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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More proof that "Despicable" lives in Broward County, too. How much damage can one man do to a single County in Florida in the year 2013? When it's Mike Satz, the answer is PLENTY!; Broward Bulldog: "State drops burglary case against teen; Satz tolerates police misconduct, Finkelstein says again"

The screenshot of Michael Satz on Local10's "This Week in South Florida" that I last used on June 5, 2013 in my blog post titled, "When it comes to Public Integrity, it's "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" at the Broward State Attorney’s Office: What are all you people in Hallandale Beach who want good, clean government looking at me for, anyway? Why are you expecting me to actually do something about the longstanding corruption, incompetency and malfeasance at Hallandale Beach City Hall, to say nothing of what the Broward Inspector General's office just called the city's "gross mismanagement" for years of the HB CRA? After all, I'm only the Broward State's Attorney"
and before that, in my November 6, 2012 blog post titled, "Satz does NOT rhyme with success: Vote NO on Miami Herald's sorry 2012 local and state election coverage: Proof? Their editorial board endorsed carpetbagger Joe Gibbons of Jacksonville and over-the-hill mediocrity Mike Satz BEFORE paper ever printed a single article about their races. Slipshod Herald editors then run thread-bare story about them AFTER the August Primary Early Voting period had started. As usual, too little too late at One Herald Plaza!"

Speaking of "Despicable" as I was in yesterday's blog post about the sickening scandal involving the Metropolitan Police in London, and allegations that some members of the force there not only withheld evidence about the murder of an innocent teenage in 1993, but also orchestrated smears against his family, here's more proof, as if we needed  it, that truly  "Despicable" lives in Broward County, too.

So, how much damage can one man do to a single county in Florida in the year 2013? 

Well, when that man has been given a lot of power and discretion and his name is Mike Satz, the answer is considerable damage indeed. 
Damage that even the smartest among us can't even begin to completely know the full extent of right now, but will only come to learn about in the years to come. 
No doubt, after he inflicts even more damage on us by allowing the legions of corrupt and unethical people to continue to ply their trade.

When Mike Satz pricks us, by consistently failing to do his important job properly, of lacking the desire to enthusiastically go after dishonest cops, corrupt lobbyists and unethical elected officials and make public examples of them, and of failing to go after the hiding-in-plain sight corruption in all of its guises in THE most-corrupt county in Florida, especially in this small corrupt and poorly-run city, do we not bleed? 
Yes, we do.

Broward Bulldog
State drops burglary case against teen; Satz tolerates police misconduct, Finkelstein says again
By Dan Christensen, 
June 25, 2013 AT 6:30 AM
The Broward State Attorney’s Office has dropped a felony burglary charge against a 15-year-old boy who defense attorneys say was coerced by Fort Lauderdale Police into falsely confessing to a crime he did not commit.  
Broward Public Defender Howard Finkelstein is making an issue of the case as “yet another instance of police misconduct” that Broward State Attorney Michael Satz has done nothing to correct.
Read the rest of the article at


Just like Satz did last week, last month and last year.
And it's true.

And the proof is not only all around us in this county, it is right here for you to read and imagine in your own mind:
Hittleman argued the boy had not been informed of his Miranda rights against self-incrimination, and that police repeatedly had threatened to call Child Protective Services to take away his sister’s two-year-old toddler if he “did not admit to committing the burglary.”
“If I admit it to you, you won’t take my sister’s baby, right?” the boy asked a detective, according to defense court filings.Hittleman’s conclusion:
“It is hard to conceive of circumstances more coercive than those presented here.”
Wow, as if all the negative things we've been told for years by well-informed people about the Fort Lauderdale Police Dept. hadn't jolted us enough, threatening to take little kids away to get confessions.

Yes, more than ever, Mike Satz not only seems to be Joy Cooper's secret weapon for staying
out of jail (and purgatory) for all the serious damage she's personally wrought upon this city and its citizens the past ten years, as he and his bungling staff have been perfectly oblivious to everything going on here, he also is the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Not that you asked, but I will NEVER vote for anyone currently working at the Broward State's Attorney's office.

