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Monday, July 4, 2011

Watch me presciently predict with amazing accuracy how the Miami Herald will cover a U.S. citizenship ceremony taking place today in South Florida

Watch me presciently predict with amazing accuracy how the Miami Herald will cover a U.S. citizenship ceremony taking place today in South Florida.
That is, if they cover it at all.

If so, it'll be just like this one -website photo above,article below- that took place on Flag Day, June 14th.
Do I even need to say that it was written by Alfonso Chardy, he said laughingly?

Like most Mainstream Media operations in this country, they WON'T ask the new American citizens what their opinions are regarding current immigration issues or whether they favor the so-called DREAM Act.
(If you want to incentivize illegal immigration and encourage fraud, pass that poorly-written and completely non-rigorous legislation and watch what happens.)

Specifically, they won't ask anything along the lines of whether these newest Americans, people who consciously chose to follow the laws of this country and go thru the procedures, support the Herald's pro-amnesty editorial page position, one that essentially argues that all non-violent immigrants should be allowed to stay once they get here, and that anyone who says any differently is clearly a racist and likely an anti-Hispanic zealot in particular.

They won't ask the newest Americans if they feel like chumps, since as far as the newspaper and many of its reporters and columnists -like Alfonso Chardy- are concerned, there's no real reason for anyone to go thru all that trouble when all you have to do is say that you want to stay, since after all, you can't deport everyone, can you?
Oh yes, the intellectually dishonest 'they can't deport everyone' mantra they use as their fail-safe position.

The reason they don't dare ask these new U.S. citizen what they think is because of how very badly it would look for the patronizing newspaper and their pro-amnesty pals like Cheryl Little at the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, (FAIC) -the number-one resource for the Miami Herald and the rest of South Florida's news media for completely one-sided, factually-impoverished stories on immigration, as I've stated here many times before- if the very people for whom the Herald imagines its position would most help, middle-class people who just want to fit-in and contribute and be the future backbone of any community they're in, reject that policy outright, what does that say about the people at the Herald and other pro-amnesty redoubts?

That they are fundamentally out-of-touch with their community.

The Herald's chronic failure to be able to show some basic fairness and moral integrity when they cover immigration issues grows worse by the week, as is its complete failure to ever acknowledge on its own pages that polling indicates over-and-over that its particular editorial position -and the clear-cut personal opinions of many of the Herald's reporters and columnists- is in the clear minority in this country, this state and South Florida.
It has a terrible and irreversible case of 'clientitis'.

For instance, one of the central tenets of the Herald under the present McClatchy Corp.'s leadership, with publisher David Landsburg and executive editor Aminda Marques in
charge, clearly seems to be to NOT write or print articles that would likely antagonize influential economic sectors -read real estate and hospitality industry- large traditional advertisers and their customers, or large blocs of citizens, no matter how accurate the particular article.

(Everyone paying attention here knows that's it's true, especially the TV reporters I talk to all the time. They shake their head at what they see and are glad they don't work there.
Question: Where's the Herald's recent news story or editorial on Miami heat owner Micky Arison continuing to stiff-arm M-D taxpayers and not live up to the contract he signed? Missing-in-action!)

In South Florida, and especially in Miami-Dade County, home of one of the largest Hispanic, foreign-born populations in the country, that usually means, yes, Latinos.
Imagine that!

So, everything else being equal, you'd think that a story about how Hispanic students are faring in school would be a natural for Herald to get into the paper given the area's demographics, right?
Surprise! When the news is NOT positive for them, no, that story does NOT appear in print.
Besides not seeing it in the newspaper that day, the other tip-off that it was too hot for the Herald to print was that as of Monday night at 7:30 p.m., there are ZERO public comments, which as anyone knows, is VERY, VERY UNUSUAL for any story about Latinos in the Herald.
Here is the article, read it while you can:

Hispanic, white achievement gap as wide as in 90s
By Christine Armario
Posted on Thursday, 06.23.11

MIAMI -- The achievement gap between Hispanic and white students is the same as it was in the early 1990s, despite two decades of accountability reforms, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Education on Thursday.

"Everyone into the pool" is not a sound public policy or a winning strategy.

Miami Herald
Becoming citizens on a special day
A total of 181 people took part in a naturalization ceremony in Hialeah on Flag Day.
By Alfonso Chardy
June 15, 2011

Citizenship ceremonies are normally emotional events, particularly for the immigrants swearing allegiance to the United States — a few of whom dab at their eyes to wipe away tears.

But on Tuesday, María Betancur could not contain her joy as rivers of tears streamed down her cheeks. They came at the moment when she joined 180 other new citizens in a rendition of God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood.

Betancur, 66, born in Colombia, stepped out of her place in the auditorium and ran to an area below the stage where the officials were standing, crying loudly in front of everyone.

After the ceremony, Betancur said she couldn’t contain her pride and love for the United States.
“I have deep gratitude for this beautiful country that has given me and many other immigrants great opportunities,” Betancur said.

On Tuesday, she was among the new citizens swearing allegiance to their new country during an hour-long citizenship ceremony at the Hialeah Field Office of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — an event made all the more memorable because it helped mark Flag Day.

The day, officially proclaimed as National Flag Day in 1949, marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes on June 14, 1777.

During the ceremony, they waved a sea of small U.S. flags as they sang.
Among the others who became citizens was Cuban-born Teresa Medina, a former resident of Mariel, whose family symbolized the immigrant odyssey of Cuban refugees.

Medina, 60, was the first of her immediate family to reach South Florida, arriving on a boat with a group of other refugees 21 years ago.
She was followed by another sister, Lupe Medina, who arrived during the Cuban rafter crisis of 1994.
Their mother, Josefa López, 80, came in 1993 on a visitor visa and stayed.

Cubans made up the largest contingent of new citizens in Tuesday’s ceremony with 99. They were followed by Colombians, 27; Venezuelans, 13, and Jamaicans, 10.
The new citizens came from a total of 20 countries.

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