Wall Street Journal: Norwegian landscape photographer Terje Sørgjerd has released unique footage of the extended sunrises and sunsets that occur just prior to the arctic summer. He explains how he captured the images. Originally published June 8, 2011.
I originally planned to post this video on June 23rd, but because of some interesting posts with photos that I received late yesterday afternoon, it's probably for the best that the video stayed in Blogger Draft for the past three weeks.
By the way, for the record, Terje Sogjern is also Terje Sørgjerd, it's just that different publications and media outlets spell his last name differently because they don't all use use the Norwegian letter "ø" in their keyboards or stories. And that my friends explains why so many people with that same first name have similar videos!
Meanwhile, in another part of Norway that's far from the Arctic Circle, blogger Andrea Hegard who lives in Stockholm but who's now elsewhere on vacation like the rest of Sweden, takes a moment out of her rest and relaxation to snap some great photos of the orange sunset she just saw, and trust me, it's well worth checking-out. http://stureplan.se/bloggar/andrea/2011/07/14/sunset

Andrea blogs on the hugely popular Stureplan.se blogging platform that I've spoken of here before that gets so many reader eyeballs every day, keeping multi-national consumer product advertisers happy as a clam, and which also includes bloggers like London-based Tess Montgomery and Anna Hibbs among others I keep tabs on.
Tess is actually back in Sweden for a bit of some Swedish sommar fun now, and has a great sunset shot today, too!
She calls it beautiful heaven on earth, if that gives you an idea of the photo:
"Vackraste himmelen på jorden!"
In my experience from reading her for a while, Tess has a real knack for taking photos with her family and friends that are consistently inspired, amusing and sweet, as last year's photos around Christmas almost looked like something straight out of a 1940's Warner Brothers film set, but it was all real.
It was really something!
It really, really, really made me envious, too, especially when I accidentally got stuck in traffic gridlock on U.S.-1, a half-mile north of Aventura Mall, when I got distracted by something I was listening to -the great Point of Grace Christmas CD from 1999, A Christmas Story, back when the original four-member band performed.
Photo from the official Timoteij blog
Meanwhile, in another part of Norway that's far from the Arctic Circle, blogger Andrea Hegard who lives in Stockholm but who's now elsewhere on vacation like the rest of Sweden, takes a moment out of her rest and relaxation to snap some great photos of the orange sunset she just saw, and trust me, it's well worth checking-out. http://stureplan.se/bloggar/andrea/2011/07/14/sunset

Andrea blogs on the hugely popular Stureplan.se blogging platform that I've spoken of here before that gets so many reader eyeballs every day, keeping multi-national consumer product advertisers happy as a clam, and which also includes bloggers like London-based Tess Montgomery and Anna Hibbs among others I keep tabs on.
Tess is actually back in Sweden for a bit of some Swedish sommar fun now, and has a great sunset shot today, too!
She calls it beautiful heaven on earth, if that gives you an idea of the photo:
"Vackraste himmelen på jorden!"
In my experience from reading her for a while, Tess has a real knack for taking photos with her family and friends that are consistently inspired, amusing and sweet, as last year's photos around Christmas almost looked like something straight out of a 1940's Warner Brothers film set, but it was all real.
It was really something!
It really, really, really made me envious, too, especially when I accidentally got stuck in traffic gridlock on U.S.-1, a half-mile north of Aventura Mall, when I got distracted by something I was listening to -the great Point of Grace Christmas CD from 1999, A Christmas Story, back when the original four-member band performed.
Everyone who hears it absolutely LOVES that wonderful album.
Having seen POG perform LIVE in Washington, D.C. in 1999, with Amy Grant and the Nashville Symphony Orchestra as part of her holiday tour, when I hear their songs, esp, When Love Came Down, I think back to the concert and... well, the next thing I know, I've missed my turn and am stuck in the line of cars being attracted to the Mall like a magnet.
It took me 20 minutes to navigate my way off the road and make my escape!
(To North Miami Beach, no less, not Shangri La!)
That gridlock was NOT a happy holiday memory!
Almost as envious as I've felt the last few weeks hearing about various friends summer plans on the water, esp. near the archipelago, and going-on and on about the great weather.
Almost as envious as I've felt the last few weeks hearing about various friends summer plans on the water, esp. near the archipelago, and going-on and on about the great weather.
Far from the humid and non-breezy 94 degrees your faithful blogger is experiencing hereabouts!
(And not just brutally hot, but brutally boring and repetitive, too, as one day seems like the one before.)
Meanwhile, over there, everyone is relaxing, absorbing sunshine, having fun, jumping in the water once in a while and eating outside, esp. -of course!- strawberries.
Meanwhile, over there, everyone is relaxing, absorbing sunshine, having fun, jumping in the water once in a while and eating outside, esp. -of course!- strawberries.
Below, in a relaxed moment from July 7th, awesome Cecilia Kallin, lead singer of Timoteij, anticipates the taste of some delicious strawberries while in Lysekil, Västra Götalands län, on the country's west coast, before their recent tour, which they've been blogging about here,

Photo from the official Timoteij blog
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