This curious photo of the mayor's son appeared in my blog post titled, Hallandale Beach's Midnight Vigilante is no Paul Revere! Caught in the act: Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper's son's Midnight Ride of campaign sign-stealing -on Election Day!; Anything goes now in HB -even political intimidation- as Broward IG & Broward SAO sleepwalk while laws & ethics are repeatedly laughed at by pols in power; @MayorCooper, #FDLE, @myfloridalegal,
As for the above situation, if you're curious what happened afterwards, when the Office of the Broward Inspector General and the Broward State's Attorney's office were properly notified about this and many other curious things, like campaign signs for Joy Cooper, Anthony A. Sanders and Bill Julian on city-owned property, i.e. taxpayer property, as well as on church property, for weeks and months, all of which is illegal? 

And yes, in retrospect, I should've described it as "Election Eve," but you get the point nonetheless

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Despicable! Growing national backlash against sickening British police scandal that's only getting worse over time - Prime Minister David Cameron and entire U.K. literally staggered by the depths of despicable revelations re organized undercover police efforts to withhold evidence and smear the family of an innocent teenage boy murdered in 1993. Stephen Lawrence was murdered, and since then, it seems that Police and govt. bureaucrats have intentionally taken aim at his family to keep them quiet via orchestrated smears!; Damning news videos by BBC and Channel 4 News

Channel4News YouTube Channel video: Home Affairs correspondent Simon Israel reports on revelations that Stephen Lawrence's family was targeted and smeared by police. The parents of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence were treated as a threat to be smeared, according to a former undercover officer with the Metropolitan Police Service. Uploaded June 24, 2013.

BBC-TV video: The MP for Eltham & Plumstead, Clive Efford, who was involved in the call for the original 1997 inquiry into the case, describes the very grave nature of the revelations that some members of the Metropolitan Police -as well as people connected to the Home Office in the '90's- have not only been withholding damaging evidence about the truth surrounding the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993, but been involved in even further corruption via an organized effort to smear the Lawrence family. MP Efford, a Labour Party member and the Shadow Secretary for Sport, further stated that he believed that the only way the truth will all come out is via a new inquiry that does NOT involve the "police investigating police" agreeing that it was "not going to be good enough" for the British people. And he's 100% correct.
Video at
Despicable! Growing national backlash against sickening British police scandal that's only getting worse over time - Prime Minister David Cameron and entire U.K. literally staggered by the depths of despicable revelations re organized undercover police efforts to withhold evidence and smear the family of an innocent teenage boy murdered in 1993. Stephen Lawrence was murdered, and since then, it seems that Police and govt. bureaucrats have intentionally taken aim at his family to keep them quiet via orchestrated smears!; Damning news videos by BBC and Channel 4 News 

Much of Britain has woken-up lately feeling like a thunderous punch has been delivered to their collective stomachs, out-of-the-blue, while they were minding their own business this wet summer.
Except that was then quickly followed-up with a swift billy club to the back of the neck and a taser to their groin.
Groggy and barely able to stand, they hold on as best they can and wonder what sordid fact is  coming down the pike next in a police scandal that gets every one's emotions boiling in a flash.
And with that comes the larger possibility of yet another flash point.

Me being me, being interested in the very wide variety of things that I am, which, fairly often, confounds and frustrates both family and friends, and listening, reading and consuming by the ton the digital media that I do every week with a very heavy U.K. flavor, especially radio and TV, I've been following the Stephen Lawrence case for years.

BBC's timeline on the case:

Before these most recent revelations that have taken away every one's breath by their sheer level of cruelty and evil, the “hunt for disinformation” to discredit the Lawrences,l had planned on posting something about it over the Fourth of July weekend, when I'd finally post a lot of non-South Florida posts that I've already written and have been keeping in cold storage until the right time came.

But Monday morning while looking for something else, I found this powerful BBC News video
that falls hard on the heels of all the dozens of news articles, columns, blog posts and radio program discussions so very upsetting and despicable in the tale it told, that I found myself unable to wait any longer.
And when I received my daily Snowmail from London after Noon on Monday from Channel 4 News that gives me the rundown on the news stories they'll be doing later,;jsessionid=0;apw63?sigreq=1937640847
I was absolutely sure of it.

