Tuesday October 21st, 2024
3:00 p.m.
Below, an update on the VERY interesting thread on NextDoor re "A Bright Future For Hollywood PAC" that supports Josh Levy's re-election against my friend, Catherine "Cat" Uden.
But first...
Join #CatUden’s Canvassing Crew on Saturday Oct. 26th for a fun night @ Hollyweird Festival, Dwtn #HollywoodFL!
Costume theme is... cats!
Meet @ 7:30 PM, Anniversary Park, N. 20th Ave. & Hollywood Blvd., then we'll walk the festival @ 8 PM.
Bring a reusable bottle of water!
Just to be clear, I was NOT involved in any way in putting this very interesting thread at bottom of post -on the VERY frustrating Next Door app!- by Hollywood resident Steve Schneider together.
Actually, I don't think I've ever met him or spoken to him, though I could be wrong, of course.
I did have a slightly similar thought a few weeks ago about doing a deep-dive via my blog regarding who was behind the campaign PAC that Josh Levy & Co. have created for his mayoral campaign.
And any future campaigns as well, since Beam Furr's County Commission seat becomes vacant in November 2026.
Frankly, I think one of the most-unasked public questions of the past 18 months is IF Josh Levy won for a third and final time, would he run for Beam's seat in 2 years? There seems to have been no discussion of it at the so-called candidate forum from a few weeks ago.
While some of you may've indeed thought about this already, or, perhaps even wandered up to him at some point after a Civic Association meeting he was at and asked him this important question directly, thus far, IF you have, you haven't shared that info -and his answer- with me. So far!
Just saying...
Also, I'd actually planned on posting something next week along the lines of a database on all the campaign contributions in Hollywood from 2012, 2016, 2020 and this year, with totals by campaign, contributor and industry.
As many of you already know, the latter is very often a fudge, since for years, as an example, the state's #1 lobbyist, Ron Book, who repped Hallandale Beach for years even as he had other clients whose interests were contrary to HB's, had his daughter Lauren also make political contributions around the state once she turned 18.
That was done using his Aventura office as her "home," since Aventura was usually listed on the filed docs I pored through years ago, not one in Broward, despite nearly all the local TV and print reporters insisting that the Books lived in Broward.
I'd originally checked them thinking that I wanted to have the information stored up so that at some point, IF those docs might... disappear -you know, by accident!- the way that "inconvenient" govt. docs often do, I'd be fine and have the information to be able to use going forward.
I don't care how much you love politics, using a child as a separate political campaign contribution conduit was always an ethical stretch.

Hallandale Beach/Hollywood Blog: http://www. hallandalebeachblog.blogspot. com/
Twitter: @hbbtruth, https://twitter. com/hbbtruth/with_replies
LinkedIn: https://www. linkedin.com/in/david-bruce- smith-b945b376/
I don't care how much you love politics, using a child as a separate political campaign contribution conduit was always an ethical stretch.
Even if you end up hiring her to work at your lobbying shop, and she follows her father into the lobbying trade, and thus gets a leg-up for her later runs for political office.
Yes, years and years of her father and her saying and doing things that lead to LOTS of the state's savviest, well-connected and deep-pocketed people and organizations owing her favors, even as she is having them giving her non-profit LOTS of taxpayer money, including a very nice salary for a non-profit named after herself.
In case you forgot about that situation, well-described here at a once-favorite website of mine, the Florida Bulldog, which has become so biased the past few years...
New Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book has conflict of interest as Republicans quietly shower taxpayer millions on her charity
https://www.floridabulldog. org/2021/05/new-senate- democratic-leader-lauren-book- conflict-of-interest/
But things being the way they are here in South Florida, the local news media has largely ignored the issue of Lauren Book's precocious political contributions for years, and treated that particular parenting behavior of her father's -to get more $ to his faves- as NORMAL, which is why you now can't find any stories online with complete information about Lauren Books' political contributions since she turned 18 years old, just 22 years ago.
David Bruce Smith
Hallandale Beach/Hollywood Blog: http://www.
Twitter: @hbbtruth, https://twitter.
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