July 7th, 2009
3 p.m.
but here in South Florida, there seem to be more than
a normal amount of glitches and dead spots on ABC's
telecast this afternoon of the Michael Jackson memorial,
especially compared to the CNN telecast.
Talking over the action so many times!
ABC News is my favorite of the four networks, and I prefer
Charlie Gibson's newscast to the others, but it was only
a few minutes into their broadcast this afternoon when it
really hit me that this was exactly the sort of situation
where Peter Jennings always out-shined everyone,
with his ability to weave a story together in ways both
profound and spot-on.

Always, always coming up with that great thought or
bit of insight that would really hit you where you lived,
and stay with you long after the telecast was over.
Which, of course, is why I always watched him.
I never missed Peter Jennings more than today.