The Guardian
Police 'smear' campaign targeted Stephen Lawrence's friends and family
Exclusive: former undercover officer Peter Francis says superiors wanted him to find 'dirt' shortly after 1993 murder
Rob Evans and Paul Lewis, The Guardian
23 June 2013

The Guardian
Stephen Lawrence: Cameron deeply concerned by smear campaign claim
PM calls for investigation into claims undercover police officer was part of operation to smear family of murdered teenager
Alexandra Topping, Paul Lewis, Rob Evans and Patrick Wintour,, 
24 June 2013 04.24 EDT

The Telegraph
Who’s keeping tabs on the undercover cops?
Stephen Lawrence's family are not the only ones concerned about their activities
By Philip Johnston
8:43PM BST 24 Jun 2013

I had to get it out of my system before I literally blew a gasket, and so have deleted many prior links to stories about the case that have been attached to the Draft for many months, given that they no longer seem nearly as important to the overall picture, given what we've learned of late.

Most of you reading this now know as well as I do that there are some things that are more than merely dramatic literary license and fictional threats delivered in film or criminal procedural drams on TV, but actually common knowledge.
One of those things that we know to be true is that former policemen in prison have a very difficult time surviving.

But knowing what I know about this case and the way that some undercover police and govt.
bureaucrats seem to have attempted to orchestrate a PR lynch mob against the family of a teenage boy killed for no logical reason other than sheer hate, I only hope it's even worse in prison for the people involved in this case, since they have been drawing a public paycheck for years as guardians of civility, without people they encounter having any idea of the true depths of their immorality.

Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe responds to allegations in the media about undercover officers conduct in the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation:

Speaking of incompetent and/or unethical police, I will soon be posting some information here on the blog about what I and many other concerned and well-informed Hallandale Beach residents believe is the completely unsatisfactory performance over the recent past of the Hallandale Beach Police Dept.

I will be mentioning and raising questions about several specific situations and episodes that I am all-too-familiar with, as well as daily policing practices that STILL defy logic and reason despite how obvious it is that they bear no semblance of common sense.
But continue they do, ridiculous or not...

They continue because the HBPD was, is and will likely continue to be led by people who really are NOT that interested in improving the performance and reputation of the police force and making hard choices, so that it at least measures up to what HB residents, taxpayers and small business owners have a reasonable right to expect, considering the giant over-sized slice of the city budget the HBPD currently consumes.
The ratio of HB taxpayer money spent on policing to the actual HB taxpayer's level of satisfaction is completely out-of-whack.

Things really need to change dramatically there soon.
In part, before the HBPD pension problems become so much worse that even the sleepwalking local news media finds themselves unable to ignore the problem any more, and HAVE TO start showing up at HB City Hall in person -which they hate, and not without reason.

Oh the ignominy of them showing-up at 400 S. Federal Highway, knowing perfectly well before they finally find a place to park in the too-small public parking lot that they will be met with a stonewall just like so many HB residents are when they want to know what's really going on at HB City Hall.

Imagine that, reporters actually (finally!) asking hard questions about how large those pension obligations are, and actually reporting what the percentage of the city's future budget they'll be consuming, though the truth is that we all know most of the local print reporters would rather just be leaving messages from their officefor the city's spokesman, messages that will never be returned.

You know, "unavailable for comment."

Try looking up "unavailable for commentin the Miami Herald and South Florida Sun-Sentinel's archives  PLUS the words "Hallandale Beach" and see how many times that comes up.

If yours truly only had a five-dollar bill for every time a newspaper article said that about someone at HB City Hall since i moved here, we'd already have that next trip to Sweden in the Fall already paid for -airfare, lodging and some really good food this time!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Prescient blogger Mickey Kaus is reading my mind again: "Psst, @SenMarcoRubio: Don't even bother showing up in Iowa"; "Pew shows blacks favor "enforcement first" approach--way off the Dem reservation on that, basically in line w/ GOPs"; Meanwhile The Hill reports "Schumer predicts mass demonstrations if House blocks path to citizenship"; pro-amnesty Miami Herald goes an entire week without publishing anything critical of immigration bill they favor

Whatever you do, don't wake-up FL-24 Rep. Frederica Wilson and tell her that last bit of news. She doesn't want to have to say anything about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill until after she gets her talking points from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.  

