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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why would you even consider voting for such a despicable person as Bill Julian for the Hallandale Beach City Commission? Besides Julian's creepy habit while an elected official of illegally parking in Handicapped Parking spaces for YEARS, when you add his truly terrible judgment and penchant for saying and doing the wrong thing, why would you even consider giving him a voice in deciding this city's future?; @SandersHB

May 16, 2008 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved. 

Above, the official shield used to be used for "Official Business" only for former Hallandale Beach City Commissioner William "Bill" Julian, now running desperately to regain a seat on the City Commission. 
Julian claims in his campaign advertising to be honest and full of integrity, but the reality for Hallandale Beach's citizen taxpayers is that Julian is anything but that. 

Regular readers of this blog already know that's true because I've shown the damning evidence consistently over the years as it has grown, and you don't have to take my word for it, the evidence of Julian's own words and actions so overwhelming make the case AGAINST him
having any power in this community and any say-so about this city's future.

Here are just some of the most recent blog posts about Julian and his shocking lack of scruples: 

In Hallandale Beach, it's déjà vu all over again with Bill Julian's very sketchy ethics in plain view for all to see; In every way that is important, Julian is unfit to be elected and make decisions about this community's future,

No longer a secret in Hallandale Beach: More details on Bill Julian's longstanding anti-democratic tendencies while HB City Commissioner - he wanted to require residency of 3 years in order to run for local office in HB!; The worst enemy of Bill Julian is a smart voter who pays attention and who possesses a good memory; @MayorCooper, @SandersHB, @AlexLewy

Classic Bill Julian being Bill Julian -Why the rush at Hallandale Beach City Hall in 2009 to buy the Sanders property, with no actual plan in place for its use? Julian -"for the good of many, many people in Hallandale." Just NOT for the good of HB's own taxpayers!

But the reality today is that lots of Hallandale Beach citizens and other interested parties are coming to this blog who have never done so before, and have no idea what I've written about Julian before in detail and with photos to prove it and who aren't interested in plowing thru the blog archives to find the dozens of references to Julian's displays of unethical behavior and incompetency -which continue to this day, as he illegally uses my copyrighted photographs on his campaign website and in his campaign advertising- so I'm boiling it down to the most egregious case.
The example that stands for everything else you need to know about Bill Julian, and which breaks the camel's back.

Have you ever heard the saying that how you act and behave when nobody can see you is when you really reveal your true character? I suspect, like me, that you have. 
So if that's true, what do you think it reveals about someone's character when they consciously choose -hundreds of times- to act in egregiously anti-social and illegal ways -and are brazen about doing so publicly on govt. property?

The vast majority of govt. officials who have a reason to carry a real badge denoting some power DON'T park in Handicapped Parking spaces like Bill Julian routinely did for MANY YEARS all over this city, but perhaps most egregiously, while hanging-out with his pals and eating and drinking at The Beachside Cafe at the city's North Beach. 
Why couldn't Julian just act like a normal human being, like a regular Hallandale Beach citizen, and simply park in the nearby city garage for $1 an hour? 
It would have been so easy. 
But that is not how Bill Julian rolls.

Instead, for many, many years, as regular beach-goers like myself and the young Jeff Ellis & Associates lifeguards could observe first-hand for ourselves, literally dumb-founded at Julian's sheer audacity, he regularly parked in THE only Handicapped Parking space at North Beach near the sidewalk. 

Or, if that space was occupied by someone for whom it was intended, equally as bad and carrying the identical FINE amount as parking in a Handicapped Parking space, Julian parked his car in the Handicapped Access parking space, a spot legally designated to allow cars and vans to help discharge people in wheelchairs or who otherwise required assistance getting out of a vehicle. But it's NOT for parking! 
And most assuredly, it is NOT for parking by able-bodied City Commissioners like Bill Julian to use and abuse. preventing someone who really needed it from using it. 

So why did Julian do it hundreds of times over the years, just like he routinely parked in officially designated No Parking or Emergency Only parking spots all over Hallandale Beach, whether retail, hotel, condos, et al?
Things that I and lots of other people have observed and commented on.

Hard as it is to believe, in my opinion, it's because Bill Julian feels a deep sense of entitlement and believes he is owed something by society at large.

It's the same troubling reason that when no citizens were present for a HB City Commission mtg. in Room 257 at City Hall, Julian brazenly made a motion to triple the salaries of HB City Commissioners like himself, voted FOR it -it passed- and said publicly afterwards that he felt like he ought to be paid like a corporate executive because of all the work he did in what everyone knows is a part-time job.

