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Showing posts with label The New Yorker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The New Yorker. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2013

More bad news about Team Rubio: Contempt for Floridians 24/7! Not that you'll hear about this from Miami's sleepwalking press corps but... Rich Lowry tweets what Ryan Lizza's new New Yorker piece re immigration reform reveals about Marco Rubio's staff, and Politico adds fuel to the fire: "Marco Rubio's office shows their contempt for American workers" (More interested in legalizing illegal aliens than plight of average Floridians.) And then some!;

More of the inherent weaknesses of Team Marco are being revealed every day.
That is, IF you are paying attention. (Like me.)

Sounds to me like the anonymous Rubio staffer quoted here,
is talking about Overtown, Liberty City, Opa-Locka and Carol City and Miami Gardens and large swaths of Fort Lauderdale to me.
Do Reps. Frederica Wilson and Alcee Hastings agree with this assessment of their constituents?

Too bad for this country and this state that so many Florida-based reporters and columnists are in-the-bag for Rubio, even those who disagree with him philosophically or politically. 
They continually pull their punches and don't challenge him enough -just like they pull their punches for almost everyone else, too.
That used to be called gutless, but now called "new normal" in American journalism.

As many of you regular readers of the blog may recall, while I lived and worked in Washington for 15 years, I always thought that Tim Russert was very over-rated and very fortunate to be a top dog in an era where there were so many no-talent journalists in the Washington Beltway who were more publicist than journalist, people who carried water for policies, not honestly examine them.

Still, despite my feelings about him, I'm 100% certain that the late host of NBC News 'Meet the Press" would've absolutely humbled Marco Rubio and brought him down a few pegs the past few weeks as the immigration debate has once again become one of the main issues in D.C. now that the Beltway media have decided amongst themselves that the the Benghazi and IRS scandals don't really matter since they would require lots of legwork during the hot D.C. summer.  

I think Russert would've positively undressed Rubio like a storefront mannequin by running one of those incisive video sequences he was so noted for that would show Rubio's recent penchant for flip-flopping in ways that would be hard to get out of your head.
He'd then come back from the videos with a LIVE interview and ask, "When will you be changing your mind again? And will you be just as certain then as you were this week and last month that you were right, right before you changed your mind?"

It's the bell that isn't ringing, that punch that nobody in DC seems interested or willing to deliver to Rubio's glass jaw, which is absolutely frustrating the hell out of me, especially given Rubio's very pious comments about his role and his comments about how necessary it is that all of the 11 million illegals get to stay.
Where's the proof that they should ALL stay, especially the ones that aren't interested in becoming citizens? 
Shouldn't we able to make some distinctions? 

Like the ones that Mickey Kaus talked about?
Serial drunk drivers!

So why is Rubio so mum about other supporters of S.744 saying they think requiring people to be able to speak and understand basic English before becoming a U.S. citizen, as he would require, is a bridge too far?
Nobody even asks him!
What kind of people think THAT common sense requirement is unreasonable?

Since you asked, the very people and groups who are constantly emailing the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and the Orlando Sentinel and being quoted there, which are then picked-up and run on TV station websites.

Still, say what you will about how contemptuous Rubio's staff may be, they can't be worse than the many unprofessional female staffers Connie Mack III had for years while he was Florida's junior senator, who would order beauty and health supplies for themselves over the main telephone in the front reception room while you waited to see someone.
Retin A anyone?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

There's a reason it's called the First Amendment: Americans want a free and energetic press corps, not a Mainstream Media chorus full of kiss-up sycophants to the President and the powerful, but many in MSM don't care -until Holder & DOJ over-stepped, and even then, some "journalists" can't put Constitution first over their love for Obama: The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza calls out media Obama kiss-ups in public re James Rosen case, while Balt. Sun media critic David Zuirawik deconstructs Obama & Co.'s obsession with Fox News -and attempts to marginalize it- by simply letting facts and Roger Ailes' own words appear in print: "Roger Ailes grabs moral high ground over Obama on phone, email seizures. Memo to Fox staffers shows character, righteousness, leadership"

There's a reason it's called the First Amendment: Americans want a free and energetic press corps, not a Mainstream Media chorus full of kiss-up sycophants to the President and the powerful, but many in MSM don't care -until Holder & DOJ over-stepped, and even then, some "journalists" can't put Constitution first over their love for Obama: The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza calls out media Obama kiss-ups in public re James Rosen case, while Balt. Sun media critic David Zuirawik deconstructs Obama & Co.'s obsession with Fox News -and attempts to marginalize it- by simply letting facts and Roger Ailes' own words appear in print: "Roger Ailes grabs moral high ground over Obama on phone, email seizures. Memo to Fox staffers shows character, righteousness, leadership"

