More proof, as if needed, of what can happen when your town's mayor is a well-known bully who will stop at nothing to destroy her political opponents, be they other elected officials or just citizens, albeit, citizens whom she has previously called "Nazis" at public meetings on City Hall property, thinking that nobody could hear her.
But they did.
(And by they, I mean myself, who was sitting alone in Room 215 at HB City Hall, waiting for a public City Commission meeting to start, and jotting down some thoughts in my trusty composition book that I use to take notes, an open can of Dr. Peper and a cup of Panera Bread coffee at the ready t stay properly caffeinated for what looked to be a very dull meeting.
Until, while talking to HB Commissioner Bill Julian upon entering the room, the mayor referred to me as a "Nazi" and calling HB Commissioner Keith London "a Hitler.")
So guess who foolishly walked into a trap on Sunday night, Halloween, directly across the street from Hallandale Beach City Hall, and was caught red-handed on film?
And guess who would be stupid enough to return to the scene of the crime on Monday afternoon to gloat a bit and take photos of her personal handiwork.
Well, I'll give you two guesses, and Amelia Earhart and Princess Anastasia of Russia will not be accepted.
Yes, dear readers, you're reading my mind: the answer is Hallandale Beach mayor Joy Cooper, current President of the Florida League of Cities -for now- and one of the loyal members of her Rubber Stamp Crew at HB City Hall, Comm. Dotty Ross, who so recently and famously created a public row by her cruel and insensitive -and perhaps even racist- remarks, for which she has yet to publicly apologize.
As if nobody heard Ross at a City Commission meeting -but people were there and it was broadcast live and recorded! But nobody in the press asks about it.
Ross was publicly taken to task recently at a City Commission meeting by a HB citizen who recounted excatly what had taken place previously, but Ross just sat silently in her chair, as usual, the public's words going in one ear and out the other.
No, like her ethically-challenged friend and colleague on the City Commission, Bill Julian, desperately trying to stay in office, and our dear mayor, not only does Ross have a grand sense of entitlement, but like them, Ross doesn't know the meaning of the word remorse.
Ross is the older partner in crime who was, indeed, stupid enough, to return Monday afternoon, barely more than 12 hours after they'd been in that same U.S. Post Office parking lot to participate in an egregiously malicious and possibly even criminal act on Federal property, all which was aimed squarely at Hallandale Beach Comm. Keith London, who is running for re-election today.
Not that what the Cooper Crew said about African-American Congressman Kendrick Meek was acceptable, either, though I am personally very dismissive of him in general as most of you now.
I know this because I was there thirty minutes before Cooper & Ross and their masked gang of creeps were led into the parking lot by -yes!- a Hallandale Beach Police Dept. vehicle with its red beacon flashing, along with a city-owned outhouse on a tow truck flatbed driven by the city's contracted tow truck operator.
I captured some of the creepy moments in photos and video, most of which you will all be seeing in the coming days after I make some more copies for some people who might be investigating this soon.
Sadly, I was not present when at least a few members of this same crew drove around the city afterwards defacing London's larger and more expensive campaign signs, which prompted the Hallandale Beach Police Dept. to start looking for them, and for official complaints to be made.
And you just thought it was boring, muggy Sunday night in Hallandale Beach?
This post today is just a teaser of what is to come, as the pendulum slowly swings back towards normalcy and possible legal trouble for the Cooper Crew's reign of sheer idiocy and incompetency that have made this city a veritable laughingstock in South Florida for years, with Cooper as Queen Bee.
I have lots of photos from Sunday night that will make this whole episode much more easy to comprehend.
Question: Has anyone who ever served as President of the Florida League of Cities before ever been stripped of that title before the year was up due to mis-conduct?
Hmm-m-m... I don't know the answer to that question.
I might just have to call their office up this week and ask them that question directly, because it seems like a pretty good one to ask publicly, as surely even for that dubious honorific, there must be some sort of ethical and professional standards of conduct, no matter how low, right?
Still, once more people start finding out the truth about what transpired Sunday night and hear just exactly what was posted on the outhouse, it's rather inevitable that people might also just begin to wonder if that crown might have to be worn by someone not named Joy Cooper, as once again, Joy Cooper's personal hatred has led her to participate in yet another creepy and murky escapade.
This time, because she and Ross and their pals were on Federal property when they engaged in their conduct, her regal status in this town will be completely meaningless to any law enforcement professionals investigating this.
To them, she's a nobody.
Where is the FBI when you need them?