More Mickey at

Here's some more of what you WON'T be reading about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill in the Miami Herald or the South Florida Sun-Sentinel this week, or seeing presented fairly on newscasts of CBS4, NBC6, 7News or Local10 News at 6 and 11 p.m. 
And what you WON'T be reading about any of the various amendments or fig-leafs that will never be enforced.

Not that the smart readers among you didn't already know this, or haven't since connected the dots over the past week after realizing how truly unprofessional the Miami Herald and its management and editors have been by having a news blackout on the Ryan Lizza column and Rubio and Alex Conant.
But for the rest of you, do you not see how the local South Florida press corps is completely snowing you, and almost daring you to call them on what they've done.

Try to find the words Lizza, Corker or Hoeven on these websites for May or June of 2013 re immigration, especially written by a local reporter.
Nice and thorough, Miami-style: nothing.
It's like they did a body-dump by driving out to the Everglades and dropped the facts into the swamp, assuming the gators would eat all the evidence.

Local10, is the only one of the four with anything to speak of, and none of what appears there is local, just written AP dispatches.
So none of it was ever actually telecast.
So it's little more than useless, too.

On Sunday afternoon, I left this comment at the Tampa Bay Times website regarding Alex Leary's story on Friday about Sen. Jeff Sessions and his efforts at telling the truth about the myriad amendments and what Rubio and the Gang of Eight are trying to do -buy off senators with promises that the Congress has no intention of keeping in the future.

Tampa Bay Times
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions driven in opposition to immigration reform bill
Alex Leary, Times Washington Bureau Chief
Friday, June 21, 2013 11:20am

At some point, Alex, you and the other political/govt. reporters at the Times are going to have to have a serious pow-wow amongst yourselves about your news partner, the Miami Herald.
Have to reconcile yourselves with the larger real world consequences of the fact that even while all sorts of things have been going on this past week on Capitol Hill with the immigration bill and the various amendments and fig-leafs intended to get more GOP support, matters that can have been mentioned at all of of the major political websites and blogs, and via Twitter, the zealously pro-amnesty Miami Herald has been engaging in a policy of deliberate censorship.A news blackout against anything and everything that has come out publicly that is negative about the Schumer-Rubio bill, esp. in Ryan Lizza's column in the The New Yorker about Sen. Rubio and his aide, Alex Conant. No, never is heard a discouraging word.
Instead of trying to stay on top of things for its readers as you'd expect, the Herald has gone the exact opposite route -to keep their own readers in the dark by making sure that nothing about it gets into print or is mentioned publicly in their political blog, Naked PoliticsYour Tuesday blog post was NOT co-listed there -for obvious reasons. Because it publicly raised questions about just what was in that column of Lizza's, specifically, Alex Conant's comments which would not have gone down so well in Northwest Miami.
That is precisely what the Herald's current management and editors don't want to see publicly brought up or discussed. especially anything that reflects poorly or Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, almost as if the Herald is now their publicists.Nope, the only things that get into print re S.744 are positive things about immigration -no mention about what the true purposes of the various amendments and fig-leafs are and what groups and industries are pushing them -any why.
Nothing like this fair-minded piece of yours today re what Sen. Sessions wants to do.
There's YOUR news partner at work.
Engaged in a deliberate news blackout against anything that is contrary to their editorial stand on immigration.
Very late Sunday night the Herald posted the Leary story online at

It's NOT like this is the first time that the Miami Herald has gone into full-spin control to protect Marco Rubio once he was elected to the U.S. Senate, either:

The Atlantic Wire
Miami Herald Is Better at Marco Rubio Damage Control Than Rubio
By John Hudson

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Robyn NEVER disappoints! Amazing new music video (and Behind-the-Scenes video) of Robyn's #UShouldKnowBetter feat. Snoop Dogg is a pop culture delight; @robynkonichiwa, @decida, #PernillaPhilip, #2faced1

Robyn YouTube Channel video: Behind The Scenes: Robyn feat. Snoop Dogg - U Should Know Better. The behind-the-scenes for #UShouldKnowBetter gets into great detail about all aspects of the collaboration of Robyn's Konichiwa Records and Decida Wahlberg's 2faced1. Uploaded June 22, 2013.

