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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Keith London reviews the latest ponderous HB Comm. mtg. that started after Noon and went past Midnight, and featured more anti-democratic antics by Comm. Lewy; London's Resident Forum mtg. tonight at 6 p.m.

Above, Hallandale Beach City Hall. March 19, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier

Having attended the March 7th City Commission meeting that is the subject of this post, or more specifically, sat thru most of the evening portion of it in-person, and having spoken and recorded most but not all of what transpired on my camcorder, I'm in a position to know exactly what happened, and to be fair, there's actually quite a lot more disturbing facts and context Comm. London doesn't even bother to mention below that he could, due to lack of time, but which were, all the same, very distressing to many residents in the room, who were forced to wait far too long to speak on the subject of the Marcum report that shows how oblivious the city has been for years with regard to important public records.

I left to go home after sitting in the Commission Chambers after 4 hours and 45 minutes, around 11:40 p.m., and it still kept going...

As most of you more regular readers know from my dozens of previous posts over the past five years on how Mayor Joy Cooper runs these meetings as presiding officer -one of only two powers that she has that the other four commissioners do not- which is the exact opposite of how smoothly and fairly Mayor Peter Bober runs things in next-door Hollywood, these sorts of never ending meetings in Hallandale Beach are no accident.

They're both part strategy and part unwillingness on the part of the mayor to change her own behavior to move the meetings along, and not talking all the time after every nearly single response.

In Hollywood, Mayor Bober, after any opening remarks of his, then asks the city attorney and city manger if they have anything to share with them and the public, and then asks the city clerk to get things rolling.
AND, he usually speaks AFTER all of his colleagues have had the chance to weigh-in on a subject..

Mayor Cooper speaks first, during and after any speakers, public or from the city, as well as before and after her colleagues, that is, when she is not busy interrupting them.

The meetings should generally never last longer than about three hours, but they are, instead, often epic battles to not fall asleep in the chambers or in front of your computer.

Mayor Cooper and her Rubber Stamp Crew of Dotty Ross, Antony A. Sanders and Alexander Lewy, all of whom are largely opposed to if not entirely indifferent to proving genuine oversight and transparency of what happens in this city, esp. in regards to financial matters, allow these meetings to go on-and-on because they know that if they can keep people sitting in the audience for hours waiting to speak, or now, waiting at home watching via the city's website -which streams the meetings but displays no basic information about agenda items or subjects- it greatly discourages participation.

At the meeting on March 7th, the subject of Comm. London's comments, as he notes below, it started around 1 p.m. and ended AFTER Midnight.
That's no way to run a meeting and certainly no way to run a city.

There's a reason that the Diplomat LAC (to benefit the owners of the Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa and the Diplomat Country Club) was not finally voted upon until 2:43 a.m., just a few days before Christmas in 2009.

That very controversial item, which I strongly opposed and spoke out against at HB City Hall and before the Broward County Commission, and wrote about here at least two dozen times, was later correctly rejected by the County Commission because of its clear-cut incompatibility with the NE Hallandale Beach neighborhood it seeked to force itself onto, next to the Diplomat golf course, by placing numerous giant condo towers next to some pretty pricey single-family homes, some of which would've been placed in almost perpetual shadows after Noon.

A real victory for common sense and an embarrassing public defeat for Cooper, Ross and Sanders, who voted for it at 2:43 a.m., as well as her pals and business cronies in the city, almost all of whom ignored the very negative effect it would have in a city that has gridlock that is greatly disproportionate to its size due to both geography and its physical layout.

Because there is literally so much information I know and have been given by others regarding subjects that were mentioned at least in part at this particular meeting, I will be posting my own comments about some of the things Comm. London describes below, separately in another post over the next few days.

I've edited what Comm. London emailed me on Friday by removing some of his original indents so that more information could appear on each line, take-up less space and largely eliminate any dangling sentences or URLs.

His monthly Resident Forum meeting is tonight from 6-8 p.m. at the HB Cultural Center behind HB City Hall, so come by and check it out and get better informed about what's really going on..


