FOLLOW me on my popular Twitter feed. Just click this photo! @hbbtruth - David - Common sense on #Politics #PublicPolicy #Sports #PopCulture in USA, Great Britain, Sweden and France, via my life in #Texas #Memphis #Miami #IU #Chicago #DC #FL 🛫🌍📺📽️🏈. This photo of Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 classic "To Catch a Thief" is the large Twitter photo on my @hbbtruth account

Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Ten News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ten News. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dutch genius and ingenuity at its best -making the familiar even more useful and fun! Here are some of my favorite recent Dutch treats...

TEN Network News, Australia: Playground inspiration at the railway station in Utrecht, The Netherlands. August 11, 2011.

Dutch genius and ingenuity at its best -making the familiar even more useful and fun! The quickest distance between two points is a slide!

Despite The Netherlands being a small country, size-wise, it's ranked number eight, right behind Sverige (Sweden), in the number of readers coming to my humble blog, and the home of a few readers who fairly regularly send me a head's-up on interesting ideas, news stories, songs and videos.
Blijven die ideeën komen!

Let me take the opportunity to show you some of my favorite recent Dutch treats...

(In case you forgot or weren't reading the blog then, as I've previously mentioned here, The Netherlands is a country that my family has always had a great deal of warm feelings for. We not only knew a few very friendly Dutch emigres in North Miami Beach as I and my sisters were growing up there in the 1970's -esp. me- but one of my two younger sisters studied in Rotterdam at Erasmus University for a semester her junior year at IU -January of 1985- and absolutely LOVED IT.
So much so that four short years later, she had her honeymoon in Amsterdam and the rest of the country after getting married in New Amsterdam -New York!- which is when I first became aware of and a regular subscriber to the salmon-colored New York Observer.)

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines video: KLM Personal Space Experiment

See also: Tribal DDB Amsterdam's social media campaign for KLM.
KLM's Tile & Inspire Journeys of Inspiration ad campaign video:
After you select your country from the drop-down menu, make sure that you click the volume control at top right!

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines video: KLM Tile & Inspire: The Making of...

Photo of a KLM Boeing 777-200 wrapped in customer's quotations and tile portraits.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines video: KLM Fly2Miami (KLM inaugurates direct Amsterdam-Miami flights)

Story is at : How A Tweet Turned Into An In Flight Dance Party


Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us (Official Music Video)

I first posted this video in my January 10th, 2011 post titled Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us -Official Music Video; Unplugged version with Christian Burns & Eller van Buuren at


"Bride Flight" opened in Los Angeles in June, 2011

Bride Flight, U.S. trailer

Directed by Ben Sombogaart
See the official website at:


This is a pretty amazing article.

The Daily Mail
The land that feminism forgot: They wouldn't dream of working full-time, spend three hours a day drinking coffee and their men pay for everything - have Dutch women found the secret to happiness?

By Liz Jones
Last updated at 11:34 PM on 9th March 2011

Have you wondered what life would be like if feminism had never happened? If we were all housewives? If we were not required to live on our wits and our adrenaline, and were able to take up a hobby? If men were happy to step up to the mark and look after us?

Am I talking about travelling back in time to see what life was like in the Fifties? No, it is much simpler than that. I am catching a flight to Amsterdam.

Read the rest of the post at

----- Nyheterna video: Kommuner raggar arbetskraft i Holland.
Sverige behöver invandrad arbetskraft. I dag finns det tusentals kvalificerade och arbetslösa invandrare i Sverige. Samtidigt raggar kommunerna arbetskraft utomlands. TV4Nyheternas Lena Sundström har besökt Emigrantmässan i Utrecht.

TV4 Nyheterna reporter Lena Sundström visits an Emigration Fair held in Utrecht, The Netherlands in February that sought to motivate smart and educated Dutch workers to consider emigrating to Sweden, with various parts of the convention space dedicated to different aspects of life in the country, with about 100 cities and towns represented. This fair is very successful as over 700,000 Dutch citizens a year seriously consider emigrating overseas and over 120,000 actually do it.

It's not said in the video but one way of looking at this fascination that Sweden holds for some Dutch citizens is that just as kids who grows up in small towns in the U.S. often aims to go to a big city some day to do whatever it is they they aim to do, so it is that for a person who grows-up in a small and congested country like the NL, where land is precious, going to a country with lots of space to breathe sounds appealing.

For someone from NL, the mid-central and northern parts of Sweden -where as I recently wrote, film director David Fincher has recently recorded some scenes in Sollefteå for the new American film version of "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" starring Daniel Craig- can be like visiting another planet.
Space is everywhere, along with hills, mountains and lakes.
And if you're not careful, loneliness.

It's almost disorienting.

Me, I like to think I'm open to new things, but I definitely draw the line at reindeer meat.
That is, unless you can somehow convince me that it tastes just like, yes... chicken.
Or even lamb...

Bandera, Texas -Cowboy Capital of the World- where my mother's side of the family has lived continuously for over 150 years.

To quote myself, whether in Iceland or the Hill Country of Bandera, Texas, the Faroe Islands or Holland, "girls love horses..."

And if there are a few things we know about our friends in the land of the Oranje, de nederlandse, one is of them is that Cinzia horses and Johnny Depp and Pirates of the Caribbean.
That is a stone-cold fact you can't deny.

I first discovered Cinzia's earnest YouTube videos a few months ago after seeing it next to one by Eva Skemm, another devout teenage horse lover -from the Faroe Islands- whom I first mentioned in my July 27th post,

There's simply nothing like a great horse...

Cinzia video: Horses and Pirates of the Caribbean

Cinzia's website:

Cinzia video: Dare to dream -Dayra horses [300+subs]


Question: If Miami-Dade County or Broward County had a 'Sister County' sort of deal along the lines of the Sister Cities program, with Amsterdam or Rotterdam -cities where my sister her honeymoon and went to school for a semester while going to IU- and they did an exchange of elected officials and employees, what would happen quicker?
The people from South Florida "accidentally" flooding the city, or the Dutch using common sense and some style to make Miami more sane, livable and possibly, sexier?

Can Cities Save the Planet?
Scientists are skeptical. Planners are hopeful. The Dutch are pragmatic.
By Witold Rybczynski
Posted Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2008, at 6:58 AM ET

Winning With Water

According to Timothy Beatley, an urban-planning professor at the University of Virginia and the author of Green Urbanism, the per-capita carbon dioxide emissions of American cities are almost twice as high as those of their European counterparts. Hardly surprising, since European cities are denser and more compact, homes are smaller, and people rely to a far greater extent on mass transit. So if Americans are to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, we will have to do a lot more than switch to reusable shopping bags and recycle our soda cans. But as a recent conference on "urban design after the age of oil" at the University of Pennsylvania (where I teach) demonstrated, there is something of a disconnect between the global-warming problem and the available solutions.

Read the rest of the post at:


Transit Miami
The Dutch, Beer and Thinking Bike
By Felipe Azenha On May 5, 2011
On Tuesday night I had the pleasure to meet several members of the Dutch delegation that came to Miami for a two-day ThinkBike workshop. The purpose of the ThinkBike workshop was to learn from the expertise of Dutch planners. They came to teach us how we could improve downtown Miami’s bikeability. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the actual workshop, but I was able to make it to the post-seminar cocktail hour. Over a couple of Cold Stellas I spoke with several members from the Dutch delegation, a gentleman from the County Public Works Department, as well as citizens all of whom participated in the seminar. The feedback I recieved was extremely positive.

Read the rest of the post at:

By the way, I spotted someone riding one of the Dutch bikes -with the KLM basket- in May in Hollywood, east of The ArtsPark, that I strongly suspect had been stolen
I didn't know what it was, though, since I hadn't read the story yet.


Houston Chronicle
Steffy: U.S. and BP slow to accept Dutch expertise
By Loren Steffy
June 8, 2010, 10:13PM

Three days after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Dutch government offered to help.

It was willing to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and it proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands.

The response from the Obama administration and BP, which are coordinating the cleanup: “The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,'” said Geert Visser, consul general for the Netherlands in Houston.

Now, almost seven weeks later, as the oil spewing from the battered well spreads across the Gulf and soils pristine beaches and coastline, BP and our government have reconsidered.
Read the rest of the post at:


Please be sure to read my blog post of almost a year ago, August 18, 2010, titled Fascinating Deutsche Welle TV video of innovative architect Thomas Rau in Amsterdam, and what he's done with the WWF HQ in The Netherlands

Rau Architects video: Thomas Rau on Deutsche Welle TV


Video: Holland's most beautiful soccer goals ever TOP 15 [part 3 of 3] [HD],

KNVB  -Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbalbond.gif

Last year before the 2010 World Cup tourney started in South Africa, I predicted that The Netherlands would win, likely beating Spain 4-2 in the final. C'est la vie.

This was a real gold nugget of useful information.

Information Professional magazine
The Sirens of Pirate Bay
By Martin Bossenbroek
woensdag, 05 augustus 2009
Martin Bossenbroek is directeur Collecties en Dienstverlening van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek


Newspaper front pages in The Netherlands:

Special thanks to Henry Hudson...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Miranda Kerr is the NOT-so-secret weapon at Australian retailer David Jones 2011 Spring Summer Fashion Launch in Sydney

David Jones - 2011 Spring Summer Fashion Launch, Sydney, Australia. August 3, 2011.


Network TEN News video: Miranda Kerr is the not-so-secret weapon in Australian retailer David Jones' efforts to reinvigorate interest this fashion season in retail and Australian designers. August 3, 2011.

New York magazine
The Cut blog
Miranda Kerr Walks Her Stretch-Mark-Free Self Down the Runway
By Amy Odell

Almost three years ago exactly... before Miranda's first show as the new "Face" of David Jones, replacing Megan Gale as their Fashion Ambassador.

Monday, July 11, 2011

NOT the kind of Australian we like: Belal Khazaal, Muslim author of terrorism handbook is freed from supermax prison after being granted a retrial

Network TEN News (Australia) video: Belal Khazaal is freed from Australia's highest-security prison, the Goulburns Supermax
in New South Wales, after being granted a retrial and having served three years of a twelve year sentence.

The former Quantas employee -and accused Jihadist- with a yen for writing about killing and assassinating innocent people, not to mention, shooting down passenger planes in his 110-page tome, "Provisions of the Rules of Jihad: Short Judicial Rulings and Organisational Instructions for Fighters and Mujahideen Against Infidels,"will have a number of requirements imposed on him by polite society in Australia while he awaits a new trial in November.

According to Sunday's edition of The Australian, the Lebanese-born Khazal must

live with his wife and family and not change his abode without giving 24 hours' notice. He must also report to Bankstown police daily and declare any visitors received in the previous 24 hours. He must also stay at least 1km from any overseas points of departure and not speak at gatherings that advocate violence.
Oh, and not insignificantly, his family had to pay sureties in excess of $400,000, which have to be paid if he tries to leave Australia in the rear-view mirror.

Read the rest of the article here to see what this character is all about:


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

But who's counting? London 2012 Olympics is 500 Days and counting -and a Clock to do just that in Trafalgar Square!

Australia's TEN News' Europe correspondent Brett Mason interviews London 2012 Organising Committee chairman Lord Sebastian Coe about comparisons to Sydney 2004, and a clock at Trafalgar Square to drive home the deadline

The International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Executive Board meets in London on April 5 and 6 and will get updates on preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games: London 2012, Sochi 2014 and Rio de Janeiro 2016.

Countdown Clock unveiled to mark 500 days to go to the London 2012 Olympic Games:

Olympic Tickets are now on sale:

Channel 4 News:
Olympic tickets go on sale on Tuesday but just how much will you have to pay to see the spectacle as speculation for ticket touting prices escalating into the thousands?

Former GB rower Sarah Winckless, Chair of the BOA Athletes Commission, blogs on seeing the Olympic venues up-close and personal since her last visit and is very impressed:

Athletes Commission Inspired by Olympic Park Visit
Posted by Sarah Winckless
March 15, 2011

See also:
Sarah Winckless disease proves that sport does matter
By Matthew Syed, April 29, 2009


Official London 2012 Olympics website:

Olympic webcams in London:

Official blog:

Official Mascots homepage,
Wenlock and Mandeville:

BBC's London 2012 Olympics homepage:

Team GB:

Team GB blog:

26 Sports, One Team:

See also:

Full sports competition schedule for
the XXX Olympic Summer Games, July 27-August 12th


Iran call London 2012 logo racist: report

Sebastian Coe WR 800

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Video: Prince William flying to disaster-ravaged areas of New Zealand and Australia next week

Ten News video: Prince William flying to disaster-ravaged areas of New Zealand and Australia next week

Prince William to visit New Zealand and Australia disaster zones

Monday, March 7, 2011

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to visit White House, speak to Congress, go to U.N., and lobby to gain Australia a seat on Security Council

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard visits The White House, Capitol Hill and the U.N. this week

On Wednesday Julia Gillard is scheduled to be the fourth Australian Prime minister to address a Joint Session of Congress -replicating Menzies, Hawk and Howard- as she arrives in Washington, D.C. to meet with President Obama at The White House.

Later in the week she flies to New York for a Thursday meeting with Rupert Murdoch and other senior News Corps Ltd. executives, she'll be at the United Nations meeting the U.N. Secretary and also look to lobby member countries to gain Australia a seat on the Security Council this October.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why you're in South Florida right now, not in Cleveland: Cleveland Lighthouse on Lake Erie iced over

Under the Ice in Cleveland -TEN Network News, Australia


Cleveland Lighthouse iced over on Lake Erie -
photojournalist George Payamgis

Story at

Monday, November 29, 2010

Even before 2018 & 2022 FIFA World Cup host cities are announced in Zurich, there's scheming & recriminations aplenty. Like Super Bowl host bids!

Looking Ahead to 2022 World Cup

Squawk Box Europe Airtime: Thurs. Oct. 28 2010 | 3:20 AM ET

Countries keen to host the 2022 World Cup flew into Zurich to meet with FIFA members Thursday. Ben Buckley, CEO of Football Federation Australia, spoke to CNBC about the tournament


Australia's FIFA World Cup Bid Video


Come Play! Australia 2018 - 2022 - Australia's FIFA World Cup Bid

Nicole Kidman explains why Australia is the best choice to host the World Cup.


Danielle Isdale of Ten News reports on Sunday night from Zurich on Australia's World Cup bid for 2018 or 2022


Official site of England's bid for the 2018 FIFA World Cup:


A satirical look at why England should host the 2018 World Cup and not Russia.

The official England football channel from The FA


Channel 4 News: School sports spending cut row
Article at


sports nut: The stadium scene.
Who Will Host the 2018 World Cup?

The most secretive bidding process in sports

By Simon Kuper
Updated Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010, at 8:14 AM ET

Three years ago, when the bidding to host the World Cups of 2018 and 2022 was just getting going, a lobbyist explained to me how the decisions would be made. Over lunch at the International Football Arena in Zurich—a cozy annual gathering of the game's power brokers—he led me on to the terrace for a quiet word. There, he emphasised that what "the world" thought about the various bidding countries wouldn't matter much. Instead, the only voters were "24 old men." He meant the members of Fifa's executive committee (Exco), who will choose the hosts for 2018 and 2022 in Zurich this Thursday. The lobbyist and his partner, he added, "know those 24 men better than anyone. We know their strengths, we know their weaknesses."

Read the rest of the story at:


Ten News
YouTube Channel -videos of the most recent news stories broadcast

Ten News