FOLLOW me on my popular Twitter feed. Just click this photo! @hbbtruth - David - Common sense on #Politics #PublicPolicy #Sports #PopCulture in USA, Great Britain, Sweden and France, via my life in #Texas #Memphis #Miami #IU #Chicago #DC #FL 🛫🌍📺📽️🏈. This photo of Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 classic "To Catch a Thief" is the large Twitter photo on my @hbbtruth account

Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

HB Mayor Joy Cooper's faltering damage-control of budget facts while unelected Mike Good giveth and taketh from HB taxpayers. Mostly taketh!

July 3, 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved

Below the Hallandale Beach Water Tower on State Road A1A/Ocean Drive, on the south side (right) is the "Community Center" that HB City Hall, thru their gross incompetency, has made impossible for HB citizen taxpayers to use now for 105 weeks and counting, as of August 22, 2009.
And where's the American flag on the Fourth of July weekend? 

Missing in action as it has been for months!

July 3, 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier  © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved

This building underneath the city's iconic Water Tower, just steps from both the Atlantic Ocean and State Road A1A, was turned over to the City of Hallandale Beach on August 3rd, 2007, and yet STILL remains OFF-LIMITS to everyday HB citizens, taxpayers and residents, the true "owners" of the building, TWO YEARS later.
There has STILL not been a single public open forum held by the city to gauge how citizens want to utilize it best.

Instead, the building remains a veritable clubhouse for the cronies and pals of HB City Hall's elected officials and employees.July 3, 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier  © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved

Below, a letter of mine that made the rounds on Monday 
to myriad in-boxes all over Hallandale Beach and media in-boxes all over South Florida.
Monday August 24th, 2009
8:25 p.m.

Fellow Hallandale Beach citizen taxpayers, once again, un-elected Mike Good is making deals and not just spending money poorly, as is his usual wont, but literally giving it away like he's a benevolent free-spending Santa Claus with an unlimited expense account.
And you're paying!
Without the proper amount of HB City Commission input or scrutiny or the public being told about it until after-the-fact.

And to show how serious City Manager Good is about public safety, especially on weekends when most HB residents use their boats -and he's back home with his family in Cooper City- he is proposing to effectively kill the HB Marine Patrol for lack of money, even though
that amount is actually LESS than the amount that he is giving away in his role as Santa Claus.

Giving away city funds to individuals whom the general public not only doesn't know, but who lacked even the common sense, class or gumption to show-up in person at HB City Hall before the City Commission and public to make their case.
Yes, yet another Mike Good back-door deal, to the tune of $25K.
And now, Mayor Joy Cooper, for the first time as as mayor, is asking the public to come to
her house Tuesday night to talk about the city's budget?

Even before you consider the sad-but-inescapable fact that an unelected person like Good and his staff and not the elected (Rubber Stamp) City Commission are driving the whole process, ask yourself this obvious question:
Why is Mayor Cooper inviting the public to come to her house at night, when she's someone who has personally always argued for keeping City Commission meetings in the day, even though common sense informs us that more citizens, taxpayers and residents could attend and participate if all the proceedings were held at night?
(So, having wasted months and months this year, when is the ONE-and-ONLY public budget workshop? During the day, of course.)
The sad but obvious answer is because Mayor Cooper is a thin-skinned hypocrite of the worst sort, which is the sort that NEVER EVER learns from history and experience, and almost always makes bad problems worse because she is unable to admit that she might've been wrong in the first place.

Consider OUR own collective history with her the past few years, where her illogical mis-steps, mis-statements and false assertions could literally fill a book.
(Or a blog!)

Aren't the pages of recent HB history replete with examples upon examples where she's shown that she doesn't care what actual HB citizens and residents think, as long as her close pals, cronies and supporters around the city, county and state -and at the local and state League of Cities- think she's doing a good job.

It's the appearance she's concerned with, not the actual results.

If you don't think her getting her own new office at City Hall for just under $4,000 back in January, when there wasn't anything physically wrong with her old one, wasn't proof, then why don't you ask her some time why she and her cohorts are keeping it a secret?

Her city hall is so incompetent that more than SEVEN MONTHS later, her name STILL does not appear on the building directory when you walk in downstairs.

These are the same geniuses I remind you, who left former State Senator Steve Geller's name on the directory for SEVEN MONTHS after Eleanor Sobel had been elected, and made it her district office, too.
Good luck to the hapless constituent looking for her office.

But to be fair, though it took HB City Hall employees over seven months to actually put Sobel's name on the directory, they did so.
One month before Sobel & Company moved out!

Of course, if Sobel and her staff were actually paying any attention to genuine constituent concerns instead of the frivolous ones she's been consumed with so far -tanning beds, tattoos and Shylock- something they've not seemed esp. keen on doing, it would seem, they'd have noticed it right away, the same way that you and I have, since the public HAS to walk right by it in order to get into the building.

But because the Cooper & Good tag-team don't ever learn from history or pay any attention to what's actually going on around them, there's still nothing on the directory about Joy Cooper new office.

Top Secret!!
(Personally, I've got plenty of photos of all this chronic HB City Hall incompetence since Election Day, but you may want to snap a shot of your own on Wednesday on your way in.)

But if you think spending tax dollars for a new City Hall office for Joy Cooper when she doesn't really need a new one seems like small potatoes, consider for a moment the logic of ALL FIVE members of the City Commission of a town of under 38,000 going to Orlando on the taxpayers' dime two weeks ago, for the recent League of Cities confab,
There's your HB City Commission at work.

But if you think that's just too 'inside baseball,' let me return to one of my favorite and most obvious examples of the collective longstanding failure of the Cooper, Good & the Rubber Stamp Crew: the so-called "community center" under the HB Water Tower on A1A and Hallandale Beach Blvd..
The one that I've told you about so many times in emails and on my blog -complete with photos- that you and haven't been able to use for over two years now,

To quote myself, imagine what sort of hoops land-locked South Florida cities like Pembroke Pines, Coral Gables, Hialeah or Miramar would jump thru in order to have a nice two-story public building for their residents, just steps from the beach?
That they didn't have to pay for.I have and so have you.

Yet here in Hallandale Beach, under Cooper, Good & the Rubber Stamp Crew, we've had such a PUBLIC building for 105 weeks and counting.

You all know from the dozens and dozens of photos I've taken of it over the two-plus years, there is NOT now nor has there ever been so much as a sign anywhere on the building telling you that it
a.) belongs to the citizens of this city, or,
b.) WHEN it will be open for use by taxpayers like you and I, not just used by the PALs and cronies of Hallandale Beach City Hall, who think they're VIPs..

These are all things that I've told the city manger and his staff, in person, many times over the years, including LAST YEAR'S budget meeting..

Cooper's rank hypocrisy at asking the public to come over to her house Tuesday night, in an obvious PR stunt, when she's the person who has continually sleepwalked for months as other South Florida communities have made good faith efforts to host numerous public budget meetings involving their citizens and residents, knowing full well when the legal deadline is, could hardly be more self-evident.

Instead, Cooper chose to do NOTHING and took the summer off.

Now, with a deadline breathing down upon the city, she wants to invite you over so she can try to finesse you.
Beware, for if you let her, she may try to wave a magic wand over you when you're not paying attention so she can erase your common sense, curiosity and sense of propriety about how things are supposed to be done in a representative democracy that's actually accountable to the people.

Well, you can go to chez Cooper Tuesday night if you wish, but I'd really be remiss if I didn't advise you that I've already seen this movie before, a few times, actually, so let me give this SPOILER ALERT.

