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Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2013

More bad news about Team Rubio: Contempt for Floridians 24/7! Not that you'll hear about this from Miami's sleepwalking press corps but... Rich Lowry tweets what Ryan Lizza's new New Yorker piece re immigration reform reveals about Marco Rubio's staff, and Politico adds fuel to the fire: "Marco Rubio's office shows their contempt for American workers" (More interested in legalizing illegal aliens than plight of average Floridians.) And then some!;

More of the inherent weaknesses of Team Marco are being revealed every day.
That is, IF you are paying attention. (Like me.)

Sounds to me like the anonymous Rubio staffer quoted here,
is talking about Overtown, Liberty City, Opa-Locka and Carol City and Miami Gardens and large swaths of Fort Lauderdale to me.
Do Reps. Frederica Wilson and Alcee Hastings agree with this assessment of their constituents?

Too bad for this country and this state that so many Florida-based reporters and columnists are in-the-bag for Rubio, even those who disagree with him philosophically or politically. 
They continually pull their punches and don't challenge him enough -just like they pull their punches for almost everyone else, too.
That used to be called gutless, but now called "new normal" in American journalism.

As many of you regular readers of the blog may recall, while I lived and worked in Washington for 15 years, I always thought that Tim Russert was very over-rated and very fortunate to be a top dog in an era where there were so many no-talent journalists in the Washington Beltway who were more publicist than journalist, people who carried water for policies, not honestly examine them.

Still, despite my feelings about him, I'm 100% certain that the late host of NBC News 'Meet the Press" would've absolutely humbled Marco Rubio and brought him down a few pegs the past few weeks as the immigration debate has once again become one of the main issues in D.C. now that the Beltway media have decided amongst themselves that the the Benghazi and IRS scandals don't really matter since they would require lots of legwork during the hot D.C. summer.  

I think Russert would've positively undressed Rubio like a storefront mannequin by running one of those incisive video sequences he was so noted for that would show Rubio's recent penchant for flip-flopping in ways that would be hard to get out of your head.
He'd then come back from the videos with a LIVE interview and ask, "When will you be changing your mind again? And will you be just as certain then as you were this week and last month that you were right, right before you changed your mind?"

It's the bell that isn't ringing, that punch that nobody in DC seems interested or willing to deliver to Rubio's glass jaw, which is absolutely frustrating the hell out of me, especially given Rubio's very pious comments about his role and his comments about how necessary it is that all of the 11 million illegals get to stay.
Where's the proof that they should ALL stay, especially the ones that aren't interested in becoming citizens? 
Shouldn't we able to make some distinctions? 

Like the ones that Mickey Kaus talked about?
Serial drunk drivers!

So why is Rubio so mum about other supporters of S.744 saying they think requiring people to be able to speak and understand basic English before becoming a U.S. citizen, as he would require, is a bridge too far?
Nobody even asks him!
What kind of people think THAT common sense requirement is unreasonable?

Since you asked, the very people and groups who are constantly emailing the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and the Orlando Sentinel and being quoted there, which are then picked-up and run on TV station websites.

Still, say what you will about how contemptuous Rubio's staff may be, they can't be worse than the many unprofessional female staffers Connie Mack III had for years while he was Florida's junior senator, who would order beauty and health supplies for themselves over the main telephone in the front reception room while you waited to see someone.
Retin A anyone?

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Hallandale Beach corollary to Paul Roderick Gregory's savvy piece at re the news media's assumptions & bias: What If 'President' McCain Was Running For Re-Election Against 'Senator' Obama?; What if 'Mayor' London was running for re-election against 'Comm.' Cooper?; @MayorCooper


Above, Hallandale Beach City Hall and Police Dept. HQ. September 4, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved

Well, someone else thought of my brilliant idea that came to me while watching the Republican and Democratic National Conventions over the past month, to show the rather self-evident Mainstream Media's assumptions, bias and even lack-of-curiosity, Paul Roderick Gregoryand he got it printed it at Forbes.comwhich I've got at the bottom of this post and encourage you to send to friends.

Reading what Gregory wrote a couple of times over had the salutary effect of causing me to re-purpose in my own head some of the central questions at the heart of his and the current political campaign here in Hallandale Beach.
Which is how I come before you today and ask you to ponder the question: What if 'Mayor' London was running for re-election against 'Comm.' Cooper?

Yes, it really DOES make you think, doesn't it?

