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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Friday, October 4, 2013

Why is it so hard for Hallandale Beach officials to be honest about public policy with residents, taxpayers and small business owners? City's 2014 Parks Bond issue increasingly looks like a very dubious deal that'll backfire on taxpayers, and more like a ploy by city officials to get good short-term PR while simultaneously allowing them to use voter-approved funds for other purposes, like pet projects of the mayor and city commission, instead of Parks. Aesthetics/maintenance of city's parks have long been an embarrassment to residents! But Mayor Joy Cooper, the City Commission and the current and past 2 City Managers have just looked the other way for YEARS instead of holding people -and themselves- accountable for results, even though compelling proof was just a block away at Peter Bluesten Park

City of Hallandale Beach Monument sign at 400 S. Federal Highway in front of Hallandale Beach City Hall. Yes, the sign's lights STILL DON'T come on at night, and haven't since current HB City Manager Renee C. Miller has been in charge of the day-to-day operations of this city -June of 2012. So, that's about 15 months and counting. And it's just the tip of the iceberg here. July 11, 2013 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2013 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved
Well friends, here we are a month later and there's still no official response from responsible officials at the City of Hallandale Beach regarding what I and many other Hallandale Beach residents believe are some highly-questionable decisions being made regarding the city's proposed 2014 Parks Bond issue involving that involves tens of million$ and an effort to finallt try to improve the city's Quality-of-Life.

Among other questions currently lacking an obvious answer is:
a.) Why is the Hallandale Beach Parks Bond vote now scheduled for August instead of November's General Election, when greatest number of HB voters can vote at the same time that they are voting for Governor, other statewide races, state legislative races and two Hallandale Beach City Commission seats -those of Comm. Alexander Lewy's and Comm. Anthony A. Sanders?
b.) Why does the city seem absolutely determined to phrase the Bond question in such a manner that voters will NOT have assurance that all funds voted upon and approved are ONLY spent for city parks maintenance and expansion? Instead, based on what has been heard publicly on this matter, it seems that it will be written so that the City Commission could use any voter-approved Parks Bond revenue for other purposes, instead of only for Parks, like more pet projects of the mayor and the city commission, despite the city's parks long being an open source of embarrassment and frustration to HB residents, esp. those with kids who know what other area cities offer their residents.

As of Noon today, there has been no response from Sarah Shamah, whom HB Parks and Recreation Director Cathie Schanz said I should contact regarding my germane questions about some park issues. (Schanz even cc'd her.)

Not that Director Schanz has tried to answer these questions, either, despite my sending an email reminder to both of them on September 20th, reminding them both that I expected a full response to my handful of very reasonable questions that the city's taxpayers are entitled to know before it's too late.

Since I didn't have any luck hearing from them, why don't you contact them yourself and ask them why they won't answer some simple questions honestly and in a reasonable time frame?

From my perspective, one month seems plenty of time to get around to answering some pretty simple questions.
Here's their contact information:
"Shamah, Sarah" -
"Cathie Schanz" -

Cathie Schanz, CPRE Director, Parks and Recreation   
Cultural Community Center 
410 SE 3 Street Hallandale Beach, FL  33009 
Phone:  (954) 457-1452   
Hours: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday – Friday

As most of you regular readers of the blog know from my many past posts on the subject of the city's poorly-maintained city parks, while I have been a very strong and vocal supporter of the HB Parks Master Plan  in general,
and have attended 95% of all the meetings on it all over this city from the  very beginning -even attending the Parks Advisory mtg. to hear the pitch from the consultants at Bermello Ajamil Partners Inc. before the public officially heard it at a City Commission meeting-
I remain unconvinced that in a city that's only 4.2 square miles in total, that it ought to have two separate swimming pools within two miles of one another, since that makes zero financial sense for this city's already under-the-gun taxpayers, especially since Northwest HB comprises only 13% of the city's population according to the 2010 U.S. Census, and you can catch a city MiniBus for free that takes you from that exact spot to the existing pool in less than 15 minutes.
Fix the existing pool you have and make it better.
But that sort of logic doesn't appeal to City Hall, since this is a city that annually borrows millions of dollars from its Reserve fund simply to pay normal operating expenses instead of cutting costs and expenses.

Here's the original email and below that are some reason that i think things are being constructed in such a deliberate fashion that disadvantages Hallandale beach taxpayers and gives the City Commission more money to squander and waste on pet projects that help them politically.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Schanz, Cathie
Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: re Hallandale Beach Parks/Rec. and taxpayer dissatisfaction with cost of B.F. James Park DOUBLING and a prospective Parks bond issue that prevents strict accountability of taxpayer dollars
To: "DBS", Parksrecreation
Cc: "Shamah, Sarah"

Hello Mr. Smith,

Thank you for contacting me with your comments and concerns regarding the Parks projects. 

