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Showing posts with label 2014 FL elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2014 FL elections. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Why we're FOR Chuck Kulin for Hallandale Beach City Commission Seat 1: On one important issue after another -but esp. development- ineffective, incompetent incumbent Comm. Anthony A. Sanders has consistently disrespected & disappointed HB residents & Small Business owners. Here are the cold hard facts you need to consider -and that Sanders wishes you'd forget!

June 2, 2010 photo of Hallandale Beach City Hall by South Beach Hoosier. 
© 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.

Dear Friends:

For many Hallandale Beach voters, especially those living on the beach in our many large condominium towers, the most-populous part of the city, this may well be the first time that anyone has attempted to connect-the-dots and facts on how someone as ineffective and incompetent as Hallandale Beach Commission Seat 1 incumbent Anthony A. Sanders came to mis-represent you on that five-member panel that makes the public policy and budget decisions that you and your family has to deal with everyday. That's why taking the time to do it right matters.
And that's why I'm doing it right now -while your vote can still make a positive difference to give us all a very different sort of future and a much-better city.

(If you know someone who doesn't follow what's going on in our city and want themn to make an intelligent choice, please forward this to them BEFORE the election!)

I'm happy to be writing today as I've got positive and encouraging news to share with you about how well my friend and fellow Hallandale Beach activist Chuck Kulin's campaign is going to bring 
increased levels of financial accountability, common sense and ethical integrity to Hallandale Beach City Hall. As many of you know, due to Chuck's steadfast hard work over the years to help give Hallandale Beach residents and small business owners like you the sort of open and transparent city government we deserved -but were NOT receiving- he recently earned the endorsement of two individuals with well-known track records for demanding genuine accountability and responsiveness from government for all taxpayers: outgoing District 6 Broward County Comm. Sue Gunzburger and Beam Furr, the former Hollywood Comm. and District 6 County Comm. Democratic 
More recently, Chuck earned the endorsement of the pro-business South Broward Board of Realtors.

Those endorsements are positive signs that what he's been saying and doing is resonating with people, and I'm happy to say that he's earned those endorsements based on his solid record of civic activism and refusal to buckle to the powers-that-be at Hallandale Beach City Hall.

But what's really heartened me over the past few weeks is the very positive reaction that his pro-reform campaign is receiving from so many of you and your neighbors as he makes his way thru the city, walking the precincts and talking about the important financial and policy issues facing our city.
Specifically, discussing in detail what sort of positive changes he and so many of us believe need to be implemented at HB City Hall to create a better Quality-of-Life for residents and a better business environment for Small Businesses.

Do you want to know who is NOT happy about Chuck Kulin openly discussing those issues, 

especially the nuts-and-bolts details about what's been going wrong in our city for FAR TOO LONGThe person Chuck Kulin is running against - ineffective incumbent Hallandale Beach Comm. Anthony Sanders.  
And it's no wonder that Sanders is not happy, given his consistently unsatisfactory track record in office the last six years on so many important issues that affect all of us on a daily basis. 
Let's take a quick look at that track record of Comm. Sanders on an important issue that concerns everyone in this city, regardless of where you live -development- and specifically examine what Sanders said and did when three controversial development projects came before the five-member HB City Commission.

The first project we'll examine is the Diplomat LAC project, a project that was completely incompatible in every respect to the residential N.E. neighborhood for which it was planned. But the folks in power at Hallandale Beach City Hall loved it like crazy!

In case you forgot or are somewhat hazy on the details, that project would've resulted in 5-7 large condo towers the size of The Duo being constructed on the perimeter of the Diplomat Country Club, making the already-terrible traffic problems we encounter there worse, with resulting ripple-effects throughout the city. 

Single-family home owners and residents of the 3-4 story condo/apt. complexes on Diplomat Parkway, Atlantic Shores Blvd and N.E. 14th Avenue -along with residents all over the city, including me- were not just shocked that the HB City Commission tried to steamroll public opposition to it, but angry that the city thought it could successfully play hide-and-seek with public documents in order to make it difficult for HB residents like them to get their hands on the up-to-date changes to the plan prior to public meetings, so they could be as well-informed when they spoke at public meetings as the lawyers, consultants and lobbyists working for the developer.

Those same concerned residents repeatedly emailed and telephoned Comm. Sanders, urging him to meet with them in their neighborhood so that he could get a first-hand perspective on how the plan would directly affect them, even to the point of putting some people's backyards in permanent shadows, to say nothing of taking away the very views that had caused many of them to decide to move there in the first place.
But when Sanders had the chance to do the right thing, he didn't care about the concerns of these HB residents -and never responded.

Instead, Sanders voted FOR the incompatible plan, even speaking in favor of it at the Broward County Commission, despite the neighborhood/community's vocal opposition.
On the other hand, my friend Chuck Kulin was not only one of the plan's most-fervent opponents, he helped educate and organize the public opposition against it over several months, consistently speaking against it before the City Commission, County Planning Commission and the County Commission. Eventually, the County Commission had the good sense to vote the plan down, and in doing so, echoed many of the same sensible reasons Chuck had given over the preceding months.

The second controversial development plan where Comm. Sanders' behavior and vote is well worth recalling was the Beachwalk condo/hotel project next to the Intracoastal Bridge. Located on the site of the old Manero's restaurant property, which had sat empty for years, this plan would've required the city to give the developer not only a high number of variances, but also required the city to give the developer critical land it owned as part of the deal.
Just as was the case with the Diplomat RAC plan, Comm. Sanders was NOT at all interested in what HB residents in the S.E. neighborhood thought, even though they'd be the ones living with the consequences of a large tower being constructed and casting its giant shadow over them daily in an area with no road alternatives.

When Chuck and I and many other concerned HB residents publicly urged the City Commission to delay for just one month the first of its two public meetings on the project, so that the majority of residents and property owners along Diana Drive and Layne Blvd. who'd be most-directly affected -and who were mostly out-of-town for the summer- could return to town and have their three minutes to speak their peace publicly, Comm. Sanders said and did nothing to offer them any hope. 

Is it because Sanders simply didn't care about the neighborhood or its residents? 

See, Latest info & photos re The Related Group's proposed 31-story waterfront Beachwalk project in Hallandale Beach; Vote is set for Wednesday night despite the fact that many nearby homeowners are away for the summer and can't participate. It needs to be rejected! Don't give away North Beach!

When you examine the public records on the city's own website, it's clear that Sanders was a YES vote for the developer from the beginning, and soon after the vote, the developer and his team delivered some nice-sized checks to Sanders' 2012 campaign chest, just after they delivered $20,000 to Mayor Cooper's re-election campaign. 
Is that the reason that no amount of logic or reason -or even appeals to basic fairness- would interfere with Comm. Sanders giving the developer everything they wanted -and at a cheap price, too?

The third and most-recent controversial development project worth re-examining Comm. Sanders voting record for is the one on the beach located at 2000 S. Ocean Drive, next to Parker Towers and The Hemispheres. Sometimes referred to as the "Regency Spa" project for the site's former use, this unpopular project, with a ridiculous number of variance requests, was voted down twice before the HB Planning & Zoning Advisory Board, with Chuck asking hard-but-fair questions of the developer's team before casting votes against it both times.
But when the plan came before the HB City Commission in May, it was approved on a vote of 3-2, with Sanders providing the deciding vote FOR the developer -and against the best long-term interests of the residents of the neighborhood.

Yes, it was Comm. Sanders who was the final nail in the coffin that made certain that a building that's completely incompatible to the neighborhood will now be there for years to come. Unless something
unexpected happens, it will serve as a daily reminder to our city's residents of the complete folly of ever trusting their city's fate and our collective Quality-of-Life to him.

And now as you can see for yourself when you drive by there, no doubt in part to thank him for his YES vote back in May, the developer on that project has allowed a large Sanders campaign sign to be erected right out front of the property. 

Draw your own conclusions folks.

So with just over 10 days to go, I'm very enthusiastic because when Hallandale Beach voters know the facts and know the issues, they are consistently supporting Chuck Kulin for Seat 1 on the Hallandale Beach City Commission. 
You can not simply ignore the fact that Comm. Sanders has consistently shown bad judgment and disrespect towards HB residents over six long years. 

That sort of consistent behavior in office should NOT be rewarded now with four more years, since we know from experience that would only mean nothing but more grief and regret on one important issue after another.

I'm happy that Chuck's campaign is being so well received but with just under a dozen days of hard work ahead, I don't want any of us to take anything for granted. In order to get Chuck's message out to as many concerned and frustrated Hallandale Beach voters as possible, I'm asking you now directly for your help in any way that you can provide it to him. 

Whether that's helping with phone calls, walking the condos & streets with him, providing talent/resources, or helping the campaign financially with a campaign contribution, I'll be very appreciative of whatever you can do now to help him.

Trust me, I know as well as anyone how many of you want this effort of Chuck's to succeed, so
we can all finally have what we wish we had right now -a more open, responsive and accountable city govt. that provides a better Quality-of-Life we can all take pride in.

If you can support his candidacy, please go to his PayPal account

Or, you can send him a check to:
        Chuck Kulin Campaign
        1835 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd, #130
        Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
Cell 954-804-2210 

Hallandale Beach, please vote like your family's future depends on it, because it really does!
Vote Chuck Kulin for Seat 1 on Tuesday November 4th.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Smart word-to-the-wise re the Matt Cooper problem for Hallandale Beach-area residents/voters/business owners 10 weeks before November's General Election

Smart word-to-the-wise re the Matt Cooper problem for Hallandale Beach-area residents/voters/business owners 10 weeks before November's General Election

Yes, it's getting to be that time of the election cycle again: time for election signs to start cropping up for the November General Election on November 4th
Or in the case of the person shown above and below, time to start removing political signs erected by other Hallandale Beach citizens, employing their Constitutionally-protected right to express their opinions. You see, Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper's son, Matt, is NOT so crazy about that right of free opinion and dissent.
Especially when we "dissent" against his mother.

Smart word-to-the-wise re the Matt Cooper problem for Hallandale Beach-area residents/voters/business owners 10 weeks before November's General Election

Do you recall this email and blog post of mine from November 11, 2012? 

If not, or you never read it in the first place, please read it again...

Hallandale Beach's Midnight Vigilante is no Paul Revere! Caught in the act: Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy 
Cooper's son's Midnight Ride of campaign sign-stealing -on Election Day!; Anything goes now in HB -even political intimidation- as Broward IG & Broward SAO sleepwalk while laws & ethics are repeatedly laughed at by pols in power; @MayorCooper, #FDLE, @myfloridalegal,

So, in the "Lessons Learned" Dept., here's where we stand: After Labor Day, if you ever see serial social misfit Matt Cooper hanging around your home, property or business that has a political campaign sign
located somewhere on it, especially at night, please be sure to grab either your cell phone or camera ASAP and make sure that you take some quick photos of him in action -for evidence.
And obviously, don’t forget to take photos of his getaway vehicle, esp. the license plate! 

And before you ask, I'm not sure if he's still using a vehicle with a very large New York Yankees "NYT" logo on the back window, as was the case in 2012.

If you've read any of the articles that have previously been written about him, you already know that Matt Cooper has a track record of bending the rules and breaking the law, and using the name of his

mother, Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper, as both a shield and a sword against both law enforcement and the community's own sense of decency.

BrowardPalmBeach NewTimes
"My Mother Is the Mayor; I'll Spit All Over Your Kids," and Other Tales From Hallandale Beach 
By Stefan Kamph 
Mon., May 16 2011 at 8:43 AM

(As many of you know from fact-filled anecdotes that many longtime HB residents have told us over the past ten years, apparently, he's not even the only male in the family who acts like he's "golden" -and an "Untouchable.")

Of course, things being the way they are now here in Hallandale Beach -and have been for years- where clear-cut rules, ordinances and laws have been and continue to be routinely ignored or winked at because of
who’s violating them, whether that's R.K. Properties or FECR Properties.

RK is treated VERY differently -better- from other property owners and parties in this city, witness their longstanding failure over more than 4-5 years for them to comply and put in the required camera
surveillance warning signs 
regarding their security cameras in their parking lot in front of and adjacent to the Publix Supermarket and the Publix Liquor store at 1400 Hallandale Beach Blvd.

Plus, many of you also know from previous emails and conversations with me this year about other very curious things they've been able to get away with for years at their other Hallandale Beach Blvd. properties that nobody else in the area would be able to get away with -and nothing happens to them. 

Then there's what I call the 
Florida East Coast Realty//Jerome Hollo fiasco.
FECR Properties was required to fix their parcel on the SW corner of U.S.-1 and Atlantic Shores Blvd. once they bought it in December of 2012 and return it to its previous state until they began building on it.
Not that I ever believed they would actually build anything on it, having bought it for a song, to the complete surprise of The Mard Gras Casino, and clearly trying to re-sell it for a big profit.
Before I left the area for the summer at the beginning of June, they somehow had been able to get away with NOT complying with the city's so-called rules for 18 months. And counting...

More on that here, in chron order:

February 8, 2013
Friday begins a very bumpy couple of weeks for real estate developer Jerome Hollo and his plan to NOT pay Hallandale Beach taxpayers the $450,000 that Florida East Coast Realty owes them. And a storm is coming...

March 20, 2013
Csaba Kulin sounds the alarm over Hallandale Beach City Hall's aggressive attempts to prevent HB citizens from knowing just how much taxpayers will be paying the Police under their new union contract and how they arrived at those figures; HB City Commission's First Reading on this item is tonight at 6:30 p.m.; decision on waiver of $450k in fines owed by Florida East Coast Realty to be decided tonight

April 19, 2013
Wither Florida's Sunshine Laws? Part II: Investigating the continuing dysfunction, lack of appropriate disclosure of public information and the generally imperious anti-citizen attitude at Hallandale Beach City Hall under Mayor Joy Cooper; Yet MORE on the City of Hallandale Beach's failure to comply with legally-required public disclosure/lobbying laws, as well as the accuracy and timeliness of public records on HB's own website; Lobbying records that are supposed to be timely and accurate are TWO MONTHS old, making any pretense of genuine lobbying disclosure a joke; @MayorCooper

Yes, sometimes, sadly-enough, an oft-repeated rhetorical question for those of us living in Hallandale Beach to pose to the mirror is, "Is there any end in sight to HB City Hall's attempt to give away money to people and groups who neither deserve it nor who've done anything to honestly earn it?"
You'd almost think there were gushing oil wells behind Hallandale Beach City Hall, bubbling-up Texas Tea.

So, it's not like there aren't already plenty of successful predicates in this city for groups and individuals trying to get away with things when they have access to power or influnce, and similarly, Matt Cooper has continued to get away with his self-evident uncivil behavior, time-after-time.

In case you’ve never seen them before, just for some context, the photos of him in that link at the top of this email were taken just a bit after Midnight on Election Day 2012, less than seven hours before polls opened-up around the city.
He is photographed just moments after he’s been caught stealing someone else’s campaign signs and placing them into his getaway vehicle.
That is to say, he was caught stealing campaign signs of people opposed to his mother’s autocratic reign of ruin, where as well know so well, countless opportunities and incalculable amounts of money have been routinely wasted over the years so that Mayor Cooper could get her way on some policy or decision, despite the great cost to the rest of the community via their wallet and present and future Quality-of-Life.

In the next 10 weeks, if you spot Matt Cooper trying to illegally remove campaign signs from your property or that of your neighbors or friends -or attempting to deface one- DON’T bother to call the Hallandale Beach Police Dept., since they’re unlikely to lift a finger -and may well give you static for your trouble.
Instead, please email me your photos, along with the date, time, and any relevant circumstances/context, along with your contact info and names of any other witnesses, and I’ll follow-up with you ASAP.