Baltimore Sun
Roger Ailes grabs moral high ground over Obama on phone, email seizures
Memo to Fox staffers shows character, righteousness, leadership
By David Zuirawik, The Baltimore Sun
6:12 p.m. EDT, May 23, 2013
The Obama White House has been trying to de-legitimize Fox News almost from the day it took office. Remember the media blitz of 2009 launched by then White House Communications Director Anita Dunn?
I stood with Fox on that one on principle and came away impressed with the almost tribal unity that Roger Ailes inspired in his troops in the face of White House pressure.
Read the rest of Zuirawik's column at:,0,6047321.story

Such a great closing, and not just because I agree with it 100%::
But I am going to rejoin the battle, because what the White House is doing is truly in a league with Nixon. The difference is that we now have a dumbed-down, wimped-out and suck-up press compared to the one Nixon faced. And what passes for media criticism is, in the main, even more spineless and pathetic.
Too many of the press folks, especially in Washington, are all too happy to kiss up to the White House rather than doing their jobs as Rosen has. Or, maybe they just don't have his dedication and courage.
Ryan Lizza  @RyanLizza

Read his three most recents columns on this subject here:

The New Yorker
May 20, 2013
Here is the full forty-four-page Justice Department application for the search warrant of the Gmail account of Fox News's James Rosen.
By Ryan Lizza

May 21, 2013
The Obama Justice Department has seized the phone records of numbers that are associated with White House staffers and, apparently, with Fox News reporters.
By Ryan Lizza

May 24, 2013
The Obama Administration fought to keep a search warrant for James Rosen’s private e-mail account secret.
By Ryan Lizza

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Follow-up to the Mainstream Media's scrum re Univision's attempted blackmail of Sen. Marco Rubio -man bites dog, journalism watchdog bites newspaper, NOT offending Mexican-based TV network that provoked ethical contretemps

Sen. Marco Rubio video: "We Are a Nation of Haves and Soon-to-Haves." Sen. Rubio offers his perspectives on his first year in office and the challenges that remain unsolved going into 2012. December 16, 2011.
Follow-up to the Mainstream Media's scrum re Univision's attempted blackmail of Sen. Marco Rubio -man bites dog, journalism watchdog bites newspaper, NOT offending Mexican-based TV network that provoked ethical contretemps
What follows is part of an email that I sent out last Thursday as the logical if not-always well-understood follow-up to the Mainstream Media's scrum re Univision's attempted blackmail of Sen. Marco Rubio.

I originally wrote about this subject three months ago in an October 3rd post titled,
Marco Rubio vs. Univision - An attempted political smear FINALLY awakens the Miami Herald to Univision's thread-bare claim to journalism. Finalmente!

What makes this particular media case unusual is that it's a true case of 'man-bites-dog,' in that a New York-based journalism group that once upon a time enjoyed a largely esteemed reputation across the country for journalism probity and a watchdog-like concern for ethical shortcuts and laxness within the industry, has instead consciously chosen to attack a newspaper and not aim its barbs at the Mexican-based TV network that once again has revealed its true colors as a redoubt for faux-journalism that would be unacceptable in most American newsrooms, no matter how small, no matter how politically parochial.

Two days before veteran Florida reporter and institutional memory Marc Caputo's pointed rebuttal piece ran in the Miami Herald's political blog last Thursday, the following was reported in The Huffington Post, which in my experience is not always the most reliable of news sources, given its unctuous quotient. 
(I had already read the original cites before coming across this.) 

The Huffington Post
Marco Rubio And Univision Feud Sparks Disagreement Between New Yorker And Miami Herald
First Posted: 1/4/12 01:52 PM ET 
Updated: 1/4/12 06:36 PM ET
A feud between America's most prominent Hispanic Republican, Marco Rubio, and America's most popular Hispanic network, Univision, is now a debate between the Miami Herald and the New Yorker.
Last summer, Univision aired a story about the 1987 drug-trafficking bust of Rubio's brother-in-law. In October, the Miami Herald ran a front page story that Univision executives tried to blackmail Rubio with the information in exchange for his appearance on their "Meet the Press"-type show.
Read the rest of the post at:

Miami Herald 
Naked Politics blog
Of darts and hypocrisy: CJR's falsehoods and omissions in Marco Rubio-Univision-Herald flap
Marc Caputo on January 6, 2012
After a high-profile politician repeatedly stiff-arms a TV network over an interview, the media company then dredges up a 24 year-old drug-bust story about his brother-in-law. It runs in prime time. Even its viewers bash the story.
A newspaper later reports a behind-the-scenes tussle over the story: The network's news chief allegedly offered a deal to soften or kill the drug-bust story if the politician gave the long-sought interview. The news chief denies the allegation. 
To the Columbia Journalism Review's Erika Fry, it was clear who deserved the most-jaundiced look: The newspaper, The Miami Herald & El Nuevo Herald.
Read the rest of the post at:

The New Yorker
Marco Rubio and the G.O.P. play a dangerous game on immigration.
by Ken Auletta
JANUARY 9, 2012