Robyn's behind-the-scenes videos are always entertaining, the cherry on top -delicious pop culture confections of  subtext, theme and fun.

The swedish film that Robyn and Decida reference towards the end regarding "kickers" is Stockholmsnatt, but it had the opposite effect on her than it did for many other teens living in Sweden then:

RobynVEVO Channel video: Robyn performing U Should Know Better ft. Snoop Dogg. Uploaded June 21, 2013.

See also:

SPIN Magazine
Robyn Stylist Decida Talks Platform Timberlands, Jody Watley, and Stockholm
By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd
January 9 2013, 11:11 AM ET

The Guardian
Robyn: unchained melodies
She was a teen pop star who stepped off the conveyor belt. 
Now Robyn Carlsson is singing about fembots, working with Snoop Dogg and dabbling in the avant garde
By Alexis Petridis, 16 June 2010 16.31 EDT

Decida Wahlberg's blog:
@decida -

Robyn - @robynkonichiwa,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Censorship? Guilty as charged! What do Miami Herald's Sergio Bustos, Marc Caputo, Mary Ellen Klas, Toluse Olorunnipa, Erika Bolstad, Patricia Mazzei and Amy Sherman all have in common? Of shirking their responsibilities as reporters! They have ignored all negative stories about Marco Rubio and immigration reform this week, and feign ignorance of what everyone else in the country is talking about -and reporting on: Ryan Lizza re #RubiosFolly

Censorship? Guilty as charged! What do Miami Herald's Sergio Bustos, Marc Caputo, Mary Ellen Klas, Toluse Olorunnipa, Erika Bolstad, Patricia Mazzei and Amy Sherman all have in common? Of shirking their responsibilities as reporters! 
They have ignored all negative stories about Marco Rubio and immigration reform this week, and feign ignorance of what everyone else in the country is talking about -and reporting on: Ryan Lizza re #RubiosFolly

Each one is a complicit member of the Hear No Evil/See No Evil/Speak No Evil reporting crew at the Miami Herald's feeble third-tier political blog, Naked Politics, that has completely ignored anything and everything over the past week about the furor erupting from Ryan Lizza's New Yorker column about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill, S.744, i.e. Rubio's Folly

The influential piece which featured Rubio aide Alex Conant saying something controversial that won't win him any friends in Northwest Miami, and which has been discussed and analyzed in hundreds of national websites and blogs, but NOT in the main newspaper or political blog of the city where Rubio is from and the state that he represents in Washington. 
Not sure how I can make that any simpler for those of you who are late arrivals to the blog on this story.

Conant doesn't mention that he's in the center of the storm:

As of 4 p.m. today, as these links prove, there NADA for the sixth day in a row in the Herald.
How do you simply ignore the story and pretend that nobody is noticing what you're doing?

And as for Rubio's new penchant for continually talking but never actually explaining, nothing has changed at his Twitter account since I mentioned this matter on Wednesday
There's still nothing new there since June 7th about anything, and nothing in over a month on immigration.

There's a very good reason why I've hardly ever mentioned that blog on these pages, and it has everything to do with them ignoring so much news everyday that would be news in others cities, that Naked Politics is perhaps the least important media political blog on the entire East Coast of the United States.

Even in Miami, with its traditionally low standards for performance and competency, they don't give awards to professional reporters who go out of their way to ignore timely and relevant news about important public policy issues. 
But that's exactly what has taken place the past six days.

In fact, the Tampa Bay Times broke their own news blackout on the Lizza & Rubio story on Tuesday by running something by Alex Leary on their far-superior but-still very liberal political blog, The Buzz, which I mentioned her the other day and linked to.

But despite the fact that most of the best blog pieces on the Herald's site are from the West Coast, the Herald editors have consciously chosen NOT to post that story even though it's the most-important one of the week.
The same way they buried the Jeb Bush appearance that fell flat earlier in the week

The next time that you are somewhere in Florida and spot one one these reporters or Herald Executive Editor Aminda Marques or Managing Editor Rick Hirsch, walk right up to them and ask them why they were so afraid of printing the truth, and were content being seen as stooges.

With all the amazing technology in the world that makes it easier than ever before for a reporter to do their job well, these particular Herald reporters are ostriches who put their heads firmly in the sand and wait for it all the uproar to be over.

And then, MAYBE, just maybe, Marc Caputo will write another one of his famous after-the-fact pieces that are painfully defensive in nature, and totally unpersuasive on the facts, which here, could not be more clear that the herald has shirked their responsibilities.
Yes, if they gave a Pulitzer Prize for THAT, Caputo and the Herald would be standing pretty every year..

The Schumer-Rubio merit-based immigration farce

Friday, June 21, 2013

Glad midsommar till alla mina vänner och läsare i Sverige. Jag önskar jag kunde vara med dig just nu!; Awesome turnout at Battery Park on Friday night at Swedish Consulate of New York's Swedish Midsummar Festival; ♥ #midsommar, #sweden, @MarieSerneholt, #nycmidsummer, #swedennewyork, #FIKA,

glad midsommar photo: Glad Midsommar glad_midsommar.jpg

Glad midsommar till alla mina vänner och läsare i Sverige. Jag önskar jag kunde vara med dig just nu! ♥

Location: Tingaröd, Skivarp; Photo: Carolina Romare/

Even Marie Serneholt, one of our favorites, played the role of garland-clad siren on the rocks of the lake yesterday, as these great photos from her blog at Swedish ELLE's website prove quite conclusively, down to the gold and blue ribbon on her left wrist:
In a word -heavenly!

I found out a few days after I got back from my trip to Stockholm in January that I missed running into Marie at Fotografiska, which is the crazy amazing and beautiful Museum of Photography, by only a few days.
To have been able to meet music dynamos like Anni Bernhard at the beginning of the trip, as I did, and Marie Serneholt at the end, as I could've, would have been perfect bookends in my book.

Here are some sweet photos that Matie snapped there that also appeared on her very popular blog:

Marie is also the new host of TV4's Bingolotto singing show.
Here's a recent interview on TV4's Nyhetsmorgon about the new gig and her having grown up watching the show like so many other people, but it's in Swedish.

As some of you who know me reasonable well already know, when I see her, I always think of American singer Mandy Moore, too, and how much I expected her to have a larger profile in the U.S. doing TV shows and variety things, just like Marie does now in Sweden.


Marie Serneholt, @MarieSerneholt

More on Midsommar traditions at

Strandvägen in Stockholm; Photo: Henrik Trygg/

Meanwhile, here I am in hot & humid Hallandale Beach -and missing out on delicious Swedish strawberries!

Awesome turnout at Battery Park on Friday night at Swedish Consulate of New York's Swedish Midsummar Festival!

More photos at their Instagram site:

Midsommar commercial for a sale at Elgiganten Sverige that crams as many traditions into 21 seconds as is humanly possible.

Now starting #newsblackout Day 5 at Miami Herald re Ryan Lizza's New Yorker column & Marco Rubio; Tampa Bay Times gave up Tues., Orlando Sentinel on Wednesday; Miami, often still barely part of America, and almost completely journalism-free this Summer.

musha hadeen YouTube Channel: Syndicated radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh discussed the fact that the old cliché about U.S. Big Business always supporting the Republican party is no longer true, and explains why that has changed. "At the root of this is money." Exactly. 
Now, instead of publicly fighting government encroachment and red-tape, Big Business supports and even depends upon Big Government programs -and the cheap loans that they can receive via crony capitalism. It's for this reason and many others -including cheap labor in places like Florida- that Big Business is now so intent on pressuring the GOP to pass the pro-amnesty Schumer-Rubio immigration bill, S.744, or else risk getting no campaign contributions in the future. This has led been led by many large and powerful GOP donors who have become conditioned to getting their way because of their money -and the GOP consultant class that are always hip to act morally superior and act as go-betweens for the folks with big checkbooks! Now both groups are acting like they are the ones who are casting the votes, not Congress, not unlike lots of schlocky films of the '70's involving political intrigue, mindless conspiracies and a basic premise that business people owned elected officials. 
Rush Limbaugh mentions GE, the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson by name as examples of this elite class who are pushing hard for amnesty for all 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S., regardless of what it actually does to the country and whether it actually solves any problems. That's OUR problem, not theirs!
Uploaded June 17, 2013.