Date: Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 2:50 PM
Subject: Wrap Up of the City of Hallandale Beach City Commission Meeting March 7, 2012


The following is an update of agenda items discussed at the March 7, 2012 City of Hallandale Beach Commission Meeting.

Highlights of the Meeting

* Mayor Cooper and her surrogate Commissioner Lewy are attempting to change our election rules after I announced to run for Mayor of Hallandale Beach

* Commissioner Lewy wants to change the dates for the Charter referendums from the November general election to the August primaries -disenfranchising independents and democrats

* Commissioner Lewy again prevents questions being asked to staff and debate amongst the commission regarding important issues - yet another blow to representative government

* Six residents waited for more than two hours to voice their unanimous disagreement with shifting liability for decorative signs in GISND

* Mayor Cooper called these six individuals "under minders" because they disagree with her

* Security Alliance LLC has been chosen as the new security company for GISND and TISND - tentative date of commencement is 4-1-2012

* "No Surprises with the audit" said Mayor Cooper, even though there are over 250 exceptions

* Chad Lincoln sums up the "audit" by saying "in Hallandale the exception is the rule"

* Commissioner London made a motion to perform a Management Audit of the Finance and Purchasing Departments of the City - NO SECOND

* Commissioner Lewy states using temporary labor is "unfair labor practices".



WEDNESDAY, MARCH 07, 2012 1:00 PM & 7:00 PM





5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Items not on the Agenda (To be heard at 1:30 P.M.)


A. Proclamation Proclaiming April 1, 2012 as Parents & Children's Day
(Staff Report ,
Supporting Docs )

B. Proclamation Proclaiming March as Women's History Month (Staff Report
Supporting Docs


C. Presentation of the Findings of the 2011 Municipal Green Initiatives Survey (Jill Horwitz, Natural Resource Specialist I, Broward

County Natural Resources Planning and Management Division)
(Supporting Docs )




A. Approval of Draft Minutes

1. Regular City Commission Meeting of February 15, 2012
(Supporting Docs
* Passed 4:1 London


A. Consideration of the Conceptual Design for the Layne Blvd. Sidewalk Improvement Project, Entailing the Marking and Striping of a Bike Lane and Sidewalk Along Layne Boulevard from Hallandale Beach Boulevard to Holiday Drive.

(Staff: Director of DPW,U&E) (See Backup) BP #004/12 (Staff Report
Supporting Docs )

* After a Golden Isles community meeting it was decided to try temporary painted stripping instead of building a permanent concrete sidewalk and bike lane

* The striping will commence in the next 30 days and should take 90 days to complete

* This will be piloted for approximately a year to see how the public responds to the new striping and delineation of a side walk and bike lanes

* The following are some of the facts regarding this issue:

o The inside travel lane will increase in width to 12 feet from 10 feet - the bike lane will be 4 feet and the sidewalk will be 6 feet

o The bike lanes and sidewalk will be delineated by striped paint

o There may be some large potted planters installed to help define the areas

o This hopefully will increase the bike safety and pedestrian usage in Golden Isles

* Passed 5:0

B. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for Financial Assistance Under the FY-2012 Waterways Assistance Program for The Hallandale Beach City Marina Project, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Necessary Documents and Establish Appropriate Accounts to Implement the Project, and Providing and Effective Date.

(Staff: DPW, U&E)(Backup)CAD#031/03 (Staff Report
Supporting Docs

* Passed 5:0

C. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the Award of Bid #FY 2011-2012-009, Temporary Labor Services Option I, Option II, and Option III, to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder, Hire Quest, LLC d/b/a Trojan Labor, in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $215,000.00 for Leased Labor, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement with Hire Quest, LLC d/b/a Trojan Labor; and Providing an Effective Date.

(Staff: Director of DPW, U&E) (See Backup) BP #020/12 (Staff Report
Supporting Docs )

* Commissioner Lewy stated that using temporary labor in his opinion was an unfair labor practice.

