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Showing posts with label Thomas Menino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Menino. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chicken! U.S. Mainstream Media circles-the-wagons, completely cowed, shows their bias by refusing to cover Chick-fil-A's biggest day ever, while others adroitly take the MSM to task for being so obvious about in their bias in news coverage: Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day is NOT what the MSM wanted to portray, so they didn't

Huge Support for Chick-fil-A Day

Just in case you forgot, since most local news media in this country conveniently forget to mention it in their coverage of this orchestrated controversy, Dan Cathy's position, i.e. of being against "Gay Marriage," is the same one that Barack Obama's had when he was elected president in 2008.

WallStreetJournalDigitalNetwork video: Chick-fil-A Will Survive Controversy in Short Term. Michael J. Casey of Dow Jones and the WSJ's John Bussey discuss the fast food controversy. Posted August 2, 2012.
Chick-fil-A Day Not What The Media Portrays
August 1, 2012 @ 10:35PM 
In case you missed it, about a week ago the CEO of the very popular fast food chain said “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit.” That comment started a firestorm for the chain.
The LBGT community began in full force to try to convince people to boycott the chain regardless of the fact that the popular chain doesn’t discriminate against gays as employees or patrons. 
Read the rest of the post at:

The Weekly Standard
Mainstream Media Blacks Out Chick-fil-A Story?
By Michael Warren
12:19 PM, AUG 2, 201

Reason Magazine
The Misguided Assault on Chick-fil-A
Banning a business because of the owner's beliefs is a terrible abuse of political power
Scott Shackford
July 27, 2012

San Francisco Chronicle
Token Conservative blog, 
Limbaugh: SF Mayor Ed Lee angrier at chicken than —
By Debra J. Saunders
Regarding San Francisco mayor Ed Lee
"Rush Limbaugh jumped on Lee’s comments by observing that the San Francisco mayor welcomes homeless defecating on BART escalators, but not a successful business enterprise. But then, City Hall always has cared more about scrubbing away unwelcome ideas than cleaning up city sidewalks, streets and public spaces."
Read the rest of the post at:

CBS News
Principle Over Profits For Chick-fil-A
By Stephen Smith
February 11, 2009 5:42 PM
CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann reports from Atlanta.
Video is at: 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mayor Menino's mosque: Bizarre story behind Boston's most controversial building; UDB

Just wanted to share this terrific and and thoughtfully-written story by David S. Bernstein in the new Boston Phoenix, easily one of the best pieces I've read all year, about the intersection of politics, self-interest and lack of accountability in government.
And some Boston-style stonewalling for a chaser!

Though it's set in Boston, it sounds exactly like an ethnic identity politics/multi-culturalism story straight out of South Florida, where crony capitalism still flourishes in many places under the guise of land development and its so-called regulation.

More proof of that has come within the past 24 hours, per an advisory board's decision in Miami-Dade County to expand the Urban Development Boundary in western Miami-Dade, so that it's now possible there might be development less than three miles from Everglades National Park.
Even though there's years worth of housing inventory on the local market.
More urban sprawl -just what this area doesn't need more of.

(The Miami-Dade County Commission votes on formally adopting this on Dec. 18th.
See Matthew Haggman's excellent story in the Herald at:
Battle looms on development push to the edge of the Everglades
Fireworks are expected at the first hearing on a controversial proposal to move the Urban Development Boundary to build a town on West Miami-Dade farmland.)

As to Bernstein's article, I especially like the fact that a group continuing to be paid by the City of Boston while continuing to NOT perform the duties they're contracted for, isn't even the most controversial aspect of the story.
As you'll see, that's the least of the problems!

When transferring the land for the mosque, the BRA credited the ISB with close to $200,000 toward the purchase price, in exchange for an agreement to maintain the adjacent Clarence "Jeep" Jones Park — named after the BRA's chairman — and the White Play Space.

The 10-year agreement took effect in February 2003. In effect, the city has been paying the ISB $1600 a month for the job — which, even Kaleem concedes,
it has not been doing.

A lesser reporter would've missed the forest for the trees, but Bernstein captures the whole sad mess and adroitly connects the dots in a compelling way.

Boston Phoenix
Menino's mosque
The bizarre story behind the construction of Boston's most controversial building
By David S. Bernstein
November 19, 2008

Most locals concede that getting anything of substance accomplished in Boston is a Herculean task. Residents have all but embraced the principle of civic inaction with a perverse kind of local pride. In the end, who you know is probably more important than what you are trying to do. And there is no doubt that little is accomplished without the approval and support of the mayor, Thomas M. Menino.

So it is with the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) near the intersection of Tremont Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard. Better known as the Roxbury mosque, the ISBCC has been in the works for more than 20 years. A few weeks ago it finally opened its doors for prayer — five years late, millions over budget, and still far from complete.

See the rest of the story at: