Showing posts with label Mickey Kaus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mickey Kaus. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

More bad MSM analysis of Marco Rubio 2016 and immigration reform that includes the usual convenient forgetting of facts/polls that disagree with the central thesis of both La Raza and the GOP Consulting Class. Wow, this is getting tiresome! Jill Lawrence in National Journal: The Myth of Marco Rubio’s Immigration Problem; what's NOT a myth is Miami Herald's recent censorship of criticism of Rubio over immigration reform, esp. Ryan Lizza essay

My comments are after the frustrating column in Beltway Conventional Wisdom at bottom.

I know I can't be the only former Democrat who voted for Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate
in the 2010 Florida primary and general election who will publicly admit that he's unqualified
to be President or Veep in 2016, and who also think he's wrong on immigration.
The one thing I know that GOP pollster Whit Ayres can't seem to accept is that Marco Rubio can't possibly do anything in the future politically without votes from voters like me.
If voters like me ever turn on him for good...

The National Journal
The Myth of Marco Rubio’s Immigration Problem
He’s taking heat for supporting a path to citizenship. 
But almost every other GOP 2016 prospect does too.
By Jill Lawrence
July 15, 2013 | 6:00 a.m.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is losing altitude with some conservatives because he’s the Republican face of immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Yet he’ll have a lot of company in the 2016 field if he runs for the GOP presidential nomination.
In fact almost every Republican weighing a 2016 race – from Jeb Bush and Chris Christie to Paul Ryan and Bobby Jindal – favors some path to citizenship like the one in the comprehensive reform bill passed by the Senate, or is open to a variation of it.
Read the rest of the column at:

This is unintentionally funny, that is, if you think biased or uneven reporting is funny, given  that like a 1,001 of these media pieces on Marco Rubio the last few weeks,  The  National Journal's Jill Lawrence never actually talks to a serious and articulate person who is actually against Schumer-Rubio and who can make the case that there is a lot everyone can agree on and it's precisely THOSE policies of agreement that should be done FIRST on immigration 
reform, and the Gang of Eight prescription of a path to citizenship is NOT one of things that a majority of Americans agree.

But when confronted with that fact and numerous polls in all parts of the country showing this,
Rubio and the rest of the Gang, along with their various sycophants and proxies in the news media, Think Tanks and the Beltway GOP Consulting Establishment, esp. those with a tie to big-time corporate Agribusiness, want to grab their football and run home -and sulk.

And send email to supposedly-conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks about how unfair it all is that some voters in the country, especially the active GOP grassroots, are openly resistant to the demands of the GOP Beltway Crowd that this should be rammed thru or swallowed whole, despite the fact that its own supporters clearly haven't read it all and even now still can't explain all its ramifications to well-prepped reporters with a straight face.
Which, last time I checked, is what one of the public's principal criticisms of Obamacare were.
Correctly as we all know now.

Of course, like all those other pieces on Marco Rubio that have run the past few weeks that are almost always largely pro-Rubio -even if they do feel the occasional need for PR purposes to rap his knuckles or take him to task for some element of his amnesty position that doesn't please La Raza, Univision or the Democratic left- Jill Lawrence's 
conscious choice to NOT speak to someone smart and knowledgeable about what's going-on like Mickey Kaus, who can make that logical and persuasive counter-argument that includes Border protection, and do it in an interesting and informative way, Lawrence makes it much-easier for her to write her column.
And in the end, isn't that what's really most important to her?!

The one person she does quote a lot, GOP consultant Whit Ayres, seems to me to be laboring under one very large false illusion, and it's a sign of how disconnected so much of the GOP Consulting Class is that this can happen without someone who knows him grabbing him by the lapels and snapping him out of zombie-like trance chanting counter-intuitive nostrums about why it's correct for this bad piece of legislation to get passed the way he and the GOP Establishment want -expecting any new-ish group of voters in the future to be "thankful" to the GOP for passing it is preposterous and shows no understanding of either human or voting behavior in this country.

But then what are we to make of this?
It’s not a given that Republicans will lose if they stay the course. Those who are well funded, strong in their convictions, and persuasive on the stump might just prevail. Defiance might be worth a try, since the stakes are kind of big: constructive governance and the future of the Republican Party.
Funny, Jill Lawrence herself wrote that.
But she didn't write it within the context of the immigration story, even though it would be true, perhaps more so than any other issue.

Nope, she wrote this back in March, and the title that The National Journal came up for that tells you everything you need to know about the way she views the world, making her piece today seem all the more predictable:

Republicans Need to Think for Themselves, Even in Election Years
The GOP will never get fixed if its candidates keep running scared from primary challenges
By Jill Lawrence
Updated: May 30, 2013 | 12:31 a.m., March 4, 2013 | 11:22 a.m.

Call me crazy but my intuition based on actually paying attention to what happens in this country is that those future new permanent residents-turned voters will walk into the voting booth in their town's city hall or rec center or Senior's Center and calmly vote against Ayres' GOP candidates and not think about it twice.

Meanwhile, Ayres will still be trying to talk his failed candidates off a ledge by rationalizing the bad decision he made, as if that will do any good to his defeated candidates, after-the-fact, like they were sacrifices to appease the PC media gods.
And the candidates will remind him that he never said anything BEFORE th election about them being sacrifices, since they were paying him full-price.

It's all so very predictable, even without benefit of my handy Time Machine, but as usual, instead of someone with moxie like Kaus, who isn't afraid to fire back, it's pro-amnesty Establishment GOP Ayres whom Lawrence decides to make the conscience of her piece, which is why he'll still keep getting quoted in the future, no matter how wrong he is and illogical his analysis proves to be for years in retrospect.

This situation with Ayres is the precisely the sort of thing that, whatever else is wrong with American sports and the sports media punditocracy these days, and there's a lot, it shows that it is much more self-correcting than the world of political consulting and broadcast/print punditry.

Sometime, like a MLB pitcher with an un-hittable fastball who never learned to adapt and develop any other consistent pitches in crucial situations that could get strikes and not be hit in the air, a pundit just loses their honed intuition.
That's it -the end. 

An Ayres could not last for very long on Fox Sports game day coverage of the NFL or even ESPN/ABC's stranglehold of college football game day coverage, by consistently being wrong about what happened and what will happen next.
But because Ayres has been inoculated by a member in good standing of the MSM, he'll continue to be able to sound-off on politics with reporters from outlets all over the country with no idea of his poor judgment and analysis.
It's our New Normal.

And if you still haven't read the great Ryan Lizza essay on Rubio and the Gang of Eight's bill that the Miami Herald consciously prevented from ever being publicly mentioned in print by their reporters or in their blogs, as I wrote about last month a few times, see:

The New Yorker
Inside the Gang of Eight’s immigration deal.
JUNE 24, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How do you solve a problem like Marco Rubio? With lots of fact-filled Kaus-centricity! Mickey Kaus continues to write honestly about Rubio while Florida news media remains too cowed to report truth about him; After 19 days of Marco Rubio censoring his own Twitter feed, @MarcoRubio, just like the Miami Herald's two week #newsblackout of anti-amnesty, anti-Rubio news in-print and online, Rubio tweeted, well, more piety; @kausmickey, #RubiosFolly

Rush Limbaugh on reluctance of Republicans to openly criticize Marco Rubio for his pro-amnesty first position. Uploaded June 28, 2013.

Caller to Rush Limbaugh Show from El Paso, Texas area relates conversation he had with illegal aliens from Mexico about what they saw as the downside to Schumer-Rubio bill from their perspective: more competition for menial jobs from coming surge of people across border, people who don't want to become citizens. Uploaded June 28, 2013.
How do you solve a problem like Marco Rubio? With lots of fact-filled Kaus-centricity! Mickey Kaus continues to write honestly about Rubio while Florida news media remains too cowed to report truth about him; After 19 days of Marco Rubio censoring his own Twitter feed, @MarcoRubio, just like the Miami Herald's two week #newsblackout of anti-amnesty, anti-Rubio news in-print and online, Rubio tweeted, well, more piety; @kausmickey, #RubiosFolly
Now you can finally see for yourself what the Miami Herald has desperately trying to keep quiet about in Ryan Lizza's New Yorker column for the past two weeks, where never was heard a discouraging word -about Rubio (and the Herald's) pro-amnesty first policy.

The New Yorker
Inside the Gang of Eight’s immigration deal
By Ryan Lizza

Here's what Rubio wrote after 19 days of nothing on Twitter:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Prescient blogger Mickey Kaus is reading my mind again: "Psst, @SenMarcoRubio: Don't even bother showing up in Iowa"; "Pew shows blacks favor "enforcement first" approach--way off the Dem reservation on that, basically in line w/ GOPs"; Meanwhile The Hill reports "Schumer predicts mass demonstrations if House blocks path to citizenship"; pro-amnesty Miami Herald goes an entire week without publishing anything critical of immigration bill they favor

Whatever you do, don't wake-up FL-24 Rep. Frederica Wilson and tell her that last bit of news. She doesn't want to have to say anything about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill until after she gets her talking points from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.  

More Mickey at

Here's some more of what you WON'T be reading about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill in the Miami Herald or the South Florida Sun-Sentinel this week, or seeing presented fairly on newscasts of CBS4, NBC6, 7News or Local10 News at 6 and 11 p.m. 
And what you WON'T be reading about any of the various amendments or fig-leafs that will never be enforced.

Not that the smart readers among you didn't already know this, or haven't since connected the dots over the past week after realizing how truly unprofessional the Miami Herald and its management and editors have been by having a news blackout on the Ryan Lizza column and Rubio and Alex Conant.
But for the rest of you, do you not see how the local South Florida press corps is completely snowing you, and almost daring you to call them on what they've done.

Try to find the words Lizza, Corker or Hoeven on these websites for May or June of 2013 re immigration, especially written by a local reporter.
Nice and thorough, Miami-style: nothing.
It's like they did a body-dump by driving out to the Everglades and dropped the facts into the swamp, assuming the gators would eat all the evidence.

Local10, is the only one of the four with anything to speak of, and none of what appears there is local, just written AP dispatches.
So none of it was ever actually telecast.
So it's little more than useless, too.

On Sunday afternoon, I left this comment at the Tampa Bay Times website regarding Alex Leary's story on Friday about Sen. Jeff Sessions and his efforts at telling the truth about the myriad amendments and what Rubio and the Gang of Eight are trying to do -buy off senators with promises that the Congress has no intention of keeping in the future.

Tampa Bay Times
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions driven in opposition to immigration reform bill
Alex Leary, Times Washington Bureau Chief
Friday, June 21, 2013 11:20am

At some point, Alex, you and the other political/govt. reporters at the Times are going to have to have a serious pow-wow amongst yourselves about your news partner, the Miami Herald.
Have to reconcile yourselves with the larger real world consequences of the fact that even while all sorts of things have been going on this past week on Capitol Hill with the immigration bill and the various amendments and fig-leafs intended to get more GOP support, matters that can have been mentioned at all of of the major political websites and blogs, and via Twitter, the zealously pro-amnesty Miami Herald has been engaging in a policy of deliberate censorship.A news blackout against anything and everything that has come out publicly that is negative about the Schumer-Rubio bill, esp. in Ryan Lizza's column in the The New Yorker about Sen. Rubio and his aide, Alex Conant. No, never is heard a discouraging word.
Instead of trying to stay on top of things for its readers as you'd expect, the Herald has gone the exact opposite route -to keep their own readers in the dark by making sure that nothing about it gets into print or is mentioned publicly in their political blog, Naked PoliticsYour Tuesday blog post was NOT co-listed there -for obvious reasons. Because it publicly raised questions about just what was in that column of Lizza's, specifically, Alex Conant's comments which would not have gone down so well in Northwest Miami.
That is precisely what the Herald's current management and editors don't want to see publicly brought up or discussed. especially anything that reflects poorly or Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, almost as if the Herald is now their publicists.Nope, the only things that get into print re S.744 are positive things about immigration -no mention about what the true purposes of the various amendments and fig-leafs are and what groups and industries are pushing them -any why.
Nothing like this fair-minded piece of yours today re what Sen. Sessions wants to do.
There's YOUR news partner at work.
Engaged in a deliberate news blackout against anything that is contrary to their editorial stand on immigration.
Very late Sunday night the Herald posted the Leary story online at

It's NOT like this is the first time that the Miami Herald has gone into full-spin control to protect Marco Rubio once he was elected to the U.S. Senate, either:

The Atlantic Wire
Miami Herald Is Better at Marco Rubio Damage Control Than Rubio
By John Hudson

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Republican votes for the Gang of Eight immigration bill continue to fall away even as the Miami Herald continued their news blackout for a third day regarding Ryan Lizza's New Yorker column and the truth about S.744, and the bad news for Marco Rubio and the newspaper continues apace, as the truth about both continues to seep out over the Internet

Republican votes for the Gang of Eight immigration bill continue to fall away even as the Miami Herald continued their news blackout for a third day regarding Ryan Lizza's New Yorker column and the truth about S.744, and the bad news for Marco Rubio and the newspaper continues apace, as the truth about both continues to seep out over the Internet
The stridently pro-amnesty Miami Herald is STILL refusing to end their news blackout and mention anything at all re the Ryan Lizza column and the role of Rubio and his staff in S.744 since news about the column began. 
The Tampa Bay Times ended their news blackout Tuesday afternoon. 

As of 1 a.m. Thursday morning, absolutely nothing's changed at McClatchy's under-performing Miami Herald -nothing in print and nothing on their blogs- since my post of yesterday bringing this to everyone's attention.

But in the Miami Herald that's run by Executive Editor Aminda Marques Gonzalez, while there wasn't space for real news about Marco Rubio, there was plenty of space for faux news about imaginary polls and imaginary candidates, him and Hillary Clinton, that are the very picture of the word meaningless.

When the history of how bad this once-decent newspaper got before there were either big corporate changes that respected readers expectations, or they merely allowed the female captain of the S.S. Herald to crash into the iceberg like The Titanic, and slowly receded into insignificance, we now know the name of who will get the lion's share of the blame locally:
Aminda Marques Gonzalez.

Yes, the same woman who never responded to my two fact-filled emails in 2010 and 2011 to her, Managing Editor Rick Hirsch and others in position of power at Herald management in Miami and at McClatchy HQ in Sacramento, pointing out a whole host of tangible problems that weren't being solved or mentioned in any other forum or venue.
Despite how specific I was and even giving concrete examples, Aminda Marques never did anything to fix the problems -and here in 2013, still STILL hasn't

I know that we've all been taught that, theoretically, there's a wall between editorial and news, but if there was one there, it's crumbled under the present crew working for McClatchy..

At that newspaper now, on a matter of great public policy, especially to this area, IF you aren't supportive of the newspaper's editorial point-of-view, pro-amnesty, you don't see the light of day there, and their lopsided, one-sided "news coverage" has reflected this the entire time that Marques has been in charge.
It's not your imagination or mine, it's the truth, and the record is clear.

The Hill
Right rips Rubio as Republican immigration votes slip away
By Alexander Bolton
06/19/13 08:05 PM ET

Even while Miami-area TV stations also continue to completely ignore the Ryan Lizza story, too, Rubio's short-term future within the party is being decided as people decide that he is simply too naive and untrustworthy to have the large public role he has.
And the reporters and columnists around the country who know what Rubio has been up to also know what the Herald has been doing, too, which is all to the good.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

More bad news about Team Rubio: Contempt for Floridians 24/7! Not that you'll hear about this from Miami's sleepwalking press corps but... Rich Lowry tweets what Ryan Lizza's new New Yorker piece re immigration reform reveals about Marco Rubio's staff, and Politico adds fuel to the fire: "Marco Rubio's office shows their contempt for American workers" (More interested in legalizing illegal aliens than plight of average Floridians.) And then some!;

More of the inherent weaknesses of Team Marco are being revealed every day.
That is, IF you are paying attention. (Like me.)

Sounds to me like the anonymous Rubio staffer quoted here,
is talking about Overtown, Liberty City, Opa-Locka and Carol City and Miami Gardens and large swaths of Fort Lauderdale to me.
Do Reps. Frederica Wilson and Alcee Hastings agree with this assessment of their constituents?

Too bad for this country and this state that so many Florida-based reporters and columnists are in-the-bag for Rubio, even those who disagree with him philosophically or politically. 
They continually pull their punches and don't challenge him enough -just like they pull their punches for almost everyone else, too.
That used to be called gutless, but now called "new normal" in American journalism.

As many of you regular readers of the blog may recall, while I lived and worked in Washington for 15 years, I always thought that Tim Russert was very over-rated and very fortunate to be a top dog in an era where there were so many no-talent journalists in the Washington Beltway who were more publicist than journalist, people who carried water for policies, not honestly examine them.

Still, despite my feelings about him, I'm 100% certain that the late host of NBC News 'Meet the Press" would've absolutely humbled Marco Rubio and brought him down a few pegs the past few weeks as the immigration debate has once again become one of the main issues in D.C. now that the Beltway media have decided amongst themselves that the the Benghazi and IRS scandals don't really matter since they would require lots of legwork during the hot D.C. summer.  

I think Russert would've positively undressed Rubio like a storefront mannequin by running one of those incisive video sequences he was so noted for that would show Rubio's recent penchant for flip-flopping in ways that would be hard to get out of your head.
He'd then come back from the videos with a LIVE interview and ask, "When will you be changing your mind again? And will you be just as certain then as you were this week and last month that you were right, right before you changed your mind?"

It's the bell that isn't ringing, that punch that nobody in DC seems interested or willing to deliver to Rubio's glass jaw, which is absolutely frustrating the hell out of me, especially given Rubio's very pious comments about his role and his comments about how necessary it is that all of the 11 million illegals get to stay.
Where's the proof that they should ALL stay, especially the ones that aren't interested in becoming citizens? 
Shouldn't we able to make some distinctions? 

Like the ones that Mickey Kaus talked about?
Serial drunk drivers!

So why is Rubio so mum about other supporters of S.744 saying they think requiring people to be able to speak and understand basic English before becoming a U.S. citizen, as he would require, is a bridge too far?
Nobody even asks him!
What kind of people think THAT common sense requirement is unreasonable?

Since you asked, the very people and groups who are constantly emailing the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and the Orlando Sentinel and being quoted there, which are then picked-up and run on TV station websites.

Still, say what you will about how contemptuous Rubio's staff may be, they can't be worse than the many unprofessional female staffers Connie Mack III had for years while he was Florida's junior senator, who would order beauty and health supplies for themselves over the main telephone in the front reception room while you waited to see someone.
Retin A anyone?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When Rush Limbaugh admits he's disappointed in Marco Rubio's flip-flop on immigration, it's only going to get worse for Rubio. Only positive of S.744, the Schumer-Rubio “comprehensive” immigration amnesty bill, i.e the #setup4sellout, IF it passes, is that Rubio gets properly 'schooled' and roughed-up a bit to wear off his new car smell and conservatives see his true faults for what they are -he's still too gullible. Consider that Mission (already) Accomplished; Mickey Kaus is masterfully connecting-the-dots on why defeating this is more important to U.S. long-term than getting more info re Benghazi, IRS, NSA snooping scandals

The Daily Caller video: Rush Limbaugh "disappointed" in Sen. Marco Rubio for changing his "set-in-stone" position on immigration and border security and now telling Spanish-language media (Univision) something different from what he'd been saying before.

Senator Rubio now says he favors amnesty first and border security second, which in my opinion is not a good policy for this country's future because we know from past experience that the federal government will NOT fairly enforce new rules any more than they are enforcing the current ones. 
Especially under President Obama

On Tuesday, a big day for S.744, in the so-called gateway to Latin America, it was 16 minutes into the CBS4/Miami 11 p.m. newscast before immigration was even brought up -and that was less than 45 secs!

Not that it came as any surprise to your faithful observer of the passing political scene here at the blog, but on Tuesday, a big day on Capitol Hill for S.744, the Schumer-Rubio “comprehensive” immigration amnesty bill, here in what is constantly called The Gateway to Latin America, it was 16 minutes into the CBS4/Miami 11 p.m. newscast (while Miami Heat's blowout loss to the Spurs was still going on over at ABC) before immigration was even brought up -and was less than 45 secs!

Is that a result of the fact that the corporate management types at South Florida news media outlets, to say nothing of their sycophantic advertising people, are SO biased in favor of AMNESTY at all costs, that it never even occurs to them that it might not get the 60 votes?

Is that a result of them being in complete lockstep over this issue and NEVER allowing their own people or others to write, report or comment intelligently on why so many Americans are genuinely opposed to the bad and unsound provisions of this bill?

Never allow any public discussion about why so many smug Democrats nationally and in Florida just shrug their shoulders over security and border control on our own borders, but when it comes to Israel's, well, that's another story.

THAT requires them to actually fly to Israel to -yes- "stand with Israel" after their taxpayer-financed spokesperson fires off some self-serving press releases to the lapdog legacy media

so that Jewish voters hereabouts know they've jumped thru the hoop again.

How many times over the years have we read about national, state and South Florida pols who are happy "to stand with Israel" but who don't give a crap about their fellow American on the Arizona border who lives on a farm or a ranch miles and miles from any police protection.

Yes, when strong borders have to do with Israel, a firm stance predicated on safety and security is always to be admired and never undermined.

Do they think we do not see the hypocrisy of this, the condescending and patronizing tone and the self-evident showboating?

Is that what we should expect from people in the media who never want to publicly discuss this hypocrisy and  border protection at all, or even gets into the particulars of what is being discussed?
Yes, yes and yes.

Laura Ingraham: Marco Rubio has betrayed conservatives

Washington Post
The Plum Line 
Marco Rubio’s careful immigration dance
By Greg Sargent, Updated: June 10, 2013

Washington Examiner
Marco Rubio: In immigration reform, legalization comes first — ‘It is not conditional’, 
By Byron York
June 10, 2013 | 12:36 pm | Modified: June 10, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Much of this genuine concern about the reliability of Marco Rubio and his willingness to actually adopt or formulate a position and keep it, recalls my blog post of April 27, 2013, which also featured a video of Rush Limbaugh talking about immigration.
Except that it was a conversation with Rubio on the air, with him in Washington, trying to defend his ever-changing position, and yet, seemingly, only making things worse for himself as far as reassuring his own past supporters, which has been a quite noticeable development over the past nine months.

Some people I talk to regularly in South Florida and in Washington who like Rubio but who are far from fanboys, wonder if that is because, quite frankly, the GOP has forced Rubio to be the face of the party nationally on far too many issues, while other Republican senators seem top be doing nothing at all. (Or less than nothing-at all, given how rarely you hear their names.)
In short, Rubio's over-exposure is now starting to rub people the wrong way.

That post was titled, BUSTED! Breitbart's Matthew Boyle reports that Sen. Marco Rubio was "outed" by a constituent over Rubio's lack of personal effort to meet with LEOs BEFORE the Gang of Eight released their very-flawed immigration bill; Daily Caller's Byron York on the deluge of angry anti-immigration bill email into Sen. Rubio's office; The shiny, new toy that is Rubio is now not-so shiny; audio of Rubio's interviews with Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin

Meanwhile, blogger Mickey Kaus, long one of my favorite pundits going back to my days in Washington D.C. because of his great enthusiasm, mordant wit and willingness to actually READ everything on a subject instead of commenting on things he's never read -like South Florida's reps in Congress, who are a pretty dim crew collectively- has been doing everything he can to let people know that the defeat of this intellectually LITE immigration bill, NOT learning more details on Benghazi or the IRS or NSA scandals, is actually THE most important and far-reaching issue on the public docket now.
He's right, of course.  
Put trigger before legalization.

Below, Mickey makes the case against it.

The Daily Caller
Kaus Files blog
Handy U-Print-It Pocket Guide: Why S.744′s a Fraud
By Mickey Kaus
5:34 PM 06/06/2013