I trust you found last night’s meeting informative.  If you require additional information on the projects, you may wish to contact our Capital Projects Manager, Sarita Shamah, directly.  I have copied her on this email.

All the best,

Cathie Schanz, CPRE
Hallandale Beach Parks and Recreation Director

From: DBS  
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 11:47 AM
To: Schanz, Cathie; Parksrecreation

Subject: re Hallandale Beach Parks/Rec. and taxpayer dissatisfaction with cost of B.F. James Park DOUBLING and a prospective Parks bond issue that prevents strict accountability of taxpayer dollars

And yes, after I wrote it and sent it out, on very little sleep, I realized that I'd actually reversed what I'd meant to say about what sort of Bonds that voters should be voting upon. But you get that by now I suspect, so I've left it below as it was when originally written -and very tired.

After the fact-filled Bulldog article that really makes a great predicate for better understanding this whole issue of the city's longstanding habit of purchasing land, then largely neglecting it and then buying yet more land, all with little actual idea of what to do with it, is my original letter to HB Parks Director Schanz. 
The one that led her to emailing me the name of Sarah Shamah, someone whom I'd never heard of, as a person to speak with.
Trust me, you'll be reading that name more in the future here on the blog as we investigate the doubling of costs of the new city park in Northwest HB, something my friend Csaba Kulin has already been hard at work looking at for a while.

Broward Bulldog
Hallandale Beach takes a bath on land deals; properties for redevelopment sit idle for years
By William Gjebre,
OCTOBER 6, 2011 AT 6:13 AM

July 29, 2013

Dear Parks Director Schanz:

As the city's public budget meetings begin today, and despite the fact that the HB City Commission participated in a groundbreaking last week at the proposed B.F. James Park, did you know that there is STILL NOTHING on the City of Hallandale Beach's website explaining why the costs of that
particular park have DOUBLED.

No public explanation, no nothing.
From around $2.6 Million to over $5 Million.

This week the taxpayers of this city will expect to hear a serious and detailed explanation for why this park in Northwest Hallandale Beach will now cost TWICE AS MUCH as originally planned, but whose additional cost will now put at serious risk any work anytime soon at dowdy and depressing South Beach Park, the busiest part of the city's public beach

They will also expect a detailed explanation for how it is that despite knowing this fact for some time, you, the City Manager and the City Commission have completely failed to provide ANY sort of public explanation to this city's residents on the city's own website.

An explanation that sounds reasonable and plausible, not just a case of the City Hall being unable to control themselves and deciding to turn the proposed park and pool into a Christmas Tree, with more and more elaborate decorations and ornaments laden on top of it.

If the Hallandale Beach City Commission votes this week 
a.) for General Obligation bonds, wherein monies approved by voters via a referendum can be spent by the HB City Commission on something other than Parks, instead of voting for Revenue Bonds that strictly limit any
voter-approved monies to Parks usage,


b.) votes to place this Bond issue on the ballot in August of 2014 when much of the city is still out-of-town for the summer, rather than in November of 2014 during the General Election, when the largest number of Hallandale Beach voters can participate, in conjunction with other concerned Hallandale Beach residents, I will happily lend my enthusiasm to a public effort to initiate a public signature campaign to negate these Commission votes.

Votes that would, necessarily, give Hallandale Beach taxpayers less control, accountability and confidence in the future use of any prospective Park funds, and which would, necessarily, punish Hallandale Beach voters who are NOT present -during the hottest month of the year.

You know, August.
It's the same entire month that the HB City Commission will be taking off in a few days?

I have long publicly supported the improvements of parks and recreational spaces in this city, often finding myself the only person in this entire city who  would publicly declare how poorly they were maintained by DPW, and publicly say how unsafe they were at night, with little concern shown by either the City Manager or Police Chief at the time, to say nothing of the DPW Director, who was unconcerned with park lights that were out for years at a time.

But make no mistake about it, we'll vigorously fight against and vote NO on any Parks Bond issue that is of a General Obligation nature or which is held in August.
We will help educate and encourage other HB taxpayers and small business owners to vote NO as well for reasons of lack of appropriate financial accountability and oversight mechanisms.

Here's how simple the math is.
Using the city's own rules, 25 people with signature sheets each only need to get 4 signatures a day of registered HB voters for three weeks to get the minimum required number of signatures to negate the vote.
But of course we'd have much more time than merely three weeks to get the desired signatures  

And honestly, what HB citizen would be against the idea of making sure that the Bond vote is taken when the largest numbers of voters could participate, in November of 2014, rather than in sweltering August?
And what HB citizens who are in favor of HB Parks improvement and expansion, like me, would be willing to let the present or future City Commission take the money that voters might approve in a Bond issue and use that money instead on their own pet projects or more goodies for the professional staff instead of only to be used for Parks? 
Or towards the construction of more unnecessary city buildings?.

The correct answer is nobody I know in the entire city, except maybe the current HB City Commission itself. And the City Manager and her well-paid staff who don't actually live here.

Remind me again why B.F. James Park will have a brand new pool with bells-and-whistles 1.7 miles from the existing city pool at Peter Bluesten Park, the city's largest park, that's also scheduled to be changed and 
improved in the next few years? (Or at least, so we were told last year.)

The main city pool that in the nine-plus years that I've lived here has NEVER had even one directional sign on U.S.-1, two blocks away from it?

Which is why some people don't even know the city has a pool.
Even people who in the past few years have been elected President of the HB Chamber of Commerce.

And yet despite all these things, HB taxpayers just can't seem to get any straight answers.

A search for docs on B.F. James Park leads us here:

Take a good look at what it says there.
Or rather what it doesn't.

There was nothing on the city's website prior to last week's groundbreaking about what this park will actually look like when it's finished, though we know what the city said they wanted most on the 2.35 acres in Northwest HB:
 Family orient pool  Basketball Courts  Passive Open Space  Pedestrian walkways  Playground  On and off site parking 

That is to say, at
there's nothing that's more recent than 18 months ago -February  10, 2012!

Oh, wait, that link to the city's Park Master Plan doesn't show what it will look like either.

It looks like Hallandale Beach and its 4.2 square miles may well soon have two, with the new one located exactly 1.7 miles from the other.

The reality of the matter is that if you want to go swimming in this city it is both cheap and convenient already. 
In fact, you can catch the city's mini-bus at O.B. Johnson Park and be taken to Peter Bluesten Park and the existing swimming pool for free in less than ten minutes.

Here's a Google Map that shows exactly this point..

While I have been a very strong and vocal supporter of the HB Parks Master Plan  in general, 
and have attended 95% of all the meetings on it all over this city from the very beginning -even attending the Parks Advisory mtg. to hear the pitch from the consultants at Bermello Ajamil Partners Inc. before the public officially heard it at a City Commission meeting- you can't convince me that a city this small having two separate swimming pools within two miles of one another makes financial 
sense for this city's taxpayers.

Especially in a city that borrows money every year from its reserve fund to pay normal operating expenses instead of cutting costs and expenses.

The money used for the second pool would be much-better spent being used to create something in the spaces that the city has already bought and purchased for park land for MILLIONS, esp. on Old Dixie Highway, since at present, all those acres of dirt have had nothing done to them other than, foolishly, a fence
being erected around it in June of 2012, even though nobody was ever there because, oh right, there's nothing there.
So why the fence?

In any case, the city left the gate open -there was NO lock on it!!!

Which is why in no time, people were consistently dumping materials there that became hills, which I have dozens of photos of from the past year.
That area only got cleaned-up LAST MONTH!
It only took a year for the city to get that mess a block from HB City Hall cleaned-up!

Even worse, there is no sign of any kind along Old Dixie Highway indicating WHEN it will be an actual city park after MILLIONS of dollars have already gone out the door.
Where's the specific timetable and benchmarks?

That, Director Schanz, is why a line in the sand is being drawn right now.

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dobens, Peter <>
Date: Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Hallandale Beach Breaks Ground, Begins Work on Two City Parks
To: "Dobens, Peter" <>

Hallandale Beach
Breaks Ground, Begins Work
On Two City Parks
B.F. James Park, Joseph Scavo Park  
For immediate release                                                                              Contact: Peter F. Dobens, public relations
DATE: Friday, July 26, 2013                                                                               954-457-1493,

HALLANDALE BEACH –Construction crews have dug in and started turning soil in the redevelopment of the first two of 10 Hallandale Beach parks slated for reconstruction in the Citywide Parks Master Plan.
Hallandale Beach City Commissioners broke ground on the two projects this week; B.F. James Park, 101 NW 9th St., on Tuesday, July 23, and Joseph Scavo Park, 900 Three Islands Boulevard, on Wednesday, July 24. Hours later, both parks had construction fences up and crews clearing the way for the new parks. B.F. James Park is expected to open in June 2014. Joseph Scavo Park is planned to open in March 2014.
B.F. James Park, a $5 million project, will include a new swimming pool, basketball courts, exercise area and playground. The park includes lighting and restrooms.
Joseph Scavo Park, undergoing a $2.6 million redesign, will include two dog parks, exercise trail, covered sitting area, basketball court, covered playground and restrooms.
Hallandale Beach earned the “Playful City USA” designation this year and is living up to the moniker. The Citywide Parks Master Plan designed by architects and engineers Bermello Ajamil & Partners, calls for complete makeovers for 10 of the City’s parks over the next few years. Along with B.F. James Park and Joseph Scavo Park, the City is working to secure state, county and City permits to rebuild South Beach Park and North City Beach Park. Both projects are expected to begin as soon as the permits are issued.
Also, the park projects are part of the City’s award winning Community Benefit Plan.  The plan requires contractors to use City residents and City-based subcontractors in any municipal capital project worth more than $1 million. More than 50 percent of the skilled and unskilled laborers and sub-contractors working for the projects’ general contractor, Burkhardt Construction, are Hallandale Beach residents or businesses. The Community Benefit Plan attracted national attention from the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
Hallandale Beach
“Progress. Innovation. Opportunity”

