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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So THAT'S where our city tax dollars go? City of Hallandale Beach Check Register for July 2011; Comm. Sanders: the cipher with a sense of entitlement

Above, Hallandale Beach City Hall Complex at night, photo of August 7, 2011 by South Beach Hoosier.

Yesterday, I was one of many people in this small S.E. Broward community that received the helpful bit of information below from Hallandale Beach Comm. Keith London concerning where some of our tax dollars are actually going.
It's public information that belongs to you, so take advantage and take a look.

Speaking of public accountability of your tax dollars, do you remember the last time you received an email from Comm. Anthony A. Sanders or Comm. Dorothy "Dotty" Ross with information that you personally found useful or interesting about some aspect of local government or public policy, something that was not just promoting a charity event?

Or the last time Sanders or Ross hosted a public city-wide meeting for HB citizens to ask questions of them, their performance and speak freely about the problems and future of this community?

Actually, that was a rhetorical question.

Nobody remembers such a thing because it's NEVER happened before, and we all know that it won't suddenly be happening before next year's election in November, assuming they both haven't already been recalled from office by then, with me perhaps having more than a little to do with that scenario.

(Ross isn't running for re-election next year but Sanders is, and the latter is clearly counting on President Obama's name further up on the ballot being enough to help him, as it did in 2008, since he has done nothing worthwhile since being appointed to the Commission exactly three years ago this week.

Sanders is a cipher, albeit a cipher with an oversized sense of entitlement and who is quick to take offense at even the slightest hint of criticism.
Simply put, Sanders believes he is above criticism.
He's not!)

This is hardly surprising given their own very disconnected sense of reality and threadbare connection to the community -especially Comm. Sanders perpetually acting like he only represents Northwest Hallandale Beach, when he's supposed to represent the ENTIRE city- since their own behavior and words on the dais make clear that they haven't and won't ever be asking critical questions about city spending on agenda items.
Well, except in Sanders' case, to want to spend MORE.

That's why the two remain members in good standing -along with Comm. Alexander Lewy- of mayor Joy Cooper's Rubber Stamp Crew.
"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"

Clearly, that's no way to run a city government in the 21st Century, but it's exactly what we have here in Hallandale Beach in the year 2011 under Joy Cooper, the head of the Florida League of Cities.
That has got to change ASAP.

As to that maxim "If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem," let me be clear: It's time to choose sides.



Attached please find the City of Hallandale Beach Check Register for the month of July 2011 for your review.

Due to the public’s request for additional information and increased transparency, I have made arrangements with the City Manager for this additional information to be made accessible for the public to review. Please note this information will only be available for review for 30 days or the one month period subsequent to the date of the check registry. After 30 days the information will be filed away and if you require additional information you will have to submit a public records request.

If you would like to review additional backup information pertaining to a specific check, you may go to the City ofHallandale Beach Finance Department and request to review the information. Please contact Patricia Ladolcetta, Director of Finance, at 954-457-1371 to review the information.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information.



Keith S. London

City Commissioner

Hallandale Beach

954-457-1320 Office
Monthly Check Report July 2011.xlsMonthly Check Report July 2011.xls
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