Thanks to a head's-up from Charlotte Greenbarg and Robert Wolfe, me, my camera and some McDonald's coffee will be attending tomorrow morning's just-announced Broward County Ethics Comm. meeting that's in response to some members of the Broward County Commission trying to figure out some means to create legal obstacles to their required vote in less than two months on the proposed ethics package, so they can say that it wasn't really them stalling, it was just some Judge who prevented them from doing something that's LONG, LONG OVERDUE.
That attitude certainly explains a lot about what passes for public service and democracy in this county, and the county's citizen taxpayers lack of trust and respect for them.
It's my hope that by contacting you now, at least some of you all might get the chance to make an appearance and let your voice be heard -in-person.
If you choose to do so, you can also send something to the Committee's county liaison Monica Cepero, at the email below and request that it be read and made part of the public record.
This afternoon's Broward Politics blog contained a post from Brittany Wallman dealing with an excellent and insightful response from Robert Wechsler to the unexpected news yesterday -at bottom- that some legal skull-duggery was being tried at the Eleventh Hour.
You may recall that when I first started attending the Ethics meetings last year, I first encouraged you all to check out and Bookmark Mr. Wechsler's excellent website.
As you might guess, I also send him some things from time-to-time that I think fall within his wide-ranging ethics beat, so he can connect-the-dots more clearly on what's going on down here in the county, as well as closer to home in Hallandale Beach, where the state's Sunshine Laws are just considered Suggestions by those wielding power at City Hall.
I also have a response from Comm. Ken Keechl at the bottom that Charlotte just shared with me, too.
For more on the Ethics Commission and their proposals:
Broward Politics blog
Ethicist/blogger critical of Broward County Commission's latest move
Robert Wechsler, an ethicist with a blog called, weighed into the mire that Broward County's proposed ethics reform ordinance is stuck in.
Read the rest of the post at: http://weblogs.sun-sentinel.------
From: Cepero, Monica []
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 4:03 PM
To: 'Alfreda Coward'; 'Carl Shechter'; 'Comm. Carl Shechter'; 'Felicia M. Brunson'; 'Howard Bakalar'; Jardine, Arlene; 'Julie Lakosky'; 'Kenneth Fink'; Leu, Leah; Cepero, Monica; 'Neal de Jesus'; 'Paul White'; Robert Wolfe; 'Robin Rorapaugh'; Russo, Jean; Seff, Bradley; Teitler, Robert; 'Washington Collado'; 'William Scherer'
Cc: Newton, Jeffrey; Henry, Bertha; Madison, Pamela; Bieber, Josephine; Jardine, Arlene
Subject: Ethics Commission Meeting called for THIS FRIDAY, June 18, 2010 at 9am
Importance: High
Chairman Neal de Jesus, of the Broward County Ethics Commission has called a meeting of the Ethics Commission for THIS FRIDAY, June 18th at 9am. It will be held in room 430 of the Government Center (same room all of your meetings were held in).
The meeting will be sunshined from 9am-11am.
Please let me know as soon as possible of your availability to attend, as we will need a physical quorum in order to proceed with the meeting. Please copy my assistant Arlene Jardine on your response as well, as she is helping coordinate the meeting.
Thank you,
Monica Cepero
Assistant to the County Administrator
115 S Andrews Ave,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone 954 357 7354
From: Keechl, Ken
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 3:13 PM
To: 'Charlotte Greenbarg'
Subject: RE: 6/16/10 Broward Politics blog: Broward commissioners accused of derailing ethics reform
I can’t speak for anyone but me, but I intend to vote for the original ordinance as presented by the Ethics Commission You know me better than that. I have said this from day one-over and over. I voted in favor of the lawsuit (9-0) so the judge could rule that the ordinance is legal. However, after thinking about it more, I doubt that any court could rule on this by the deadline for the vote: August 10. I truly don’t believe anyone was trying to derail the ordinance. Thanks.
Broward County Mayor Ken Keechl,
District 4 Commissioner
From: Charlotte Greenbarg
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:00 PM
To: 'Charlotte Greenbarg'
Cc: Jones, Albert; Wasserman-Rubin, Diana; Lieberman, Ilene; Rodstrom, John; Keechl, Ken; Jacobs, Kristin; Lois Wexler; Ritter, Stacy; Gunzburger, Suzanne
Subject: FW: 6/16/10 Broward Politics blog: Broward commissioners accused of derailing ethics reform
Importance: High
Read Sue Gunzburger's excellent rebuttal to the effort to derail ethics reform. Let them know how you feel.
From: hallandalebeachblog@
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:58 AM
Subject: FYI: 6/16/10 Broward Politics blog: Broward commissioners accused of derailing ethics reform
Reader comments below are as of 11:45 a.m. Thursday
Broward Politics blog
Broward commissioners accused of derailing ethics reform
Posted by Brittany Wallman on June 16, 2010 11:55 AM
Are Broward County commissioners attacking ethics reforms aimed at them? That's what some are accusing them of.
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