FOLLOW me on my popular Twitter feed. Just click this photo! @hbbtruth - David - Common sense on #Politics #PublicPolicy #Sports #PopCulture in USA, Great Britain, Sweden and France, via my life in #Texas #Memphis #Miami #IU #Chicago #DC #FL 🛫🌍📺📽️🏈. This photo of Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 classic "To Catch a Thief" is the large Twitter photo on my @hbbtruth account

Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label fashion industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion industry. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Trending -with style!- at Hallandale Beach Blog: Maria Sharapova and her knowing, nuanced and amusing tweets about sports, food, fashion, travel and the unusual under-the-microscope life she leads; @MariaSharapova, #Sugarpova, #Stockholm: ABC News Nightline video of her 2010 trip to Chernobyl

Trending -with style!- at Hallandale Beach Blog: Maria Sharapova and her knowing, nuanced and amusing tweets about sports, food, fashion, travel and the unusual under-the-microscope life she leads; @MariaSharapova, #Sugarpova, #Stockholm: ABC News Nightline video of her 2010 trip to Chernobyl
Here at the blog we love her because she's STILL so remarkably level-headed and thoughtful despite all her great success, on and off the court! 
If @MariaSharapova is NOT playing in the finals of a Women's Grand Slam, like this morning's Wimbledon finals, chances are high that we won't watch it for more than 15-20 minutes at a time.

The other crazy thing is that for reasons not worth getting fully into here, because of Maria Sharapova's upbringing via her parents, despite her being born in Russia, she's demonstrably more pro-American and down-to-earth -and better informed- than most members of the current U.S. (and European) Mainstream Media that's covering Wimbledon on TV/cable and which you'll be reading online over this Fourth of July weekend, especially the jaded and  blasé under-40 women
Some of us really appreciate that aspect of her winning personality.

My last blog post on Maria Sharapova featured a very good ABC News Nightline segment that originally aired on August 17, 2010.called Out of the Ashes: Maria Sharapova .
It dealt with her visiting the general area near where she might've been born, about 100 miles from Chernobyl -correct, THAT Chernobyl- where her parents lived UNTIL AFTER the 1986 nuclear accident that led them to western SIberia, due to radiation fallout and concern with birth defects.
Maria was born about 51 weeks after the disaster.
The second part of the video focuses on her first yisit there since she was 13 years old.

That November 28th, 2010 blog post was titled, Anna Poslavska, 2010 Miss Ukraine, has a doppelgänger who frequently hits the Panera in Hallandale Beach; Maria Sharapova in The Ukraine

E:60 Maria Sharapova From Russia With Love Chernobyl, 2010.
Narrated by then-ESPN correspondent Rachel Nichols. 

which is more interesting when you remember that three months ago, she tweeted about fictional Swedish literary icon, Pippi Longstocking...

The thought that popped into my head while writing this:
Longest legs, Maria Sharapova vs. Stacey Keibler
I think we might need a Tale of the Tape to figure that one out for sure.

Monday, February 18, 2013

We applaud TheWrap's Sharon Waxman for adroitly performing a LIVE autopsy on curious recent Washington Post and N.Y. Times moves -WaPo booting Ombudsman position while NYT's "T" Mag curiously goes into a Time Machine and then bows and genuflects to NY society grande dame Lee Radziwill

We applaud TheWrap's Sharon Waxman for adroitly performing a LIVE autopsy on curious recent Washington Post and N.Y. Times moves -WaPo booting Ombudsman position while NYT's "T" Mag curiously goes into a Time Machine and then bows and genuflects to NY society grande dame Lee Radziwill 
WaxWord blog
Washington Post May Cut Ombudsman; New York Times Shills for Lee Radziwill
By Sharon Waxman
Published: February 17, 2013 @ 3:52 pm
The Washington Post is about to cut its ombudsman, according to its ombudsman.
In the latest, lamentable sign of the diminishing of America’s great daily newspapers, Patrick Pexton wrote this weekend that he is likely to be the last reader representative for the paper when his two-year term ends on Feb. 28.
Read the rest of the column at

Beware the Ghosts of Carrie Donovan! 
Democratic on their voter's registration card, yes, but baronial in their tastes -who said the class system was dead in New York?

New York magazine
The Cut blog
Deborah Needleman Puts Lee Radziwill on Her Debut T Cover
By Charlotte Cowles and Jenni Avin
Posted February 7, 2013 at 9:57 a.m.

Speaking of Lee Radziwill, at a joint press conference today, Madame Chiang Kai-shek and Col. Robert R. McCormick announced...