Whether you're a conservative, moderate or liberal, this far-ranging discussion is by far the most-accurate thing that has been broadcast on U.S. radio so far this year, and yet I'm sure it was quite upsetting to many of his listeners across the country who weren't quite prepared to believe it when Rush said it. 
Yes, it looks like many of his millions of listeners will have to let go of their old ways of thinking and quickly adapt  their political calculations and accept that the political world hasn't just changed, but changed dramatically as a result of what is being attempted by the GOP Establishment.
Time to push those old clichés out the door and see the world for what it truly is -full of opportunistic, know-it-alls who in some cases are Republican-leaning business people -and their hired hands- who want pols to sell their principles in exchange for their campaign checks, leaving you to have to watch from the sidelines. 

As most of you who have been paying attention know, the Once Upon a Time decent-but-never-great Miami Herald has really fallen down the journalism rabbit hole the past 15 years, due largely to some consistently poor management, a lack of commitment to quality local reporting and an abject refusal to evolve with the times and give customers the sort of compelling original content they want about the area they live in.

The sad reality for me is that they cover Cuba about as much if not more than they cover Broward County where I live, less than 14 miles north of where the Heat played the Spurs Thursday night in downtown Miami. 

As I've stated here on the blog before, Broward County is largely terra incognita to the Herald, especially now at their new HQ in the make-believe city of Doral, the city of warehouses and persistent street flooding that strands citizens and commerce even worse than in Hallandale Beach.

That has been even more the case as the paper has cut back on frontline reporting personnel, and in my opinion, keeping more of the problems instead of trading them out for fresh eyes that can see what's right in front of them.

Real Clear Politics
Top 10 Newspapers in Trouble
#4 Miami Herald
05.22.12, 08:54 AM CDT

I mention this because the Herald's longstanding pro-amnesty bias, obvious for quite some time, regardless of the facts or the circumstance, has allowed their other biases on behalf of Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, that is, ONCE THEY GOT ELECTED to Tallahassee and D.C., to again cloud their news judgment and any claim to news objectivity.

In case you forgot, I commend to you, 
The Atlantic Wire
Miami Herald Is Better at Marco Rubio Damage Control Than Rubio
By John Hudson

Here's what I posted early Thursday morning
Republican votes for the Gang of Eight immigration bill continue to fall away even 
as the Miami Herald continued their news blackout for a third day regarding Ryan
Lizza's New Yorker column and the truth about S.744, and the bad news for Marco
Rubio and the newspaper continues apace, as the truth about both continues to seep
out over the Internet

It's the perfect book-end to Wednesday.

Yes, lots of genuine frustration that an important public policy issue that directly affects this area of the country more than any 95% of the U.S., negatively in my opinion, is being completely ignored -on purpose

Not surprisingly, this being South Florida, and the Summer, it's not like the four English-language TV stations are doing anything to fill the news vacuum.
They've done nothing about it and are, in fact, resorting to their usual summer habits: -either sleepwalking or taking a siesta for the whole summer.

But don't worry, they'll wake-up and pretend they're serious reporters again around Labor Day, esp. if it looks like a hurricane may pass thru South Florida.
Yes, then they are all Edward R. Murrow speaking gravely into their microphone.

In fact, Thursday night, even given the unique circumstances of the NBA Finals, during 90 minutes of ABC's Miami affiliate, WPLG's newcast from 5-6:30, other than the 4 breaks for weather updates, the only non-Miami Heat story was the George Zimmerman trial.
That's the whole list.

(I even watched it again on my DVR before writing this just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.)

Miami, often still barely part of America, and almost completely journalism-free this Summer.