I'll make sure that the concerned residents and small business owners of our community who make it their business to care about such things, get word about it in a timely fashion.
And, of course, I’ll also make sure that the so-called legal authorities who are supposed to deal with this sort of matter get all the relevant facts and are made to do their job -instead of ignoring the facts like they did 21 months ago- so that an appropriate punishment can be meted-out to someone who is so clearly used to
getting away with anti-social behavior.
I'll publicly put THEM on the spot to do what they didn't do two years ago -anything.

I'll also let the local news media know all the details they need to know, though we all know from sad experience over the recent years that it's foolish to think that necessarily having a compelling story in
Hallandale Beach involving illegal behavior or undue influence will actually catch their attention, much less, merit any column inches or airtime. Why?
Because it's in Hallandale Beach...

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Question of Ethics & Process: Why should someone who in the past consistently failed to show up for her official duties -and was removed- deserve to be rewarded and made an interim Hallandale Beach City Commissioner on Tuesday night?; Sheryl Natelson's excessive absenses & tardiness at P&Z meetings

Below is the email that I sent out earlier this afternoon with respect to Tuesday's important decision, and some information that not a lot of people in this city are privy to.
I've removed email addresses and I am the DBS below, of course.

May 10, 2014

I've been waiting until now to send this email out to you all since I was unsure until yesterday whether the rumors I'd heard were true that current HB Planning & Zoning Board member and just-elected chair Sheryl Natelson was going to put her name forward as a candidate to be named the interim HB City Commissioner this coming Tuesday night.

Yesterday's email from the city, with the complete list of candidates that I shared with you all, finally answers my question, and now that I know the reality, I can share with you now what my real concern was and continues to be about Natelson: the very bad example it sets for the future of this city of rewarding someone who was removed from the HB P&Z Board for failure to consistently appear at meetings
and consistently showed-up LATE for meetings when she did deign to appearwithin no time at all, is re-appointed to the second-most important body in this city by Mayor Cooper, her longtime patron who appointed her years ago.
·         Steven Carlo;
·         Albert J. Chiaravalle;
·         Susi Correa;
·         Howard Garson;
·         Harriet Ginsberg;
·         Leo Grachow;
·         Ann Henigson;
·         Keenan Z. Johnson;
·         Samantha Kleinman;
·         Csaba (Chuck) Kulin;
·         Charles Lincoln;
·         Sheryl S. Natelson;
·         Edward Pickett;
·         Anthony H. Romano;
·         Thomas Sands;
·         Etty Sims;
·         Von Thomas;
·         Phil Washington; and
·         Diane Lyon Wead.

This past March's HB P&Z meeting was like a sad replay I've seen far too many times for comfort in this city.
There was only one agenda item and Natelson showed-up long after that matter was thoroughly discussed and a vote had taken place by the Board members who DID take their responsibility seriously and showed-up, just as they were expected to do.
Furthermore... well, I think my previous comments to the City Clerk about what Natelson did after she finally showed-up speaks volumes, so read that below and draw your own conclusions.

I don't oppose Natelson merely because she's been a consistent and unwavering pro-development vote for what this community has vigorously opposed, with her often speaking from the dais more like she was the 
developer's point person on a project, rather than a person who was supposed to be looking to get all the facts out and look out out for the best long-term interests of you, me and the community at large.
And I don't oppose her just because she has consistently supported projects that were completely incompatible to the HB neighborhood it was situated in.
I oppose her for both of those things, plus I personally believe that her ethics and motivations are suspect, which her OWN behavior and actions have done nothing to dispel over the years -and currently.
Now you know the pertinent facts.

Good luck Tuesday night, Csaba, Chad and Diane!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Talmadge, Chris 
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 4:38 PM
Subject: FW: PRR re HB Planning & Zoning Board memmber Sheryl Natelson's excessive absenses & tardiness at P&Z meetings; her violation of Sunshine Laws from the dais

Mr. Smith,
Here are the records you requested about Sheryl Natelson. See the second attachment for her attendance records for the years 2011-2014.
Thank You.