See also:
Valentine’s Day Bloodbath: WaPo Lays Off Workers in Hush-Hush Manner


Friday, December 14, 2012

Dynamic Swedish fashion forward retailer H&M opens store at Aventura Mall today - Finally! Store near me is located near Bloomingdale's on far south side of Aventura Mall; @hm, @iamdwerbowy

H&M Finally! November 14, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
Despite the fact that it's been known since mid-July that the Aventura Mall less than two miles south of me would be opening a large 25,000 square foot Hennes and Mauritz -H&M's- the Mall's official website hasn't been updated as you might expect it would be to accurately reflect the store's grand opening today, and show customers where it is on either a stationary or interactive map. Nice going!
Way to embrace the technology!
says that the H&M is on... "Level: upper level."

Some of H&M's in-mall promotion. November 14, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.

But located next to what? Near what major anchor store? On what side of the Mall???
Such obvious questions, yes?
Good thing I'm here to answer those questions in an intelligent fashion.

Late afternoon, looking east at Bloomingdale's, Aventura Mall, Aventura, FL. November 14, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
Actually, the truth is that H&M will be located on levels 2 and 3, near Bloomingdale’s, above, on the far south side of the Mall. 

If you're heading over there for the High Noon opening today, like I am, be smart.
Whatever you do, DON'T park near the Bloomingdale's or you will be circling forever.
Instead, park closer to near the Sear's and come into the Mall near the entrance to the AMC 24 Theatres and the Starbucksand save yourself some time and aggravation. 
You're welcome!

If you see this when you walk into the Mall, you successfully followed my directions!
November 14, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.

Daria Werbowy, @iamdwerbowy,

H&M's Holiday 2012 ad campaign featuring Daria Werbowy, on location in Zermatt, via Wendy Lam at her fashion blog, Nitrolicious:

View Larger Map

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Some of Fashion & Entertainment's "Tough Chicks in Luxury Packaging": Amber Heard, Jennifer Åkerman and Blake Lively; @AmberHeard, @jjakerman, @BlakeLively; Tuff Brud I Lyxförpackning

Terry Richardson: Behind the scenes with Amber Heard.

Yes, Amber's smile above at 0:44 is pure perfection!

A friendly series of email flares sent up from both Park Slope and West End Avenue this morning alerted us to the exciting news:"Must-see Amber Heard photo essay in today's N.Y. Times "T" Magazine.
("T" being their Style magazine for those of you who are uninitiated.)
Immediately, we got to work and relayed the message via our 24/7 communication network...

This blog and its network of friends around the world thank our New York City friends who wish to remain anonymous for the thoughtful head's-up, and now have a must-buy Sunday Times print edition situation for the first time in quite awhile.
No promises, but we might have some photos here later in the day, after a coffee run later this afternoon from you-know-where.

Here's the basics:

The Well Rounded Amber Heard
By Kathryn Branch
August 17, 2012, 4:00 PM
The video of the behind-the-scenes photo shoot by Terry Richardson is at:
The last time I saw such a beautiful woman with a cute pet in a photo was... oh, that's right, this morning.

It came when I was checking my email and saw that well-grounded fave of the blog, LA-based blogger -LA Life- singer and Wilhemina NY model Jennifer Åkerman had just written about her latest magazine interview, with Uniprice Sweden, which she did while she's back in Sweden for a few weeks on vacation, and was photographed with her journalist sister's cat.

Her post: 
The actual interview and photo is titled, humorously in this case, Tuff Brud i Lyxförpackning
i.e. Tough Chick in Luxury Packaging, and is at:

This title is a reference to a very popular Swedish song by singer Lill-Babs in 1961, a song title that over the past 50 years has also gotten a life of its own as a saying or metaphor, usually as a positive. 
It helps, of course, that the word "brud" can also be used in Swedish for bride as well as babe and -wait for it- chick.

PontiacGrandPrix63 video: Lill-Babs - Tuff Brud I Lyxförpackning (1961)
Uploaded April 17, 2011.

What's old becomes new again in 2010 as Petter keeps it real with Lill-Babs watching from the dinner table.
You don't have to know any Swedish to see why this is both clever and funny, so watch the whole thing!  

YetAnotherStranger1 video: Petter Alexis Askergren sings "Tuff brud i lyxförpackning" on TV4 Sweden's "Så mycket bättre" (So much better) Full song! Uploaded November 14, 2010.

Hon är en tuff brud i lyxförpackning. 
En tuff brud i snyggt fodral...

(She is one tough chick in luxury packaging. 
A tough chick in the attractive case...)