The shallow, thin-skinned witch and her coterie of dim-witted flying monkeys holed-up in their redoubt will NEVER ever admit they're wrong, and will only use the time to verbally attack the very people who HAVE actually been paying attention, as they have so many times before.

Yes, attack the very people who have been telling their friends and neighbors the true facts about what Cooper & Co. have been doing at HB City Hall and environs .
Or NOT doing.So, all these various elements, plus the mayor's strange attempt to engage in damage-control,
promise to make Wednesday a day to remember in Hallandale Beach.

Please make plans NOW to be there in person to speak your mind and bear witness to what
happens when the truth finally comes out, as it surely will.

And don't forget to bring as many of your friends as possible, along with your camera
or camcorder, too.

FYI: In the emails below, I've deleted some un-necessary graphics and made all the fonts the same so it would be more compact and, hopefully, easier to read.
Otherwise, it's verbatim.
And still hard to believe -but all-too-true.
From: Barry Webber
Subject: Hallandale Beach Marine Patrol
To: "Joy Cooper" <>, "Bill Julian" <

>, "Keith London" <>, "Dottie Ross" <>,
Cc: "Mike Good">, "Tom Magill">
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 10:06 PM

Dear Mayor and Commissioners,
I have read the summary memorandum of the proposed 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Budget submitted by the City Manager's Office. I am once again extremely disappointed to see that they recommend elimination of the Marine Patrol. The recommendation is located in the first paragraph of page 6 of the document. I believe the recommendation is based upon incorrect information as well as a lack of historical perspective which I want to bring to your attention and to the attention of the City Manager.
The memorandum states that "for the past several years the Police Department has operated a Marine Patrol with the assistance of a County-funded grant". In fact the City has participated in the grant program every year since the programs inception in 1994. The program was started fifteen years ago for the purpose of ensuring that the entire Intracoastal Waterway throughout Broward County would have sufficient law enforcement officers on the water to protect the public safety. At the time of the commencement of the program in 1994 the City did not have a Marine Patrol. The City applied for a grant for the purchase of the boat to be used for this purpose. The City was awarded a grant for the purchase of the boat and started it's participation in the program. It has applied for and received funds to operate the boat on weekends and some evenings, every year since that time, including applying for a grant for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. In this years application the City acknowledged that over the years since 1994 it has received funds for the purchase of the following equipment.
1) 23 foot Intrepid vessel
2) Twin 150 hp 1997 OMC engines
3) Twin 150 hp 1999 OMC engines
4) Twin 150 hp 2003 Yamaha engines
5) Construction of a boat dock with a boat lift
6) Construction of a Marine Storage Facility
7) Panasonic laptop computer which is currently used for warrant and registration queries

There have been a great deal of funds awarded to the City recognizing the importance of this public safety issue. Every single portion of the Intracoastal Waterway is patrolled by various law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction over their portion of the waterway. If the City of Hallandale Beach abandons it's waterways as proposed it will be the only portion of the waterway in all of Broward County which will have absolutely no law enforcement presence.

The budget memorandum states that the total cost to operate the Marine Patrol is $78,665.19 of which $39,680.00 is reimbursed by the County and the City expends $38,985.19. The City Managers office was apparently given inaccurate information. According to the Broward County department that administers the grant, the amount awarded to the City for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year is $52,416.00, not $39,680.00. I am sure that you will see that as unexpected good news, as the actual cost to the City will not be $38,985.19 as thought, but will actually be only $26,249.19 which is approximately the same cost as last year. The actual cost to the city will be $12,736.00 less than was thought. Since the grant is paying double what the City is paying for this important public safety service, the city will be losing the right to receive two dollars for every dollar it spends. I fail to see how this makes economic sense in this very difficult budget year. I can't imagine any situation where the City gets more bang for the buck for funds expended for a very significant public service to insure the public safety.
The memorandum states that only two citations were issued in this fiscal year. I would bring the following to your attention concerning this issue.