Especially about all the negative, anti-democratic and just plain nonsensical things that we have all borne witness to and endured, and know for a fact happened to Hallandale Beach residents and business owners due specifically to Mayor Joy Cooper's own illogical words, vengeful actions and thin-skinned ego.

Ones that the local south Florida news media have largely decided didn't happen because they weren't there in person to observe first-hand.
Yet all of us can recite them from memory, can't we?

The press corps' thinking seems to be that if Mayor Cooper really calls a citizen minding his own business and sitting in his seat at a City Commission meeting -yours truly- a "Nazi" in a conversation to perpetually disconnected then-Comm. Bill Julian, did it really happen if a reporter wasn't there? 

Yes, it happened and does happen, regardless of whether or not a reporter, columnist or TV cameraman is there -especially when a reporter is NOT there- but to them, no, not really, it's just an "allegation."
We are the Broward capital of "allegations" that really happened

Towards that end, in the next few days, because of an email I received from a very well-known and cutting-edge web hosting company, one that's offering a huge discount, I'll have a constructive suggestion and tip to share with those of you who've spoken to me over the past 18 months about starting a blog or website of your own, to share your thoughts -and document- what happens in this city, this area and this part of the Sunshine State.

Especially since neither Change Hallandale and Save Hallandale have posted anything new since last year.

That'd be a good thing for everyone in the community, esp. as long as CRA funds are funneled to a fake newspaper that consciously chooses NOT to report what is really going on here for fear of offending Mayor Cooper, who -along with her husband- has previously threatened the fake newspaper's owners, even to the point of threatening to put them out of business.

It really did happen, but I guess because a reporter wasn't there, it's only an "allegation."
Personally, I'm guessing it sure didn't seem like just an "allegation" to the person on the receiving end of the pointed verbal threats from Mayor Cooper and her husband.

Speaking of blogs and websites:
a.) have you come across this interesting one yet, Hallandale Truth? 

b.) I was going to mention this about a week ago but I've taken the opportunity to look at Michele Lazarow's new campaign website and it's VERY well-done and put together.
Michele's website  is at:

Her campaign's Facebook page is at: 

c.) If you didn't see my post about it a few weeks ago, Csaba Kulin's campaign website is at

Csaba told me that his plan is to try to update it fairly frequently and write about what's going on now in Hallandale Beach -or what isn't and ought to be, like Comm. Sanders and Bill Julian agreeing to actually show-up in public for an old-fashioned debate, where those two can be PUBLICLY asked questions that they've been dodging for YEARS. 

Csaba doesn't plan on letting his website remain static for the next six-and-a-half weeks, and he's already shown me some of what he's written after months of research about the city's finances and its ticking pension time-bomb.
Words that I think you'll all find of great interest!

Paul Roderick Gregory, Contributor
What If 'President' McCain Was Running For Re-Election Against 'Senator' Obama?
9/15/2012 @ 2:12AM
Imagine John McCain, having eked out a narrow victory in 2008, running for reelection against Illinois Senator Barack Obamaunder today’s economic and foreign policy circumstances. The following would be  a sample triumphant press report – New York Times,Washington Post, LA Times, what have you — dated Saturday September 15:
“President John McCain’s reelection bid is tottering on the verge of collapse. The raising of the black flag over the Cairo Embassy, the killing of the U.S. ambassador in Libya, and the outburst of violent protests throughout the Mid East appear to be the coup de grace to McCain’s faltering campaign. 
Read the rest of the post at:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Be careful what you wish for, MSM. If Gingrich loses in Florida, you'll get standoffish Romney to talk about for 9 MONTHS straight; funny negative campaign ads

Winning Our Future PAC video: Obama's Dream Debate, Part 1, January 17, 2012.

More Winning Our Future PAC videos at:

If you think that Mitt Romney doesn't like the national news media now, i.e. the Mainstream Media, and their questions he doesn't want to answer truthfully -the very questions that Newt Gingrich has been asking and that Romney SHOULD have had the answers for 6 years ago if he wanted to be taken seriously by me and others, but STILL DOESN'T have- wait until Romney knows that he can ignore the MSM until the Republican National Convention in Tampa Bay in seven months.
Yes, sweltering late August in Florida, the sweet spot for hurricane season.

The point of this pro-Newt Gingrich ad above could hardly be clearer.
The folks at the Winning Our Future PAC who support Newt Gingrich are gazing into their crystal ball and not having to break a sweat to predict that Mitt Romney, having been the very portrait of a liberal Republican as governor of Massachusetts, will fail to be able to contrast himself sharply enough with President Obama on a few key issues, and once they have erased that supposed difference, le déluge.
The rationale of Romney candidacy disappears.