The best American pop culture comparison might be Ann-Marget in Kitten with a Whip, where the title of that 1964 film, co-starring John Forsyth, has been appropriated hundreds and hundreds of times for other purposes, especially as the title of an article in popular magazines of nearly every subject you can think of.

tonypatti video: Kitten With a Whip -Famous Someday -Ann-Marget and John Forsyth (1964).

Jen's popular and oh-so-catchy song from last year with her band Bella Tech

Bella Tech - Summer Song
The Los Angeles-based band that features lead vocals by Jennifer Åkerman.

Here's the video for her newest solo single, from this summer, Silent Killer...

bellsoto video: "Silent Killer" - Jennifer Akerman, directed by Bell Soto, Uploaded June 2, 2012.

By the way, with the demise of the LA Times Magazine due to budget cuts at parent Tribune Company, one of the few places where yours truly could oftentimes find that delicious nugget of pop culture information that confirmed his intuition and sense of things in the entertainment universe while living in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and South Florida, I now have one less dependable, albeit-celeb-heavy, source of information. 
The news about this forced me to shed a tear of sadness.

Regular readers of the blog might recall they ran that excellent piece in their April issue that I linked to here in my post of April 11, 2012 titled, After Stieg Larsson, whom? April 2012 LA Times Magazine features stories on amazing Stockholm and some prominent Swedish crime novelists -and explains why you should be reading them!

Their cover subject for their last issue, in June, was also a favorite of this blog, the delightful Blake Lively.

I really did mean to bring this up when it was first announced, because it's quite a telling example of what's going on in the American economy right now, as advertising dollars migrate to non-print locales, but...

Los Angeles Times to discontinue LA, its Sunday magazine
The magazine, which came out monthly, will print its final issue June 3.
By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times
May 16, 2012|




Listen to Jennifer here:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pre-Christmas Businessman's Special: Channel 4's "Business Mouse" is the 21st Century 'Man in the Gray Flannel Suit''; VIP tour of Hearst Media's NYC HQ

Channel 4 video: Business Mouse, Episode 1: Business or Leisure?
Comedy Blaps, November 11, 2011.

Business Mouse has no problems in being characterized by some as the 21st Century 'Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.' 
In fact, he relishes the comparison.
He loves his business suits and he is bold and savvy where others are cautious and dithering -like Obama.

Chicken or the egg?
As you can see from below, in Episode 2, he believes in the profit margin of both! 

Channel 4 video: Business Mouse, Episode 2: All Eggs and No Basket
Comedy Blaps, November 17, 2011.

Channel 4 video: Business Mouse, Episode 3: Portfolio Expansion Programme
Comedy Blaps, December 15, 2011.

Speaking of the fashion magazine publishing world as we just were in Episode 3 with Condé Nast's Vogue, let's take a look at the home of one of their competitors...'s Cubes video series: Hearst Media - Zanna Roberts Rassi, a Senior fashion Editor at Marie Claire gives us the VIP treatment in her tour of the Hearst Tower on West 57th Street. That corporate cafeteria of theirs, Cafe 57,  is one of the most famous and most-written about in NYC.
Article at:

Trailer: The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit (1956) -Starring Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones and Frederic March.

HBB Trivia: I had a girlfriend at IU who used to frequently buy me Grey Flannel cologne by Geoffrey Beene.

More Comedy Blaps at:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Google does it again! Now mapping the great Indoors!; LA Weekly's Informer blog: "Google Maps to go Indoors, Cover Macy's in L.A. And Other Malls"

Google video: Take Google Maps Indoors. November 28, 2011

Just when you might've thought that Google has no new worlds to conquer, no new source of hand-over-fist advertising revenue from something that's standing right in front of us that we all take for granted, they show their business savvy and smarts.

Yesterday I got word from them that "Google Maps is entering a new frontier: mapping the indoors."

They've even chosen to make a humorous example of their new feature, writ large, using our old friends at Ikea...

Google video: Take Google Maps inside Ikea

As usual, Google will have the last laugh as they will now get ad dollars from other retailers, esp. smaller shops, who previously didn't cough up money for their Google Ads or sidebar ads, targeting consumers who will be more likely to be visiting the mall.

It's equally true that restaurants, bars, night clubs, book stores or other smaller owner-managed retail outlets near popular destination malls would now consider using Google Ads targeting those same consumers heading to the mall, paying to have their ads come up when someone goes to Google Maps to use this new feature to check out a specific mall's particulars.

And who might now consider using their ads as well, who wouldn't normally be thought of as a likely client for Google Ads?
Popular fashion, home decor and lifestyle bloggers who want to increase the eyeballs coming over to their sites.