B.F. James Park Groundbreaking, Construction
07-23-13 BF James (101)a
07-26-13 BF James Construction (18)a
Groundbreaking, Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Under construction Friday, July 26, 2013

Joseph Scavo Park Groundbreaking, Construction
07-24-13 Joseph Scavo (71)a
07-26-13 Joseph Scavo Construction (10)a
Groundbreaking, Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Under construction Friday, July 26, 2013

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

What will Peter Deutsch do Thursday night to try to win over angry Hollywood neighbors/residents who want no part of any Doral Ben Gamla Preparatory Academy in their neighborhood -or the arrogant Ben Gamla parents and their galling sense of entitlement and antipathy towards others? My educated guess is that Deutsch doubles down and is as arrogant as ever

"The turnout was very passionate on both sides," Hernandez said after the meeting. "The parents from the school seem to have had a plan, and that was to hijack the town hall meeting in order to bring their point across, discarding the many concerns from the district's neighborhoods."
-Hollywood City Commissioner Pete Hernandez, Miami Herald, April 1, 2013
Most of you readers coming to the blog today would probably guess that given all the previous fireworks involved, as well as the particular narrative and physical circumstances involved with this school controversy in Hollywood, literally, right across the street from Hollywood City Hall, to say nothing of the many and impassioned fact-filled blog posts I've had here about him and his Hebrew Charter School empire, it'd really be quite a feat of gall for Peter Deutsch & Co. to try to play the Jewish card again at this late date, when some of the leading opponents of the expansion of this charter school at this site are Jewish themselves, including my friend, longtime Broward civic and education activist Charlotte Greenbarg of Hollywood, the president of the Hollywood Council of Civic Associations.
(Once-upon-a-time, Charlotte and her family lived in North Miami Beach, just like your faithful blogger when he was a kid in the 1970's.)

But to think such a thing only means that you haven't been following Deutsch as closely as you needed to, and for that, I largely blame the local Miami and Fort Lauderdale newspapers and TV stations for failing to do their jobs fully, since whatever else he is, Peter Deutsch is consistent about always trying to play the angles, no matter how distasteful it may appear to outsiders, in order to gain an advantage.

Given that fact, at tonight's 6 p.m. meeting, you mustn't discount either Deutsch's ability or willingness to play dirty or do whatever it takes to get what HE wants, which is implicitly what he told outraged residents of Hallandale Beach to their face a few years ago -when he tried to shoe-horn a high-school into a single-family Northeast HB residential neighborhood- and told them that -to repeat myself from many previous posts in this space- it didn't matter what they or their neighborhood thought or wanted, or even what HB's elected officials thought or wanted, he'd get what he wanted.
That's who he is.

The fact that the South Florida news media clearly shied-away from showing the full extent of that unattractive side of his personality and tactics, plus, never showed video examples of the sheer arrogance and galling sense of entitlement of many of the Ben Gamla parents at the required public meetings when they had their chance to speak, only confirmed many things that people I know and respect have long thought about the majority of Miami's news media.
Simply put, many of them, but not all, are afraid of genuinely rocking-the-boat and holding people with power or influence to account publicly, whether that's a former South Florida congressman or 'concerned' drive-by parents, who live far away, who think nothing of bad-mouthing and trashing an entire neighborhood or city simply because the people actually living there DON'T want to play the role of dupes in an encore performance of what has already happened repeatedly at other Academica charter schools, as I've previously noted. 

Like in my August 27th post:

As Wednesday night's Town Hall meeting at Hollywood City Hall re Ben Gamla Hebrew Charter School looms, more and more people are raising and asking tough-but-reasonable questions about the use of Broward taxpayer money for more of Peter Deutsch's Ben Gamla Hebrew Charter Schools. Some even dare to wonder how high those management fees Deutsch and his business partners pay to Academica really are, and whether taxpayers will find out

* Reminder as you read the following: The Doral Academy network is one of four large South Florida charter-school chains run by Academica, the state’s largest charter school operator. These four school networks -the Doral, Mater, Somerset and Pinecrest academies are owned by nonprofit companies that are managed by Academica, a for-profit company based in South Miami, which is the state’s largest charter school management company and led by Fernando Zulueta. 