Seriously, why would you expect Obama's campaign team NOT to make a comparative ad in the future that questions Romney's bona fides, essentially asking voters who agree with the idea of Obabacare to keep the person who already thinks that way and who is already president, rather than vote for Obama Lite?

Not that this line of argument will appeal to most well-informed Independents, who by and large are leaning against Obama's re-election, or even to me, but Obama's campaign staff already knows that I won't vote for him; I'm not his target audience.
It's the number one rule of politics: know your universe.

I'm smart enough to know that Obama won't change course.
But you know who are his target of those sort of ads?

Squishy middle-aged Democratic women in urban areas, esp. single Jewish women under 55.
Also, under-30 singles with a college education and likely few serious financial cares.
People who will once again NOT hold Obama's awful track record against him, and give him the benefit of the doubt.

And let's face it, in this country, right now, there are a lot of people who never learn their lesson, and who continue to keep making the same mistakes over and over again, and who thereby becoming willing victims.

Who do you think is watching all those seriously unfunny TV sitcoms (see CBS' show Two Broke Girls below) or who continue to patronize Jennifer Anniston's never-ending string of unfunny and cringe-worthy rom-coms that fall flat?

CBS-TV video: 2 Broke Girls: Facebook Friends. September 30, 2011.
(Seriously, could the forced laughter on this video possibly be any more cringe-worthy? Last summer, one of my sisters, who has very different TV & film tastes than me, saw a preview of the show while visiting Las Vegas. She said that she was dumbfounded at how unfunny it was, yet a few people there laughed like hyenas. I'll bet I can guess who they voted for in 2008, that is, IF they voted. I can't be the only person in the country who watches the preceding CBS show, How I Met Your Mother, and then flips over to cable news or ESPN for thirty minutes while this awful show is on.)    

Who? Yes, that same Obama 2012 target audience, which includes many if not most of the under-45 demo who voted for Obama in 2008 and thereby got played. 

Obama's team is only too happy to take the vote of such dummies before they wise-up, knowing that he will NOT feel encumbered by norms of reasonableness or having to run again. More Obama is MORE Obama being Obama.

But a lot of people like the ones I described above will think he will be different in a second term.
"He'll change" they tell themselves to allay their fears.
If that's what it takes to get their vote, Obama's campaign team will find an ad that spins that faux message to snag their vote. 

That's why a funny negative campaign ad like the one at the top of this post works so well -it's all-too true!
The antidote to Romney's negative campaigning is laughter, mockery and stone-cold facts
of truth.

Unfortunately, that only works when both campigns have the same resources, but here in Florida, Romney is outspending Gingrich on TV by a factor of 5:1.

Almost four years later, this Saturday Night Live skit about John McCain and negative advertising is STILL funny, esp. Bill Hader's sarcastic voice!

Saturday Night Live video: McCain Approves Open.
2008 skit of Sen. McCain approving truth-enhanced negative campaign messages, with Kristen Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, Darrell Hammond as U.S. Senator John McCain and Bill Hader as the creepy-yet-effective VO announcer.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

What negative campaign ads? Two years later, this SNL skit about John McCain is STILL funny, esp. Bill Hader's sarcastic voice!



McCain Approves Open
Sen. McCain approves truth-enhanced negative campaign messages

The antidote to negative campaigning is laughter, mockery and stone-cold facts.

Here's a 2008 Saturday Night Live skit that does just that -sort of- with Kristen Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, Darrell Hammond as U.S. Senator John McCain and Bill Hader as the creepy-yet-effective VO announcer.

I only wish that the 2010 campaign commercials I'd seen in the South Florida TV market were as clever and inspired as this skit.

Frankly, as much as people complain about them, I've seen a lot of TV ads that others thought were negative which I felt weren't so much negative -or as negative as they should've been considering who they were mocking- so much as poorly-produced and ham-handed, like the Joe Garcia ads for FL-25 against
David Rivera.

That's the House seat that
Mario Diaz-Balart abandoned in order to run for his retiring brother Lincoln's seat, FL-21, which the New York Times' campaign blog run by Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight, currently puts at precisely 99.5%.

Which is why those videos produced by
Scott Fortune that I mentioned here on Monday,
are so effective for the idea of ending gerrymandering, if not getting him into Congress from a ridiculously drawn district, FL-3.

Facts and mockery cut thru the TV clutter every time.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

re Sarah Palin's appeal and Katty Kay's FINALLY being right

As to Senator McCain's selection of Sarah Palin... as a DLC Democrat who'll definitely be voting for John McCain in November, I think it's a fantastic and bold pick!
But not for the reasons I keep reading about online or in the newspapers.

One of my reasons is because I think that it will be very interesting to see the very same insider reporters who tried to sell us on the idea of narrative as resume in Obama's case, suddenly now split hairs and say but not for Palin.
But, as usual, they won't be able to help themselves as we've already seen, and that can't but help McCain and Palin.

Frankly, I'm practically giddy at the prospect of Frank Rich's first lacerating attack against her, using that big brain and vocabulary of his to attack her like she's some poor schlub understudy from Alaska who's not quite ready for the big time of Broadway. As has been his wont so often away from Broadway, he'll reach too far, be too clever by half and in the end, be hoisted on his own petard, even as liberals cheer his columns but wonder why they aren't persuasive to the rest of the country.

But history is replete with examples of people who rose to the occasion -or didn't, like John Kerry four years ago- and there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Palin is, in fact, such a person, since the consistency of her record is in marked contrast to most of what passes for serious policy analysis in Washington: she says what she means and she means what she says.

Fifteen years of being around Capitol Hill and K Street taught me that much.

How crazy is it that this is considered "maverick" behavior in the Year 2008?

The compelling narrative of Palin's track record, of personal integrity and feistiness above party, will prove especially popular and endearing in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan that
Obama has to win, but each of whom has been riven with political corruption fairly recently.

You don't have to be Michael Barone or Mickey Kaus or John Harwood to know the country is emotionally fatigued after years and years of the same Washington insiders and career politicians
forever fighting the last political war and trying to get even.
Though I personally like Joe Biden, let's not forget that he is yet another career senator with a son who's a Washington lobbyist, and while I think it's commendable that his son is an Amtrak Board member, let's not kid ourselves that he is there but for the influence of... whom?
For the most part, as Gilbert and Sullivan might have put it, R. Hunter Biden is the very model of a modern major lobbyist. He has an office near K Street, a blue-ribbon roster of clients, and his firm, Oldaker Biden & Belair, made $1.76 million in lobbying revenue in the first half of 2006...

I think that there are plenty of people who are tired of having to pretend that alternating party crews in Washington have been getting the kind of positive tangible results that are necessary, when it's perfectly clear they're really just running in place.

And given Palin's clear distaste for GOP royalty and familial over-reaching -Murkowski family-it's one of the reasons she was elected governor in the first place. Voters could see it was a visceral dislike, not a come-on.

Why do you suppose Teddy Roosevelt had such maverick appeal when he ran for president as an independent?

You can see the evidence all around you of what putting off hard choices has gotten this country, where Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is actually afraid to schedule a vote on the House floor on off-shore oil drilling because she knows that it will actually pass now, with moderate Democrats from competitive congressional districts abandoning Pelosi in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately for the country, as she has with so many other issues, Pelosi much prefers to have an issue she can manage and strangle, than she wants practical results and solutions that will result in more energy production for the country.

Naturally, here in the Sunshine State, there is no solar, wind or tidal energy facilities to speak of that anyone can point to with anything resembling pride or hope. It's so embarrassing in the year 2008!

One of my next posts will give a good example of this sort of political gamesmanship, writ large, where the interests of the country and people's safety and welfare are clearly placed second to party loyalty, and the offender is none other than local South Florida pol for life, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And you know how I loathe her!


Do you suppose this is the kind of Obama 'change' or leadership we can come to expect in the future, when he can't even prevent the Illinois Demcratic Party from engaging in the very activities he continually decries?

It sounds like old-school corporate influence-peddling to me

ABC News Reporter Arrested in Denver Aug. 27, 2008
DNC Money Trail Aug. 25, 2008 PHOTOS: On the Money Trail at the DNC

ABC News Chief Investigator Brian Ross is on the job!
DNC Money Trail Aug. 25, 2008

You can tell how much the political axis moved with this selection of Sarah Palin because of how intensely the media people and pols who are always wrong -aka the usual drive-bys- are saying that it's a bad choice, or, condescendingly poo-poohing it.

Case in point: E.J Dionne and his crazy belief that Biden's Catholicism will somehow prove stronger in Pennsylvania than his actual voting record and reputation.

Now as I've stated here before, for many different reasons, I personally like Biden, as I wrote last Saturday, August 23rd,
2 Hillary Visits in South Florida, 3 Different Media Views; Biden anecdotes but there are PLENTY of people who live there who'll tell you that rather than the blue-collar brother-in-law you love spending time with on weekends, barbecuing and watching Eagles games with, he's the know-it-all boss who never stops talking.