Yes, that's why they're Google -they're always looking at the big picture.


LA Weekly
Informer blog
Google Maps to go Indoors, Cover Macy's in L.A. And Other Malls
posted by Dennis Romero at The Informer
November 29, 2011

If you're a thoroughly modern 'tard who can't take two steps without consulting your smartphone for directions (guilty), then Google has a new update that should help you with the finest detail...
Read the rest of the post at:


Peter Coffin video: The Lost Civilization of IKEA

My last post on Ikea was from earlier this year, January 24th, titled, Daily Mail succeeds in solving riddle as old as time: "Ikea design stores 'as mazes' to stop shoppers leaving so you end up buying more..."

2012 Ikea catalog, USA:

2012 Ikea catalog,

Ikea - Bättre skilsmässa åt alla -Better divorce for everyone.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Miranda Kerr is the NOT-so-secret weapon at Australian retailer David Jones 2011 Spring Summer Fashion Launch in Sydney

David Jones - 2011 Spring Summer Fashion Launch, Sydney, Australia. August 3, 2011.


Network TEN News video: Miranda Kerr is the not-so-secret weapon in Australian retailer David Jones' efforts to reinvigorate interest this fashion season in retail and Australian designers. August 3, 2011.

New York magazine
The Cut blog
Miranda Kerr Walks Her Stretch-Mark-Free Self Down the Runway
By Amy Odell

Almost three years ago exactly... before Miranda's first show as the new "Face" of David Jones, replacing Megan Gale as their Fashion Ambassador.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Newest incarnation of 'When Fashion Meets Finance' now offers patina of high-mindedness -former wannabe-philanderers are now do-gooder philanthropists

New York Times
Dealbook video: When Fashion Meets Finance.
Reported by Mac William Bishop, May 6, 2011.

Groovy! Newest incarnation of Fashion meets Finance now offers patina of high-mindedness -former wannabe-philanderers are now do-gooder philanthropists.

Conspicuous consumption has now morphed into charity work.
Now THAT'S how you successfully re-boot!

NOT that this would ever work in Miami!

This video reminds me a lot of the low-seat bar area at the W Hotel in San Francisco, circa 2000. There were, literally, SO many attractive women crammed into the place that it was actually disconcerting, but not for me and my former housemate from Arlington County, who was now living out there, but for the new women arriving into the area, as they took one look around at how crowded it was with over-the-top beauty and just fled, perhaps in terror.
Jamie and I just watched in disbelieving amazement!

In these new photos from the W website, it doesn't look the same as it did, which is a real pity:

In actuality, this event took place at
the Bar Basque at 29th Street & 6th Avenue in Chelsea

Gawker's treatment of the NYT's original story from 2009:
NYT Infiltrates Fashion Meets Finance, Possibly Leaves Scarred For Life!5333486/nyt-infiltrates-fashion-meets-finance-possibly-leaves-scarred-for-life!395246/can-i-call-you-uncle-bill-a-harrowing-account-of-fashion-meets-finance

This story made me think of... ABBA's "If It Wasn't For The Nights"

video: ABBA - If It Wasn't For The Nights- HQ (Japan 1978 - Version 2 - Original Sound Mix )

Album version of the song from

ABBA - If It Wasn't For The Nights

More great high-quality ABBA videos are at Shay's second YouTube Channel:

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Nordiska Kompaniet Dept. Store in downtown Stockholm has a surprise guest in its Christmas window display: a small squatter!

Råttan mitt bland NK:s mjukisdjur

NK is
Nordiska Kompaniet, the larger-than-life Swedish department store company with hugely popular locations in downtown Stockholm and Göteborg, that is, in ways that are hard to fathom for many Western consumers under the age of forty who never knew that era, both a mythical and magical name in the world of consumer retailing, and an aspirational lifestyle.

In Swedish:
In English:

NK Vintersaga - 2010.

Much more
than almost any other current department store I can think of, NK is like the old-fashioned dept. stores that, in the United States, used to populate large northern cities, as well as Atlanta, large cities in California and a handful of other larger cities, where the promotional activities within the store as well as the print/TV/radio advertising campaigns were a staple of both everyday amusement and general conversation among the local citizenry.

Personal evaluations were made not only on the quality and service of the stores, but also of their ad campaigns, not unlike frank discussions of sports teams or favorite players, whether in a hot-streak or in a slump, and if the latter, what would be needed to change the dynamic?