Press Release from City of Hollywood last week read as follows:
The Department of Planning and Development Services is hosting two separate community meetings on current development proposals.  The first meeting is on the proposed Sheridan Station Development.  The second meeting is on the proposed Doral Ben Gamla Preparatory Academy. 
The community meeting for the Sheridan Station Development will be held on Thursday, September 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers, Room 219, Hollywood City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard.  This meeting will provide City staff with public input as the project begins the Development Review Process which includes public hearings.  This is not a meeting where any decisions will be made.  It will be an opportunity for the the public to get an update on the status of the project slated for the area just east of I-95 between Sheridan Street and Taft Street.  Some of the topics will include:  proposed changes to the project, update on number of units and amount of commercial space, update on the Florida Department of Transportation's role in the project and the status of off-site/on-site improvements.
The Community Meeting for the Doral-Ben Gamla Preparatory Academy will be held on Thursday, October 3 at 6:00 p.m in the City Commission Chambers, Room 219, Hollywood City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard. This meeting will allow the public to find out more about the proposed expansion of the charter school, ask questions about the development proposal and provide feedback that will be considered as the project moves through the development review process.   This is not a meeting where any decisions will be made.  The proposed location for the school is 2636, 2648 and 2650 Van Buren Street, near the charter school's current campus.
Both of these meetings are open to the public and interested residents are encouraged to attend.  For questions about either project, please contact the Department of Planning and Development Services at 954.921.3471.   
Miami Herald
In Hollywood, fight over charter high school gets noisy
By Carli Teproff,
October 1, 2013
Every morning when school is in session, traffic along Hollywood Boulevard and the surrounding streets slows to a crawl as parents drop their children at the Ben Gamla Charter School, which houses kindergarteners through eighth-graders.
Nearby homeowners say the traffic is unbearable. And it's going to get a whole lot worse, they insist, if a proposal to build a high school across the street serving 1,050 students is approved by the city and the school board. 
Read the rest of the article at:

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Passionate response to plans - Community meeting on Ben Gamla school expansion planned for Thursday
By Sara Shell, Staff Writer
September 29, 2013
When Hollywood City Commissioner Peter Hernandez took office, he promised constituents he'd have regular town hall meetings to discuss the happenings and get feedback from District 2.
There was no shortage of feedback during his second town hall meeting of the year, focusing on the proposed expansion of the Ben Gamla charter school. More than 300 residents showed up, creating an overflow crowd at City Hall, and another community meeting on the subject is planned for Thursday. 
Read the rest of the article at:,0,585149.story

NBC6 video: Church-State Separation Issue at Hollywood's Ben Gamla Charter School Revived After Comments by Founder Former congressman Peter Deutsch was quoted as saying the school, which teaches Hebrew language and culture, builds Jewish identity among its students 
By Ari Odzer, Tuesday, Sep 17, 2013, Updated 2:01 AM EDT

This includes the reader comments at the Miami Herald website

JewishTelegraphicAgency news
Jewish public schools? Hebrew charter franchises offer radically different models 
By Uriel Heilman 
July 1, 2013 2:36 p.m.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Music to their ears, but as whose expense? Even as new tools emerge to help music lovers find under-the-radar tunes and musical talent, veteran rock guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen laments that the rise of digital music, which should've led to an era of higher-quality, better distribution and more financially-stable musicians, has instead, led mostly to the rise of record piracy that affects the livelihood of professional musicians/songwriters who DON'T have a team of corporate professionals at their beck and call; He's right of course!; @mashable, Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

But somehow, despite all that is known about its power to sift and find that hidden thing which you seek, the article above never mentions the power of Google Alerts, something I swear by and testify to. Just saying...

Music's long-tail idea not working out exactly as planned, is it?

I last wrote about rock guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen in my April 30, 2011 blog post titled, If the blog is rockin', don't come knockin' - Yngwie Malmsteen: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (HQ); original version by ABBA (LIVE at Wembley Arena, 1979) of which this remake of ABBA's Gime Gimme! Gimme! is but one of many videos there.

2Shaymcn videoYngwie Malmsteen: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (ABBA) HQ
If the blog is rockin', don't come knockin'...


Friday, September 27, 2013

Avicii vs. Timoteij remix of "Wake Me Up" & "Kom" = "Kom Me Up," done by Mr. Sjökexet, is amazing! Trending and then some at Hallandale Beach Blog! Completely crazy as an idea, but brilliant and dynamite as reality with Aloe Blacc's amazing voice; #Aviciioncapital, @Timoteij, @ceciliakallin, @bodilbergstrom, @elinathorsell, @johannatimoteij

MrSjokexet YouTube Channel video: Avicii Vs Timoteij - Kom me up (Sjökexetmix) 
Uploaded September 19, 2013.
Melodies (melodiernas)? Oh, yes! In spades!

