#hÄkaninewyork - #GoodNewsBadNews: Swedish rock icon HÄkan Hellström comes to U.S. and both shows @GramercyTheatre in NYC are Sold Out. But I'm NOT there -and neither are any of my friends to take photos. :-(
My last blog post abt Swedish singer and songwriter HÄkan Hellström was on May 8, 2014, titled,
"Just 14 years ago today: debut single of HÄkan Hellström. (KÀnn ingen sorg för mig i Göteborg.) And now, everyone in Sweden †HÄkan -he can do no wrong. :-); video from his AllsÄng pÄ Skansen show last summer"
Please take a look at this post first so that what you read below will make a LOT more sense!
Exklusivt: HĂ€r laddar HĂ„kan Hellström inför New York-spelningen: "Vi bara leker" https://t.co/uAeNNI0nu9 pic.twitter.com/RjRtdet6dkâ Expressen Nöje (@ExpressenNoje) April 29, 2016
@LindaZachrison Photo from in front of @GramercyTheatre: "HĂ„kan Hellström Sold Out" https://t.co/7DgRPauMWH #Sweden #music @fredrikstrageâ HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 29, 2016
@LindaZachrison HĂ„kan Hellström shows @GramercyTheatre #SoldOut, closest I can get = @andersnunstedt https://t.co/XTQ0lDRnMK @fredrikstrageâ HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 29, 2016
Men titta vem jag nyss sprang in i! Small world. #hĂ„kanhellström @ The Gramercy Theatre https://t.co/c7NH3jtwebâ Anders Nunstedt (@andersnunstedt) April 29, 2016
@LindaZachrison HĂ„kan Hellström's new EP "1974" out today, sings tonight & Sat. @GramercyTheatre but nobody I know got tix = no photos. :-(â HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 29, 2016
Snart sĂ„! Följ oss pĂ„ Instagram @warnermusicswe för liveuppdateringar. #hĂ„kaninewyork pic.twitter.com/bJ1oe8mXPxâ Warner Music Sweden (@WarnerMusicSwe) April 29, 2016
IkvĂ€ll spelar HĂ„kan Hellström pĂ„ Gramercy Theatre i NYC. Följ oss pĂ„ Instagram för liveuppdateringar! #hĂ„kaninewyork pic.twitter.com/xUv0wIn5zbâ Warner Music Sweden (@WarnerMusicSwe) April 29, 2016
1974 - HĂ„kan Hellström pic.twitter.com/rrnGRHSCxMâ HĂ„kan Hellström (@HellstromCitat) April 28, 2016
This AftonbladetTV EXCLUSIVE clip integrates live action of HÄkan Hellström singing his beloved hit known by people of all ages in Sweden, Valborg, creative animation and clips from the film based on his life and songs, "KÀnn ingen sorg."
I can't begin to tell you how much I LOVE this video! it's no exaggeration -I really have watched it hundreds of times. :-)
@LindaZachrison 2/2 masterful #HĂ„kanHellström vid, @AftonbladetTV EXCLUSIVE. I've literally played 100's of times! https://t.co/xWVPms1kuVâ HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 9, 2016
@LindaZachrison 2/2 Pls promise that if U go, U will shoot/upload LOTS of video so we can live vicariously thru yr eyes! :-) #HĂ„kanHellströmâ HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 9, 2016