The sort of person in your life whose voice you hear when you can't go to sleep and who causes you to grind your teeth.

For the next few months I'm afraid we'll be hearing more than we ever wanted to from MSNBC's Chris Matthews about the subject of Catholicism and PA voting trends.
Except for the fact that as much as Matthews says he admires Jack Murtha, he's a chip-off-the-old-block, etc., Matthews would never ever want to live in a small town in Murtha's congressional district.
Did you happen to hear the condescending NPR coverage of the Sarah Palin announcement?

Even for them it was amazing. I turned to NPR while watching a muted FOX News, just to hear how elitist they'd be, and as usual, they didn't disappoint.

Condescending and patronizing now, yet within weeks, I strongly suspect that she'll be catnip to voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, WV and Michigan, and the NPR reporters will act like their remarks were never uttered.

And they'll do that as they describe the enthusiastic family crowds that turn out for Palin, and get interview after interview with ex-Hillary voters who say they're going to give Obama the big thumbs down.

It just reminded me all over again how tinny NPR's internal vibes have been for years, given that the night the U.S. invaded Iraq, and I was listening to WAMU-FM in Washington, D.C., NPR's first story on All Things Considered was about a teenage murderer who was imprisoned in the Midwest -who used poetry to cope with his unique situation.

They never spoke about the victim's family.

Some things never change.

When I was living and working in D.C., partly because of being in an office downtown so much, I listened to NPR for about 6-9 hours a day, but now that I'm in South Florida, just Diane Rehm, and only if she has a good guest, plus the Friday round-ups of domestic and international news.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, that Obama's campaign people immediately and rather foolishly thought to downplay and mock Palin's small-town roots, only plays into the lingering suspicion among many Americans that regardless of what he says, Obama and his crowd are thoroughly elitist and phony to a fair-thee-well.

In America, but not of it.

It only makes one recall Obama's much earlier and much-maligned comments at a San Francisco fund raiser, when he launched his full-throated attack on people who used to be the backbone of the Democratic Party, saying that Pennsylvania voters "cling to guns or religion or antipathy" out of political frustration."

All these pieces of the puzzle begin to add up after a while.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if among the most passionate of the Obama campaign staffers, the ones who really thought that attacking small-town America was the route to go in their initial public stink bomb attack against Palin, that their favorite part of It's a Wonderful Life was actually when Jimmy Stewart's George Bailey character tried desperately to leave the small town of Bedford Falls behind, and instead become a sophisticated person who traveled the world.

Not the part when he stayed and helped the town survive.
Seriously, I really wouldn't doubt it.

Frankly, I was hoping McCain would pick Palin a few weeks ago, but felt that he might succumb to pressure from some of his trusted aides, like South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham to pick Joe Lieberman, or select a more conventional pick like Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

I'm VERY pleased and think this show of political courage and faith by McCain in what he thinks he's hearing from American voters, will help cement McCain's victory in November, even though I disagree with him on a whole host of issues.

Most notable among those issues, of course, was his strong support for the ridiculously lenient illegal immigration policy -amnesty- proposed by President Bush, Sen. Kennedy and himself, which nearly ended his political career prematurely after it proved so unpopular with American voters.
He says he learned his lesson.
We'll see.

In case you're late coming to the Hallandale Beach Blog/South Beach Hoosier party, I voted for McCain in 2000 when there was no Democratic primary in Virginia, and as a matter of fact, much to my surprise, sat next to and spoke with McCain's sister-in-law for just under an hour at a McCain Straight Talk Express rally in Old Town (Alexandria) while we waited for the bus to show up.

I'll definitely be voting for him again in November.

Future headlines: Oprah to be dispatched by Dems for cross-country trip to explain Obama loss to disheartened minorities and Lib Dems.
Maybe she'd boil it all down to this: tough love.

"I guess when people were saying that they simply didn't think Obama was experienced enough to be president, and some of you said that they were just being racist, you were wrong, huh?
Those voters told you exactly what they thought and why they were voting the way they were -and you chose not to believe them.
That's on you, not them."

Which is my oblique way of bringing up the fact that despite my longtime antipathy to her over the years, well-known to my friends in D.C., as I've commented here before, it's time for me to give the devil her due. In this case, the devil being the BBC's Washington correspondent, Katty Kay.
She's FINALLY right about something!

