FOLLOW me on my popular Twitter feed. Just click this photo! @hbbtruth - David - Common sense on #Politics #PublicPolicy #Sports #PopCulture in USA, Great Britain, Sweden and France, via my life in #Texas #Memphis #Miami #IU #Chicago #DC #FL 🛫🌍📺📽️🏈. This photo of Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 classic "To Catch a Thief" is the large Twitter photo on my @hbbtruth account

Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025
Showing posts with label Ted Lamott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ted Lamott. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Part I: Investigating the continuing dysfunction, lack of appropriate disclosure of public information and the generally imperious anti-citizen attitude at Hallandale Beach City Hall under Mayor Joy Cooper; Matters that anyone could see if they just looked -I looked and here's what I found in late February 2013

This email was the first of two emails sent to City of Hallandale Beach (COHB) officials and employees at Hallandale Beach City Hall in the last week of February regarding longstanding problems that citizens continue to experience with the lack of timely public disclosure of public information, proper legal public noticing of scheduled public meetings, and the continuing problems with the city's clunky website, to say nothing of very curious choices about what is and is NOT placed on the city website by city officials.

It's instructive to note that any Hallandale Beach resident or visitor going to the city's website would've found the very same things that I did when I was looking. 

My only advantage, if you can call it that, was being familiar enough with how poorly-constructed the city's website is and how decidedly non-user friendly it is, with almost no intuitive feel to it at all.

And, of course, the common sense borne of experience to actually notice what was missing and to be able to double-check other places on the website to see if it'd been placed there by either mistake or on purpose, or was simply MIA.

For the tens of millions of dollars the City of Hallandale Beach annually spends, it doesn't seem unreasonable to me and many other concerned residents and small business owners in this city to expect that a current city employee drawing a paycheck actually engages in some degree of quality control and checks things once in a while, to see if everything is where it is supposed to be, and to aggressively fix problems when they encounter them, something which is NOT happening now.

Not by any stretch of the imagination.

A reasonable person might think that the head of the city's IT Dept, Ted Lamott, or the city's public spokesperson, Peter Dobens, might be the two people who by title are the ones that ought to be doing that as part of their job already.

That it wouldn't actually be necessary to mention it to them.

Yes, because that is more or less what they're already being paid for, isn't it, public communication.

And yet we STILL have a website that is not well-organized enough, one that lacks even a basic directory that is properly constructed.

Instead, when searching for information, even when you use the proper name or subject fields, relevant and germane information does NOT appear.
And much of the information placed on the website is placed there in a format that is NOT searchable.

Why would you consciously chose to do that unless what you want to do is make the search query more difficult for users instead of easier?

Lamott and Dobens are paid to make information available to the people who need it, including taxpayers and residents, but nobody I know in this city thinks they're getting their money's worth from either one of them, and that includes yours truly.

Two years ago, I spoke in minute detail to Lamott following a City Commission meeting he had spoken at, after which I spoke for three minutes under public comments about the longstanding website problems that continued to be ignored by him and the city.

We spoke outside the Commission Chambers in the City Hall breezeway and I told him with one glaring example after another that taxpayers were fed-up with problems never being resolved to their satisfaction.
I gave him my contact information and told him that i expected him to get cracking on fixing the problems.

Well, this being where we are, I'm sure that regular readers of the blog will not be surprised to discover that none of the specific website problems I told him about were ever dealt with, and Lamott never contacted me, despite having proclaimed how much he wanted feedback.

Yes, the same exact situation that has occurred so many times in the past with me and others I know in dealing with HB city employees.

They say they want to know but when you tell them what the problems are, you never hear from them again, i.e the Jennifer Frastai Rule.

This email was sent on February 26th, 2013 to the following people:

Sheena James, City Clerk, COHB; Ted Lamott, Director of IT, COHB; Renee C. Miller, City 
Manager, COHB; V. Lynn Whitfield; City Attorney, COHB; Liza Torres, CRA Director, COHB;
Michele Lazarow, Commissioner, COHB -just elected in November and someone I voted for.

Why isn't today's Hallandale Beach Planning & Zoning meeting listed on the city's website calendar?

Last month's CRA Advisory Board meeting, a meeting mandated by the City Commission in December, as well as the eventual Visioning meeting, were also NOT listed on the city website's calendar.

Additionally, that CRA Advisory Board meeting was NOT posted on City Hall's public notice bulletin board near the elevator, even as the meeting was starting.

Why in the year 2013 is getting accurate and timely PUBLIC information onto the city's own website SUCH a difficult and continuing problem for the city?

And shouldn't making sure that public information is actually made public quickly something that logically Peter Dobens should be responsible for, given not only what his position is in the city, Title: Public Relations / Public Information but former City Manager Mark Antonio's tortured rationale for why the city would hire yet another employee in the first place to perform such tasks?

Before Dobens was hired, Antonio was very adamant at public meetings about that and yet taxpayers and residents continue to see the city fail or unable to do very simple tasks with regard to making public information "public" that other cities seem to be able to do quite easily.

Why in the year 2013 is the city sometimes using Micro Office Word 97 for the P&Z agenda instead of PDF, as is the case today?

Who, specifically, decided to change the format of the HB P&Z meeting Minutes from Verbatim to Action Minutes, given that those meetings are held during the day when few people can attend, instead of at night as they ought to be, or, as I'd prefer, Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. when the largest number of Hallandale Beach residents can attend and participate?

On complicated or controversial matters, someone who was did not physically attend the meeting would have a very hard time following just how it came to be that decisions were made the way they were, if one were to rely solely on the new Minutes format.

Context is important and under a new system that eliminates context, a HB resident or interested party is left with few choices other than to try to find someone who attended the  meeting and have them explain what happened and why.

As someone who has been VERY critical publicly of the city's website for many years at public meetings for self-evident reasons, what are taxpayers to make of the fact that on the website now, in Docs  under "General Announcements," there has been nothing added there since January of 2012?

Thirteen months without any additions of any kind?

This has the cumulative effect of making me and other residents think that a.) a lot of relevant material is completely missing and was never uploaded when it was supposed to be, and should still be now, and, b.) that the whole category needs to be completely re-imagined and re-configured to be made more accurate and timely so that residents can find information more easily.

There should also be a parameter on that category, if it is kept, that allows a customer to pull either up "Most Recent" or "Most Popular" or both, so you don't have to swim thru ALL the listed documents while looking for something specific.

Frankly, the current category and layout has the practical effect of making you forget what you are actually looking for about halfway thru wading thru the list.

Why are Mayor Cooper's so-called (South Florida Sun-Times) "columns" posted on the city's website?

I would appreciate it if you could please forward to me the name and contact information for the CRA Advisory Board's attorney, as they are not listed on the city's website. 

As it happens, there's nothing current or accurate on the city's website about when the CRA Advisory Board will have their next meeting, or even whether they still need members, and if so, for what categories.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More of the same ol' incompetency and obliviousness at Hallandale Beach City Hall, inc. Sunshine Law violations -agenda Staff Reports still missing from city website 2 hours before City Comm. mtg.

Above, Hallandale Beach City Hall, where today, as always, despite what it may say in the Florida Constitution, citizen taxpayers are always low man on the totem pole.
March 21, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier. 

Below is my email sent this afternoon to Hallandale Beach City Commissioner Keith London and to many, many other interested parties in Hallandale Beach, Broward County and points beyond.
It's the very definition of self-explanatory.

March 21, 2012
4:15 p.m.

Dear Comm. London:

As if I hadn't already been an eyewitness to one incident after another over the past eight years where the City of Hallandale Beach and its elected officials, administrators and city employees have consciously sought to avoid complying with both the spirit and the letter of Florida's Sunshine Laws, including, being physically prevented from attending a publicly-noticed public meeting on the second floor of City Hall -a meeting which was mysteriously postponed moments before I was able to get upstairs, with your assistance- today reveals yet the latest example of the city's longstanding failure under
Mayor Joy Cooper and City Manager Antonio to give citizens what they are legally entitled to: the right to access public information.
Information prepared by city employees for city officials, ALL of whom are paid by the city's taxpayers.

The mendacious culture of secretiveness at Hallandale Beach City Hall needs to end -and finally be investigated!- and the latest evidence of that duplicity is that today, as of 4:00 p.m., two hours before the HB City Commission meeting starts at 6 p.m., ALL of the city-prepared Staff Reports on tonight's agenda items are MISSING from the city's website.

(And this is far from the first time this sort of thing has happened.)

Instead, when you click the links on the city's website you are directed to a city website page that reads, "We're sorry, but there is not a web page matching your entry."
I have copied and pasted the agenda below and have highlighted the missing elements below in red.

Citizens taxpayers in this city are long past being tired of City Manager Mark Antonio's feeble excuses for longstanding incompetence and obliviousness at HB City Hall, by both him personally and his very highly-paid staff.
As much as that bothers me, though, and it does more than i can say here, I, in particular, am also long past being tired of the self-serving alibis being offered up by city IT Dept. head, Ted Lamott,for why he and the city employees under his supervision STILL CAN'T figure out a way to place public information on the city's website in advance of meetings so that residents can actually read it a reasonable amount of time prior to a public meeting, a public meeting where recorded votes will be taken and taxpayer's money will be expended.

It seems very simple.
It is, and it's also their job and responsibility.
And yet here we are once again -in the dark.

This is the same fellow, Lamott, who, along with his staff, were UNABLE to place the correct time for city commission meetings on the city's electronic message board on U.S.-1 for many, many months last year.
The culture of obliviousness!
This, though, despite being told about it many times, the last time, last year, by a very exasperated me at a public City Commission meeting, who for the life of me, couldn't understand why this seemed like it was the Manhattan Project to him and his staff.

The illegal and undemocratic policies that have flourished for years at Hallandale Beach City Hall NEVER seem to wind-up with any sort of public accountability or reasonable punishment, as it seems clear that under the current occupants, there is no penalty for longstanding incompetency or the consistent outright breaking of the state laws -over-and-over.
In the case of the mayor and the city commission, the state constitution, which they and you are obliged to both respect, follow and uphold.
There's a reason why it's mentioned in the oath of office.

So, whom does the buck stop with?


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 2012 6:00 PM


2.      ROLL CALL


4.     PUBLIC PARTICIPATION  - Items not on the Agenda (To be heard at  6:15 P.M.)


A.    Proclamation Proclaiming April as Water Conservation Month (Staff: Director of Public Works, Utilities and Engineering) (See Backup) (Staff Report, Supporting Docs)


B.    Presentation by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2010 and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2010-2011 Budget. (Staff: Director of Finance) (See Backup) (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)



A.    Approval of Draft Minutes

1.     Regular City Commission Meeting of March 7, 2012 (Supporting Docs)

7.     PUBLIC HEARINGS (To be heard at  6:30 P.M.)

A.    An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with AAAA Crosstown Towing and Recovery, Inc. ("AAAA") for Towing Services; Providing for Conflict; Providing for Severability; Providing an Effective Date. (Second Reading) (Staff: Police Chief) (See Backup) (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)




A.    A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Award Bid # FY2011-2012-005, 36th Year CDBG Public Works Improvement Block Grant Project, to the Lowest, Responsible, Responsive Bidder, Acosta Tractors, Inc., in the Amount-Not-to-Exceed $544,640.69; Authorizing a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen Circumstances; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement with Acosta Tractors, Inc.; and Providing an Effective Date. (Staff: Director of Public Works, Utilities & Engineering) (See Backup) CAD #011A/10 (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)

B.    A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Approve the Implementation of a New Capital Project for the Creation of Wetland Areas within the City; Creating a Waterways Improvement Enterprise Fund; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Necessary Documents and Establish Appropriate Accounts to Implement the Project; and Providing an Effective Date.    (Staff: Director of Public Works, Utilities & Engineering)( See Backup)CR #049/11 (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)

C.    A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Declaring a Unique Circumstance Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 107, Exception to Bid Requirements, of the City Of Hallandale Beach Code of Ordinances; Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with Thunder Demolition Inc. in an Amount Not-to-Exceed Seventy-One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($71,400.00) to Complete Demolition Activities in the Property Located at 416 NE 8th Avenue, Hallandale Beach; Authorizing a Ten   Percent (10%) Contingency for Unforseen Circumstances during the Demolition Process; Authorizing the Expenditure of up to Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) to Restore the Site; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute all Related Documents; and Providing an Effective Date. (Staff: Director of Public Works/Utilities & Engineering) (See Backup) CAD #018/11 (Staff Report,Supporting Docs)

D.    A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Award RFP FY#2011-2012-010 Building Department Services  to  City of Hallandale Beach, Development Services Department, Building Division, to Provide Buildling Department Services; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement with City of Hallandale Beach, Development Services Department, Building Division; and Providing an Effective Date. (Staff: City Manager) (See Backup) BP#017/12 (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)

E.     A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Work Order No. 1 for Professional and Planning Services by AECOM Technical Services, Inc., Utilizing RFP #2007-2008-004, Continuing Services and Comprehensive Services, to Create a Wayfinding and Signage Plan and a Gateway Monument Design in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $15,500; and Providing an Effective Date. (Staff: HBCRA Executive Director)(See Backup) BP#013/12 (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)


F.     Consideration and Adoption of Final Chapter of Citywide Parks Master Plan (Staff: City Manager)(See Backup) BP#012/08 (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)

G.    Discussion to Amend the City Charter to Allow for Filling of Vacancy for the City Commission (Staff: Interim City Attorney) (See Backup) CAD# 003/11 (Staff Report)

H.    Discussion of Hiring of City Manager (Staff: Director of Personnel/Labor Relations) CAD#002/12 (Staff Report)



10.  COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda






11.   CITY ATTORNEY COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda

12.  CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda