Frustrated Hallandale Beach voters have finally taken their years of disappointment and anger out at the ballot box and in doing so, have consciously chosen to usher out the consistently failed policies and smirking, anti-democratic attitudes of Mayor Joy Cooper's Rubber Stamp Crew.
Now, with a 3-2 majority on the HB City Commission in favor of logic and reason actually making an appearance once in a while at 400 S. Federal Highway, people from all over the city are prepared -with open arms- to welcome in an era of common sense, competency, transparency and lots of hard work and public accountability for the city's residents.
To actually let public policy arguments and disagreements be over who has the best or most-sensible ideas and means for solving the city's many long-standing problems.
Which is exactly what its long-suffering residents and Small Business owners have desperately longed for the past 13 years -but never received in a tangible way that made a lasting, positive difference at City Hall.
But that was then and this is NOW...
On Monday night, please join your neighbors and concerned people from all over Broward County and visit Hallandale Beach City Hall at 6 PM to witness the swearing-in ceremony for Anabelle Taub and Michele Lazarow.
And just watch what happens next...
All original photos on this page are by me, South Beach Hoosier. © 2016 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
South Florida Sun Sentinel
As Hallandale Beach gears up for shift in power, more fireworks expected
Susannah Bryan, Reporter Sun Sentinel
November 11, 2016 7:26 PM
The nasty election season may have ended, but the drama in this oceanfront city is far from over.
The balance of power on the dais has now shifted from Mayor Joy Cooper to her political rivals, Commissioners Keith London and Michele Lazarow. The two, along with newly elected Anabelle Taub, vow that changes are coming.
Those changes could include a new city manager and city attorney, government meetings held at times more convenient to the public and a ban on Styrofoam pushed by London but blocked by Cooper.
The changing political landscape could even impact development in a city known for its gridlock.
Read the rest of the article at:
As Hallandale Beach gears up for shift in power, more fireworks expected
Susannah Bryan, Reporter Sun Sentinel
November 11, 2016 7:26 PM
The nasty election season may have ended, but the drama in this oceanfront city is far from over.
The balance of power on the dais has now shifted from Mayor Joy Cooper to her political rivals, Commissioners Keith London and Michele Lazarow. The two, along with newly elected Anabelle Taub, vow that changes are coming.
Those changes could include a new city manager and city attorney, government meetings held at times more convenient to the public and a ban on Styrofoam pushed by London but blocked by Cooper.
The changing political landscape could even impact development in a city known for its gridlock.
Read the rest of the article at:
Michelle Lazarow, Keith London, Anabelle Taub now have majority over Mayor Joy Cooper in Hallandale Beach / Britt— Broward Politics (@browardpolitics) November 9, 2016
South Florida Sun Sentinel
Taub, Lazarow win big in Hallandale Beach after vowing to fight corruption
Susannah Bryan, Reporter Sun Sentinel
November 8, 2016 10:46 PM
Incumbent Hallandale Beach Commissioner Michele Lazarow and political rookie Anabelle Taub won their races in what some called Broward County's nastiest election.
Taub, a real estate agent, won in a landslide against incumbent Bill Julian, a retired horse trainer under state investigation for allegedly accepting favors from a developer.
"The residents of Hallandale Beach struck corruption with a fatal blow tonight," said Taub. "Hallandale Beach government will be restored to doing what it is supposed to — serving the residents."
Lazarow, an animal activist first elected four years ago, won handily despite a challenge from Alex Lewy, a former commissioner who stepped down in 2014, and Ann Henigson, a retired secretary making her fifth run for office.
"Tonight, we turned the page to a new chapter for Hallandale Beach," Lazarow said. "After the ugliest election cycle in our city's history, I am grateful that the residents of Hallandale Beach continue to have faith in me to fight for their interests."
Both winners vowed to root out corruption at City Hall if elected.
Read the rest of the article at:
Taub, Lazarow win big in Hallandale Beach after vowing to fight corruption
Susannah Bryan, Reporter Sun Sentinel
November 8, 2016 10:46 PM
Incumbent Hallandale Beach Commissioner Michele Lazarow and political rookie Anabelle Taub won their races in what some called Broward County's nastiest election.
Taub, a real estate agent, won in a landslide against incumbent Bill Julian, a retired horse trainer under state investigation for allegedly accepting favors from a developer.
"The residents of Hallandale Beach struck corruption with a fatal blow tonight," said Taub. "Hallandale Beach government will be restored to doing what it is supposed to — serving the residents."
Lazarow, an animal activist first elected four years ago, won handily despite a challenge from Alex Lewy, a former commissioner who stepped down in 2014, and Ann Henigson, a retired secretary making her fifth run for office.
"Tonight, we turned the page to a new chapter for Hallandale Beach," Lazarow said. "After the ugliest election cycle in our city's history, I am grateful that the residents of Hallandale Beach continue to have faith in me to fight for their interests."
Both winners vowed to root out corruption at City Hall if elected.
Read the rest of the article at:
.@SunSentinel - To change decorum and direction, choose Anabelle Taub and Michele Lazarow in #HallandaleBeach— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) November 8, 2016
South Florida Sun Sentinel
Editorial: To change decorum and direction, choose Anabelle Taub and Michele Lazarow in Hallandale Beach
October 18, 2016 9:09 PM
Citizens deserve so much better than what they're getting from today's five-member Hallandale Beach City Commission, which has divided into camps like two high school cliques.
The city faces serious challenges with traffic, flooding, crime and the pressure to build more high-rises. But the city commission, charged with finding solutions, is dysfunctional.
Arbitrary time limits squelch discussion on big issues, shouting matches break out and police have been called to remove certain commissioners. Relationships have gotten so bad that a parliamentarian had to be hired to enforce Roberts Rules of Order.
Neither side looks good in this 3-2 commission split. Both have attitude, mud stains and investigations into backroom shenanigans, one worse than others. Something has got to give. The Nov. 8 election offers that opportunity.
Read the rest of the editorial at:
Hallandale Beach commissioner Michele Lazarow opens up about the controversy in her city— Sun Sentinel Opinion (@SoFlaOpinion) September 3, 2016
My friend just drove by my sign and Commissioner Michele Lazarow's sign in Hallandale Beach and…— Anabelle Taub (@anabelletaub) October 12, 2016
South Florida Sun Sentinel
Silencing me silences the people who elected me
Opinion - By Michele Lazarow
September 3, 2016 2:37 PM
Video at
When political power becomes more important than public service, the public loses. Unfortunately, that is what has happened in Hallandale Beach.
We have seen an Office of Inspector General investigation that found "gross mismanagement" of our CRA swept under the rug. Now there's an active investigation into a majorly flawed "community benefit" program, and an admission by an elected city official that he made a side deal with a developer before approving their massive project. Mayor Joy Cooper made matters worse when she not only had the microphones cut off at the city commission meeting, but also had Commissioner Keith London and me removed from the dais for attempting to discuss Bill Julian's public admissions of wrongdoing.
Though the mayor will say she is trying to maintain order, her move also has the effect of protecting her political majority. When she shuts off the microphones and silences the voices of two of the city's elected officials, the people she is really silencing are the residents of Hallandale Beach who elected us to be their voice on the commission.
Following Commissioner Julian's public admissions, I thought it was important that we discuss how the city plans to handle the situation before he played a role in deciding how we allocate more than $100 million of our taxpayer's funds. Cooper thought it more appropriate to have dissenting opinions removed from the dais by police. Imagine in Congress, one party having the other removed from the floor so that they cannot debate or vote on the issues they were elected to decide. It would be the leading headline on every national news broadcast and in every major newspaper in the country.
I will continue to raise this issue until I believe it has been appropriately addressed and remedied. I owe that to the people who elected me.
I got into politics as an advocate for animals. Now I am an advocate with a title and an important vote. I take that vote and the platform it provides very seriously.
As we move into election season, I would encourage the voters of Hallandale Beach to educate themselves on the candidates. I am one of those candidates. So is Bill Julian. We are not running for the same seat.
Voters have a chance to take back their city from a political system that is failing them. To do that, they must elect people who care more about public service than they do political power.
Our next commission meeting is Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. I encourage residents of Hallandale Beach to attend and sign up to speak during public comment. Your voice matters, but it must be heard.
Michele Lazarow is a city commissioner in Hallandale Beach. She can be reached at
Video at
When political power becomes more important than public service, the public loses. Unfortunately, that is what has happened in Hallandale Beach.
We have seen an Office of Inspector General investigation that found "gross mismanagement" of our CRA swept under the rug. Now there's an active investigation into a majorly flawed "community benefit" program, and an admission by an elected city official that he made a side deal with a developer before approving their massive project. Mayor Joy Cooper made matters worse when she not only had the microphones cut off at the city commission meeting, but also had Commissioner Keith London and me removed from the dais for attempting to discuss Bill Julian's public admissions of wrongdoing.
Though the mayor will say she is trying to maintain order, her move also has the effect of protecting her political majority. When she shuts off the microphones and silences the voices of two of the city's elected officials, the people she is really silencing are the residents of Hallandale Beach who elected us to be their voice on the commission.
Following Commissioner Julian's public admissions, I thought it was important that we discuss how the city plans to handle the situation before he played a role in deciding how we allocate more than $100 million of our taxpayer's funds. Cooper thought it more appropriate to have dissenting opinions removed from the dais by police. Imagine in Congress, one party having the other removed from the floor so that they cannot debate or vote on the issues they were elected to decide. It would be the leading headline on every national news broadcast and in every major newspaper in the country.
I will continue to raise this issue until I believe it has been appropriately addressed and remedied. I owe that to the people who elected me.
I got into politics as an advocate for animals. Now I am an advocate with a title and an important vote. I take that vote and the platform it provides very seriously.
As we move into election season, I would encourage the voters of Hallandale Beach to educate themselves on the candidates. I am one of those candidates. So is Bill Julian. We are not running for the same seat.
Voters have a chance to take back their city from a political system that is failing them. To do that, they must elect people who care more about public service than they do political power.
Our next commission meeting is Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. I encourage residents of Hallandale Beach to attend and sign up to speak during public comment. Your voice matters, but it must be heard.
Michele Lazarow is a city commissioner in Hallandale Beach. She can be reached at
Twitter: @hbbtruth,
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