Catch Robyn today in-person or via streaming today at the Swedish Embassy in DC LIVE at 1:30 p.m. with Amb. @OlofsdotterK as part of #Teklafestival's #Tekladialogue via @KTHuniversity @SweInstitute, @SwedeninUSA., with @natalbrzezinski as moderator
IF you are in the #WashingtonDC area Saturday, please swing by @SwedeninUSA -and bring yr family- and come say 'Hej' to #Sweden's Amb to USA @OlofsdotterK
and singer/activist
@robynkonichiwa talking abt #tech & #GirlsWhoCode
It'll be... #fun!!!
The Swedish Embassy is located in Georgetown, right next to Washington Harbour, at 2900 K Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007
But if you can't be in D.C., you can watch the proceedings LIVE at 1:30 p.m. at
Robyn is playing SMASH 2019 at Sjöhistoriska in Stockholm on Saturday Aug. 17th, which everyone tells me is simply an amazing place at night -especially when you have the Midnight Sun!
You better believe I'm doing everything possible to be there along with some talented (and influential) friends in the Swedish music industry. But many of them are also scheduled to be on vacation then, on the other hand, it's Robyn's only concert in Sweden in 2019, so... what's going to happen? Stay tuned!
IF you are in the #WashingtonDC area Saturday, please swing by @SwedeninUSA -and bring yr family- and come say 'Hej' to #Sweden's Amb to USA @OlofsdotterK

It'll be... #fun!!!

The Swedish Embassy is located in Georgetown, right next to Washington Harbour, at 2900 K Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007
But if you can't be in D.C., you can watch the proceedings LIVE at 1:30 p.m. at
IF U are in #WashingtonDC area Saturday, pls swing by @SwedeninUSA -and bring yr family- and come say 'Hej' to #Sweden's Amb to USA @OlofsdotterK 🇸🇪& singer/activist🎤 @robynkonichiwa talking abt #tech & #GirlsWhoCode 🌎— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 7, 2019
It'll be... #fun! 😉 @karliekloss
On Saturday @robynkonichiwa will join us in #HouseofSweden to highlight the importance of more girls/women in #tech. The international launch of the #Teklafestival #Tekladialogue is presented by @KTHuniversity @SweInstitute and @SwedeninUSA See it here: …
So happy you will join us today @natalbrzezinski and moderate this important dialogue. Join us online, and see it here at 1.30 pm eastern time #Tekladialogue #SwedeninUSA #tech— Monica Enqvist (@MonicaEnqvist) March 9, 2019
Wow this happened in #Newyork after 🇸🇪 @robynkonichiwa concert yesterday. Today she is playing in #WashingtonDC and I am going. 😄Before that she is attending a panel about women in tech #Tekladialogue in #HouseofSweden @SwedeninUSA - see it here:— Monica Enqvist (@MonicaEnqvist) March 9, 2019
Women do not participate in tech anyway near the levels that males are. Who’s responsible for closing the gender-gap? How can we create an inclusive sector? #Tekladialogue @SwedeninUSA with @robynkonichiwa @natalbrzezinski @dataKateR @Lesliewcruz March9— Svenska institutet (@SweInstitute) March 5, 2019
#Sweden and @robynkonichiwa brings tech to teenage girls worldwide, beginning in Washington, D.C. on International Women’s Day. The international launch of the #Teklafestival #Tekladialogue is presented by @KTHuniversity @SweInstitute and @SwedeninUSA.
Join us March 9 in #HouseofSweden— Embassy of Sweden US (@SwedeninUSA) February 26, 2019
@LindaZachrison @MonicaEnqvist Say hej to Robyn for me tomorrow!— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 8, 2019
I'll try to see her on August 17th in #STHLM!
Still my favorite @robynkonichiwa video: "Hang With Me" :-)
Robyn is playing SMASH 2019 at Sjöhistoriska in Stockholm on Saturday Aug. 17th, which everyone tells me is simply an amazing place at night -especially when you have the Midnight Sun!
You better believe I'm doing everything possible to be there along with some talented (and influential) friends in the Swedish music industry. But many of them are also scheduled to be on vacation then, on the other hand, it's Robyn's only concert in Sweden in 2019, so... what's going to happen? Stay tuned!
You better believe I'm doing everything possible to be there along with some talented (and influential) friends in the Swedish music industry. But many of them are also scheduled to be on vacation then...
On the other hand, it's Robyn's only concert in Sweden in 2019, so... what's going to happen?
Stay tuned!
Tour dates: