Did you happen to see this post by the Sun-Sentinel's Cara Fitzpatrick yesterday titled, School board seeks public input on new superintendent, on their Schools blog?
Rather than watch the Broward School Board continue to engage in this costly charade, why don't we simply hire the highest-ranking person available in the consistently high-performing Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools that is willing to come down here, and then move on?
Why all this pretense when not more than 2-3 people on the Broward School Board genuinely cares what parents and taxpayers think?
(Oh, that's right, I suggested that very thing two months ago when I publicly wondered why the Broward School Board was SO incompetent that they couldn't devise a plan that insured they had someone in place BEFORE the new school year starts.
For proof of the pretense, see some of Bob Noman's recent blog posts and stories about Broward Schools for Channel 10/WPLG-TV here,
That includes video of the following embarrassing School Board stories:
Plan To Build $5 Million Maintenance Building Under Fire
http://www.local10.com/video/28177995/index.html and Bob Noman: $25 Million Schools Building Sits Empty
The best evidence of the School Board's neglect and incompetency with regard to oversight is the reality all around us, including here in Hallandale Beach.
By the way, the link in the Fitzpatrick post below shows that all 4 forums are in Plantation and Fort Lauderdale.
Taxpayers and parents of Hollywood, Hallandale Beach, West Park, Pembroke Park, Miramar and Dania: no soup for you!
I verified it here: http://www.browardschools.com/superintendent/search.htm
That sounds so familar...
Oh, that's right, the so-called Broward Schools Integrity Committee meetings of last year with the Butterfield Trio NEVER had a public meeting south of Fort Lauderdale, either, which I also mentioned at the time.
And did you already hear the news that despite the meeting being YEARS in the making, that is to say, YEARS OVERDUE, both Ann Murray and Jennifer Gottlieb will... yes, be no-shows for the Community Forum on Hallandale High School Monday night at the HB Cultural Center?
I was told this a few weeks ago and have heard nothing about them changing their schedules so they could attend.
Yes, once again, none of the people elected to REPRESENT Hallandale Beach on the Broward School Board will be in attendance, just as happened SO MANY times over the recent years with Carole L. Andrews, Eleanor Sobel and Ann Murray.
The first, Andrews, selfishly stayed in office far too long and abused her SE Broward constituents' trust after getting very sick by continually not showing-up for official meetings and workshops but refusing to resign so someone else could do the job right, even running for re-election even though she knew she was dying of cancer; the second, Sobel, flat-out lied to Broward voters while running for the School Board position and NEVER had any intention of serving out the entire four-year term, always keeping her eyes on the State Senate position she now holds; the third, Murray, is an incompetent, small-minded bigot who ran as as reformer and has rewarded voters by being among the single worst offenders on a very corrupt and sorry lot that the statewide Grand Jury said ought to be ABOLISHED.
Their personal, professional and political needs ALWAYS took precedence over the legitimate needs of this community's taxpayers and parents.
Nothing quite says I could care less like actually NOT showing up!
And whatever happened to that public meeting Ann Murray promised SE Broward parents MONTHS AGO when they showed up en masse at the Hepburn Center in HB one Monday night when Murray was there -her first time ever in HB for something non-political?-fully expecting her to listen and to be able to competently answer their questions, all of which was caught on tape by Channel 4 News and reporter Natalia Zea?
CBS-4 video of February 28, 2011 - Broward Committee Demands Action For Dilapidated School
As of today -NOTHING!
At least Murray and Gottlieb are consistent in their continuing indifference to us!
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
South Florida Schools blog
School board seeks public input on new superintendent
By Cara Fitzpatrick
June 9, 2011 11:19 AM
The Broward County School Board is asking parents, employees and community members to describe the qualities they'd like to see in a new superintendent.
Read the rest of the post at:
Monday's forum on Hallandale High School at the HB Cultural Center:
![]() | flyer fr 6 13 11 community forum.pdf 142K View Download |
![]() | 6_13_community_forum_agenda_ppt.PDF 762K View Download |
![]() | minutes_fr_5_19_11_tf_mtng.doc 44K View Download |
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