* Commissioner London asked the following questions:

o How long can an employee be temporary? Answer, the city has had people as long as two years

o Please give an example of this. Answer, retirees who want part time work or for a specialized position

o Why use temporary labor? Answer, when the City requires extra staffing for a project for a specific period of time or requires specific expertise not currently in house - this provides a large savings by not needing to train personnel when outside labor may be contracted with all the training and licensing required to complete projects or tasks.

* Resident Chad Lincoln spoke regarding the advantages of having contracted employees expertise on hand in many disciplines

* See a video of Chad here:

Here, Comm. London refers to a FLIP video that I recorded at the Commission meeting and sent last week to a few dozen citizens, activists and politicians around Hallandale Beach and Broward County, plus a few TV/print reporters and columnists.
That video will be the subject of a separate blog post later this week, due to its great importance.

* Passed 3:2 Lewy and Sanders No - London, Ross, Cooper - Yes

D. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Award RFP FY#2011-2012-001 to Security Alliance, LLC, to Provide Security Guard Services for the Golden Isles Safe Neighborhood District and the Three Islands Safe Neighborhood District; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement with Security Alliance, LLC, and Providing an Effective Date.

(Staff: Police Chief) (See Backup) CAD #024/93 & CMD #041/92
(Staff Report ,
Supporting Docs )




* The new company was chosen in adherence with the new Broward County ethics laws and City of Hallandale Ordinance requiring the City Commission to chose the vendor ranked number one by City staff

* The new company will seek to hire the existing guards if they meet the requirements, pass a drug screening and meet professional standards

* The new contract is expected to commence April 1, 2012

* Passed 5:0

E. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement of Participation with the Golden Isles Safe Neighborhood District to Install Decorative Traffic Signage throughout the Golden Isles Safe Neighborhood District Area; and Providing an Effective Date.

(Staff:Director of DPW,U&E) (See Backup) BP# 012/09 & CMD #041/92
(Staff Report ,
Supporting Docs )


* Six residents from the Golden Isles attended the meeting and patiently waited for over two hours to unanimously voice their opinion AGAINST shifting all the liability from Broward County and the City of Hallandale Beach

* Commissioner London stated he, too, would like "pretty/decorative" signs in Golden Isles but was very concerned about the potential ramifications of shifting the legal liability from Broward County to only the residents of Golden Isles

* The shift from Broward County and the City of Hallandale to the Golden Isles residents would be in perpetuity for any and all costs associated with these signs for instance:

o Buying, maintaining, replacing, ordering, paying the city to do any maintenance, defending lawsuits, answering lawsuits, setting up procedures

* Passed 3:2 London and Ross NO

F. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Second Amended and Restated Development Agreement Between RK Hallandale Limited Partnership and 17070 Collins Avenue Shopping Center, Ltd, and the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida; and Providing An Effective Date.

(Staff Director of Development Services) (See Backup) CAD #016/04
(Supporting Docs )



* Commissioner Lewy made a motion to limit discussion and would not let me do the job I was elected to do and ask questions to City staff

* I cannot and will not vote yes for a project increasing traffic which will impact all residents and businesses in Hallandale

* Commissioner Lewy's new tactic making motions to limit discussion and questions is NOT Democratic

* Passed 4:1 London No

G. Presentation of Independent Accountants' Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures.
(Staff: Director, Finance) (See Backup) CAD #015/10
(Staff Report )



* Commissioner London asked the following questions:

o Was this an audit? Answer NO

o If not an audit, what was this exercise? Answer - "Agreed Upon Procedures"

o Was there any executive summary included with the Agreed Upon Procedures? No - that was not part of what Marcum was contracted or engaged to perform

o Were there formal recommendations included as part of the Agreed Upon Procedures? No

o Was Marcum engaged to look for fraud? No

o Did Marcum look to see if the taxpayer received a reasonable return on their investment? No

o What did Marcum find? The City of Hallandale's written policy/procedures were ignored or broken over 250 times

o What was the outcome of these broken policy/procedures? Answer - the written policies ignored by the city would be re-written on the spot (the exception was now the rule)

o Examples of broken policy/procedures:

