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Showing posts with label mediabistro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mediabistro. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mediabistro's Fishbowl DC's Eddie Scarry reminds us that POLITICO is "always selling" and always promoting themselves, even to the point of creating a video patting themselves on the back for being -wait for it- legen-dary.; Remembering D.C. and the daily anticipation of getting The Hotline by fax in the early 1990's, when the Internet was still not a daily reality

POLITICO: Our Story;

Mediabistro's Fishbowl DC's Eddie Scarry reminds us that POLITICO is "always selling" and always promoting themselves, even to the point of creating a video patting themselves on the back for being -wait for it- legen-dary.; Remembering D.C. and the daily anticipation of getting The Hotline by fax in the early 1990's, when the Internet was still not a daily reality

The former Washington Post reporters behind it, Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris,
whom I read for years while living up there, are trying to create a wave of publiclity that will create a corresponding interest in that.

But how will they keep that information only in select hands when everyone at the law firms, lobbying firms and trade associations they are trying to convince to subscribe to it can always  copy and email real "nuggets" to their friends who don't get it?.

It reminds me a lot of the problem faced by The Hotline -now owned by The National Journal- in the pre-Internet era of the early 1990's, when that goldmine of information used to be faxed daily into offices throughout The Beltway and people would gather around the printer mid-morning waiting for it all to spill out, so they could grab a page and see if there was something in it that dealt with their area of coverage or responsibility.
People would be positively giddy on days after big events in Washington to see what was being written about that subject, and that was especially true during the 1992 presidential election.

And there was always someone in an office who would try to pull the last sheet out before it was finished printing, who'd be yelled at in a milli-second. Good times!

That was also back when if you saw someone reading a copy of The Hotline on the Metro in the evening on your way home, especially an original copy with the Red masthead, that was your clue that the person you were looking at was someone much smarter and better-informed than the average Washingtonian around you.

I kept old copies of them in stacked banker boxes in my garage, with colored 3M Post-it's on the sides with subject areas written on them that I dealt with or was interested in. 
My little treasure trove!

Of course, that was also in the era of heavy faxing, when people routinely forgot to replace the paper in the paper tray of the printer and there was hell to pay if it turned out to be you.
Email is so much easier! 

FishBowlDC blog
New Video Reminds Everyone That Politico Is Still Politico And Always Will Be
By Eddie Scarry on March 27, 2013 12:00 PM
A new three-minute video produced by Politico touts the publication’s “early success” and its plan for the future. Full of Politico bluster, it’s part of a new “brand and advertising” site the publication launched this week, according to Mike Allen‘s Playbook.
Read the rest of the post at:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pre-Christmas Businessman's Special: Channel 4's "Business Mouse" is the 21st Century 'Man in the Gray Flannel Suit''; VIP tour of Hearst Media's NYC HQ

Channel 4 video: Business Mouse, Episode 1: Business or Leisure?
Comedy Blaps, November 11, 2011.

Business Mouse has no problems in being characterized by some as the 21st Century 'Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.' 
In fact, he relishes the comparison.
He loves his business suits and he is bold and savvy where others are cautious and dithering -like Obama.

Chicken or the egg?
As you can see from below, in Episode 2, he believes in the profit margin of both! 

Channel 4 video: Business Mouse, Episode 2: All Eggs and No Basket
Comedy Blaps, November 17, 2011.

Channel 4 video: Business Mouse, Episode 3: Portfolio Expansion Programme
Comedy Blaps, December 15, 2011.

Speaking of the fashion magazine publishing world as we just were in Episode 3 with Condé Nast's Vogue, let's take a look at the home of one of their competitors...'s Cubes video series: Hearst Media - Zanna Roberts Rassi, a Senior fashion Editor at Marie Claire gives us the VIP treatment in her tour of the Hearst Tower on West 57th Street. That corporate cafeteria of theirs, Cafe 57,  is one of the most famous and most-written about in NYC.
Article at:

Trailer: The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit (1956) -Starring Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones and Frederic March.

HBB Trivia: I had a girlfriend at IU who used to frequently buy me Grey Flannel cologne by Geoffrey Beene.

More Comedy Blaps at:

Friday, October 15, 2010

re Topix, Sun-Sentinel's reader comments site; Venture Beat: Online news gatherer Topix aims for election-ad dollars

Some of you are already quite familiar with the downside of using the Topix reader comment boards affiliated with newspaper websites.

If you're in South Florida like me, it's pretty likely you're familiar with it from having seen the South Florida Sun-Sentinel's, where scurrilous, hateful and racist comments were/are routinely posted there just for the hell of it, and people could literally post things things there that were/are NOT factually true, with no fear of it being deleted, despite what the newspaper lamely claims.

Want to accuse someone you don't even know of being drunk at 9 a.m. and causing a traffic accident? Welcome aboard!
This is from today about the Channel 10 news van accident in Fort Lauderdale:
3 hurt in accident involving WPLG Ch. 10 live truck in Fort Lauderdale

I saw things there repeatedly about someone I knew that were NOT at all true, but it hardly mattered that it wasn't true, because there it stayed, day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month.
(For the record, it was from West Hollywood Dissident.)

If you wanted to publicly say that your ex-girlfriend/ex-husband or ex-roommate was a vampire, a deadbeat, a drug user, a fleeing felon or a Justin Bieber-lover, that was the place for you to vent your wrath!
And it shows!

Well, this Oct. 13th article from Venture Beat informs us about the TOPIX geniuses' newest strategy to get more political advertising $$$.

But fortunately, some smart readers chime-in and share even more personal horror stories and ruin the TOPIX party.

I found the article today after I received an email in my inbox from Topix this morning telling me -deceptively- implying that someone had a new message, presumably responding to something I'd written at some point in the past.

That seemed odd, since I haven't used it in a while since their site was such a mess.

Such a mess, in fact, that I'd written an email to the Sun-Sentinel's management many, many weeks ago.
Official response? ZERO!

Way to be accountable, legacy media!


Hi Hallandale Beach Blog,

CitizenTopix sent you a message on Topix.

To see the message, click this link:

(I deleted this for obvious reason to post it here on the blog.)



But rather than seeing a link I'd click to see the new comment -and my own original comment, since they didn't say what the subject was- as with the DISQUS comment system,, which I use when commenting on material at TheWrap and the various industry websites, it was essentially a sales pitch from TOPIX's new effort, Citizen TOPIX.


“Sounding off for the citizens”

A Governor, Sheriff, and Dog Catcher walk into a bar...

Topix Election 2010: Citizen Sound-Off is the place to discuss the November 2nd Midterm elections that matter to you. From big-name governor races all the way down to hotly contested county commissioner seats, you can share and debate your opinions with folks from down the street or across the state.

Get started right now:

Are we missing a race for your town? We could use your local expertise!
Just head over to this form and fill in the blanks:

Vote early. Comment often.

See you at the polls!

Citizen Topix

As you might imagine, they were NOT persuasive.


Venture Beat

Online news gatherer Topix aims for election-ad dollars
October 13, 2010 Riley McDermid

With its launch of Election 2010: Citizen Sound-Off today, online news aggregator Topix is now the only website to couple localized voter information with a platform for open participation. But can it channel this big election into even bigger ad dollars?

Read the rest of the post at:


See also:

"Entertainment Industry Analysis, Breaking Hollywood News" in