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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Donald Trump Redux is further proof of the Miami Herald's gross incompetency and fundamentally-flawed idea of (and coverage of) Broward County in 2011

So, would you believe that more than:
a.) 36 hours after Donald Trump announced that he wasn't running for president, and,
b.) the day AFTER the Miami Herald ran a print story on page 3A -with no photo- to that effect, and,
c.) after I commented here in this space on Monday the 16th that the Herald's management had continually kept a link to an April 13th story about Trump in the "Breaking News" section of the Broward homepage -to the exclusion of actual recent stories in this county-titled, Answer: It's about Donald Trump. Question: Why is a month-old story still on Miami Herald's Broward homepage under 'Breaking News'? Blame Jay Ducassi
early this morning, after I woke-up due to some noise outside my home (and after flipping the computer back) on, I discovered that
d.) this same, now completely useless story, had now migrated from number four on Monday to... yes, being the number-one Breaking News story in Broward County in the opinion of Herald management/staff?

At the top of this post is the photo proof of the current McClatchy/Herald crew's gross incompetency and their fundamentally-flawed idea of (and coverage of) Broward County, a large county in the nation's fourth-largest state, yet treating it like a pariah in terra incognita.
It's a screenshot I took of the Herald's Broward County homepage at 1:58 a.m.

It speaks volumes for the Miami Herald's future.
"Iceberg dead ahead!!!"