1) Issuing citations is not the purpose of the patrol. The purpose of the patrol was articulated very well in the City's grant application. In the application which covers the City's portion of the waterway, which is described as Zone "X", the City stated the following: "High visibility in Zone "X" will serve as a deterrent to speeders and other violators. Continuous public contact, including boating inspections, educates the public and provides for a safer boating environment".
2) There is no question that City could write a great many citations. This is apparent to anyone who spends any time observing the Intracoastal Waterway. The Police Department however, knows their purpose is to discourage bad boating behavior and educate the boaters.
3) As part of the City's application they are required to provide information as to their activities on the water during the last full fiscal year. The City represented the following information on their application for the fiscal year 2007/2008.
PUBLIC CONTACTS --------------1,410
WARNINGS--------------------------- 250
BOAT ACCIDENTS ---------------- 0
CITATIONS --------------------------- 18
Obviously they are a very active unit and a very important presence on the water in this city.
4) Citations issued on the Intracoastal Waterway to enforce state statutes do not provide revenue to the City. The fines that are paid, are paid to the State of Florida. The EMLEG grant program was never set up to provide revenue from citations. It was created to assist law enforcement in providing for the public safety.
Finally, the memorandum states that the boat is in need of replacement. Just last year, the Sergeant that is in charge of the Marine Patrol stated at a meeting of the City's Marine Advisory Board that the boat was in good condition and was only in need of cosmetic work. The engines were also operating well for the boats mission. There is no reason to believe that the boat went from good condition to needing replacement in less than one year.
The City of Hallandale Beach has a responsibility to protect it's citizens and the boating public traveling through the City. I know that each one of you takes this responsibility very seriously and works hard to protect your residents. I would urge you to fulfill this responsibility and not leave the City's waterways totally unprotected. Please don't leave the waterfront residences of your citizens totally unprotected from water born criminal activity. Please don't throw away over $52,000.00 in this critical budget year and please do not tell your residents that they are not entitled to protection by their police department. The benefits provided by the Marine Patrol are great, the cost is small. I would urge you to provide for the Marine Patrol in the 2009-2010 budget.
I would be happy to discuss any of these issues with you. My numbers are listed below.
Barry Webber

Michael is the person behind the fact-based website, Change Hallandale Beach and the person who sent me the letter that Mayor Cooper was circulating

From: Michael Butler

Date: August 24, 2009 1:43:26 PM EDT

once again she's representing the city manager and his staff, not the residents.
if there have been so many opportunities to discuss the budget, why then does she have to have something at her private home?
why isn't this a public meeting?
why wasn't adequate discussion and time provided by the city at the official budget
and if the city commission takes July off, then why wasn't the first budget workshop
scheduled earlier in August instead of the last week?
why is her meeting scheduled in the evening and not during the day like the official
workshops, which should be in the evening as well?
speaking of misleading the residents, why were Good's numbers wrong on the
marine patrol?
if the budget issues is so important, then why has she scheduled this meeting with
NOW she decides the budget is important enough to have a meeting at her private home?

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 24, 2009 1:09:14 PM EDT
Subject: (no subject)