To me and many of the most concerned and well-informed residents of this small city, the photo I've chosen to place at the top of this blog post represents a lot of things, and one of them is that William "Bill" Julian was and is so full of himself that he had no problem in publicly identifying himself on his car's dashboard where everyone could see it.
It also shows that he wanted the people who could do something about it, his pals at HBPD, to know whom it was and to look the other way -because of who he was
Special privileges for special people.

And as you'd no doubt guess, the Police Dept. ignored what Julian did over-and-over.
Like hapless Sergeant Schultz in Hogan's Heroes, they "see nothing."   

What sort of person does this and actually flaunts it?

A person who publicly feigns modesty but who has clearly shown thru his own words and actions that he's full of pomposity, a sense of entitlement and possessed of a giant chip on his shoulder. 

Through these and similar acts that have happened hundreds of times over the years throughout this city while he was a public official sworn to uphold the laws of this state, Bill Julian showed what a truly despicable person he is.

When you add that knowledge to Julian's already well-known bad judgment and his knack for saying and doing the wrong thing, why would you even consider voting for such a person?

Meet the new Bill Julian, same as the old one! And still utterly without remorse for any of the mountain of negative things he has done in the past to the residents and taxpayers of this city thru his bad judgment.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
For one politician, Hallandale Beach's land purchase seems heaven-sent
Michael Mayo, News Columnist
February 22, 2009

The Hallandale Beach City Commission moves in mysterious ways. Take the case of Higher Vision Ministries and the Eagle's Wings Development Center in the city's impoverished northwest area.

At a hastily called Feb. 12 special meeting, the commission approved buying the church-owned property where the Eagle's Wings community center stands for $235,000.

That's $35,000 more than the city's most recent appraisal of the land (in November), nearly $90,000 more than the value listed by the Broward property appraiser and $190,000 more than the church paid for the land in 2001.

Considering the way the economy and local real estate market have been tanking, that's a pretty sweet deal for Higher Visions.

So who runs the church and the social-service center? Pastor Anthony Sanders.

The same Anthony Sanders who's a Hallandale Beach commissioner.

"We were supposed to do this two years ago, long before I was on the commission," Sanders said Friday. "Back in early 2007, the price was $350,000. This should have been done a long time ago, but the city kept dragging its feet."

Sanders, elected to the commission in November after being appointed last summer, abstained from the 3-1 vote. He said the price was fair, noting two other appraisals that valued the property at $275,000 and $230,000.

But one city-sponsored appraisal put it at $147,000, and the most recent valued it at $200,000.

Given the circumstances, Commissioner Keith London (the lone dissenter) said the city should have waited longer. Or at least had the sense to take up the matter as a clearly labeled agenda item at a regular commission meeting.

The land purchase wasn't listed on the agenda for the special meeting. It was brought up as "other business" during the session called by Mayor Joy Cooper on an unrelated matter. The meeting wasn't held in the commission's usual spot where sessions are videotaped, but instead was in an upstairs room without cameras.

"Does this pass the smell test?" said London. "I don't think so."

You'd think Hallandale Beach commissioners, who took a public relations pounding for engineering a pay raise in a similarly sneaky way a couple years ago, would have learned by now.

The city, through its Community Redevelopment Agency, has vague plans to build an affordable housing project on the block where the center stands.

"We're doing it for the good of many, many people in Hallandale," said Vice Mayor Bill Julian, who approved the deal with Cooper and Commissioner Dorothy Ross.

London didn't understand the rush: "If somebody said we have to buy this parcel by a certain date to complete a plan or it will fall through, then I could see doing it. But there is no plan."

I called City Manager Mike Good to get their version of events but didn't hear back.

Sanders said the deal closed on Feb. 13, the day after the special meeting, with the money already in the bank. The Eagle's Wings center hasn't been given an eviction date, he said. The center, which provides computer and other training classes and submits food-stamp applications for residents, was open on Friday.

"Is it standard to buy a property from a commissioner and then let them use it rent-free?" London said.

Sanders said London is grousing because of "envy."

"This isn't a personal thing," London said. "It's a finance issue."

Sanders' church bought the property for $45,000 in 2001. Eagle's Wings has received $130,000 in city grant money this decade, along with county and state contracts. The nonprofit agency's 2007 tax return listed income of $113,190 in government grants.

Sanders, a longtime activist in the northwest area, said the city's purchase of the property is "just a drop in the bucket," noting the $12 million the city spent to acquire land for a park in a better part of town.

Sanders has been critical of the redevelopment agency's stagnant efforts in the northwest. Two-thirds of Hallandale Beach falls within the CRA boundaries, including robust areas near Gulfstream Park.

"When the economy was up, we didn't do anything [in northwest] and now the economy is down and they say we can't do anything," said Sanders. "So when can you do something?"

Seems like Sanders' commission colleagues have already done plenty for him.

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