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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Parker Plaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parker Plaza. Show all posts

Monday, August 29, 2016

#SoFL #ethics - Proving that the past is prologue, yet again, here comes ethically-challenged Commissioner Bill Julian to once again personally make Hallandale Beach a laughingstock. But this time, a NATIONAL laughingstock. Surprise! It involves votes on real estate development and favors in return. Here's the latest on the matter, along with a stark reminder of Bill Julian's previous unethical actions

#SoFL #ethics - Proving that the past is prologue, yet again, here comes ethically-challenged Commissioner Bill Julian to once again personally make Hallandale Beach a laughingstock. But this time, a NATIONAL laughingstock. Surprise! It involves votes on real estate development and favors in return. Here's the latest on the matter, along with a stark reminder of Bill Julian's previous unethical actions

Above, the May 16, 2008 photo taken by me, South Beach Hoosier, at the city's North Beach park parking lot, showing Bill Julian's city badge while his car was parked in the one-and-only Handicapped parking space, next to a then-existing restaurant. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved. 

Watch the recent Local10 News story done by chief investigative reporter Bob Norman that has made everyone in the Hallandale Beach area angry and embarrassed about Bill Julian in a way that no other previous Julian ethical debacles could, as cringe worthy as they were. Just when you thought Bill Julian could not be more embarrassing or harmful to this community's future, it's a case of seeing is believing! He's exactly what he appears to be.
What a weekend!
I've been very busy over the weekend getting my thoughts together for this particular blog post, and the reason is clear. More than just about any other story I've written about here at Hallandale Beach Blog since I started it in 2007, especially one that's dealt specifically with what was taking place in this part of South Florida, in southeast Broward County, the level of public discussion, rancor and outright revulsion about the egregious stupidity and unethical behavior of Hallandale Beach's very own Simpleton, City Commissioner William "Bill" Julian, has reached a point of "no return."

A point of no return that was never reached by Julian's MANY unethical and foolish words and actions in office of the past ten years, however stupid, sordid and self-serving as they usually were, all of which have been chronicled here with great specificity on the blog, often with self-evident photos to hammer home the facts that Julian, his apologists and Mayor Joy Cooper didn't want to face and deal with in an upfront manner.

Even longtime apologists for this bumbling idiot of a small-town pol, a man who even his small circle of friends have long acknowledged, lacks even the most basic short-term AND long-term vision for this growing ocean-side community that nearly everyone here believes ought to be -and managed- SO MUCH BETTER than it has been and is now, have reached their personal breaking point: line in the sand!

That's something that I know about for a fact because so many friends and acquaintances of mine, as well as more than a few people who by no definition of the word could ever be described as "friendly" towards me in the past -ever- have decided to contact me over the past few days to express their own personal sense of betrayal, anger and befuddlement.

This includes people who have long tolerated Bill Julian's longtime record of foolishness, critically poor and faulty judgment on issues and votes, and his MANY YEARS of being of clearly being largely unprepared to participate effectively and competently at public city meetings in a way that would even come close to what Hallandale Beach's residents and Small Business owners expect, especially for someone who has been in office for so long.
They have all told me -and you today via me on this blog- that they have had "ENOUGH!"
Enough is enough - "Julian needs to go!"

Below are some self-evident facts and well-chosen thoughts of mine about Bill Julian's latest ethics and legal scandal that has ensnared the city.

Longtime residents and businesses in this area have long known that Julian is no stranger to either foolish words or boneheaded actions, which, individually and collectively, have made helped make this ocean-side city a longtime running joke among well-informed and politically-active South Florida residents and members of the local news media.

Bill Julian is no stranger to unethical actions that have cast large doubts on his core competency, ability to process basic information, or use and demonstrate critical judgment.
In short, his basic fitness for office.
The least we should be able to expect from a public official.