She's someone whom I've rightfully disparaged in the past for good reason -her chronic lack of knowledge about facts, concepts, phrases and theories which someone in her position ought to know. But -quite maddeningly- doesn't!

That, of course, hasn't prevented her from trying to be the authoritative voice of U.K. sophisticated sobriety when she's spoken on myriad American public policy programs, most notably, the Diane Rehm Show on NPR, as both guest and guest host.

Eventually, over time, my friends finally caught on that I was right about what I said about Kay, because of the mounting amount of evidence.

It became sort of a parlor game among us to catch her on radio or TV saying something perfectly absurdly with her customary serious voice.
I'm not joking.

We actually got to the point where at parties or get-togethers, like the Oscars, Super Bowl or Final Four Weekend, 4-5 of us could, upon request, actually recite a favorite Kay declaration.

When we were in public somewhere together, like a ballgame or outside at a park, whenever we'd
hear someone say something factually wrong but doggedly insistent on their righteousness, we'd look each other in the eye and mouth the words, "Katty Kay."

More recently, thru plain old American persistence, I've come close to converting two Herald reporters into believers of the Katty Kay Syndrome.
But it wasn't easy.

Now by wrong, I'm not talking about personal opinions, since Kay is free to be as dopey or mis-informed in her personal opinions or private life as anyone who's a chronic caller to radio talk shows.
Or, the sad folks who, like obsessive compulsive serial criminals, return over and over to the same newspaper website comments sections to share their invective, rants and nonsense, like so many people in Broward County who seem to practically live on the Herald and Sun-Sentinel reader comment forums, a matter which is readily apparent when you read them.

No, here I'm talking about rather concrete things Kay's said in the past that were directly contradicted by reality or the BBC's own news reports and website. Like, well, to choose but one subject off the top-of-my-head, the actual background of the British prime minister, Gordon Brown.

How about this letter to the Editors of the BBC blog that I found?
on 29 Jun 2007:
I am suspect when Katy Kay gets her facts absolutely wrong. In her report last night she said that a small minority did not approve of the immigration bill. The Gallup Poll reported 47 Against and 30 In Favor. To make matters worse the only guest she had on discussing the matter was a far left immigration activist. I don't know if I should chalk it up to bias or ignorance, probably both are to blame. Why not give fact based journalism a try and an even handed discussion?

More recently, there was this comment to the Newsnight blog:
on 21 Aug 2008:
Katy Kay's piece tonight was shockingly lopsided and well below my usual expectations for a Newsnight segment. Having just spent two and a half months in America, it was quite clear to me that the 'smear' campaigns were not exclusive to conservatives, as Kay's piece strongly implied. Both sides have been thoroughly engaged in back-channel internet attacks. The obligatory mention of liberal smear tactics does not in itself create a balanced report when one spends roughly 90% of the segment obsessing over conservative e-mails and cartoons. Surely Katy Kay is cognizant of that? It was a good choice (on several levels) to place it last, but, unfortunately, a few of us do enjoy staying up for the entire programme. I adore Newsnight, but this was one of the most imbalanced reports I've seen from one of your contributors. Deeply disappointing.

That sort of makes her, what, the poor man's U.K. Andrea Mitchell, to name but another D.C. insider justly infamous around town among colleagues of mine for her faux pas, faux facts and big-footing.
Plus, there's Mitchell's whole reluctance to always report news she knows, like the way she avoided naming the U.S. senators whom she said never read the pre-war NIE report.
She loved to talk about the story on the NBC family of outlets, esp. MSNBC -up to the point where she'd actually have to name the members she claimed never read it.
Is that journalism?

But I'm getting off on a tangent, and I should confine my comments here to momentarily praising Kay.

On the BBC-TV this past Thursday night, immediately prior to Obama's acceptance speech, Kay alone among the army of big-footing campaign reporters in Denver made a point that I've long suspected would prove to be true, much as some will try to ignore it.

Trust me, when Katy Kay and I both agree on something, that's what noted New York philosopher George Costanza meant when he said 'worlds collide!'

For my purposes, it means that it must be true!

Kay said -and I'm paraphrasing here, because I didn't have a videotape running at the time and have not been able to find a recording of her comments yet- that based on what she's seen and heard for herself, among both the Obama campaign staff (and assorted hangers-on) and ordinary Democratic voters she's dealt with in various states throughout the country, especially Hillary Clinton supporters, there was ample evidence of a growing party cleavage that would prove very difficult to heal in the future.

