Sent on behalf of Commissioner Sally Heyman:From: District4 <District4@miamidade.gov>
Date: Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:18 PM
Subject: RE: Miami--Dade mayoral debates/forums in District Four
3 events were scheduled in Northeast Dade and Robania declined to come to all.
Office of Commissioner Sally Heyman
1100 N.E. 163rd Street, Suite 303
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
(305) 787-5998 fax
"Delivering Excellence Every Day"
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Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:53 AM
To: District4
Subject: Miami--Dade mayoral debates/forums in District Four
May 26th, 2011
Dear Comm. Heyman:
I would greatly appreciate it if your staff could share with me any information they have first-hand knowledge of regarding any public Miami--Dade mayoral debates/forums that have taken place anywhere in District Four since the recall went into effect in March, or of any prospective debates scheduled before the June 28th runoff, with date, time and location.
My research into this matter thus far has shown that there have been approximately ZERO debates in the past and ZERO debates planned for the next four weeks, despite an abundance of facilities within your District that would be more than adequate for the purposes of hosting a debate/forum where NE Dade citizens, could share their unique concerns and issues with the candidates.
Now that there will be a run-off election between Mayor Robaina and Comm. Gimenez, I should think that it would be more important than ever that some, city or non-profit in District Four seize the opportunity to make sure that voters in NE Dade get the very same opportunities to see and hear the candidates, in-person as those in parts of the county south and west of downtown Miami already have -multiple times.
Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter
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