* Mike Good forgave a $50,000 loan to a developer for a potential $600 per year savings off an employee rental lease

* City Commission voted yes (4:1 LONDON NO) for a CRA loan of $125,000 to a pornographer with no collateral as required - this loan is now in default

* Approved $150,000 CRA loan when the maximum allowable amount is $100,000

* Purchased three $142,000 condominium units for friends - Former Vice Mayor Julian signed off on one incomplete set of documents- limited documents available for others

* No documents and missing documents in the files for over 10 million dollars in real estate acquisitions

o Commissioner London made a motion to perform a Management Audit of the Finance and Purchasing Departments - NO SECOND

o Commissioner London made a motion to perform a stand alone AUDIT of the CRA - No affirmative vote but consensus is to bring this item back for a future discussion

H. Reconsideration of Charter Review Committee Recommendations -Title of "Mayor-Commissioner." (Mayor Joy F. Cooper)( See Backup) CAD #003/11
(Staff Report ,
Supporting Docs )


11. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Items not on the Agenda (To be heard at 7:00 P.M.)

* Robert Fisher from Sea Edge Co-op spoke about the red tape his building has experienced to obtain permits for work being performed on their building

* Dr. Judy Selz questioned Commissioner Lewy and wanted to know why he is loose with taxpayer's money with regards to Golden Isles - just because there is money in the account does not necessarily mean it needs to be spent

* Andrew Markoff

* Qunia Gordon spoke about woman's health

* Reginald LaGross spoke with regard to questions he had about his very high water bills

12. PUBLIC HEARINGS (To heard at 7:15 P.M.)

A. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Approving and Authorizing a Contract with AAAA Crosstown Towing and Recovery, Inc. ("AAAA") for Towing Service. (First Reading) (Staff: Police Chief) (See Backup)

(Staff Report ,
Supporting Docs )

* Passed 5:0


B. Application # 72-10-DB by RK Associates Requesting Major Development Review Approval Pursuant to Section 32-782 of the Zoning and Land Development Code in Order to Build a 3,950 Square Feet Freestanding Building and a 538 Square Feet Addition at the RK Diplomat Center Located at 1725 E. Halladale Beach Boulevard. (Staff: Director of Development Services) (See Backup) CAD#016/04

(Staff Report ,
Supporting Docs )


13. COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda





E. MAYOR COOPER - Adjourned the meeting after midnight approximately 11 hours after opening the meeting

14. CITY ATTORNEY COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda

15. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda


Keith S. London
City Commissioner
Hallandale Beach
954-457-1320 Office
954-494-3182 Cellular

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rip-off! Jaw-dropping new details emerge on how former Hallandale Beach City Managers R.J. Intindola and Mike Good reaped millions on their pensions for time NOT "earned": What did Mayor Joy Cooper know?

Above, three-quarters of the 2010 version of the Hallandale Beach Rubber Stamp Crew that has made this ocean-side South Florida community with so much potential, a dysfunctional and perennial laughing-stock, in large part by keeping its own citizen taxpayers in the dark and on the outside looking in, while Mayor Joy Cooper and then-City Manager Mike Good did whatever they pleased. And soon, finally, here on this blog, you'll read exactly what the actual cost of their consistent bad choices, collective inattention to detail and complete unwillingness to perform basic oversight functions of their office will end up costing this city's beleaguered taxpayers for decades to come: millions more than necessary. Above, as they appeared in a 2008 political campaign flyer, left-to-right: William "Bill" Julian, Dotty Ross and Joy CooperMissing Rubber StampAnthony A. Sanders. Fortunately for Hallandale Beach voters, Cooper, Julian and Sanders are all running this year, so we can make sure that their woeful and crippling track record at City Hall gets the over-due punishment it has long deserved -a firm boot to the curb.