The local press corps has told me as much, which explains why so often stories of more than some public interest that happen here that would in ordinary times be covered on local Miami TV newscasts if they happened in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Palmetto Bay or Pembroke Pines, but are ignored because they occur here. 
For their part, the reporters take the point of view that things happen in Hallandale Beach -and are not covered adequately- because "that's just Hallandale Beach being Hallandale Beach."
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that sentiment or one similar to it said to me in person or via email or phone call, I'd have quite a tidy sum to invest.

Today I'm going to educate you newcomers to the blog of a few stark reminders of Julian's previous unethical behavior, with photos, and tell you that you should know that Julian has made MANY pledges in the past to change his ways if voters forgave him for his mistakes and actions and voted for him again. 
But Bill Julian's pledges to "change" are never fulfilled.

For both longtime readers and newcomers to the blog -and any members of the South Florida news media or blogosphere who swung by to see what my own take on this matter is- I need to remind you that the reason you don't have to worry your conscience about giving Bill Julian the benefit of the doubt is because Julian, through his very own words and actions, has more than demonstrated over-and-over again in the past that he does not deserve that benefit of the doubt.
Not at all.

For you newcomers to the blog, the best example of this I could cite, from many dozens of which one could choose from, is that Bill Julian is someone who had the unmitigated gall and temerity to show absolutely no qualms -for YEARS- about continually parking his familiar car -with his official Hallandale Beach commissioner badge on the dashboard for all to see- in the ONE and ONLY 
Handicapped Parking space located at the previous incarnation of the city's North Beach park, near the iconic Hallandale Beach Water Tower.

I have written about this issue many timnes in the past including a post right before both the 2010 and 2012 elections, the latter of which saw Julian placed back on the City Commission after being ousted in 2010, when he finished third in a three-way battle.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Stone-cold fact: Bill Julian, serial scofflaw, for years has parked in handicapped/access parking spaces so he can hang out at a beach bar for hours

Above, the "Disabled Persons Parking ID Permit" that my father has to use in order to use the designated reserved space. 
Unlike Hallandale Beach Vice Mayor Bill Julian, my father obeys the law.

Saturday, OCTOBER 27, 2012
Why would you even consider voting for such a despicable person as Bill Julian for the Hallandale Beach City Commission? Besides Julian's creepy habit while an elected official of illegally parking in Handicapped Parking spaces for YEARS, when you add his truly terrible judgment and penchant for saying and doing the wrong thing, why would you even consider giving him a voice in deciding this city's future?; @SandersHB

Just so that doesn't get past you, Julian has engaged in this sort of behavior for YEARS and everyone at HB City Hall has looked the other way, including the last two Hallandale Beach Police Dept. Chiefs and his officers, as well as all the many city employees who saw it and similar egregious behavior elsewhere in the city on an almost everyday basis, just as I did.

You see, Julian was, if nothing else, remarkably consistent about parking his car in a Handicapped or Handicapped Access parking spot, despite NOT being handicapped himself, and not either dropping off or picking up anyone who was handicapped or eligible to use that spot themself.

Among the many people who were witnesses to this creepy behavior were the teenage and Twenty-something Jeff Ellis lifeguards who used to work for the city on the public beach until they were eventually replaced a few years ago by city employees.
I know this for a fact because I personally talked to most of them about it at the time, and to say that it made them angry that someone in a position of power like Julian was able to illegally abuse his office and get away with illegal behavior of the sort that would result in anyone else getting fined,
is an understatement.
They all thought Julian should not just be fined but arrested and publicly shamed for being an egregious chronic offender!!!

But Bill Julian kept doing it because nobody in a position to would stop him or talk about it.
And do you know who else also ignored Julian's abuse of office and and general sense of entitlement? 
The local South Florida news media, esp. reporters and editors at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, starting with their then HB-beat reporter Thomas Monnay.

So, as you read the articles below and watch the tell-tale video, keep this in mind.
Our reality in 2016 is that Bill Julian is NOT changing who he is and how he acts while in office. 

