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Monday, November 5, 2012

Unethical Bill Julian -Looking for another reason NOT to vote for mendacious Hallandale Beach City Commission candidate Julian? Well, he's a devout plagiarist and revisionist historian. Julian continues misrepresenting not only his own record while in office for 9 years, but our city's current reality. The night before Election Day, Julian continues illegally using photos he stole from this blog to promote his candidacy -for an office that he's shown he's clearly unfit for

Above, screenshot of Bill Julian's myth-filled campaign website, featuring three photos of mine that he stole directly from this blog, circled in orange, as it appeared when I first discovered the theft on June 19th. Fourteen weeks later, less than 3 days before Election Day, they're still there, hiding in plain sight. Julian is not just a repeat offender, but lousy at engaging in a cover-up of his own dishonest behavior.
Less than three full days before Election Day, mendacious Hallandale Beach candidate Bill Julian continues misrepresenting both reality and himself. Dishonest Julian continues illegally using photos from this blog to promote his candidacy for an office that he's repeatedly shown he's NOT "fit" for
FYI: I started this blog post on Saturday but decided to postpone it until tonight to wait for a response to an email I sent on Saturday. As you might guess, it involves Bill Julian's lack of ethical behavior, something you'd know about if you've ever dealt with Bill Julian and his posse. 

When Julian uses the word "Honest" in his campaign materials, he means honest in a way that's very different from the way that most people have come to generally understand the word.

Julian means that he honestly believes what he's saying, regardless of whether or not anyone else does.

Honestly, how many different times can somebody show you, themselves, that they are NOT a person of integrity? 
Not a person to be taken seriously?

On his website, Julian actually has the nerve to try to copyright material that is NOT his to copyright, since appearing on that site is the following: "© Copyright 2012 All Rights" Reserved Worldwide."

As if that were not enough for this busy plagiarist, Julian is also illegally using my photo of the Hallandale Beach Water Tower on promotional fliers that he has been placing inside small businesses around Hallandale Beach, where the owners know nothing of his true record and penchant for lying, exaggerating or violating the law.

For an example of this, swing by the restaurant known as Zona, on the northeast corner of northbound First Avenue and NE. 3rd Street. It's right on the window.
Yes, the place that used to sell tacos and where everyone always catches the red light near the FEC Railroad tracks.

Below are some of the first emails in a series that have been exchanged the past few days following my phone call on Saturday alerting the owner of the company that hosts Julian's website to Julian using photos of mine for months that he is not legally authorized to use and has not paid for.

Despite the fact that I clearly state near the top of the blog that among other places, my photos are NOT to be used for campaign purposes.
Julian didn't care and stole them anyway.
That's who he is.

The weird part in this whole situation is that the owner of this company, Mike, is defending Julian even while acknowledging that he will NOT ask Julian how he came to have these particular photos, which most of you will recognize on sight since they've been here for so many years. I have a strong feeling that Mike may come to regret that approach of his.

I will have more on this in the coming days, but here are the first few chapters, and all of this aggravation because Bill Julian can't and won't follow the law.

The first email here is from late this afternoon today, going backwards towards Saturday, with me being the referenced DBS. I've eliminated the email addresses here for obvious reasons

Dear Mike:

Despite the fact that someone who has been a public official as long as Bill Julian
should know better, once again, when given the chance, Julian operates NOT within
the scope of the law but on the other side of it.
Did you even ask him how he claims to have the right to use them?
I'm guessing that you did not.

If you ask him, he will NOT be able to answer even the simplest question
about my photos on his campaign website without acknowledging that, in fact,
he stole them without permission and without paying for them.

The Internet is not a Chinese restaurant menu for people the likes of Julian to illegally
pick and choose things they want without permission and without paying.

I sent you a detailed email which specifically had the links to the first time those 
photos -my photos- ever appeared on the Internet, and Google Images also 
proves it since they have the photos there and whose blog is shown as being
the ones that are associated with the photos back in 2008 and 2009, long before
you had ever heard of Bill Julian.

How would that be possible if they were Julian's copyright and his name never 
appears on Google Images associated with them?
They wouldn't. Period

If the photos are still up on Friday morning, and NOT deleted from anything and 
everything that you as the owner and Bill Julian as the client are in control of, I'll 
only be too happy to contact the appropriate legal authorities for redress, and
that includes the Florida Commission on Ethics, which under law, is empowered
to fine candidates in violation, regardless of whether or not they win.

I'm trying my best to save you from being embarrassed by your association with
perpetual scofflaw Julian, but if you keep making excuses for him, and don't use
logic or reason to do what is right, I'm afraid that you,. too, will have a problem that
you can't possibly win on.
Bill Julian, like so many things he did while he was a public official, persists in
acting like he has a justified sense of entitlement, and can do whatever he wants.
No, he can't.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Mike wrote:

I talked Bill and to my attorney today and will gladly comply with your request once you provide to me proof of your copyright ownership for the graphics in question i.e. .. copyright registration, transfer of copyright ownership documentation or documentation from the US Copyright Office.


-------Original Message-------
From: DBS
Date: 11/3/2012 3:04:41 PM
To: mike

Subject: re Bill Julian's serial use of my copyrighted photos on his campaign website without my permission, using your resources

Dear Michael:

Per our phone conversation earlier this afternoon about Bill Julian's serial use of my copyrighted photographs on his campaign website without my permission.
Something that I'm sure that he never mentioned to you when setting up his website with you
Obviously, I want those photos of mine removed from his website ASAP.

The first time that I wrote about it was on June 20th, the day after I first discovered he was
illegally using them.

This particular post has the three photos of mine he uses and the specific dates that I first shot
them and how I used them on my blog for years: July 3, 2009: March 3, 2009; and May 8, 2008.

Stop thief, stop! So guess whose campaign website contains 3 of my original blog photos -all taken without permission or paying for them? Bill Julian. Yes, just like Hallandale Beach City Manager Mark Antonio's serial copyright theft of many of my original photos. Antonio will soon learn that stealing just doesn't pay!

Here's some interesting information that I've shared over the past two years that has nothing
to do  with Julian's illegal use of my photos on his website(s), but which I'm sure Julian probably
never  mentioned to you -info that lots more Hallandale Beach residents and TV/print reporters
and columnists know about than he knows:

I'd appreciate your quick attention to this matter.


DBS, Hallandale Beach, FL

Late Monday addition to the blog post.
Almost forgot to mention it earlier but...

The city's rules regarding campiagn signage are very clear and given to each candidate by the City Clerk.
During Early Voting, campaign signs around the city's Cultural Center may NOT be left overnight.
They must be picked up following voting each and every night.

Early Voting was over Saturday night and yet as of late Monday afternoon there is one Hallandale Beach candidate who has chosen NOT to follow the rules -Bill Julian.
There's no other city candidate in violation of this rule around the City Hall Municipal Complex, just Bill Julian. (No, not even Mayor Cooper and Comm. Sanders.)

His very large campaign sign has been in place on city property near the cannons around the circle between City Hall and the Cultural Center and was still there as of Monday at 3:30 p.m., 45 hours after Early Voting concluded.
Please explain to me why he has been allowed to violate the city's own rules and the sign was not confiscated by Code Compliance and moved by the city? Hmm-m...

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