Per my hypothetical words above in Oprah's mouth, a sharp divide that the Obama supporters
were ignoring, perhaps because they can't quite imagine that their own personal narrative and that of Obama's will be one where he actually loses the race, when it may well have been within his grasp.

So, on the one hand you have Obama supporters who think that any white Democrat who votes for McCain is doing so almost entirely because of core racism.
They won't accept any other explanation but that one, because that one neatly fits their world view.

On the other hand, of course, were those moderate and conservative Dems who said that regardless of Obama's soaring oratory or charisma, he still lacked the kind of tangible political abilities or experience they wanted in a potential president: someone who had a track record of
actually accomplishing something in Washington that the average person has heard of or could point to as proof, much less, constructively worked across the aisle to get results.
Obama has done neither.

There's a reason that The National Journal rated Obama as the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate -he was.
There are a lot of voters in this country who don't want the "Most" anything senator to be in The White House, and I'm one of them.

And as someone who was actually around Washington at the time to attend the Foreign Relations hearings, enough of the Obama supporters' name-dropping of Hoosier Richard Lugar.
It's embarrassing, already!
Lugar was already doing the Nunn-Lugar shuffle with the Russians when Obama was just out of Harvard Law School.

For once, momentarily, Katy Kay is 100% right

See the BBC's US Election 2008 webpage -
Though I'll still be voting for McCain, I wanted to draw your attention to this web site as it's what led me to originally watching the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Trials online a few weeks before the Olympics.
I was mesmerized!

Well, I received a phone call on Friday from another DLC friend up in D.C. telling me that the Barack Obama acceptance speech would be on Microsoft Silverlight, and that I should watch it at some point after first seeing the speech on TV. He's right.

I did that late Friday night and it's absolutely amazing to see the way everything looks!
It looks better than life-like!

I suppose it'd be too much to think that they'll also be doing that for the RNC in St. Paul, where Hallandale Beach resident and former Rudy Giuliani supporter Ed Napolitano will be this week.
Microsoft Silverlight homepage is at

Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-device plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. By using Expression Studio and Visual Studio, designers and developers can collaborate more effectively using the skills they have today to light up the Web of tomorrow.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Is Obama's idea of party unity in FL, purging -without binging?; Miami-Dade Dems

As is so often the case in South Florida the year 2008, in order to get some interesting Florida political news (rumors?) about what's going on, I had to avoid today's Herald and Sun-Sentinel and go Back to the Future.
Or, as in this case, failing to have a flux capacitor of my own, going back to the Hallandale Beach Blog email inbox from Friday.

Friday morning, shortly before Noon, John Kennedy of the Orlando Sentinel's always informative Central Florida Political Pulse wrote, per a warning from Florida superdelegate Jon Ausman about a possible portent of things to come in the Sunshine State, now that Senator Obama is the party's nominee.

In case you've forgotten, Ausman was the first Florida non-politician to speak at last Saturday's DNC Rules & Bylaws kangaroo court of an inquisition.
In my opinion, watching the proceedings on C-SPAN rather than Obama-leaning MSNBC, Ausman spoke FAR TOO MUCH about the princely entitlements of the superdelegates, and how the rules of the party's charter prevent anyone -well, not then currently living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue- from preventing that crew of self-serving super heroes from having a vote on the convention floor, even if their own state is shut-out from participating.

Well, that is unless an individual superdelegate has been convicted of something serious like, you know, sedition or assassination or something other-worldly. (Then he only has a half-vote.)
It seemed a wee bit too precious and self-indulgent for a guy who should've taken the offensive by talking from the p.o.v. of the Florida vox populi that turned out in record numbers just five months ago.
Remember them and their intentions?

On the other hand, unlike most Florida Dem party leaders and pols, like House Minority Leader Dan Gelber and Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller, Ausman was publicly encouraging a public discussion among Florida Democrats of what the logical consequences would be of moving the FL Primary, so that there'd be no room for excuses or recriminations in the future.
You know, our reality the past few months?

Here's the true proof of that: personal attacks against Ausman by the get-along gang across the state that brooks no disagreement, in a September 14th post in The Buzz, the excellent politics blog of the St. Pete Times:

A different approach was that of FlaPolitics supporting Ausman's call for double-dipping: from August 31, 2007
"What’s important here is the concept of the possibility of Florida getting a double dip at selecting the next Democratic nominee. I don’t know about you, but I like it."

If Ausman's current allegation is true, it's about what I expected from Team Obama, frankly, which just makes it the latest in a series of reasons why I couldn't possibly vote for him when I had the chance to in January.
And why, five months hence, I won't vote for him in the general election, despite my particular disagreements with Senator McCain on aspects of his public policy.
No Kool-Aid for me, thanks, I'm a Coke Classic guy.