Over the coming days and weeks, heretofore unknown details and facts regarding former Hallandale Beach City Managers R.J. Intindolaand Mike Good will finally be spilled and made public here on my blog that tell you more than you could've ever imagined about how these two individuals took FULL ADVANTAGE of the longtime lack of prudent oversight by the Hallandale Beach City Commission, to, essentially, rip-off Hallandale Beach taxpayers to the tune of MILLIONS of dollars, thru a defined benefit pension system the two pushed, created and maintained. which will personally net them more in payments than they actually "earned" thru their years working for the city.

And to the surprise of no one, the very same names and faces responsible for that financial disaster that HB taxpayers will be paying for for years to come -Dotty Ross, Joy Cooper, William "Bill" Julian- also had their fingerprints all over the lack of oversight revealed in the recently-released Marcum LLP report I have written about here, a report, not an audit, and which I remind you, only examined certain matters, not all the ones that pro-reform, pro-audit forces in this city have long been clamoring for for years, but prevented from getting by the longtime powers-that-be at HB City Hall - Joy Cooper's anti-reform Rubber Stamp Crew.

Even longtime followers of the three-ring circus in Hallandale Beach across the street from Gulfstream Park Race Track will hit their forehead in exasperation as details and inconvenient facts finally make themselves known, and may even find themselves saying, "Even for Hallandale Beach, this is shocking."

Teaser Alert: Why didn't former City Attorney David Jove ever publicly disclose whether or not he already knew weeks BEFORE the late April 2010 continuing-circus over Mike Good's dismissal/firing/resignation, about the legally-binding deal that Mike Good had previously signed years before that specifically prohibited Good from working for the City of Hallandale Beach past the first week of April 2010?

Why didn't current Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper or well-compensated then-Assistant City Manager Mark A. Antonio, the current City Manager -whose last day is June 29th- or, then-and-current Deputy City Manager Nydia Rafols-Sallabery publicly disclose this important information, making the whole absurd and exasperating situation that actually occurred, completely un-necessary?

And honestly, if they didn't know the facts about such an important matter, what does that say about them and the fact that the three highest-ranking people in the city DIDN'T know in advance when Mike Good's last day as City Manager would be, when a letter with that very information was likely already sitting in his file in the city's Personnel Office?

What this means, of course, is that as I and several concerned citizens had argued then and in the two years since, that Mike Good was NOT legally entitled to any severance package of extra benefits from the Hallandale Beach City Commission and Hallandale Beach taxpayers, since his last day, legally, was in the first week of that month, weeks earlier.

To paraphrase what I said two years ago in one of my posts about that expensive and completely un-necessary  Mike Good debacle which cast such a negative light on this city,

Once again, Hallandale Beach's citizen taxpayers are forced to try to make sense of the inexplicable that has become our norm the past ten years.

Fabrice Muamba clings to life in London as British football fans show their support for stricken Bolton midfielder - "Pray for Fab"

Channel 4 News (U.K.) video: Fabrice Muamba heart 'failed for two hours'.
March 18, 2012 evening broadcast.

Articles at:

So very, very distressing to see and to contemplate...

This morning on BBC Radio 5 live during Victoria Derbyshire's program, Bolton Wanders captain Kevin Davies said that any discussion of the team's competing in future FA Cup matches while teammate Fabrice Muamba clings to life, were completely irrelevant.

The latest report this morning from London Chest Hospital was that Fabrice Muamba is stable but remains critically ill.,,1004~2664324,00.html

Saturday's game against Blackburn Rovers may be abandoned, and Tuesday's match against Aston Villa has already been postponed thru mutual agreement.,26691,12602_7608945,00.html

Wanders officials encourage fans around the world wanting to send support and encouragment to or Tweeting the club's official account @OfficialBWFC.

You can also see some of the received messages on their website: 
Fabrice Muamba - Messages Of Support,,1004~2665159,00.html

Channel 4 News catch up service:

Sky Sports

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Take a seat aboard the ferry and listen to what real music talent sounds like: Sea Lion - "America, why does the heart cry" via the Stockholm Boat Sessions and Tom Jerry Boman, @tomjerryboman

jerrygbg video: Sea Lion - "America, why does the heart cry" @ Stockholm Boat Sessions. December 13, 2012.

