Ouch #marcorubio pic.twitter.com/wojgQO4jLy
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) June 24, 2013
Psst, @SenMarcoRubio: Don't even bother showing up in Iowa http://t.co/yvhXK9Wqly
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) June 24, 2013
Pew shows blacks favor "enforcement first" approach--way off the Dem reservation on that, basically in line w/ GOPs http://t.co/VMtrNCW04h
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) June 24, 2013
Whatever you do, don't wake-up FL-24 Rep. Frederica Wilson and tell her that last bit of news. She doesn't want to have to say anything about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill until after she gets her talking points from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
More Mickey at http://dailycaller.com/author/mickeykaus/
Here's some more of what you WON'T be reading about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill in the Miami Herald or the South Florida Sun-Sentinel this week, or seeing presented fairly on newscasts of CBS4, NBC6, 7News or Local10 News at 6 and 11 p.m.
And what you WON'T be reading about any of the various amendments or fig-leafs that will never be enforced.
Not that the smart readers among you didn't already know this, or haven't since connected the dots over the past week after realizing how truly unprofessional the Miami Herald and its management and editors have been by having a news blackout on the Ryan Lizza column and Rubio and Alex Conant.
Not that the smart readers among you didn't already know this, or haven't since connected the dots over the past week after realizing how truly unprofessional the Miami Herald and its management and editors have been by having a news blackout on the Ryan Lizza column and Rubio and Alex Conant.
But for the rest of you, do you not see how the local South Florida press corps is completely snowing you, and almost daring you to call them on what they've done.
Try to find the words Lizza, Corker or Hoeven on these websites for May or June of 2013 re immigration, especially written by a local reporter.
Nice and thorough, Miami-style: nothing.
It's like they did a body-dump by driving out to the Everglades and dropped the facts into the swamp, assuming the gators would eat all the evidence.
It's like they did a body-dump by driving out to the Everglades and dropped the facts into the swamp, assuming the gators would eat all the evidence.
Local10, http://www.local10.com/ is the only one of the four with anything to speak of, and none of what appears there is local, just written AP dispatches.
So none of it was ever actually telecast.
So it's little more than useless, too.
Kristol: GOP Senators Should Block Immigration Monday, Let Us and Them Read the Bill http://t.co/jRhAAUbK1D
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) June 24, 2013
I'm old enough to remember when Rubio's staff swore that the underlying bill already took care of border security. https://t.co/jjM6r3QKVw
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 23, 2013
Wow. Even with language extremely favorable to the G of 8, Pew still can't find majority in support of its approach. http://t.co/gdQKcams0i
— Jay Cost (@JayCostTWS) June 23, 2013
IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 'Unauthorized' Aliens at One Atlanta Address... http://t.co/pTEqxVhk1q
Schumer predicts mass demonstrations if... http://t.co/f7TTCTlKur
Immigration bill now includes Obama stimulus program... http://t.co/1zRgEKqA2p
On Sunday afternoon, I left this comment at the Tampa Bay Times website regarding Alex Leary's story on Friday about Sen. Jeff Sessions and his efforts at telling the truth about the myriad amendments and what Rubio and the Gang of Eight are trying to do -buy off senators with promises that the Congress has no intention of keeping in the future.
Tampa Bay Times
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions driven in opposition to immigration reform bill
Alex Leary, Times Washington Bureau Chief
Friday, June 21, 2013 11:20am
It's NOT like this is the first time that the Miami Herald has gone into full-spin control to protect Marco Rubio once he was elected to the U.S. Senate, either:
The Atlantic Wire
Miami Herald Is Better at Marco Rubio Damage Control Than Rubio
By John Hudson
Tampa Bay Times
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions driven in opposition to immigration reform bill
Alex Leary, Times Washington Bureau Chief
Friday, June 21, 2013 11:20am
At some point, Alex, you and the other political/govt. reporters at the Times are going to have to have a serious pow-wow amongst yourselves about your news partner, the Miami Herald.
Have to reconcile yourselves with the larger real world consequences of the fact that even while all sorts of things have been going on this past week on Capitol Hill with the immigration bill and the various amendments and fig-leafs intended to get more GOP support, matters that can have been mentioned at all of of the major political websites and blogs, and via Twitter, the zealously pro-amnesty Miami Herald has been engaging in a policy of deliberate censorship.A news blackout against anything and everything that has come out publicly that is negative about the Schumer-Rubio bill, esp. in Ryan Lizza's column in the The New Yorker about Sen. Rubio and his aide, Alex Conant. No, never is heard a discouraging word.
Instead of trying to stay on top of things for its readers as you'd expect, the Herald has gone the exact opposite route -to keep their own readers in the dark by making sure that nothing about it gets into print or is mentioned publicly in their political blog, Naked Politics. Your Tuesday blog post was NOT co-listed there -for obvious reasons. Because it publicly raised questions about just what was in that column of Lizza's, specifically, Alex Conant's comments which would not have gone down so well in Northwest Miami.
That is precisely what the Herald's current management and editors don't want to see publicly brought up or discussed. especially anything that reflects poorly or Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, almost as if the Herald is now their publicists.Nope, the only things that get into print re S.744 are positive things about immigration -no mention about what the true purposes of the various amendments and fig-leafs are and what groups and industries are pushing them -any why.
Nothing like this fair-minded piece of yours today re what Sen. Sessions wants to do.
There's YOUR news partner at work.
Engaged in a deliberate news blackout against anything that is contrary to their editorial stand on immigration.Very late Sunday night the Herald posted the Leary story online at http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/06/23/3467046/rubios-steadfast-immigration-reform.html
It's NOT like this is the first time that the Miami Herald has gone into full-spin control to protect Marco Rubio once he was elected to the U.S. Senate, either:
The Atlantic Wire
Miami Herald Is Better at Marco Rubio Damage Control Than Rubio
By John Hudson