Julian's past promises to the people and business community of Hallandale Beach, made while begging for a second chance after he was kicked out of office, were, based on a thorough examination of all the evidence, clearly NOT kept, and anything he says now is merely personal posturing and political rationalization.

The people of this poorly-run community deserve BETTER and are entitled to more morally and intellectually capable representation than never-fully-prepared, always-caught-by-surprise and consistently unethical and shady Bill Julian.
A LOT better!

I've got more comments just below the four news articles that follow!

Mayor orders police chief to remove rival commissioners from meeting

Blowup comes after vice mayor admits to accepting favors from developer

By Bob Norman - Investigative Reporter
HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. - Hallandale Beach Commissioner Keith London said the public deserved to hear about what is now a criminal investigation into his city's vice mayor, Bill Julian, after Julian admitted to Local 10 that he agreed to accept secret favors from a developer prior to a vote on a $450 million development in his city.
But when London began reading a prepared statement about it at a city budget meeting Thursday, Mayor Joy Cooper, a political ally of Julian, shut down the meeting.

“Journalists are supposed to report the news, not suppress it,” Lazarow said. “The Sun Sentinel needs to stop protecting the mayor and her allies and do their job.”

Florida newspaper kills story of local official allegedly seeking favors from developer
By Marc Caputo
08/26/16 05:33 AM EDT

The South Florida Sun Sentinel killed a news story on its website about Hallandale Beach Vice Mayor Bill Julian admitting on tape that he sought developer favors in return for his vote — a move by the newspaper’s leadership that appears to be part of a pattern of censoring controversial stories, according to multiple sources inside and outside the Fort Lauderdale newsroom.

The story concerning Julian’s alleged bribe-taking was first reported by WPLG-10, where investigative reporter Bob Norman obtained a voice message that the commissioner mistakenly left after he failed to properly hang up a phone. Julian discussed voting favorably for the $450 million Diplomat Golf & Tennis Club and linked it to alleged pledges from the developer’s attorneys who allegedly promised campaign contributions and campaign volunteers as well as a new van for his favorite city charity.

Read the rest of the article at:

The ad below appeared on the South Florida Sun-Sentinel article below on Saturday afternoon:

Inline image 1

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Hallandale Commissioner Bill Julian under investigation after Diplomat vote
By Susannah Bryan, Reporter Sun Sentinel
August 26, 2016 6:36 PM 
The Broward State Attorney's Office is investigating longtime city commissioner Bill Julian after an audiotape surfaced that implied he may have been offered favors from a developer in exchange for a "yes" vote on a development project at the Diplomat golf course.
On the recording, Julian appears to tell someone that the developer's attorney, Debbie Orshefsky, promised to get him 300 campaign workers to help him keep his seat in the Nov. 8 election. The recording, obtained by Ch. 10 reporter Bob Norman, was aired on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
The recording also captured Julian, 64, saying the developer had made a secret offer to get a van for the Hallandale Food Pantry, one of his pet charities.

Read the rest of the article at
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Political turmoil continues to rock Hallandale Beach
Longtime Commissioner Bill Julian is under investigation after an audiotape surfaced that implied he may have been offered favors from a developer in exchange for a "yes" vote on a project.

Susannah Bryan, Reporter Sun Sentinel
August 30, 2016 7:57 AM

Political turmoil continues to rock the city following allegations that a veteran commissioner may have been offered gifts by a developer seeking approval for a controversial project.

City Commissioner Bill Julian, who is under investigation by the Broward State Attorney's Office, is not talking but others are taking action.

