meeting on the Diplomat Country Club LAC.
Below, the ad that ran in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel
this morning on p. 9B
If you're coming to tonight's meeting in HB,
don't forget to bring a flashlight with you,
since so many of the public parking lot lights
at HB City Hall are still out, as they have been
for most of the past TWO YEARS.
This includes 3 of the 4 lights closest to the
U.S.-1 public entrance to City Hall.
But despite multiple warnings, City Manager
Mike Good, City Attorney David Jove and
Police Chief Thomas Magill have consciously
choosen to ignore the self-evident safety and
liability issues.
And for those of you who don't live within the
33009, that's what passes for normal here.
And what about that ceiling in the City Hall
breezeway, still messed-up two years later?
Per my friend Csaba's suggestion, if you're
opposed to the Diplomat project, you're
encouraged to wear something RED tonight.
Google Map of Hallandale Beach City Hall and
environs, 400 S. Federal Highway,
Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
View Larger Map
excerpt from:
PUBLIC HEARINGS (to be heard at 7:30 P.M.)
A. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida Amending the City’s Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan by Changing the Land Use Designation of a Portion of the Diplomat Country Club Located Generally at 500-501 Diplomat Parkway From Commercial Recreation (86.8 Acres), General Commercial (5.24 Acres), and Low Density Residential (1.45 Acres) to Local Activity Center; Containing a Provision for Inclusion in the City’s Adopted Comprehensive Plan; Providing for Severability; Repealing Conflicting Ordinances and Resolutions and Providing an Effective Date (First Reading) (Staff: Director, Development Services) (See backup) CAD #009/08
---------------------- OF HALLANDALE BEACH
DATE: December 1, 2009
TO: D. Mike Good, City Manager
FROM: Richard D. Cannone, Director of Development Services
SUBJECT: An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida Amending the
City’s Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan by Changing the Land Use Designation of a Portion of The Diplomat Country Club Located Generally at 500-501 Diplomat Parkway From Commercial Recreation (86.8 Acres) General Commercial (5.24 Acres) and Low Density Residential (1.45 Acres) to Local Activity Center; Containing a Provision for Inclusion in the City’s Adopted Comprehensive Plan; Providing for Severability; Repealing Conflicting Ordinances and Resolutions and Providing an Effective Date.
To amend the City Comprehensive Plan by amending the Future Land Use designation of a portion of the Diplomat Country Club located at 500-501 Diplomat Parkway (approximately 93.49 net acres) to Local Activity Center (LAC).
On November 2, 2009, the applicant held the required Community Meeting to present the project in a public forum. On November 17, 2009, the Planning and Zoning Board held a public hearing on the application. The Board recommended approval of the application by a vote of 5-1 (Cooper, No); subject to staff’s recommendation as follows:
1. The applicant shall reduce the intensity of the development;
2. The applicant shall work with staff to modify the building location proposed on Parcel F to address concerns with compatibility;
3. Applicant shall be required to apply to rezone the property to Planned Local Activity Center (PLAC) within 3 months of the City Commission approval of this amendment on First Reading;
4. The applicant shall be responsible for developing an alternative plan in lieu of utilizing 75% of the City’s remaining flexibility units; and
5. The applicant shall provide a minimum of 15% of the proposed number of units be considered affordable.
Subsequent to the Planning and Zoning Board meeting, staff met with the applicant and representative to discuss the conditions and has provided the following responses:
- The applicant will address the intensity of the development at the time of the Planned Local Activity Center (PLAC) rezoning.
- The applicant will address the building location of Parcel “F” at the time of PLAC rezoning.
- The applicant has agreed and anticipates filing the Planned Local Activity Center (PLAC) zoning district application in late January 2010.
- The applicant agrees to work with staff to develop an alternative plan in lieu of utilizing 75% of the City’s remaining flexibility units. It should be noted, currently, there are 905 Flex Units available in Flex Zone 93; 605 of these flex units are proposed to be allocated to the City’s Regional Activity Center (RAC) presently being processed. The resulting balance of units available in Flex Zone 93 will be 300 Flex Units.
- The applicant will provide 15% of the units as affordable housing or contribute financially to the City’s affordable housing program in an amount to be negotiated with the City and incorporated into a Development Agreement at the time of rezoning to PLAC.
Staff has further evaluated the proposed amendment relative to its impact on the City and public facilities and determined there is sufficient capacity as to water, sewer and parks and recreation. The student impact of the project on overcrowded schools would be four (4) students to Hallandale Elementary. (Please see attached staff report to the Planning and Zoning Board dated November 17, 2009 for a detailed analysis).
The applicant was also required to submit a Traffic Analysis to analyze the trip generation increments created by the land use plan amendment (LUPA) as part of their application. This study was prepared by Kimley Horn and Associates. The City’s traffic consultant for this project, The Corradino Group, reviewed the report and concluded the proposed LUPA will result in a net increase of 302 trips in the PM Peak hour. The current land use designation for the site generates a total of 348 trips in the PM peak hour. The net external trips after the LUPA will be 650 trips in the PM peak hour. At this time, the trips distributed to the transportation network include the net increase generated for the land uses of the proposed amendment. At the time of rezoning to PLAC, the applicant will be required to submit a traffic study which will show the total trips generated by the project to the traffic network.
A review of the traffic analysis provided by the Applicant revealed that the project impact is significant on the following roadways:
Table 1
Total Net Project Trips per Roadway
PM peak Hour
Facility | Total Maximum Net PM peak Hour Trips |
NE 14th Avenue | 50 |
Atlantic Shores Boulevard | 75 |
Hallandale Beach Boulevard | 123 |
US-1 | 46 |
A1A | 16 |
As the City is located in an Urban Infill Area, development projects may not be denied based upon concurrency, however, they are required to mitigate their impacts. The applicant has offered the following mitigation:
- Signal improvements at the intersection of NE 14th Avenue and Hallandale Beach Boulevard.
- The construction of an additional westbound right-turn lane providing for dual right-turn lanes at Atlantic Shores Boulevard and US-1.
Based upon the Applicant’s traffic studies, the mitigation program will alleviate the impact of the trips allocated to NE 14th Avenue and Atlantic Shores Boulevard. City staff will continue working with the applicant to provide for a mitigation program for trips allocated to Hallandale Beach Boulevard, A1A and US-1.
The applicant will also be required to mitigate for traffic and transportation impact as set forth by Section 32-794, “Traffic and Transportation Facilities.”
The City Commission consider adoption of the attached Ordinance changing the land use designation of the Diplomat Country Club property to Local Activity Center and authorize transmittal to the Broward County Planning Council (BCPC) and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The Ordinance will be brought back for Second Reading after A compliance determination by appropriate agencies.
Prepared by:
Christy Dominguez,
Director of Planning and Zoning
D. Mike Good, City Manager Date
_____Approved _____Disapproved _____Hold for Discussion
Item 12A - Agenda for 2009-12-16
SUPP_DOCS / Documents
Document 1 - Ordinance
Document 2 - Staff Report to Planning and Zoning Board
Document 3 - Attachment 1- Diplomat Country Club Parcels A-F
Document 4 - Attachment 2- Design Guidelines
Document 5 - Diplomat Application to Broward County
Document 6 - EXHIBIT A- Diplomat Map
Document 7 - EXHIBIT B- Legal Description