2018 Update
The original video has been removed but you can hear and see the song being performed here, just inside a club.

Naturally, this blog of mine, having the sort of sensibility that it does, where when and if I'm doing things as intended here, everything just seems to flow together and write itself, my last post on a new music video from Russia brings to mind yet another music video recorded on water that I've been sitting on for a few months, albeit one recorded on something considerably slower than a cigarette boat festooned with bikini-clad eye candy, living the high-life while zooming around on Biscayne Bay and the Miami River with the Miami skyline in the background.

By that I reference my March 12, 2012 post titled, "It's like a tourism ad for Miami: DJ M.E.G. - Moscow to California ft. Сергей Лазарев & Тимати - Moscow to California -with a water pit-stop in Miami!" featuring a video that has to be seen to be believed.

Today's post and video at the top is one that I've been saving up for a bit features a very talented artist from Göteborg named Linn Osterberg, who records under the name "Sea Lion," not unlike the wonderfully-talented Anni Berhard, whom I've been so totally agog about since finding out about last year, who records under the nom-de-disque, "Full of Keys." 

(More news on Anni soon, whom I hope to see when I'm in Stockholm!)

The video at the top of this post is of Osterberg -playing guitar- singing an acoustic version of the song "America, why does the heart cry" on board a ferry ship in Stockholm with her very talented friend and fellow artist, Therese Svensson, while other passengers listen along.

It was recorded as part of the imaginative Stockholm Boat Sessions video series,

That series of musical videos is something that I have been enjoying for a while now via YouTube, wondering, as usual, why something that is by turns both simple AND clever, doesn't/can't/won't happen in South Florida, where we actually have the weather and resources to do it almost year round, esp. in the Ft. Lauderdale area or along the Intracoastal or Biscayne Bay between Miami and South Beach.  

Forget about July, though!!!

Hmm-m... so why haven't there been a series of performances recorded on the Staten Island Ferry going back and forth to Manhattan, with the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline behind them? Just a thought.

Ladies and Gentleman, without further adieu, say hello to Sea Lion. 

By the way, as of today, with the 8 tracks going for 60 SEK, and with a U.S. dollar getting you about  6.7471 Swedish kronor, well, you do the math. 

You can follow Linn Osterberg on Twitter @sealionlinn as well as on Instagram at sealionlinn

2016 update: see more news and reviews about Linn's music via this helpful link to's website:
Follow Anni Bernhard (Full of Keys) at:

It's like a tourism ad for Miami: DJ M.E.G. - Moscow to California ft. Сергей Лазарев & Тимати - Moscow to California -with a water pit-stop in Miami!

DJ M.E.G. - Moscow to California ft. Сергей Лазарев & Тимати - Moscow to California -with a water pit-stop in Miami!

What's surprising is not that this video was done or even that it's so damn catchy, but rather that Moscow to California has a pit-stop in Miami.

But then you remember that there's a good reason why I've left that 'anchor' labeled The South Florida I Grew Up In with quotes from Joan Didion's Miami, 1987, Simon & Schuster, which has this line that I end with
In this mood Miami seemed not a city at all but a tale, a romance of the tropics, a kind of waking dream in which any possibility could and would be accommodated... 
I know, I know, it's not the sort of music I usually listen to, or which you regular readers of the blog have come to expect from me, but it's got a real "hook," and both the cinematography and shots of Miami and Miami Beach are imaginative and exciting.
I'm sure it beats to hell whatever video the folks at the Greater Miami Convention Bureau currently have.

That goes double for you know who up in Ft. Lauderdale, Nicki Grossman, she of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, i.e, who judging from the marketing efforts friends and I have seen over the past ten years, seem to only be targeting affluent, effete tourists with artistic pretentions for visits to Broward County.
The more pretentiou$, the better. (As if the locals like that were not already too much to bear.)
Especially if they are from Europe and have more money than sense -and don't know when they are being taken advantage of.  