From: James, Sheena
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 3:11 PM
Cc: Talmadge, Chris; Dominguez, Christy; Jefferson, Althea
Subject: RE: PRR re HB Planning & Zoning Board memmber Sheryl Natelson's excessive absenses & tardiness at P&Z meetings; her violation of Sunshine Laws from the dais

Good Afternoon Mr. Smith,

We are in receipt of your request and will provide the requested records within 3-5 business days.

Additionally, I thought it may be helpful for you to know, based on the policy governing Boards and Committees, the City Clerk’s Office conducts reviews of the attendance records biannually and takes the necessary action.  Upon the 2013 review of attendance records for the Planning & Zoning Advisory Board for the period 2011-2012, Ms. Natelson was removed from the Board due to excessive absences (see letter attached).  Ms. Natelson was later reappointed by the City Commission to the Planning and Zoning Board as of March 6, 2013 (click here to see action taken under Item #6E of the March 6, 2014 meeting Minutes).

I have also forward this request to our City Attorney. 

Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any additional questions in the interim.


Sheena D. James, MBA, CMC
City Clerk
City of Hallandale Beach
400 South Federal Highway
Hallandale Beach, FL 33009

From: DBS
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 1:35 PM
To: James, Sheena
Cc: Dominguez, Christy; Scott, John W.
Subject: PRR re HB Planning & Zoning Board memmber Sheryl Natelson's excessive absenses & tardiness at P&Z meetings; her violation of Sunshine Laws from the dais

April 23, 2014

Dear Ms. James:

I'm writing today to make a formal Public Records Request for the Hallandale 
Beach Planning & Zoning Advisory Board attendance logs, specifically, Board 
member Sheryl Natelson's for the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

Ms. Natelson once again showed-up late for last month's meeting, as she has 
so many times over the past few years, arriving well after the only matter on the 
public agenda was publicly discussed and voted upon by the members who 
actually deigned to appear on time.
In my opinion, she should have been dismissed from the Board many years 
ago under the city's existing rules regarding attendance, due to her frequent 
absences and frequent tardiness, frequently arriving well after meetings 
have commenced.

Since nobody at HB City Hall seems much inclined to raise this point publicly, 
I will, and will examine those records you can provide to make my feelings and 
the known facts publicly known.

Additionally, there is a yet another serious matter which I need to bring to your 

Just moments after the March P&Z meeting ended, while Natelson was still 
on the dais in the Commission Chambers, she began to lobby other members 
of the Board to make her the new Chair of the Board despite the fact that it 
is expressly forbidden for her or any other Board member to discuss Board 
business with other members, esp. in such an egregious fashion that fails to 
follow either the spirit or letter of this state's Sunshine Laws.

Among other things, Natelson specifically mentioned that in her opinion, being 
an attorney would make someone an ideal choice to be Chair of the Board 
because many of the skills that go into being a good attorney are also ones 
that she believes are helpful for someone serving in the position of Chair, 
the Chair of the second-most powerful govt. body in this city.
As if it was lost on anyone that she is an attorney.

She also proceeded to cite what she thought were some of the failings of 
the just-resigned longtime Chair, Arnold Cooper, among them, that in her 
opinion, the Board had not properly benefited from Mr. Cooper's professional 
expertise, which I believe is that of an engineer

It was hard not to see all this and hear what was being said because I was 
one of only three citizens in what was otherwise an empty Commission 

Since City Attorney Whitfield has made abundantly clear since she has been 
here that she does not believe it is part of her job description to be "the ethics 
police," and because I believe that the citizens of this community are entitled 
to have people making important decisions for the community to be people
who not only obey ALL the appropriate laws and rules, not just the ones they 
like, but to actually embue the spirit of the Sunshine Laws, I am forwarding 
a copy of this email to you to the Office of the Broward Inspector General 
for their attention.

DBS, 10-year Hallandale Beach resident