Sounds completely crazy as an idea, this mixing of Country House and schlager, but brilliant and dynamite as a reality, as heard on Sveriges Radio's P3 Stockholm last Thursday. 

Three different people in Sweden I'd never heard from before, separately emailed me this link and their comments since last week, which is very odd to say the least.
One person I can see, maybe even two, but three different people writing me about the same thing that I hadn't already heard about?
Now THAT'S unusual.

And then, of course, adorable Cecilia Kallin, long one of our personal favorites here at the blog, the lead singer and guitarist of Timoteij referenced it on her very popular
Webstagram feed last Friday just minutes after the song aired.

To me, she seemed, in general, like everyone else -astonished that such a creative Mashup even was contemplated and created, as much as pleased by the wonderful reaction it was receiving, since it definitely  caused a buzz throughout Sweden in certain circles.
All to the good I think as far as creativity goes!

In any case, as crazy and unlikely as it sounds, I think I may've actually first heard about this song -via email- before one of the most well-informed and well-connected people in the world of music in Scandinavia and schlager, Karl Batterbee at Scandipop, 

He was smart enough to write about it right away, while I've just been sitting on it, trying to think of a good and logical hook for the readers who come to the blog who would might have no idea who or what I was talking about. 
But then maybe I'm over-thinking it, since that never stopped me before.

Here's the original version of both songs, in case you forget what's been changed... 

AviciiOfficialVEVO video: Wake Me Up (Official Video) by Avicii. Uploaded July 29, 2013.

Wescertine YouTube Channel video:Timoteij - Kom (Melodifestivalen 2010).  
Uploaded February 27, 2010.

In case you've forgotten the context, the first time you see Timoteij in the Mashup video at the top of today's post, it's the happy moments three years ago when Cecilia Kallin, Elina Thorsell, Bodil Bergström and Johanna Pettersson were waiting anxiously at their tables for the results to be read, and their absolute delight when their name was publicly announced, telling them and the world that they'd advanced to the Finals of the 2010 Melodifestivalen in Stockholm with "Kom," 

Rolling Stone
How Avicii Helped Aloe Blacc Wake Up and Break Out 
Vocalist on smash 'Wake Me Up' chats about his inspirational team-up with the Swedish DJ-producer   
By Patrick Doyle 
August 28, 2013 10:00 AM ET

If someone in the world can figure out the formula, timing or complementary rhyming scheme to marry the melodies that can make a successful Mashup of Avicci and First Aid Kit, trust me, it will be like Alchemy 2.0, as heads will be exploding all over a few cities and countries I can think of, many of them originating from Country Calling Code 46.

Aftonbladet TV video: Avicii: ”Aldrig meningen att jag skulle göra country” Svenska stjärn-dj:n i intervju om sin nya genre. (Avicii never sensed he'd do Country. Steller Swedish DJ Tim Bergling interviewed about getting into a new genre, Country House.)

Via my newsdesk subscription I received an interesting press release on Thursday from Universal Music Sweden. 
Well, the long story short, plus what I know and can share with you, is that 24-year old Swedish DJ Tim "Avicii" Bergling has written music history, becoming the first Swedish artist to ever hold the top three spots on the Swedish singles charts, something that neither ABBA or Roxette ever managed to accomplish, though I think it's a bit unfair to compare the pre-digital era with the current one, due to the much-easier system of logistics and distribution that exist now.
All three songs are from his new album, "True, " which is currently number five on the U.S. albums chart.

Those three songs of his that are taking Gold, Silver and Bronze right now in Sweden are:
1.  "Hey Brother"
2.  "Wake Me Up"
3.  "You Make Me"

2013-09-26 05:35 EDT



Avicii Launches Brand New Mix Show On Capital FM - Audio Capital's newest presenter Avicii has launched his brand new 'Levels' mix show.

I last wrote about Cecilia Kallin in my May 9, 2013 blog post titled, "Smiling Cecilia Kallin! :) Sweet! Nobody but nobody can smile as often when she speaks and with as much appeal as talented and vivacious lead singer and guitarist Cecilia Kallin of Timoteij. She's such a charmer!; #Timoteij, #CeciliaKallin, #BodilBergström, #PontusTidemand, #gopontus"

The band has been posting much more frequently at their individual Instagram accounts than the official blog at their website, since that generates more immediate reaction, but they are going to try to start posting at the blog more often, so they say... 

Plus, there's...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Irresistible Veronica Maggio delivers two new infectious songs for us to linger over and become addicted to, just when we needed her talent and moxie the most - 'Sergels Torg' and 'Dallas'; Veronica and Stockholm NEVER disappoint!; Jag älskar Sergels Torg!; @veronicamaggio, #stockholm, #sweden, #sergelstorg

UniversalMusicSweden YouTube Channel video:Veronica Maggio - Sergels Torg (Lyric Video). Uploaded August 21, 2013.