Read the rest of the article at:

By the way, the August 26th Susannah Bryan Sun-Sentinel article above included the following curious passage that I believe begs for much more context so that you will understand just how deeply ingrained the sense of political cronyism and favoritism is in this area of South Florida, especially with respect to proposed real estate developments and the large number of dollars that could, with the right vote, inevitably flows to members' election campaign accounts from developers, their architects, contractors and attorneys:
Joe Gibbons, a former city commissioner and state representative, was hired to handle community outreach for the Diplomat developers. He said he had no discussions with Julian before, during or after the vote."Personally I don't think anyone did anything wrong," he said. "Bill's a good guy. I think he means well."
In 2013 and 2014, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and its Hallandale Beach beat reporter, along with the rest of the South Florida press corps, NEVER reported on a fact that was practically common knowledge among many well-informed people in this community who pay careful attention to what happens in Broward County.

That fact was that former Hallandale Beach City Commissioner and state Representative Joe Gibbons, who, while NOT an attorney himself, worked at the time for one of the most prominent and powerful lobbying and law firms in the state of Florida, was hired by the Board of Directors of a very large and powerful Hallandale Beach condominium complex on the beach, Parker Plaza, to represent them.
His task was to lobby on behalf of Parker Plaza, whose two buildings are 23 stories and 25 stories respectively, to keep a proposed 38-story condominium project proposed for next door at a site formerly known as Regency Spa2000 S. Ocean Drive, be defeated, or, alternatively, be kept as small in scale as possible, and as far away as possible from the client, since owners at Parker Plaza were aghast at the idea that they were going to lose the views that they thought they had "paid for," because the proposed tower would be VERY CLOSE to them, indeed. Too close!

(So, were you wondering who the attorney was that represented that particular developer over on the beach? 
Why it was none other than Debbie Orshefsky, the very same attorney who represented the Diplomat Hotel owners in both their first as well their most recent battle to build a series of large condominium towers in northeast Hallandale Beach in a largely residential and single-family area where the majority of the tallest buildings nearby are no more than 7-8 stories. 
As it happens, Orshefsky also represents The Chateau Group, the developer who is seeking to build a project called Chateau Square that I believe is completely incompatible to this community, at the busiest intersection in the city, the SE corner of US-1 and Hallandale Beach Blvd.

See also: APRIL 15, 2014 Political futures of Joe Gibbons and Alexander Lewy are part of the subplot of Wednesday night's crucial vote re the future Quality of Life of Hallandale Beach as City Comm. considers approval of GPH Regency, LLC's incompatible condo project at 2000 S. Ocean Drive

Chateau Square would be several floors of retail and topped by not one but TWO Forty-story condo towers, in an area of Hallandale Beach where the current zoning height limit is 20 stories. Yes, they want to double that! 
That development project comes before the Hallandale Beach City Commision next Wednesday, September 7th at HB City Hall for the first of two readings. 
Please make plans NOW to attend that meeting and participate and see what sorts of curious doings happens when the public demands that they and their family's Quality of Life be considered fairly when the traffic numbers offered up by the developer are so clearly going to make one of the worst aspects of life in this area demonstrably worse, with very poor efforts thus far proposed as remediation. You thought you lived in gridlock now? Just wait!)

According to the deal he signed, Gibbons stood to collect up to $200,000 if successful.
But what did Gibbons, who excuses Julian's egregious unethical behavior, fail to do at the time?
That's correct.
This former Hallandale Beach City Commissioner and state Representative in Tallahassee  FAILED to follow city law and register at City Hall as a lobbyist so that the public would know who all the players were, what hats they were wearing and who they were representing.

Since the developer of that project had ZERO incentive to do anything that would help the condo or throw money at the condo prior to its approval to gain their acquiescence, the only people in the city who could possibly decide the matter, were, in fact, the five members of the Hallandale Beach City Commission. 
But both before, during and after that read estate development was approved, Joe Gibbons NEVER registered as a lobbyist at Hallandale Beach City Hall -as required.
And he did contact members of the Hallandale Beach City Commission to see that his client had their point-of-view known.

So, where are the records of this? 
Want to experience a trip into the surreal world of the City of Hallandale Beach City Hall and its continual failure to provide the degree of accountability they own the public, under the Florida's Sunshine Laws?
Just try asking the city to provide THOSE records of phone calls and visits to -and-from Joe Gibbons during the time period he was working for that condominium.