My sense of things from reading about that era and talking to people very involved in top-tier advertising agencies from the 1950's thru the late '80's, is that people then had a much stronger sense of loyalty to some dept. stores and an equally strong animus or aversion towards patronizing others, often built over personal slights years before, or in some cases, longstanding racial prejudice not easily forgotten.

Now, it's largely about the cost of an item and where you can it cheapest, NOT the retail experience, and I'm as guilty as anyone else, even though I wish it weren't so.

Until the mid-1960's, when the upwardly mobile suburbs and their growing affluence beckoned them, especially in the growing Sunbelt states -until the notion of a large downtown department store without a large nearby parking garage seemed patently absurd on its face- they often played a larger role in a city's commerce and business image than you might think because of the variety of professionals who worked there and who were available to pitch-in and lend their expertise to community groups like the Junior League, United Way, et al.
These professionals were the key to the dept. stores protecting and preserving their upscale image.

For most of the 1970's, I lived four blocks south of the 163rd Street Shopping Center in North Miami Beach, when it was an open-air mall, long before it had a fabric roof erected over it as part of a massive renovation in 1979.

Everyday for years, I walked thru it twice a day on my way to and from JFK Jr, High and NMBHS, so I knew every single inch of it, as did my friends, especially the Burdine's, where I worked part-time while in high school and while back from
IU in the summer a few years later.

See this amazing JFK speech -delivered at 163rd Street!- on, of all things, Castro's Cuba

Katie Couric, circa 1984, reporting from the former 163rd Street Shopping Center in North Miami Beach on the subject of shopping mall crime.

The sorts of dept. stores that I'm thinking of, and which applies to NK's now, are the sort of place that would have been the go-to store for not only visiting tourists, but the local smart-set as well, especially twenty-somethings finally coming into some money and eager to spend a little of it on themselves for an emotional pick me-up, a suit for a man an evening dress for a woman.
Or a new electronic device that promised to change your life, like a VCR.

That sort of dept. store, regardless of where it was located, were also where many of our common sense notions of contemporary consumer behavior first came into play, and in the case of women's fashion, were often deliberately reversed just to catch the attention of influential young would-be fashionistas of the time, whose word-of-mouth was golden in that pre-cell phone and Internet era.

Quite sensibly, some upscale dept. stores created a group of female teen 'insiders,' a talkative and opinionated bunch whose minds and imaginations they plumbed and mined for insight into teen tastes and aspirations, as a sort of in-house focus group.

For instance, the
Burdines Teen Board, which when I was still at NMB, had some of my friends on it.

If only those girls had blogs back then, they'd be mini-media moguls!

FYI, circa 2007, the Top 100 Fashion Blogs may've looked like this:

A newer perspective on the most popular fashion blogs, especially those in Europe, can be found at the updated list at popular blogging network Bloglovin.

There's some pretty amazing things there by some very creative and perceptive people.

There have been so many movies and TV shows made about the inter-relationships of people working at dept. stores that even if you lived in a small town in the '50's that was bereft of that sort of upscale and sophisticated operation, you knew what it was like by cinema osmosis,
so you knew EXACTLY what you were missing out on.

Which is part of why you wanted to leave Dodge, pronto!

For me, growing-up in South Florida, far from a traditional hotbed of holiday window displays like what you saw in films or TV, the closest to anything like it that I had any first-hand experience came with the Marshall Field's stores in Chicagoland in the mid-'80's, when I lived in Evanston and Wilmette.

On a slightly smaller scale compared to the huge flagship State Street store in downtown Chicago, the Loop, where my talented fashion-forward friend Madeleine Moulton worked, that included the Marshall Field's in Evanston that was located not far from where I lived.

In 1986, that was where I first bought a favorite red Lacoste sweater before catching an early holiday flight to Miami -a sweater that populated many Christmas photos for years- in order to be down here when my nephew Mario was born a week before Christmas.

That was not unlike an earlier red one I bought at the-then
L.S. Ayres at the College Mall in Bloomington, that populated many photos of me and various friends at IU and several memorable dates from 1979-'84.

You might want to read my May 26, 2007 post at South Beach Hoosier titled
South Florida's epidemic apathy shows itself once again.

It was about the Macy's store -the old Burdines store- in downtown Miami on Flagler Street, and the shabby conditions of downtown Miami, and Macy's purchase of Marshall Field's and its effect on Chicago area consumers.
That was a follow-up on something that Transit Miami founder Gabriel Lopez-Bernal had written on the subject on his popular blog.


Sorry this reads so blah but my original post here on NK's and the role of department stores vanished when my computer crashed this morning, so I will try to re-post it later if I can.