Future posts here as well as over at South Beach Hoosier will not only discuss McCain and Obama's relative merits on policy issues, but observations from my own extensive political campaign background -which I've hinted at here and there in the past, but otherwise kept under wraps-and how political lessons learned then, might just apply here as well.

I suspect that many of you who read this post fairly regularly will be quite surprised in the future by my observations on local Dade County Democratic Party politics and local media circa 1976 and 1984.

Ruminations and observations on prominent Dems like Dade Dem chair Mike Abrams, George DePontis, Seth Gordon, Alfredo Duran, State Senator Jack Gordon -the anti-Geller from my own p.o.v.- as well as the old Dade County Democratic Party HQ at the McAllister Hotel (built in 1913) in downtown Miami on Biscayne Boulevard, between N.E. 1st Street and N.E. 2nd Street.

For photos of the once grand hotel, including back before Bayfront Park existed, see and

Before we made the move in 1976 from The McAllister to the Dade County Carter-Mondale campaign HQ in my hometown of North Miami Beach, on NE 167th Street and NE 6th Avenue, behind the inviting smells of the Krispy Kreme, for a number of months, due to a serious lack of storage space, most of the party's files, docs, and ephemera were stored in my bedroom closet for safekeeping.

This included the party's institutional memory, including lots of archival letters and photos from Dem VIPs from the deep and recent past, including George McGovern letters to longtime friend and fellow South Dakotan and Dolphins owner Joe Robbie, back when he was the Dade party chair.

When Robbie, the man now known to most South Floridians for being the JR in JRS, ran for governor of South Dakota in 1956, whom do you suppose was his campaign manager but a young and earnest George McGovern!

Trust me, I'll be a lot more honest and self-effacing in those posts and observations at South Beach Hoosier and here, than the semi-rants I occasionally read over at the Miami-Dade Dems site,
I'll admit to feeling a case of envy for the technology they have now, which folks at party HQ back then would've killed for.

On the other hand, I also think that Mike Abram's wonderful British-born sister-in-law, Teresa Abrams -wife of David Abrams and Mom of Ian- our enthusiastic office manager and head honcho at Dem HQ and then campaign office, could have, along with the help of my then-high school self, written circles around the dismal output I see these days at M-DD, since they seem to mistake anger for prose and passion, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I'll also endeavor to write a bit about what I witnessed first-hand in early 2000 while living in Arlington of the media's great love affair with McCain.
I'll spotlight a huge McCain "Straight Talk Express" event in Old Town Alexandria, where I also spent quite some time sitting and talking to a very charming woman, who turned out to be John McCain's sister-in-law, the wife of his brother.

Some pundit on TV recently said -I forget whom- that the three greatest love affairs ever were between:
1.) Abelard and Heloise
2.) Romeo and Juliet, and
3.) the American press corps and John McCain in 2000.

The latter's more accurate than you think, especially when nationally known print and TV reporters are bringing their kids with them to cover McCain rallies.
Not their teenage kids, their little kids!
Florida Democrats Fret About Fate Of Obama Delegates
Think the Florida Democratic primary fight is over?
Think again. There's apparently only been a pause while state party activists look for a new battlefield.
They may have found one Friday.Tallahassee activist Jon Ausman is sending out e-mail warnings that the Barack Obama campaign is considering replacing some or all of the 67 Florida delegates already selected to represent the campaign at the party's national convention in Denver.

To read the rest of the post, go to

Be sure to read the comments below it, as Brenna James throws cold water on the notion that the trip and associated costs to Denver for the National Convention are "free" as stated by the Obama Corps of Keystone Kops.

The Miami Herald's Naked Politics blog has this take on Ausman's warning:

Also see Democratic Convention Watch at for convention news and and the Palm Beach Post's Michael C. Bender on the role of $$$ in potential FL unity.

As for national polls which show Senator Obama defeating Senator McCain, and which many Obama supporters place great stock in, consider this:
"President Johnson could win more than 65 per cent of the votes at his party's National Convention, easily turning back the combined forces of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Eugene J. McCarthy, a survey by The New York Times indicated today..."

The date? March 24, 1968.

Real life always gets in the way of destiny.
Especially political destiny.
Just ask former Virginia Senator George Allen.

He was THE man whom many of the sharpest and most experienced political folks I ever met and trusted in Washington thought would be standing exactly where John McCain is right now.