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Sunday, November 6, 2016

#Trump voters' enthusiasm has consistently swamped #Hillary's at Liberal #SoFL stronghold of #HollywoodFL during #EarlyVoting 2016

#Trump voters' enthusiasm consistently swamping #Hillary's at Liberal #SoFL stronghold of #HollywoodFL during #EarlyVoting 2016. #SoFL election snapshot

Whether they wanted to or not, the public met a gantlet of candidates and their supporters while waiting in line in Hollywood, FL. 
Above, a small part of the larger scene late Wednesday afternoon.

Since Early Voting started in Broward County two weekends ago, with the usual fanfare and the obligatory local Miami TV newscast LIVE stand-up shots of reporters talking over panning shots of candidates talking to and glad-handing lines of voters, I've been at the Broward County Early Voting site in Hollywood at the Hollywood Library -next to Hollywood City Hall- for several HOURS a day, for all but three days of the past 13.

I've talked to several hundred voters, dozens of candidates for local, county and state office -as well as their spouses, family members- and several former elected officials who were there to vote early themselves or to show support for friends who were running.
People whose names most of you recognize
Here's a quick election snapshot of two weeks of distilled observations an conversations at a site that's located in one of the most Liberal areas of a very liberal county in battleground Florida.

Some self-evident facts can be ascertained by anyone walking around with their eyes wide open, but some of this is what's below-the-radar, and seen thru the prism of someone who knows lots of the parties involved, as well as their reputation for being straight-shooters, not BS artists, of which South Florida is currently over-supplied with, thank you very much..


Friday was just the latest day of the past two weeks where in one of most Liberal cities in the battleground state of Florida, people didn't see a single sign all day at its biggest site: .

The point currently being missed by many of my friends and members of the South Florida media, as well as people who Follow me on Twitter, is this: supporters aren't just doing this once in awhile, but rather are CONSISTENTLY outnumbering 's visible and identified supporters in a Liberal redoubt in a very Liberal county, Broward County.
and they are doing it EVERY DAY.

Even though there is a Hillary Clinton-Tim Kaine campaign office less than three blocks away to the east on Hollywood Blvd.

That routine and apathy creates a visceral mood, and it's one that is quickly picked upon by people with some degree of experience in reading a room for a living: politicians.
But here's the fact that can't be rebutted: local Democratic Party politicians and ex-pols tell me that they are privately very dismayed at the optics of what voters and the public at large are seeing there: thus far, voter enthusiasm is GREATER than 's in a traditionally Liberal South Florida stronghold.