public's ability to participate + engage w/Broward Planning Council over a county
phone line?
How is this a positive thing for residents/public?
At 6:02 mark on video of July Broward Planning Council meeting. I'm sharing some news with you that I believe is both important AND interesting, which is not always the case. no?This news is something that I first discovered by accident a few weeks ago while researching another City of Hollywood and Broward County public policy story I'm working on, the details of which will be posted here in the coming weeks for your careful perusal and consideration.(I mentioned this news publicly for the first time last week on my popular Twitter feed, @hbbtruth. Obviously, I'm always looking for new people like you to begin Following me there on Twitter to keep up with things going on below-the radar and behind-the-scenes that I find out about or want to share before they appear here on my blog in a much-longer format.)
So, right now, for today at least, I'm NOT going to call the cavalry, point fingers, go off on a tangent, or otherwise make allegations that I can not substantiate.
Instead, I'm merely going to point you towards a very revealing Broward government-prepared video that I believe you should take a look at for yourself, where you are free to come to your own conclusions about what it might mean for the public and stakeholders' ability to communicate with government representatives, and make their voices heard on important issues of public concern involving tens of thousands of people, not to mention, their Quality of Life.
From what I have been able to gather, it looks like the professional staff of the Broward Planning Council -headquartered in the Broward County govt. bldg. on Andrews Avenue that also houses the elected Broward County Commission- and perhaps some members of the County Commission are VERY interested in pulling the plug on one of the ways that the general public can communicate with the 20 appointed members of the Broward Planning Council, who are largely elected officials from the thirty-something cities making up Broward County. As we know from experience, there are different rules for real estate developers and their army of lawyers, architects, planners and related helper minions.
As many of you longtime readers of this blog know, this appointed group is one that I have spoken to in the past involving very important development issues in Hallandale Beach that were being crammed down the throats of HB residents, taxpayers and stakeholders by the HB City Commission at HB City Hall. It being Hallandale Beach, this was often/usually done with only the mere pretense of public accountability, transparency or fairness that residents could have expected..
Shocker! This was done under the same HB mayor who is now ruling the roost there, Joy Cooper, who, somehow, got the great luck to have been given perhaps the dumbest jury in Broward County history a few years ago, who seem to have ignored a mountain of evidence and instead acquit her of multiple criminal charges, after she'd been arrested after being recorded repeatedly trying to get election campaign donations/payoffs from undercover FBI agents posing as real estate developers, in exchange for her help with votes on the dais involving development in the city.
As of now, barring any hurricanes in the interim, the next scheduled meeting of the Broward Planning Council is Wednesday September 22nd at 10:00 am in the Broward County Commission chambers. If I get any word, official explanation or not, for what's going on with the plug perhaps being pulled on citizens but not real estate developers, I'll post my update here!
David B. Smith
Hallandale Beach/Hollywood Blog:
Twitter: @hbbtruth,
Travel Massive:
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