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I have been writing articles on a weekly basis to keep everyone informed. Regretfully again Commissioner London has been sending out information that is not 1000% factual and are lies about commission actions.
This in not the time for politics it is time for work.
Since the budget is such an important issue in deciding our quality of life have decided to host a meeting at my home to listen to your concerns, questions and ideas.
301 Holiday Drive
from 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Everyone is welcomed this is not a formal meeting of the commission just a open forum
Please let me know if you will be attending so I can plan accordingly.
Budget workshops are scheduled for two days. Not one.
The discussion will be on the "CITY MANAGER'S PROPOSED BUDGET" The commission will work on the budget makes changes. The commission has had the proposed budget transmittal letter since Friday August 7th. This lays out the major changes and proposed cuts. After the commission workshops the budget then is published for full review. The budget then is reviewed at two public hearings in September.The Final Budget will not be adopted until Sept 24th, a month from today.
The tentative tax rate was set on June 17th which is and increase. This something that I have also written about.
The one good thing that he has done is sent out the budget transmittal letter for your review.
There is only ONE budget workshop scheduled for the commissioners and citizens to review the budget in detail, and it occurs on Wednesday August 26th 2009. EVERY other municipality has already had the multiple meetings and budget workshops. While some may imply that previous meetings included budget review discussions, its laughable to assert that a budget was reviewed before it was available. In addition, to date, there have been NO public notices of the budget workshop in either the Miami Herald or the Sun-Sentinel.
Many cities take off in August, we take off in July . The suggestion that there has been any negligence on this matter is mislleading to you the residents and lying. It is also frankly an insult to our staff that has worked tirelessly over the months facing up to 25 layoffs and working to make cuts while preserving basic services .
As always please contact me at anytime with your questions and concerns!
Warm regards! Joy

Caution: facts ahead!
As you read this email from Commissioner Keith London to some of the city's citizens
and residents,
keep in mind that the absurd situations he describes, which I've been a
witness to and described here in this space, is what passes for normal at Hallandale
Beach City Hall under Mayor Joy Cooper and City Manager Mike Good.

Wrap up of the City of Hallandale Beach City Commission Agenda for Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:30 PM Meeting

London, Keith <> Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:18 AM

To: "London, Keith" <>


The following is an update of the agenda items and other issues that were discussed at the City of Hallandale Beach Commission Meeting held Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 1:30 P.M.

Highlights of this Wrap-Up
  • Commission approves a 4 month lease of a city-owned property for $10. The subject was not on the Agenda, nor was any backup provided.
  • Mike Good gives $25,000 of your tax dollars, without commission discussion or input.
  • Follow up from the August 5, 2009 Commission meeting on Mike Good spending $300,000.with nothing in writing (see very bottom of this wrap up).

Please remember to visit for the latest updates on the city.
New update on the City’s purchase of the property at 501 NW 1st Ave.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2009 1:30 PM
5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (to be heard at 1:30 P.M.)
History was made when the commission waited over 10 minutes for me to return to chamber from being sick for a vote on a 501 NW 1stAve (this was previously Commissioner Sanders' property, purchased by the City for $235,000).
He Here are some of the facts:
· The item was not on the agenda and NO backup material or documentation was provided.
· There was neither public notice nor a competitive bid made for the $10 lease for a 4 month term, which commenced on May 21, 2009.
· The lessee was given a open ended lease with no expiration date for the same terms.
· The lessee was given $25,000, without public discussion, by Mike Good.
o I want to note here that the City Commission has given the City Manager the authority to spend up to $50,000 without Commission approval. This authority is in addition to the City Manager's authority to spend up to $200,000 per unit for structures, without Commission approval.
· The operator is ZAMAR OF MINISTRY AND PERFORMING ARTS, INC. not Zamar School of Performing Arts Inc. as is listed on the lease.
· The operator’s license is inactive with the State of Florida Division of Corporations see document N96000002475.
· This is the same property purchased from Commissioner Sanders for more than the appraised value, with no back up provided, and never appearing as a noticed agenda item.
· The property was acquired in February 2009 for future affordable housing. Six months later we are leasing the property to a corporation whose license is inactive with the State of Florida (see attachment at bottom of email)
· Passed 5:0. It has been my personal policy to never vote on anything without being given proper notice and appropriate backup. I restated my policy during this vote. But on the surface, this appeared to be a good cause. However, with a little personal research into the background,I've determined my vote was a mistake, and in future I will stick with my policy. (I am continually surprised how little basic research is conducted by this City Manager before approving large sums of taxpayer dollars).
A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of August 5, 2009
  • Vice Mayor Julian required an explanation of a Florida Statue (F.S. 286) because he did understand the intricacies regarding a commissioner and their voting requirements. He required an explanation regarding the difference between a conflict of interest, a recusal, and being absent from the room while a vote is taking place. The Assistant City Attorney, Melissa Anderson, provided a quote from the statue as well as a citing from a precedent setting case, but provided no written material. At the conclusion of the meeting I asked for a written copy of the Statue she quoted and was informed that it would take a week to produce (see email below). How this information that was cited verbatim at the meeting and then possibly take a week to produce is mindboggling.
----- Original Message -----
From: Good, Mike
To: London, Keith
Sent: Thu Aug 20 11:38:29 2009
Subject: RE: CR Legal Statue For Minutes and Case study 081909