In Veronica's own words from this recent Sveriges Radio interview, it's "a love song about having struggled in vain.

'Nuff said!
We knew it wouldn't be the same as her last album, 'Satan i Gatan' -and it's not.

Sveriges Radio
"Du har hittat mitt mest utmärkande mönster
torsdag 12 september kl 12:25 Nyheter P4 Radio Stockholm


Sure, we've got that covered :)! :)!

Veronica Maggio LIVE on Radio1 Norway - Sergels Torg (acoustic) Uploaded September 11, 2013.

Some comments about the new songs at SVT's music blog:

Sergels Torg, released less than a month ago is already at #12 on the Swedish singles chart, Sverigetopplistan, the official Swedish music chart,

EriicTheKing YouTube Channel video: Veronica Maggio - Dallas. Uploaded September 5, 2013.
Still trying to figure out completely what I think of this song.

COPENHAGEN BETA YouTube Channel video: Veronica Maggio - Dallas (Talk)  
(In Swedish, with Danish subtitles) Uploaded August 27, 2013. 

Long story, sort-of-short: In late May, right before the Memorial Day holiday weekend here in the U.S., and just over four months after I got back from my trip to Stockholm, despite having a Google Alert for her, I hadn't seen anything in ages regarding super-talented Swedish singer Veronica Maggio, whom I've written about a few times here, complete with her crazy-infectious tunes.

So, I decided I'd spend a little time one weekend at the usual online haunts trying to find out what's the latest with Veronica -whom Google often refers to (unintentionally funny to me) at some websites where its instant translation immediately pops up without you asking it to, as "The Veronicas"- I penned an email to a friend in Sweden with real 'connections' to the Swedish music industry, basically asking ¿Qué Pasa? 
What's going on with her? Was she sick or seriously ill or have some family crisis?

I asked because all of her various personal Social Media sites as well as the Swedish media sites that could usually be counted upon to note any movement or scintilla of news or activity about her seemed unusually quiet. 

Too quiet.

In the case of her Social Media, it was as if nobody was even bothering to keep them properly maintained, like a lot of dead blogs I could name.
That made me only more curious and even a little bit worried about this curious low-profile for one of Sweden's most talented and popular performers.

If you didn't know from my previous posts, Veronica is a three-time Swedish Grammy winner, and was Sweden's most-played radio artist in 2012, with three of the nine most-played songs according to STIM, the Swedish royalty collecting society that is sort of like the Swedish cousin to ASCAP in the United States.

I certainly heard more of Veronica on the radio than any other Swedish artist when I was in Stockholm in mid-January and walking around with my earbuds underneath my Dolphins cap, checking my ears every so often to make sure they weren't getting too cold, since it was never over 20 °F the whole time I was there, and usually in the single digits.

But I heard her even before I left Arlanda Airport and caught my very comfortable ride via the Flygbussarna airport bus into the city, 40-something miles south on the E4 roadway that had its road lights on full blast at Noon because it was still snowing, though relatively light in comparison with just a few days before.

These very reasonably-priced buses are frequent, frequent and frequent, to and from the airport to Stockholm, even late at night as I discovered on my way back late Friday night on my last night in the city, which was spent walking around from the Royal Palace in Gamla Stan up to the skating rink at Kungsträdgården, over to Nordiska Kompaniet for an hour and then down to the bus station at Central Station to get an early start on being ready for my Saturday morning flight, which is why I crashed at the airport. 

*Warning: Arlanda's International Terminals have ZERO carpeting, so while you can use your down jacket as a pillow under your head, the rest of your body is in big trouble with the hard floors. 
Also, there's NO real comfortable seats like you can find at BWI or O'Hare, just lots of blocky and hard plastic-like couches that seemed less inviting than a splintered wooden bus bench, quite frankly, which is why once I got onboard my return SAS flight, tired and sore, I tilted back and slept until we got near Iceland.

ACENDigital YouTube Channel video: Flygbussarna (Swedish Airport Coaches), "50 cars or 1 bus". Uploaded April 29, 2009.

Veronica's degree of popularity was proven rather conclusively in this article last winter in Aftonbladet, under the category of Mest spelat i radio 2012: 3 of the 9 most popular songs! #3 was Välkommen in, #8 was Satan i Gatan, and #9 was Jag kommar.

In considering why Veronica might be keeping a low profile, even while recording new material, I also thought about what I knew and had learned over several months about the tragic death last year of her 58-year old friend, the acclaimed producer and sound engineer, Tom Hofwanderand how that might've affected her plans. 
He perished as a result of accidentally falling out of their tour bus in Copenhagen late at night, after they'd finished touring in Denmark in mid-August, and were on their way home to Sweden for their last four dates.
From all public accounts, it seems that while everyone else on the bus was fast asleep, he may've accidentally come into contact with a door release button -located at knee-height- in the back, since a back door opened and...
Really, what can you say?


Veronica Maggios ljudtekniker hedrades av svenska artisteliten. Nu slår polisen fast: Dödsfallet var en olycka
By Martin Gustafsson

A week later, a photo-filled article on the heartfelt performance by Veronica and several artist friends honoring him thru their grief: 
Här hyllas Tom Hofwander

But the few articles I could find about her often made no reference to that very upsetting incident, either, so what could it be? 

In retrospect, of course, I shouldn't have bothered wondering, because whatever it was, now Veronica has released two new singles from her fourth album, the follow-up to Satan i Gatan
and already, fans and critics are raving about them, especially Sergels Torg

But Sergels Torg is not only a great song, but also a great place that is very important to all of the people of Stockholm, and what an amazing place it is.

Below, some more of my January 2013 photos at Sergels Torg, Stockholm, Sweden. All original photos below by South Beach Hoosier.  © 2013 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.

Only one of my favorite places in all of Sweden and anywhere, and somewhere where I literally spent HOURS standing and walking around it and the adjoining areas in January's cold, marveling at it all.

I went inside for an hour or so and gave myself the self-guided tour, and saw the awesome and impressive Kulturhuset arts, retail and civic complex and saw the public library, the theatres, the cozy and chic and alternately swank restaurants, all of which is organized and planned in a stylish way that would cause anyone from South Florida, who is used to the sort of mediocre design and half-assed results we see all around us, to have their jaw drop.

Plus the very impressive Stockholm on the Move exhibit!
2016 Update: That site was replaced by

That featured a room with a scale-model display of the entire city of Stockholm and environs and what it might look like in the future, which made me thinks of the diorama located at Gettysburg.
That's when all those hours of walking around for days I did really came in handy, since I feel like I now know Stockholm much better than I do Fort Lauderdale right now, which is both odd and comforting. As I've said before, I felt very much at home there.

Sergels Torg is the sort of public space writ large of the sort where, when you are there for the first time, at least me with MY particular personality, and living in an area of the U.S. like I do in South Florida with none of the energy and synergy it has, unlike when I was in D.C., made me wish that my friends and family could be there so they could be wowed by it, too.
Here's some perspective:

Oskar Sigvardsson YouTube Channel video: Robyn - Show Me Love (LIVE, Sergels Torg, Stockholm, 2010) Uploaded March 11, 2010.

Bounce Sweden YouTube Channel video: [OFFICIAL] Michael Jackson Dance Tribute - STOCKHOLM. Uploaded July 9, 2009.
At Sergels Torg and Stureplan.

Martin Larsson YouTube Channel video: Stockholm in motion. Uploaded January 8, 2013.
This is a terrific video of Stockholm, and not just because I was at all of the popular locations shown here -but two- within one week of this being video uploaded. The only difference was that there was a LOT MORE ice and snow on the ground when I was there! The photo shown here in the vid is of the fountain at Sergels Torg (Sergel's Square in English), festooned with light-covered Christmas trees and reindeers, with the SEB building in the background, looking slightly northwest from the Kulturhuset, also one of my favorite places! I took a lot of photos right around there because there's so much energy there that it's positively infectious. Sergels Torg comes at 1:38.

Some older songs of Veronica's that we love -and frequently sing and hum to ourselves- and have featured before here on the blog: youTube Channel video: Veronica Maggio - Jag kommer (LIVE on SVT's 'Allsång på Skansen' in Stockholm). Uploaded July 16, 2011.

SwedishStereo2 YouTube Channel video: Veronica Maggio - Välkommen in (LIVE on SVT's 'Allsång på Skansen' in Stockholm). Uploaded July 12, 2011. 

allnicktaken YouTube Channel video Veronica Maggio - Snälla Bli Min (with Benny Andersson on piano) on SVT's "Moraeus med mera," aired September 18, 2011. 

UniversalMusicSweden YouTube Channel video: Veronica Maggio - Mitt Hjärta Blöder. Uploaded February 15, 2012.

UniversalMusicSweden YouTube Channel video: Veronica Maggio - Måndagsbarn. Uploaded March 3, 2008.

re @veronicamaggio  
Veronica doesn't actually use Twitter herself, but lots of people do in talking about her. 
See what they're saying at:
Some of the videos on her official Facebook page will not play for readers in the U.S. since they have not yet been officially released yet by the Universal Music Group, which is why I have them above for you to listen to, notably, Dallas.

For those of you with an interest in her Social Media scores...