Here's another classic view of Miami Beach by boat, Old School which I grew-up with living elsewhere, and posted here a few weeks ago...

The Jackie Gleason Show opening

Hat tip to Europopped blog's March 8th entry, which a friend tipped me off to within 24 hours of it appearing online:
Summer Anthem Arrives Early in Russia! Timati, Sergey & DJ M.E.G. Drop "Moscow To California" Clip

Official Timati You Tube Channel 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Washington Post's Dan Eggen serves up a delicious slice of hypocrisy re transparency: "Pro-disclosure groups often don’t disclose themselves"

Sunlight Foundation video: Washington's Lobbyist Fix -- The Advisory Committee on Transparency. March 16, 2011. I'm posting this year-old video because Dan Eggen is a panelist on a forum on the topic of transparency.

The only thing better this week than hot pizza and cold beer while watching the beginning of the NCAA basketball tourney on TV -unexpectedly being served-up some sweet hypocrisy on a silver platter!
More, please!

The Washington Post
The Influence Industry blog
Pro-disclosure groups often don’t disclose themselves
By Dan Eggen, 
Published: March 14, 2012
In a bid to limit the impact of “secret money” in the 2012 elections, a coalition of liberal-leaning groups announced a campaign this week aimed at pressuring corporations to reveal donations to political groups.
There is one complication, however: Many of the groups behind the effort also don’t disclose their donors to the public.
Read the rest of the post at:

Take a look while you're at it at the WaPo's Campaign 2012 Campaign Finance Explorer chart at

Follow Dan Eggen on Twitter at:@DanEggenWPost

The future of the "24" film; Kiefer Sutherland interview on BBC Radio 1's Chris Moyles Show re "24," the "24" Movie, and his new Fox-TV series, "Touch."

BBC video: BBC Radio 1's Chris Moyles Show. March 2012. 
The future of the "24" film; Kiefer Sutherland interview on BBC Radio 1's Chris Moyles Show re "24," the "24" Movie, and his new Fox-TV series, "TOUCH." 
This is a bit of a follow-up to my last post about Kiefer Sutherland and his wonderful new Fox-TV drama, "TOUCH," which I wrote about here right before the Super Bowl, on January 28th, 2012 titled, Kiefer Sutherland talks about his remarkable new hit Fox-TV drama, "TOUCH," and reminisces about "Stand By Me" and how much he still misses River Phoenix

TOUCH World Premiere is on Monday March 19th at 9 p.m. Eastern. When it was given a sneak preview in January, the first episode won its time-slot.

Amongst my friends and I, especially the ones still up in the Washington, D.C. area, Kiefer Sutherland remains one of the most compelling actors on the scene today, and those cynics who doubt that a sufficient number of movie goers would plunk down $10 to see a film version of 24 in a theater, esp. when considering the raft of plain awful comedies, shallow dramas and insipid rom-coms with Jennifer Anniston already coming out of Hollywood, is clearly not aware of the depth of support he, the show and its creators continue to have.

Around 2:24 p.m. Tuesday my time in Miami, Sharon Waxman, founder of TheWrap, your inside look at "Entertainment Industry Analysis, Breaking Hollywood News," had an exclusive about the looming financial problems facing the 24 film on her own blog, WaxWord, and it was a post that like to send a shiver down the back of every 24 fan who has already been waiting patiently for what seems like forever for this long-promised venture to finally be made.

WaxWord blog
Kiefer Sutherland Furious as Fox Pulls Plug on '24' Movie (Exclusive)
By Sharon Waxman 
Published: March 14, 2012 @ 11:06 am
Kiefer Sutherland is furious at 20th Century Fox, which has called a halt to the movie version of his hit television show, “24,” over budget and star salary issues, TheWrap has learned.
The movie based on the conspiracy-terrorism-action show was in pre-production and set to start shooting next month, but has now ground to a halt because Fox will greenlight a budget no higher than $30 million, while Sutherland and producer Brian Grazer feel the budget needs to be in the low $40s at its tightest.
See the rest of the post at:
