I run into and speak to friends and colleagues and people who at least claim to read the blog, maybe you should share your concerns about that (and the Miami Herald's general state of listlessness) with Herald publisher David Landsberg about his singular lack of vision and ambition for the paper in the 21st Century.

In case you forgot, I already have -a few times.
And publicly posted it here on the blog for all to see.

In any case, for whatever illogical reason they have, the Herald keeps running Parker and yet when push comes to shove, how does her column really differ fundamentally in its message from reflexively liberal Dana Milbank's or Eugene Robinson's?

That's just it, it doesn't.
It's the chorus effect.
Lots and lots of the very same perspective are NOT equivalent to a diversity of opinions.