I know what happened because I often found out about his phone calls to people at HB City Hall, from someone who lived at the condominium who heard Gibbons bragging about what he was doing for them. 
Typically, Joe Gibbons over-promised and underdelivered! #fail

For those of you who want to be better informed, here are a few links to some of my previous Julian posts that get into much detail about his many ethical, moral and public policy failings:

In Hallandale Beach, it's déjà vu all over again with Bill Julian's very sketchy ethics in plain view for all to see; In every way that is important, Julian is unfit to be elected and make decisions about this community's future,

No longer a secret in Hallandale Beach: More details on Bill Julian's longstanding anti-democratic tendencies while HB City Commissioner - he wanted to require residency of 3 years in order to run for local office in HB!; The worst enemy of Bill Julian is a smart voter who pays attention and who possesses a good memory; @MayorCooper, @SandersHB, @AlexLewy

Classic Bill Julian being Bill Julian -Why the rush at Hallandale Beach City Hall in 2009 to buy the Sanders property, with no actual plan in place for its use? Julian -"for the good of many, many people in Hallandale." Just NOT for the good of HB's own taxpayers!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Political futures of Joe Gibbons and Alexander Lewy are part of the subplot of Wednesday night's crucial vote re the future Quality of Life of Hallandale Beach as City Comm. considers approval of GPH Regency, LLC's incompatible condo project at 2000 S. Ocean Drive

The news last week that Hallandale Beach City Commisioner Alexander Lewy will resign effective in May -story below- really makes what will happen Wednesday night at the continuation of the City Commission's 9-hour April 2nd meeting re GPH Regency, LLC's incompatible project at S. Ocean Drive, flanked by the very large beach condominiums, The Hemispheres and Parker Plaza respectively, much more interesting.
(That was a new low -and record-length for a HBCC meeting.)

The reason is that so long as Lewy was a candidate, the threat of alienating all those very well-informed and highly-motivated Super Voters on the beach -esp. at The Parker Plaza and The Hemispheres- would've been politically unappealing for Lewy, even though he's got a consistent record of being reflexively pro-development.

Even to the point of refusing to postpone for a few weeks the vote on the Beachwalk project next to the Intracoastal Bridge in August of 2012 until the majority of the residents most directly-affected by it had returned from from their summer out-of-town, and could actually be in attendance and make their concerns known.

But Lewy wasn't interested in doing that, even though it would've been the right thing to do, given that the waterfront site had been empty for MANY YEARS, and was sold for a song.
How could waiting 4 more weeks possibly throw everything out-of-kilter?
It couldn't, of course, but like his colleagues, Lewy didn't care.
Instead of doing the right thing for a change, Lewy insisted the vote be held and voted for it while the nearby property owners whose lives would be most affected were left to simmer with their justified anger -out-of-town.

Now, without the abstract threat of thousands of affluent and well-informed voters on the beach withholding their votes from him in the upcoming August primary for the Florida House 100 seat if he were to cast a vote for that incompatible project before us now, Lewy is free to vote for the developer and not have to deal with the logical consequences of such a decision.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Alex Lewy quits Hallandale Beach commission, drops out of state House race
By Anthony Man
Sun Sentinel
11:53 AM EDT, April 10, 2014
Original post | 10:40 a.m.
Updated | 11:47 a.m.,0,3001497.story

Considering all the typing she was doing, this ought to be two full pages of play-by-play, with useful analysis and context of all the players and their motivations.
Reporter seems to have missed more of the meeting given pertinent facts that are missing.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Luxury condo wants to call Hallandale Beach home
By Susannah Bryan, Staff writer
10:18 p.m. EDT, April 2, 2014
Not Mission Accomplished:
Meeting of the Board of Directors 
September 18, 2013 

7:30 P.M. - The Plaza Room