Good morning Commissioner London,

Your request has been assigned a CR#140/09, with a suspense date for a response to my office of August 27, 2009. As always, should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to give me a call.

City Manager Mike Good

From: London, Keith
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:50 PM
To: Good, Mike; Rafols, Nydia M; Jove, David
Cc: ''
Subject: CR Legal Statue For Minutes and Case study 081909
Importance: High

Commissioner Request (CR) For Florida Statue and legal case Assistant City Attorney Melisa Anderson referred to at the City of Hallandale Beach commission meeting today 081909

Mike Good,

Please provide me with a copy of the Florida Statue (section and subsection) that Assistant City Attorney Melisa Anderson referred to at the City of Hallandale Beach commission meeting today August 19, 2009; also provide the president setting Hallandale Beach case she referenced.

Please include this complete email in my Commissioner Request and provide me with a CR number to track this request.

Thank you,

Commissioner Keith S. London
7. CITY BUSINESS (Voting on Items Deferred to Evening Consent Agenda to be Heard at 7:15 P.M.)
Passed 5:0
A. Presentation by PFM Asset Management, LLC for the Investment Results for Surplus Funds for the Period April 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009.

B. Presentation by Principal Financial Group of the Quarterly Results of the General Employees and Professional/Management Pension Plans for the Period April 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009.

C. Consideration of City Nominations for Broward Pioneer Days
Passed 5:0
D. Discussion of Creating an Abandoned Real Property Ordinance
  • Staff will research the issue and bring back information during the budget workshop
Passed 5:0
10. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (to be heard at 7:00 P.M.)
12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (to be heard at 7:30 P.M.)
A. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Approving and Authorizing the Lease of up to a 90,000 Square Foot Portion of City Owned Property to Broward County for Library Purposes, Said Property Described as: All of Hallandale Lawn, According to the Plat Thereof, Recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 32 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, and Lot 1 and Lot 4, in Block 11 of the Subdivision 27, Township 51 South, Range 43 East, According to the Plat Thereof, Recorded in Plat Book "B", Page 13, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and including Lots 11-15 Block 3 of the Unrecorded Plat of Federal Park Sub-Division, Said Property Commonly Being Known as the "Annenberg Tract,"
The following are some of the highlights of the discussion pertaining to this topic:
· The building is owned by the City and the County operates the facility
· Being part of a county system has many advantages (pick up and drop off of material at any location)
· This item (lease) will be on the Broward County Commission Agenda on Wednesday, September 2, 2009
· I requested more computer stations at the library to decrease wait time
· I requested the building have WIFI capabilities for those individuals with their own computers
· I requested the contract provide for a minimum amount of hours the library stays open or the contract becomes void
· I requested the library not close for more than 30-60-90 days or the contract becomes void
· This item is scheduled to be heard for a second reading next month and I hope to support the continuation of the county system with some of the suggestions incorporated into the final version of the contract
Passed 5:0

  • Follow up from the August 5, 2009 Commission meeting on Mike Good spending $300,000.00 with nothing in writing (see very bottom of this wrap up).
  • Please see the information and exchange of communication between myself and Mike Good with regards to this topic
  • I do NOT support spending $300,000 of the residents/taxpayers money without any written documentation and due diligence.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 05, 2009 10:00 AM

B. Consideration of Approval to Apply for Florida Department of Transportation County Incentive Grant Program Matching grant funding is $300,000.00
· This is funding for the construction/continuation of the SE 2nd Hibiscus roadway behind the FPL substation which continues behind the 1250 Building and then runs parallel to East Hallandale Beach Blvd. all the way to the entrance to Gulfstream on East Hallandale Beach Blvd.
· In order for this project to become a reality, Gulfstream would have to give us land.
· Mike Good has made CONTACT with Gulfstream but has NOTHING in WRITING and wants to spend $300,000.00 for a “maybe” at best.
· This is the issue where the Cooper and Good want to give away/swap the Golden Isles Tennis Center for land development (ultimately a 450-500 unit high-rise condominium development) on the Saint Matthews property.
Passed 4:1 London no

REQUEST #128/09

DATE: August 10, 2009

TO: City Manager Mike Good
FROM: Commissioner Keith S. London

THRU: D. Mike Good, City Manager

The following information/action was requested by Commissioner Keith London as noted:

RE: Roads, SE 2nd Street/Hibiscus Street – Request for Written Documentation
Commissioner Request (CR) – SE 2nd/Hibiscus Street Request for Written Documentation/Repot 081009

Mike Good,

Please provide me with a detailed and documented written report describing your meetings with any and all of the individuals at Magna Entertainment Corporation (MEC) or associated with MEC as it pertains to the SE 2nd/Hibiscus Roadway.

This issue was discussed at the last (Wednesday, August 5, 2009) City of Hallandale Beach Commission meeting. You specifically mentioned you have met with Frank Stronach, Bill Murphy, and Don Cameron to discuss this issue.

Please include this complete email in my Commissioner Request and provide me with a CR number to track this request.

Thank you,

Commissioner Keith S. London

Please take the necessary steps to complete the request and submit a Summary Report to my office no later than August 18, 2009.

DATE: August 10, 2009

TO: Commissioner Keith London

FROM: D. Mike Good, City Manager

< RE: Above Commission Request

Commissioner London,

As I have explained before, the above have been discussions not only with Mr. Stronach, Don Cameron, and Bill Murphy, but also with Father Quinn, representing the Archdiocese of Miami. There is no written documentation of these meetings.

This CR is now considered closed. City Manager Mike Good

Department Head Signature __________________________ Date _____________

Department Director/Staff Time to Complete:

< City Manager/Staff Time to Complete: 15 Minutes
**Time Certains are Provided as a Guide and May Not be Heard at the Time Specified**
I welcome and will gladly add those individuals who may not currently be included on my email distribution lists. Please feel free to forward those email addresses and contact information to me.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you at the next Commission meeting.

Best Regards,

Commissioner Keith S. London
954-457-1320 Office
954-494-3182 Cell

For all you who are unable to physically attend and participate at the City Commission meetings, these meetings are replayed on Comcast Channel 78 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday @ 12:00 P.M. and Mondays and Wednesdays @ 6:00 P.M.

You are always welcome to contact me with questions or suggestions and I encourage you to contact the rest of the City Commission with your questions or comments.

Other good contact information:

Florida Department of State - Division of Corporations Florida State Flag
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Non Profit Corporation


Filing Information

Document Number N96000002475
Date Filed 05/09/1996
State FL
Event Date Filed 09/26/1997
Event Effective Date NONE

Principal Address

2201 SW 42ND AVE

Mailing Address

2201 SW 42ND AVE

Registered Agent Name & Address

712 NW 9TH CT

Officer/Director Detail

Name & Address

Title D

712 NW 9TH CT

Title D

708 NW 9TH CT

Title D

401 NW 2ND AVE

Title D

2848 SW 4TH ST

Title D

657 NW 9TH CT

Title D

4431 NW 13TH ST

Annual Reports

No Annual Reports Filed

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