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Showing posts with label war on women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war on women. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dennis Miller says he not only is NOT undecided, he's "over-decided" for Mitt Romney; opines on Sandra Fluke and the contrived issue of the "war on women"; the role of individual responsibility in combating unemployment and slumping U.S. economy and NOT allowing the govt. to have so much control over your life; the 2012 U.S. presidential campaign

Amusing and pithy as always, appearing this past week on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, Dennis Miller, opinionated comedian and host of the nationally-syndicated radio program, "The Dennis Miller Show," told host Bill O'Reilly that he not only is NOT undecided, he's "over-decided" for Mitt Romney. He also discussed President Obama's appearance on CBS-TV's the "Late Show with David Letterman" and the softball questions he received while a guest there, and spoke about the 2012 election campaign. Uploaded September 19, 2012.

Appearing three weeks earlier on NBC-TV's  “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,”  Dennis told Jay what he really thought about Sandra Fluke and the Democratic party's contrived issue of the "GOP "war on women " in order to solidify their base of young female voters; taxpayer-funded government programs and the distinction he makes between helping people who are genuinely in need of help, and helping the merely clueless, who feel they can use the govt. as a hammock to support them when it's convenient. Uploaded August 27, 2012.

DennisMillerShow video: Dennis Miller Radio Show- Bathrobe Sessions #220. 
Dennis on the role of individual responsibility in combating unemployment and slumping U.S. economy and NOT allowing the govt. to have so much control over your life. Uploaded September 20, 2012.

"Dennis on The Road " tour schedule:!/969152456530916447.html

Monday, April 16, 2012

Despite self-congratulatory declarations, Tampa Bay Times' PolitiFact's bias in analyzing "facts" over past few years is becoming increasingly apparent to everyone, and Breitbart's Big Journalism's Tony Lee points out some recent examples re Romney

Despite their rather self-congratulatory declarations, the Tampa Bay Times' PolitiFact's bias and rather loose standards for "experts" in analyzing "facts" over the past few years is becoming increasingly apparent to anyone paying close attention, and over the weekend, Tony Lee at Breitbart's Big Journalism was only too happy to point out some of those recent inconsistencies regarding their comments on Mitt Romney, and hammer them like nails.

Breitbart's Big Journalism

by Tony Lee 
In two separate instances, Politifact has contradicted itself with its rating of the accurate claim made by the Romney campaign that women account for 92.3 percent of the jobs lost under President Obama. 
The “fact checking” organization, which the mainstream media treats as an unbiased and neutral arbiter, showed how much it is willing to stretch the truth to support Obama and undermine Republicans.

Read the rest of the post at:

Original article this references is at:

(And given how long his unconstitutional charade has been going on, what's the real reason that PolitiFactFlorida WON'T touch the issue of Florida State Rep.Joe Gibbons' illegal residency? His wife & kids live in Jacksonville, NOT Broward County. Period.)

In this respect, PolitiFactFlorida is very much like like their big brother covering national politics, and their business partner in crime, the Miami Herald.

Far more often than can possibly be explained by sheer coincidence or happenstance -but which can be explained by the Herald's much-lower journalism standards and worse editing than 20 years ago- in stories about politics, government, lobbying, and business in South Florida, the so-called experts that are cited in Miami Herald stories are often ones that either have an emotional or financial stake in the discussion or argument, and these are often NOT mentioned, even though they are known to people in the area who pay close attention to things.
People like, well, me.

This worsening of standards is particularly noticeable in Herald stories involving women entrepreneurs, residential and commercial real estate trends in downtown Miami, especially on Biscayne Blvd., or Hispanic media and businesses.

Articles on those subjects are almost uniformly boosterish in nature, sometimes to the extreme of appearing to be little more than paid ads or press releases, and there seems to be a clear disinclination to ask hard questions and instead accept facts and figures proffered by the parties themselves.
Plus, worst of all, the reporters involved routinely quote people who have a financial stake in what is going on in the industry generally, or, have an interest in it being portrayed as positively as possible, and thus can't be objective.

Unfortunately, the reporters involved often don't appear to be smart enough to understand that they are being used or played for chumps by the Usual Suspects.

Boosterish articles in the Miami Herald will be the subject of a future blog post here soon, and the problem is not which article to mention on these subjects so much as which ones to disregard, because they are actually written fairly and objectively.
They are the minority, esp. those about residential and commercial real estate in downtown Miami.
That has gotten completely out of control the past few months with so many self-serving front page stories.

I'll actually be at the Herald on Tuesday morning and in downtown Miami that afternoon, so I will try to take some photos of the properties mentioned in recent Herald articles that have gotten the wet kiss treatment so I can run them next to the links I use.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

U.S. Mainstream Media's manufactured "War on Women" campaign is fine with them up until it actually backfires on Obama, then, surrogates are tossed overboard and MSM shakes head disapprovingly like they weren't willing participants. Same old after-the-fact moralizing and editorializing...

NBC-TV News video: Meet The Press, April 15, 2012: Democratic media spokesmodel Hilary Rosen's controversial comments about Ann Romney’s lack of employment and stay-at-home Mom status, and the Obama Administration's forceful distancing of themselves from her remarks via Social Media, perhaps too forcibly to be believable, are analyzed for future portent by former Democratic congressman from Tennessee and DLC Chair Harold Ford, Jr., GOP campaign strategist Mike Murphy, and Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie and MTP host David Gregory.

As regular readers of the blog may recall, I'm a longtime fan of Savannah but had to give-up watching her on MSNBC after Obama got elected once it became largely a West Wing echo chamber, and as others have noted, became both too predictable and chick-ified thru the likes of not-as-bright-as-she-thinks Contessa Brewer. I rarely watch NBC's Evening News broadcast, and if I watch Meet The Press at all, which is not that often anymore, it's always the repeat on MSNBC.